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Raised Small Red Bumps around Eyes

My husband has been having skin rashes around his eyes, raised small red bumps, for several months and just won
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Did any of you get tested for STDs? No one mentioned that.
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I have been researching Candida for several days now because I too have developed red, sore, itchy bumps on my left upper eyelid and now it has spread to the outer corner of my eye.  I went to my opthamologist who diagnosed me with contact/allergy eczema and gave me a tube of neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates and dexamethasone ophthalmic ointment which I did not use because it is a steroid -  the last time I put a steroid cream on my face was when I went to a dermatologist for menopausal acne - he prescribed a steroid cream which left me with steroidal roseacea. I did research on what that ointment could do and wasn't willing to take the risk as it wouldn't heal the candida inside of me but would only treat the "symptom" of the red, sore, itchy bumps and then the candida would just come up and come out somewhere else.  Before the "bumps" on my eye - I had a vaginal yeast infection - the "dog bite doctor" gave me fluconazole which made the Candida albicans strain morph into the candida parapsilosis strain which caused the "intertrigo" outbreak on my eye which is "cutaneous candidias". After all this research  I believe this is what is going on with my eye -  a type of skin candida fungal infection called intertigo.  By the way,  the men here  on this website who are  posting comments  with little red bumps on your male parts - I read that is called candida balanitis - another form of candida overgrowth in your body.  Candida is usually caused by taking antibiotics which kill the beneficial bacteria in your body that naturally keeps yeast in check.  

OK - so what do we do now?  The way I'm choosing is to go on a special diet of no sugar, no caffine,  no high glycemic vegetables or grains or anything that readily turns into sugar in the body and starve out the candida.  It feeds on sugar you take into your body and carbohydrates turn into sugar so that includes no rice, dried beans, bread, dairy products or vinegars. Educate yourselves and see what you can find out about candida.    I've known about candida for about 7 years now and have been trying to eradicate it from my body.  I was doing pretty well keeping it in check until  several months ago when a dog bit me and my hand became so swollen, I ended up in the hospital with an antibiotic called  vencomyacin running through my veins for 4 days - This caused the furious overgrowth of candida in my body now causing the "little red sore itchy bumps around my eye".  I have found taking coconut oil ( which eats up candida), biotin, and milk thistle (to clean up the die off of candida in my liver)  along with powerful probiotics (to reestablish the beneficial bacteria in my intestines)  is helping.  This process can take from 6 months to a year and you will know if it's working because whatever symptoms you have will disappear (check out the symptoms of candida overgrowth on many different websites).  You can take drugs designed to kill off the candida but  I have no intention of taking chemical anti-fungal anything.  This will just make the candida morph into yet another strain or become resisitant to that particular anti-fungal med - and there are about 150  different strains of candida that would have to be addressed if you really were trying to do this pharmacutically. By the way - the drugs will make you have a huge die-off of candida all at once which will make very sick.  Your liver cannot process out the hugh amount of  dead candida cells all at once that need to be released from the body.  The candida  are really intelligent critters that know how to preserve themselves.  One website I went to said the candidia makes spores that can hide in your body for years until your immune system is compromised and then they start reproducing again gearing up for a whole new family.

  Well folks, that's what I found out.  Start searching on websites that can educate you on what I am talking about.  I apologize for the length of this post but I just didn't want to leave out anything.  So here's one more thing -   I wish you well in your healing.  Don't forget to pray and ask God to guide you what that looks like - I did and I know He helped me.  Scripture does say "My people perish without knowledge".  He also says "if you want to know something - ask Me - I'm right here."  Theresa<
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I have what appears to be the exact same issue Ray666 has - one day I woke up last year in the summer and had these little red bumps right by my left eye. Over a small amount of time it went to under my eye lid, and then eventually (although not as bad) to my right eye.

I finally went to the doctor since it was becoming quite embarrassing and was given a steroid cream, and boy I wish I saw how bad it is for you before I used it for such a long period. It would help, but over time it had less benefits, would leave my skin oily looking and made the red bumps look worse while it was applied during the day.

I too think mine is related to milk or sugar. If I have pizza or a protein shake with milk, its much much worse the next day. But if I cut it out and eat somewhat healthy, a couple days later it looks a lot better.

My only hope I can see is to try a full diet/lifestyle change, even if it's only for a week or so to see if dramatic changes start to occur and stay, and then I will make a full switch.

It's quite strange - I'm a 24 year old male and have zero allergies and no medical issues whatsoever, and used to eat all the junk food, milk, etc. as I wanted to.
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I used the doxycycline for 25 days, 1 tablet per day. I think mine was over use of the steroid cream along with Dermatitis that just never went away! Anyhow good to say I've been off the tablets a few days and I'm not using any creams and I'm clearer then I have been in the last 12 months!! No pain under my eyes nor bumps on my eyelids or under my eyes just yet! I guess if it comes back I have a couple of repeats if necessary! Give it a go people. You can get it from any GP and it was only $15AUD!! Good luck!
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2064356 tn?1331006221
anybody still here? I have had similar red bumps  for close to five years. I think the problem in my case was mold related . Stopped the steriod cream . I have been using a product called olliviate from seagate which seemed to help a little. I noticed a big improvement when I started taking garlic. nothing special just orderless garlic. I have been taking two a day and i am 99% clear. I also just started taking oil of oregano the past few days. I used the olliviate for about two weeks and the problem seemed to be getting a little better by the second week but was not going away untill the garlic. I know how some of you must feel my prob got pretty bad ( a good half inch ring of redness all the way around my eye and even some bright red bumps as a bonus) not much of a confidence booster. For a few dollars please try the garlic. The dosage is up to you. My bottle says take one a day. I hope this helps this frustrating issue. I am happy to try to help any way i can. I will check back every few days
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Thanks for that! Awesome read. I have got the doxycycline today from my doctor. Funny that forums and Googling you can find out more then your local GP!! I have thrown the corticosteroid cream that I have been using and giving this a go. Will update in a few weeks to see how this pans out :) My effected area are under the eyes. Apparently comon in Young female adults and kids.
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