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Tiny painful bumps on fingers - no itching or liquid

Ok, I have seen similar versions of this problem all over the web, but no answers that match my problem.  For several years now, I've been getting tiny (zit-sized or smaller) slightly raised bumps on my fingers and palms.  The do not hurt if left alone, but are painful if pressed or touched at all.  They do not itch at all.  I have tried to pick them out, thinking it was some sort of splinter, but I never find anything (no liquid/pus at all, and no object or thicker mass).  Even when I have dug deep down and assumed I must have fixed it, it came back in the same spot a few days later.  These spots last anywhere from a couple of weeks to months.  When they go, there is no scabbing or peeling or anything like that - they just disappear.  They don't tend to cluster.  The spot itself if slightly red, but it starts out skin colored and only gets red when irritated.
These things are not a major problem, but because they hurt they make writing, cooking, etc. quite literally a pain.  Any advice would be appreciated.
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I have the same thing. I get mine from the sun.
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You are not all wrong, so 1st sorry this is long but should answer everyone n both problems(Ya u all speak of 2 nearly identical probs) so take all the info and combine it, for some it may be the eczema... however for most what it is in a simple explanation is a skin/blood borne pimple of sorts, if eczema skip below, rest keep reading, so the bumps are forming due to your levels of natural fungi/yeast/bacteria why one guy had great results with athletes foot spray it's a anti fungal, aloe Vera kinda is a natural antibiotic and also can be effective. Most of us I bet have some sort of skin problem, be it eczema, maybe your prone to athletes foot, I have tinea versi color when the fungi not only wants make my hands hurt with this I get random discolored spots on body from to much of the yeast in system, looks like a type of eczema but isn't. Anyways point and fact is we have skin types that is more prone to producing extra of the yeast/fungi and the bumps are a manifestation of it, fun fact stress like most all med conditions can trigger it so yes lower stress if can, under stress our immune systems get taxed and they let these normaly natural harmless yeast/fungi go unchecked as no immediate threat then as levels rise in our blood/skin bump city. Basically if you get them you will forever have a chance of them poping in :( but being that they are related to our body's yeast management any and all anti fungals can treat them with effect and if you invest in shampoo of the anti dandruff type..yep it's anti fungal, there's a few types experiment find out what works best for your skin, but as a preventative every time you shower use the anti dandruff as a body wash and let sit on Ya for good 5 mins or more, it will go to town on your body's yeast etc and hopefully keep these from piping up, could prob use the shampoo as a hand soap daily as well if only seem get on hands. Due to the versicolor I've been threw ringer with docs and diagnoses learned more about eczema( as though was first) and then learn all about body's role in making/maintain levels of fungi/yeast then ever cared to know lol, oh and this skin type stuff that's yeast related seems always wait till we adults to show its head, when my skin started spotting and never as a child/teen freaked me out at first was thinking skin cancer all kinda stuff lol. But anyways good news is it's natural nothing serious and manageable, bad news your 90% more likely to have these occurrences due to your skin type so to speak. So yeah it's natural bacteria/yeast built-up in system, buy and use anti fungals of any type to spot treat use anti dandruff shampoo(anti fungal) as a body wash leaving on skin a few mins atleast, as a preventative keep those levels in check :) avoid stress and or foods/diets that add stress or bacteria enabling such as high sugar, and this will now and forever be a minor annoyance at best cause you now know all is to know about it minus it's proper name lol details...oh Ya and those with actual eczema version you know it's name plus right? Lol anyways if have eczema version swap anti fungal for steroidal creme of some sort to get rid of it fastest, then follow with whatever moisturizer u norm use, the antifungals prob still help but, if they don't then you have the eczema version and while symptoms are near identical different underlying cause. So those of you not sure if it the eczema or the body reaction version of bumps, now you have easy way find out, start with fungals first cause steroids will definitely help cure the non eczema version but will be a bandaid and without the bacteria/yeast in check it just come right back, also the steroids can perm stain skin and hurt the healing processes with overuse which will in turn make it a very often instead of occasional thing. We don't want that lol good luck to all whom partake in this war, Ya now got the weapons to win the battles atleast.
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Holy crap I have the same thing. Sometimes it gets bad sometimes it doesn't, so weird. Thougt nothing of it really until I finally started to look it up and bam. Same thing
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I think all are right to an extent.  Vinegar helps take the sting out of them (I just tried it).  I used to get a few bump on the top sides of my fingers and they itched and I was scratch and the skin would peel away.  Doctor told me to change my soap to the most basic kind.  I then switched to Ivory soap and sure enough, it never came back until I used somebody else's soap.

Now I have the same thing or something a little different and it just popped up all over my hands overnight.  I am hoping it is just an allergic reaction to playing with dogs yesterday (odd that would be it because I have always played with dogs all my life).

However, the gut thing could be a contributor.  I knew I had a gut problem the past few weeks and it was getting pretty bad up until I had food poisoning two days ago.  I figured it was due to the antibiotics I was taking for a sinus infection 6 weeks ago killing all the good bacteria in the intestines.  

Now I am back on antibiotics because I think I have strep throat.  Yep, you got that right, food poisoning, strep throat with a 102.2 fever and these darn things on my hands and now feet (could still be due to dogs as I was taking shoes on and off shortly after).  I have been stressed a lot lately so I am sure that has been a factor.  When it rains it pours.

These bumps are on both hands about 30-40 of them with just one or two on each foot just behind the big toe on the bottom.  That is a lot more than I ever had in the past and these just popped up overnight which is why I am on this site now reading comments.  I guess you can say I am pretty worried about my health now.
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Thank You! I've had these as well - "cheiropompholyx A kind of ECZEMA affecting the palms of the hands in which tiny blisters (vesicles) form. A similar condition of the feet is called podopompholyx." Try Apple-Cider Vinegar dabbed/wash/soak, seems to sooth with most types of Eczema I've had; some suggest Coconut Oil dabbed on, however, I'm sensitive to the oils. Some Calming Skin Cremes may help. It's been suggested that some Eczemas may be exacerbated by acid ph, diluted Apple Cider Vinegar daily, Alkaline foods may help. I'll try anything when mine act up. Yes, stress is always a factor.
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Guys you are all wrong. This is caused from eating to much sugar. Reduce the intake and they go away.
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Guys you are all wrong. This is caused from eating to much sugar. Reduce the intake and they go away. I get them as well and they typically show up when I drink too much coffee with a lot of sugar several days in a row
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Has anyone figured out the name?
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I know it's been almost a year since you posted JDalton110, but I understand what you're going through, because I've recently been knocked out of work by it myself. As you said, "You don't realize how much you use your hands until you can't." If you haven't had any long-term success with a cure, I may be able to help some.

The first time I had a full-blown episode, the dermatologist told me to remove all chemicals from our house. That took the outbreak down to half. The rest of it did not clear up until I went to a natural health doctor, and he put me on an anti-candida diet. He wasn't necessarily saying I had candida overgrowth, just that that specific diet would help with gut issues which are often connected to skin problems.

It worked. The dermatitis left. It did not reappear with similar intensity for seven years! Usually, when I did have a small patch of it, I could connect it to "cheating" on foods I don't normally eat anymore - refined flours, refined sugar, and other processed foods or excessive intake of sweets.

I haven't quite figured out what happened this time yet, but there are several areas we are looking at. We do know that stress exacerbated the breakout, but the initial problem may have been a reaction to tinea unguium, a parasite, possible Lyme's disease, or contact with chemicals in horse manure in the garden . . . We don't know yet. These are just the ones we are trying to narrow down at this point. I've been on a nearly Paleo diet for over a month now, and that didn't have an impact, so I don't think it's food this time.

For those of you with broken open skin or cuts from rubbing the itchy parts of your skin, ALOE VERA and OLIVE OIL have proven to be wonder cures for me. One night, when the rash had spread to my face and was burning painfully, so I couldn't sleep I went and got a large piece of aloe vera and applied it all over my face, concentrating on the "burning" parts. I felt like my skin was greedy for more and more. When I had harvested most of the gel, I laid the moist inner leaf on the worst parts and fell asleep that way.

My face was much better in the morning. After that, I tried it on my hands and arms with the same great results. One night, when my hands were extra broken open, I actually bandaged a leaf to each palm and slept like that all night. It was one of the best nights of sleep I had in a long while. Within one to two days, all of the open cracks and sore spots where I had applied the aloe were healing over.

During the day, I found that the aloe vera would dry and feel too "crunchy," so I would follow its application with olive oil. Of course, this made me unable to do much with my hands, because they were greasy, but I wasn't able to use them for pain before that, so it didn't matter much. My skin is almost all the way healed up now. I did end up using steroid cream sometimes if the bumps began to return and itch again, but I found the aloe and olive oil so soothing that I was MUCH less tempted to rub or scratch my fingers and hands than before. I hope this helps some of you.
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i wish people like you wouldn't post in medical forums. some of us actually need help.

ive got a small, deep, clear bump at the tip of my index finger. it hurts when i press on it. no wart remover, cutting or exfoliants have helped. I may end up going to the derm, because its very painful to the touch, and i use my index finger for everything!

if someone has some real advise, please share!
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I got one of these soon after my gut nearly went toxic from a round of antibiotics. It appeared while I was trying to get my gut bacteria back to normal levels.

I did two things right after one of these painful little white dots appeared:
1) I took some concentrated acidophilus.
2) I put vinegar on the spot, waited 20 seconds, and then rinsed the vinegar off with water.

Within 15 minutes, the spot went away without any trace of it left.

So my theory at this point is that it's likely a graham-negative bacteria of some sort. It's likely floating around in the bloodstream and probably kept in check by good gut flora. maybe try monitoring your gut health and see if there's a correlation.
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I don't know what these bumps are, but I've experienced these exact symptoms sporadically for 40 years. The episodes loosely correlate to time of stress.
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I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. My boyfriend unfortunately, is going through the same exact symptoms. It started on one hand and now it's both. Have you found an actual diagnosis? And if so what are you taking to get rid of the bumps?

Concerned girlfriend
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I have been getting these as well.   The majority of mine are around my nail bed, where the cuticles are, but on my skin.  They feel like blisters and like a burn.   I thought for a bit that maybe I had been too rough on when I filled my nails but this was proven wrong when I got more of these bumps all along various fingers.   Also, for about a week now, I have had a lot of pain on the inside of one of my fingers right at the first joint.   I can feel a bump but it is definitely MUCH deeper then the rest of them.   I truly think that whatever is affecting my fingers (both hands, although worse on my writing hand) is something I am allergic to and this is the response I am getting.  
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11179749 tn?1416037284
I have something along these lines. It only happens on my finger tips. They way I describe them is deep, painful blister-like lumps/bumps in my finger tips. I get them all around my finger tips on both hands, but they are not clustered, they're skin-colored always, but if I rub on my finger where they are it feels like a burn does after a while, only on a much smaller scale. They're about the size of a normal small blister, or a freckle.
I do have dry skin, but I try to wash my hands several times a day and use proper moisturizers. Not many I've found actually help my skin, so any recommendations would be great! I'd love to know what this is, and how to treat it. It feels like I imagine getting callas's when learning to play guitar feels. (Pardon any misspelled words)
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ok, so I have (hopefully had) something similiar and looking around thought initially it may be pomholyx but have decided that is not the case. Middle Finger hurt at the center of the finger tip ( raised center of your fingerprint if you will,) hard underneith and painfull as if there was a tiny sliver or shard of glass embedded in my finger and the skin had grown over it in a bit of a raised calous. Last night in an attempt to dig out what i knew must be a sliver of glass, I saw what appeared to be a white spot in the center after I cut off the caloused layer that had built up. Using pressure with my thumb to stop any bleeding, I worked at the white center dot (know thinking it was possibly the core of a wort??) and a small amount of pus like you would see in a zit started coming out. I asked my wife to then squeeze it and more came out (not infection type material, but again more zit like.) I put Neosporin over it, a bandaid and called it a night. This morning I could still see a small white spot in the center and the finger still hurt so I asked the wife to squeeze again and low and behold a hard white sac pushed out that was filled with zit like matter (sac was size and shape of a very, very large sesame seed.) There was now a hole in my finger tip and it started bleeding pretty good, but the pain and irritation has started to sunside. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!  
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hello ma'm actually i'm facing some situation like this since three days i see some bumps on the tips of my fingers and why touch it they are painful and when i scratch them they are itching and more there are present at very little depth from the skin not at very top surface to squeese or pinch them, mention me a very good medicine available in INDIA and which is fast curable.

Thanking you ma'm
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I know your post was three years ago, but I'm responding to you anyway.  I have the exact same symptoms.  Small, red, painful blisters that feel like glass when you touch them.  The weird thing with me is that I only wake up with them.  I never get them during the day.  My doctor thinks it's dishydrotic eczema.  I'd get a few here and there on one/a few fingers, and it would callus and peel in a few days.  It was tolerable.  I've had them for 10-15 years.  Two months ago, I had my first BREAKOUT.  35-40 blisters all over my fingers (not on my palms, mostly knuckles and joints).  They clustered, which they had never done before.  My hands were swollen and painful, and I couldn't even hold a toothbrush.  My doctor gave me Halobetasol, but it didn't work.  I went on 80mg of Prednisone, and it knocked it out within HOURS!  I was on the Pred for about two weeks.  Eleven days after being off of it, the blisters came back.  So I went back on the Pred again for three weeks.  A week after being off of it, they came back again.  My doctor didn't want me to continue taking the Pred because of it's side effects.  He instructed me to use EpiCerum (prescription) as a hand moisturizer, and put the Halobetasol on any blisters and cover them with a BandAid 2-3 times a day.  It helps the superficial blisters, but I tend to get many deep blisters on the joint/bend of my finger.  They're beyond painful and almost feel like they're down to the bone.  I wish there was a cause and a cure for this, because it's really starting to effect my life.  Once one starts to go away, I get three more...  You don't realize how much you use your hands until you can't!
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Why put the lotion on your feet.  I feel stupid that i am willing to do that but the sores on my fingers are sooo irritating. They hurt when doing stuff and i am always doing dishes, homework, cleaning. So I really am up to try anything, did you do this and it worked.
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May I also add that I have been using the same lotion for months now and this has not happened before, I don't know what to do.
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I have one now and its killing me! Weird thing is, I used some lotion that I've been using for awhile now by Smith&Nephew (works great by the way) and it just popped up! The comments before me have helped some but my OCD wont let this thing stay on my finger much longer so I either have to take a chunk off my finger or see a doctor but I cant wait that long so someone please help!
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I get them too - tiny little lumps - the size of a pin head or smaller, mainly towards the finger tips.  They are only ever singular, not forming clusters, but i may have several on each finger.

There are painful to touch, and often 'zing' when touched similar to when you have a small slither of glass or a splinter in your finger.

Mine are only slightly darker than the surrounding skin, and they never itch.  Piercing them with a pin never reveals any fluids or foreign objects.  After a few days the painful bump goes away of its own accord, and the skin tends to peel around the site.

I think it may be a form of stress-induced dermatitis, but cant find anything definitive.

Does any one know what it is??
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I got rid of my painful bumps by putting athlete's foot medicine on my FEET, NOT MY HANDS. Wash your feet twice a day at first, using CLOTRIMAZOLE CREAM between the toes, or probably any anifungal cream. If your painful bumps are the same as mine, they will start to disappear in a day or 2. I continue to use the cream EVERY DAY after showering, with no more bumps on my fingers at all.

Rite Aid pharmacies have a pretty good price on their own brand of generic cream in the foot section.

My father, who is a doctor, says the bumps on the fingers are called an ID REACTION, whatever that means.

Best of luck.
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563773 tn?1374246539
From the symptoms that you have mentioned,it can be due to dyshidrotic eczema.
Wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. You can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin. You can take some OTC oral antihistamine medications like Benadryl or Claritin and see if it helps.

For mild-moderate eczema a weak steroid may be used (e.g. hydrocortisone as dermacort), whilst more severe cases require a higher-potency steroid (e.g. clobetasol propionate, fluocinonide).

Eczema can be exacerbated by dryness of the skin. Use good quality moisturizers to prevent moisture loss from the skin.

If still the symptoms do not improve then pls get a clinical examination done by a dermatologist.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.Kind regards.

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