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Any CURE for brachioradial pruritus? (besides ice as relief)

Thousands of people are suffering with Brachioradial Pruritus, including myself, in my tenth year. It is the most maddening disease and I have learned of no cure. Ice is the ONLY thing to provide relief, and acupuncture has not been effective for me. I have tried all the expensive prescription and steroid creams to no avail. I am losing sleep, and my sanity, b/c it keeps me up all night. I am staying out of the sun, but every year, this persists until December or January. I have read countless articles and blogs about BRP, am sure that is what I have, but have yet to find a cure, and therefore some hope that I don't have to suffer with this every year for the rest of my life. Any new ideas/solutions/cures??? PLEASE?!!!!
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CARESS bar soap. Just wash with it. (could only find it with a flower fragrance. but I would rather smell like a flower then not sleep due to itching.) Sounds to easy. 30 yo male suffered for 4 years from BRP. Saw a post with this soap and tried it. After 3 days no itch no more ice packs, biofreeze, duct tape, or any other symptom reliever. It has been 2 weeks now and no sign of symptoms returning. Happy to say I haven't debated cutting off my arm while scratching it till it bleeds.

When this works for you please come back on to help others.  
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YES!!! worked for me.. so glad I saw your article.. I bought caress soap and started showering w it. and after a week my itching was gone.. I had tried cetaphil soap and all sorts of creams.. who would have thought something so simple would give me such great results. ive continued to use it for 6 months and still no itching.
I just bought some and am crossing my fingers...
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I've been a sufferer of BRP for about 4 years now.  Primarily in my right arm, but sometimes in left only, sometimes both.  Maddening itching that would keep me up at night, make me scratch my arms until they would bleed, and it would also make me think I was going insane.  Initially, ice packs were the only things that provided relief.  Then I found Biofreeze, and that helps in a pinch.  

About 18 months ago, I developed serious neck pains, numbness/tingling in fingers, and knots in my upper back.  I went to Ortho, who ordered MRI.  I don't have my MRI results immediately available (they are at home; I'm at office) but the short version is that the disc between my C5/C6 is shot.  Severe compression.  Based on the timeline of everything, my guess is it was caused by a wake boarding accident.  I do not have DDD in the remaining discs.  So, first attempt to resolve was facet joint injections and pain blocks.  I got no relief. Also tried Mobic for inflammation (intended to help neck, not BRP). Ortho had heard of BRP though and he prescribed me Gabapentin.  300mg, 3x daily seems to do the trick.  Very few BRP outbreaks now.  Still, neck pain continued, so he referred me to neurosurgeon.  

Neurosurgeon recommended neck traction; only got relief while wearing device.  Believed neck pain was mainly due to non-stop muscle spasms.  Tried Robaxin; no change.  Neoro recommended ACDF of C5/C6.  Said I would be a good candidate for ADR (disc replacement) but he no longer did it due to insurance issues.  I passed on ACDF, sought new options.  

Met with a spinal surgeon.  He also said ACDF would remedy my issues, but to see Chiropractor first.  

Four visits with Chiro - no change.  She refers me to another Ortho surgeon in different city.  Meet this surgeon in May, 2017.  He reviews MRI, takes X-Rays.  Confirms what all others say.  C5/C6 disc is bad.  Needs to be replaced.  Currently scheduled to have ADR in Dec, 2017.  Surgeon seems fairly confident this will also fix my BRP.  Said it may take a while for the nerves to stop sending the itching signals, but they should stop eventually.  

I'm certainly not saying all BRP cases are due to C-spine issues, but I do believe mine is.  Hoping the surgery fixes both my muscular/skeletal issues and my nerve issues (BRP).  Not advocating surgery for everyone, but in my case I believe it is needed.  I'll post back with results after surgery.

Non-surgical treatment that has helped my BRP = Gabapentin (900 mg daily).  Ice packs are still on-hand at the house at all times :)
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YES  there is a managment for it that I have been using successfully for 3 years now.  I discovered that the itch sites and scars run in radials and correspond to nerve endings which get inflamed an cause the itch and burn. So I thought it may be connected to the Zoster virus which causes herpes, chicken pox, shingles and other inflamed nerve issues. SO I started using the topical cream with for lip herpes called cyclovir.  You can go to your pharmacy and get any generic with the active ingredient acyclovir - generics are cheaper.  Put only only the small site that itch - no need to cover your arm and begin 4 times per day. Remember that this ingredient will treat the inflamation of the nerve causing the discomfort so you need to allow the stuff time and space to do its thing.   I found that it reduces my itch within an hour.  I keep at least 5 tubes in my drawer, car bag and if I feel a tinge I just put that on.  My life has changed. I used to want to cut my arm off and had to sleep with ice packs tied to my arms at night.  Good luck I really hope this works for you all.  If so please spread the word..the doctors do not make this link.
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Well after 3 months of not sleeping because of this nightly itch and visiting 7 doctors and getting massage as well as 5 chiropractic adjustments I finally went to go get an MRI . I'm only 34 so I figured the likelihood of having stenosis would be pretty low, but turns out I do have narrowing of the IVF around the C5-C6 dermatome! And my chiropractor was convincing me this was an emotional issue that I needed to do therapy and mediation around (which I did do and that did help). I'm pretty bummed but relieved to know why I'm having this maddening itch. Really no one can understand how horrible this can be unless you have it yourself. Ive gotten very little support from others because people just really don't get it and doctors are the worst. Ive learned that pain is a journey and it is a teacher. No one can tell you what you have to learn from it, only you can be the judge of that. I do suggest meditating on the itch, even though I have a pathological reason as to why my arms itch , putting myself into parasympathetic state is extremely helpful. There is also a lot of exercises you can do and posture is the most important thing. One thing that has been helping with the itch is smoking Indica at night. Also CBD tincture. I was on that nasty lorazopam for a month and got completely addicted to it so now I opt for the natural stuff. I hope all of you out there suffering with this find healing.
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Omg I thought I was crazy. This itching would not stop, its year long, and only on my left arm, hand, shoulder. People don't quite get how terrible it is! It is not just itching! Its needles in ur skin along with the deepest most aggravating chronic itch!  It does not stop. I have found Lavendar oil help a little, which is easy to carry around since I can't keep ice with me all the time.
See my post below
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I'd like to share my insight into BRP. I'm a 30 year old white male, going on almost 10 years of this seemingly seasonal, insane itch. I havnt noticed it every year since I first noticed it, this year has by far been the most severe. I've never had any serious head, neck, back injuries or surgeries. I've had some sunburn on my body, including forearms in my life.. maybe quite a bit, but not as much as someone who lived in a warm area and spent tons of time on the beach.

I have always held tension and had strong anxiety, probably relating back to emotional insecurity habits started in childhood. I've always been a bit quiet and shy, and probably "held in" a lot of mental and physical things. I noticed recently I've had Forward Head Posture for a long time in my life, meaning I did not have proper posture in how I held my head on my shoulders. I developed snoring, which became sleep apnea, low back tension, and cervical spine tension. I imagine as I held my head forward throughout life the rest of my spine gradually started to clench to compensate for the improper posture near the neck.

Now, back to BRP. I've tried creams, I've tried scratching, I've done the ice packs. I want to CURE, not TREAT this madness, as we all do. I began to start with proper head and neck posture, making sure my, particularly my C5-C7 vertebrae were not bunched up and compressed. I began proper diaphragm breathing, in through the nose, and also out through the nose (to simultaneously help with anxiety and sleep apnea). I noticed an IMMEDIATE relief in my anxiety, my mental pace, and my airway blockage. I began doing certain cervical spine yoga stretch routines and noticed an IMMEDIATE relief in BRP symptoms.

Yes, as you begin to correct your posture your upper back and shoulder muscles have to work in new ways, and can get fatigued. When I need to rest I lay flat on my back, no pillow, with my head in the same posture I work on while sitting and standing. I breath deeply into this feeling and try to release as much as possible.

I have focused on my posture while driving, sleeping, sitting, typing, standing, and even how I look at my cell phone and tablet devices. I hold them up to my eyes, rather than drop my head down to them.

Chin tucked, back of the skull lifts, drop your shoulders down and back. You don't want a perfectly straight spine, a gentle concave curve is normal. If posture has been causing your BRP, like I believe it has for me, you will notice a larger than normal knot around your C5-C7 vertebrae, basically between the tops of your shoulders. Look at yourself in the mirror from the side, do you resemble the hunchback of notre dame a bit? :) I know I did (I say this somewhat exaggeratedly).

Whether your are into spirituality, yoga, eastern medicine energy thoughts or not, you WILL notice circulation sensations reaching EXACTLY where the BRP itch is when you start to correct your posture. This is your body telling you you are on the right track!

Let your belly hang out, its beautiful, I've got one! Lift your chin, let your chest proudly go out, release all your held tension that isnt necessary for standing up. Breath at an even pace, do all your activities at an even pace (other than exercise) and keep your posture in check throughout the day, constantly!

I've noticed better circulation, less obstructed airways, and best of all, relief to my damned itchy arms.

Posture is key, especially in our head region. Our heads are essentially 11 or so lb bowling balls resting on a delicate stick. Even just slightly having our head forward, over time, many years/decades, will gradually stress the neck and back out a LOT. We also drive and sit at desks a lot in our society, this adds to this unhealthy habit.

Every doctor I went to didnt know jack about BRP and wouldnt acknowledge it. They insisted it was eczema, dry skin, allergies. I have incredibly oily skin and my doctor still tried to convince me I had dry skin. Creams that will destroy your skin if you use them for too long are NOT the answer. They only treat anyway, not cure.

If you live in a state where medical or recreational cannabis has been approved, look into CBD creams, pills, tincture. It's the NON-PSYCHOACTIVE ingredient in marijuana responsible for muscle relaxation, anxiety and mental mood boost, and even anti-inflammatory properties. It does NOT get you high like the famed THC chemical does. This will help with muscle relaxation as you rest and hold your posture. Remember to breathe evenly.
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If anyone would like links to the youtube videos I use for cervical spine and posture correction; be it stretches, strengthening exercises, or general information on how to recognize what you need to work on in those regions let me know. Or type "cervical spine yoga" into youtube.
Again I should ALSO mention that massage and acupuncture are great for helping "catch up" on releasing years of tension. A regular stretching/yoga routine not just relating to cervical spine is good. And of course good, regular exercise and diet can only help matters.

A lot of us are stressed in life, whether we realize it or not. Whether it causes obvious mental symptoms or not.  It's easy to allow posture to slip without realizing it.

Please consider that treating the arms is not the source of the itch, though it manifests there. Our nerves are linked to our spine, and the brain tells the spine to send signals to these nerves. If you have not had a serious injury and still have this insane itch, look at your spine and see if there's attention needed there. There may be no "cure" a doctor can prescribe, but you CAN cure this condition I believe by adjusting your overall posture and health. I have not yet fully cured this, as these are more recent realizations of mine. But I've noticed much relief already. I'll keep posting as I progress!
I dont mean to totally bash on the creams the doctors will give you. In SHORT TERM they can provide immediate relief as you sort out the true source of the problems. I use them as an emergency when my itch gets its most intense and I just need to sleep or let my mind relax. I rarely use them, and have needed them less as I work on posture and circulation/stretching. But it may be wise to have some pharmaceutical creams at hand for emergencies. I have triamcinolone acetonide and a perscription strength hydrocortisone.

these wont cure it but will provide emergency relief. But theyre not a long term solution! Theyre not safe long term and your doctor will tell you that.

Gabapentin supposedly helps some people, my doc wouldnt give me that. It may be a wise temporary emergency solution as well.

Posture may not be everyones true cause of BRP but I feel its mine, and may be for many others. Also please dont do the stretches and exercises I do if you have had serious injuries or surgeries as again, I have been lucky to NOT have any of those in my life. My BRP seemingly "came out of nowhere" but my anxiety and posture have always been issues.

Thanks for your comments on correct posture! I'd love to fix the cause of my BP, not just cover up the symptom. What you said makes a lot of sense and seeing how most people with BP have underlying cervical spine issues, it's worth a try to correct my posture. I've never injured my neck but carry all my tension in my neck and shoulders and have horrible posture. I am praying that in correcting my posture it will help relieve my arm itching. If anything, at least I'll carry myself better. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
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I had this insane itch for a few years back and in all my attempts was able to get rid of it. It came back this year and misery. This time I knew the cause and went for the sure thing that works. I visited my chiropractor who specializes in Atlas Orthogonal alignment and he instantly stopped me scratching... again. But it does linger around. When you have a nerve that's being pinched, it's not going to heal instantly. But releasing the pinch begins the heal. I purchased a neck traction device online and the thing is amazing. Basically it makes you stand up straight, by your head/neck. OK, here's some proof it's a pinched nerve that's causing your itch. As you read this, stand up. Now stand up military style. Really stand tall, lift your head so that it goes thru the roof, literally. Do it now. If you're not close to being tip toe, then you're not lifting your head enough. If you want this itch gone, then use your muscles and lift your head higher than you've ever lifted it. See, your itch calms significantly. Now buy an inflatable neck traction device, they're $7, what's to lose. Throw your shoulders back and stand tall, your itch will be gone very soon. Other stuff I used that really helped was Clorox Disinfectant wipes in the yellow container. No other brand.
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Sitting up and stretching my neck as far as I could really did lessen the itch. Do you think a teeter would help by hanging upside down and stretching your spine?
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Well I've has bracheradial puritus off and on for over 36yrs and may have recently found a cream that works. I have tried everything, and I mean everything including every neurological nerve meds know to man, along with ice packs and acupuncture and ice packs are the only thing that works.
Take this with a grain of salt because I don't know if this is because I am at the end of my itch cycle but the cream I started using for my tendonitis works for my itch.
I have 98% relief for over 2 weeks now. PENETREX is available on Amazon or direct from the mfg and is over the counter.
I HAVE NEVER HAD A CREAM WORK FOR MY SEVERE ITCHING until 2 weeks ago. All I can say is it comes with a 100% money back guarantee and I just ordered 2 more tubs. Simply amazing or maybe psychological... who knows. It's worth trying.
PENETREX  cream has given me relief for the first time in 3 months..... PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IT HELPS!!!
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I had itchy arms and heard it could be from a pinched nerve in my neck.  I went for an MRI of my neck. I found out I had spinal compression in my 4th and 5th virdabrae which was pinching the nerves that go to the arms. I had to have surgery. After the surgery my itchy arms completely went away. I would check out the reason for your pitched nerve with a MRI. It might be fixed with physical therapy which exercises stretch the neck so the nerve is not being pinched.    I would suggest getting a MRI before going to a chiropractor Just in case.
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I have this pruritis and I have c5-c6 bulging discs. Itching is insane and neurontin is barely holding it at bay. My neck Doctor reluctant to fix discs just because my arm itches. He wants me to get another opinion. Did you have discs removed?
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Some folks feel like sun exposure causes their condition.  My feeling is the sun is definitely not the cause but yes it does heat up our skin and increases the skins sensitivity and consequently itching will increase from heating up but is not the underlying cause. Whereas applying ice packs limit skin sensations and helps relieve itching.  So it's the heating of your sensitive skin that only increases already itchy skin.
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I am unbelievably grateful to have come across this site.  
Every year when the weather gets warm I begin to itch uncontrollably.  It lasts for a week or two and then subsides. But will often return on a later date. I have L4 L5 disk problems so the nerve connection makes sense to me.  Now I have information that I can  use to help treat this "mystery aliment" doctors have said I have.  To help the only thing that has works is  Benadryl Itch cooling spray.  I keep it in the refrigerator so it feels cold when I apply it. It helps for a while when I'm trying to get to sleep.
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I'm using Lidocaine patches on my arms, 12 hours on, 12 off. They are working amazingly well and allow me to actually sleep at night!!! Also, Aspercream with Lidocaine for day time flare ups.
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I use Lidocaine patches as well and the aspercream with Lidocaine but the patches work best.  Do you use more than one patch at a time?  I only use one and it helps tremendously for sleep--it just does not necessarily calm down the other arm.  I read of a case where a woman had surgery and she found relief but this sounds too extreme for me except at night when I am itching so much I could cry.
I know these posts are two years old, but i am so grateful to have found them!  11years offering from intense arm itching, just diagnosed as likely BRP this Spring.  Afternoon years of creams and ointments not working, I tired acupuncture ($600,) gabapentin, physical therapy, chiropractor (massages, manipulations, table decompression), and even bought a min in freezer to keep next to my bed,because only ice packs brought relief.  Many sleepless nights and stressful travel.  Last night, i tried the Aspercrme/lidocaine patches, and THEY WORKED!!! Unfortunately, they were $10for a box of 5,and I never do them all.  I’m trying the acyclovir tonight.  So grateful for this blog, although pinger on it with an iPad creates some crazy sentences.
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I am so happy that I came across this site. I have done google searches before on "itchy arms" & never came across until I was talking with a dermatologist about my symptoms & she said Brachioradial Pruitis.  I have tried most everything I knew. I have had symptoms for almost 20 years & have seen various Drs., specialist, & tried natural remidies.  Now I have a few more to try. Since starting to read blog, I feel hopeful to try some of these that have helped others. Mine started with maybe a one month episode the first year or two & had progressed to almost constant, just switching arms. Just saying I am happy to have a word for it & some new things to try.  
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I found a very inexpensive treatment that works for me. My right forearm started itching unmercifully about 2 months ago. I tried many anti itch creams, lotions, mineral oil and ice, but nothing worked. I would wake up every night with terrible itching for hours of torment. One night before I went to bed I saw some old sun block lotion NIVEA SPF 50, and I said "what the heck", so I tired it, and it did an amazing job, reduced the itching about 90%. It makes your skin feel dry rather than moist, almost like it's impacting the skin  I tried other sun lotions BUT THEY DIDN'T WORK.  I tried  NIVEA SPF 30. and it DOESN'T work. If you look at its ingredients,  the SPF 50 is different than SPF 30. It must be the SPF 50. I rub it on generously once a day after I shower and it takes away most of the itching 24 hrs. Sometimes I use it twice a day  There may be different Nivea SPF 50's, so get the one that has the word MOISTURE in the title in bold letters on the plastic container. It may be called SUN AND MOISTURE, but I only remember the word moisture for sure in the title. Don't get a tube, buy the blue plastic container NIVEA SPF 50. TRY IT,  IF  IT WORKS FOR YOU, PASS THE WORD!
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Has anyone had cervical spine decompression surgery as a solution to BRP symptoms?
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I don't know if this is still active. But I have found a solution after 17 yrs with heavy itching every autumn in 2-3-month - making me nuts.
I am out off symptoms now for three yrs - only a minor slashback after a heavy sunburn last summer.
I won't write my long story if nobody is in here - but you're welcome to send me an email and I will sent it to you.
My life is so much improved after not being "afraid" for autumn to come every year.
You can write me on ***@****
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what did you use that relieved the itch?!
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Caress bar soap. That's it. Done
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Try using UV protective arm sleeves. They have been wonderful in alleviating eczema itching day and night. Maybe they'll work for BP as well. The slightly compressive (not too tight) ones seem to work best.
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I have suffered from BRP for nearly 20 years.  I went to dermatologists for years trying to figure out what it was, but to no avail.  Ididn't have a name for this condition until my cardiologist recognized it last year.  The only relief is ice packs.  I actually use cold soda cans.  They are the right temp to stop the itch and they remain cold for a long time.  You can put a cooler with soda cans next to your bed and use them as needed during the night.  They also are convenient during the day, because you can pick up a cold can of soda anywhere. Amazing what you resort to when dealing with this aggravating condition!  
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So glad you found something that helped and thank you so much for sharing!  I'm sure this will help a lot of people in need of advice with this condition!
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BRP is a most cursed affliction.  I have suffered for 3 or 4 years, and I feel incredibly badly for those whose symptoms are worse than mine and have suffered so much longer.  After consulting "Dr Google" at length, I have undertaken the following remedies.

I own a rather cheap T.E.N.S. machine that I bought, for less than $100, on the internet more than 10 years ago (for a sore back) and it still works just fine.  I have recently (the last 2 weeks) been giving myself a 20-minute TENS treatment, twice a day, once at breakfast, another before supper, sometimes in the truck if I have to drive any distance.  I put two electrodes about 5" above my elbow, one on the inner part of the bicep and one on the outer, and two electrodes about 5" below my elbow, one on the inner part of the forearm, one on the outer, with the red and the black electrodes in an X configuration.

I think, and I believe it is WORKING !!

Despite this being a particularly hot and sunny summer and even though I have been outside as much as ever, my symptoms have been far easier to endure than they were over the past 3 years.

In the event that I do get a "twinge", I dab on a bit of Lidocaine ointment (to my left elbow).  I got this over the counter in a 35 gram Xylocaine Ointment (5%) at my grocery store pharmacy for about $10.

I do not endorse any TENS machines or pharmaceutical companies so I have not provided additional information about my sources.  Let me just say that we just bought a TENS machine on Amazon for my son and paid $135 and he loves it for his own application (injuries from accident).  I also learned that topical treatments for itch may also be acquired at the local tattoo parlour but that is way above my pay grade so I cannot attest to that.

I certainly hope this internet forum and this information helps someone, somewhere.

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Thank you.  I have many other symtons as well as my 2 young daughters..and now even my mother n law whom has been staying with us whike im readjusting to life after brain surgery and loss of my husband after 25 years...i need some relief from plain ole bad luck..thank u again
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Hi, Just like so many people here I have suffered with BRP for about 6 years now. It is the most horrific problem. Although there are many that have it much worse than I, this is still a disorder that continues to  cause stress and physical problems for me. My skin is scarred and thickened from years of scratching.Having said that, I like so many, have been to countless Derms, Chiro's, GP's etc to address this problem. I have taken enumerable medications both topical and internal. I have used Diprosone, the strongest steroid creams and visited an allergist all to no avail. Over the counter icy hot works mostly but the kick back once it has worn off is almost painful. The itching is so intense I have chosen not to use it. Ice is my best friend. Now, to the point of this post.  Some time ago I purchased an over the counter Icy Hot tens unit. I placed it on my arm and turned it on. The itching got so bad I ripped it off and put it away. 2 days ago I awakened with that crazy itch and I almost could not get it under control with even ice. I found the tens unit. I decided to place it on my neck just to see what happened. I placed it along my spine (I have the big one for back) and although it says not to use it on the neck I turned it on. Within 5 minutes the itching started to subside. Since that night I wear it almost constantly. When I begin to feel the itch I turn it on. It does not go away completely folks but it is manageable. I hate the jittery feeling I get when using it. I find I don't seem to think quite as clearly when it is on. My hand does not work quite as well when it is on either but I can only assume it is because it is stimulating the nerves along the top of my hand. But the fact is that it has helped this terrible affliction. I am so incredibly grateful. I assume it must interrupt the itch signal just as it would a pain signal. I get relief for up to 2 hours after using it.  I do one side at a time as I have BRP on both arms from just above the elbow to the tops of my hands. I have it all year as I live in Southern CA. I am not giving medical advice but for me it has literally saved my sanity. I hope it helps others.
God bless all of you.
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I take Lyrica capsules for my BRP - works really well!
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Xanthan gum! I've found this to be the culprit. Certainly the main one anyhow.  From Starbucks coconut drinks, cool whip, pop tarts, salad dressings..... There are a few other emulsifiers that may also trigger it.
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I'm a 36 y/o woman living in Florida. My BRP started about 5 years ago, but went away and I didn't have any symptoms really until about a year ago. It would come and go, but lately, within the last few months, it's been maddening!!! I don't know what triggers it. Like, why have there been times I feel no itching at all - but then all of a sudden I do? Why were my symptoms spaced out before, but now occur every day? I've been to two different dermatologists - both of them just give me topical creams that do nothing. One is tacrolimus ointment which I think made it worse.

Right now, the best relief I'm getting is from COCONUT OIL and LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL. I'm very much into holistic healing and really hate taking any chemical creams or medication. I still feel slight tingling and prickling in my arms after putting on the lavender oil, but nothing as severe as when I have my "itching outbreak".

My next steps are to try CARESS bar soap (cheap enough option) and Acupuncture. I haven't had any x-rays or MRIs of my cervical spine yet, so if nothing else helps - that will be my next step.

I completely sympathize with you all! It's maddening and I want to rip my arms off! I love being outside, but living in Florida will be so challenging. No beach, no pool days...  Something out there has to work!!! Good luck to you all!
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Caress bar soap, itching gone in 5 days. Monolaurin 2 pills a day, after 3 months stop the soap and continue taking the supplement. Will be gone for good as long as you take the supplement. 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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I have been suffering with this for years and  I have tried so many creams; lotions; medications .... nothing worked. FINALLY I came across a website for radiobrachial creame from NZ DERM NET website. And together with using NUMMIT CREME FROM EGO it totally disappears. It’s amazing. And I feel sane... again.  
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