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Seb Dermatitis on Nose Creases

Hey there,
It all started when I had to move home and the whole period involved alot of emotional stress becuase of decision making etc. I moved out and a couple of weeks later started to get a horrible itch around the sides of my nose. It started to get red, flakey, and very embarressing. I have had this condition for the past year.
I finally went to the doctor after 6 months and he prescribed me some hydrocortisone cream with some anti histamines. I took this for a week, and it didn't seem to be working, so I stopped. But then by some miracle it started to clear up and all but dissapeared after I stopped using the medication. Anyway, then it returned around a month later out of the blue and became horribly red and itchy again. I've since tried oral medication, more hydrocortisone creams, anti-fungal creams, and none have really worked at all. It's horrible. I used to have so many aspirations, hopes, dreams, and really wanted to get somewhere in life. Now I can barely even sit down and study my books for more than half an hour before it gets itchy and red again.
I recently went to a dermatologist and he diagnosed the problem as seborreic dermatitis. He gave me some 0.25% cream and oral medication, and it worked to a certain extent. But was quick to return when I stopped using the medication. I've tried doing detox, fasting for 7 days, and that calmed it down, but again the symptoms returned. I've even tried applying apple cider vinegar every night because apparently its a miracle cure. That didn't work either but rather made it worse. I recently acquired some tea tree oil lotion which is a 15% solution with alchohol, purified water, and emulsifier, and rubbed some into the sides of my nose before going to bed. It simply got worse.
I'm fed up witht his problem, and its making my life simply unbearable. I used to be an outgoing person who enjoyed being around people, but now I'd rather hide myself away from the world.
If anybody has any suggestions, anything that has worked for them please let me know.
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I can just imagine how difficult this may be for you given that the skin condition seems to be a chronic case of dermatitis. Dermatitic skin conditions really do have a tendency to be chronic (present for at least 6 months) and recurrent. The cause for seborrheic dermatitis is still not clearly defined. Fungal infections or yeast infections have been associated with this. However, the exact cause is not known. For some an autoimmune process may be a factor. Weather, diet and a great deal of stress such as excessive emotions may trigger flares. In your case, these factors may all be contributory.

Stop using over the counter medications unless advised by your doctor. Stop applying creams and lotions that seem to worsen the condition. The least you apply the better as most of these may be abrasive to the skin. Wash your face with a mild cleanser such as Cetaphil. Sleep well and eat well. Take vitamin supplements with your doctor's supervision. Drink plenty of water and learn to relax and enjoy. This should help improve the condition.
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it was the same for me,
you are not alone
my seb derm transformed into dermatitis, and my face was covered with yellow scales,
i tried many things, different creams, they didnt work
the only working thing was the raw honey mask
it was like a miracle, youll find the difference the first day of using it
just let the creams and other things, do not use steroids (like cortisone or hydrocortisone) on facem coz they will make seb derm worse..
here is the link with the tutorial of honey mask : http://www.rosaceagroup.org/The_Rosacea_Forum/showthread.php?20789-Seb-derm-Treating-seborrheic-dermatitis-with-raw-honey-and-virgin-coconut-oil.
i am 100% sure that it will help you.
i used it with normal honey, not a cheap but a high priced one...it should not have sugars added
i live in Albania and here is difficult to find virgin coconut oil
so i used just the honey mask...
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