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Eczema treatments

Has anyone used      1 Flax seed oil
                                    2 Evining primose oil
                                    3 Borage oil
                                    4 Black currant oil
to try to prevent breakouts?
I am a 42 year old male and just diagnosed with eczema, although the dermatologist didn't actually test anything. My skin turns red and is somewhat uncomfortable. I wanted to get tested for chemical and food allergies, but he said that they don't cause eczema.
He said I have the kind of eczema caused by sweating, and that it should clear up when it cools off. Because I don't understand how I developed  eczema when no one else in my family on either side has any skin problems. I still don't believe I have it.
I always worried about contracting Herpes. Now I think that would be much better than eczema, especially if this doesn't clear up.
Does anyone have any info, other than constantly using ointments and creams?
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OOPS! II meant to say 3x1000mg daily,for ervening primrose oil capsules.
  For everyone suffering,don't give up hope that one day,it's possible to be cured.
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I have eczema and it's nothing to be ashamed of To say you'd rather have herpes is senseless.Anyway both are uncomfortable and trust me just having any type of skin disease is so frustrating.
I was told to take 3x500g of evening primrose,(morn,evening and night) daily.
The fact is that people who have eczema lack gamolenic acid and omega 6 in their bodies,so you are right to suggest that the internal be fed,as the skin needs the moisture.
  I'm not good at drinking water,but am working on this.Avoid too much dairy and rich,sticky foods and limit sugar.Stress definitely is a trigger for this condition and tiredness.I itch when tired or exhausted,so rest is vital and avoiding stressful situations, although in life these can be inevitable.

   ChellyBeans:A doctor told me that eczema IS hereditary.Like you,Bill no one in my immediate family has it,but a second cousin I know has it.When you have eczema,it could be that asthma,hayfever or sinusitus is somewhere in your family.
That's why I was diagnosed with ATOPIC eczema.My dad had hayfever and a great-uncle and a cousin of mine are asthmatics.You do have a point,though because it can occur at any time.,but the type of eczema that's hereditary is the Atopic form of it and this type of it is not temporary.
Eczema,asthma and hayfever are all linked.
   Steroid creams can help.but should be used sparingly,because over a period of time
they can thin your skin.
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Anti-itch drugs, often antihistamine, may reduce the itch during a flare up of eczema, and the reduced scratching in turn reduces damage and irritation to the skin.

They do not cure eczema, but are highly effective in controlling or suppressing symptoms in most cases.

For mild-moderate eczema a weak steroid may be used (e.g. hydrocortisone or desonide), whilst more severe cases require a higher-potency steroid (e.g. clobetasol propionate, fluocinonide).

Eczema can be exacerbated by dryness of the skin. Moisturizing is one of the most important self-care treatments for sufferers of eczema. Keeping the affected area moistened can promote skin healing and relief of symptoms.

Light therapy using ultraviolet light can help control eczema. UVA is mostly used, but UVB and Narrow Band UVB are also used. Ultraviolet light exposure carries its own risks, particularly eventual skin cancer from exposure.


Let us know if you need any further information.

Do consult your doctor about this too.

Keep us posted on how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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174515 tn?1191707269
lol. eczema is not herditary and anyone can get it at anytime. herpes is definately not better. herpes is painful along with the itching.

eczema can have many causes ranging from allergies to just plain sensitive skin. there is no cure, it's just and issue of treatment., though i have never heard of eczema from sweating. maybe they meant dermatitis? like a heat rash?

i have heard of the borage oil, but am not super familiar with it. i do know however that vitamin e can help support a healthy skin system, though it is a bit blood thinning, so if you are on any other daily blood thinning drugs( aspirin, ibuprofen, heparin, etc) i would ask the doctor about any of the vitamin oils.

moisturize daily and wear cotton against your skin as much as possible.

hope this helps
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