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all itchy arm sufferers....please look into brachioradial pruritus.  My arms, and only my arms, have itched for 10 years.  no rashes, no psiorias, excema etc.  The creams, allergery pills..my list is extensive as to what I have tried but nothing worked. ---------------The only thing that helps are ice packs. -----------------------
Recently,I had an x-ray to check if I had any nerve impingement in my cervical spine - one of the possible causes but nothing showed so I continue to search for answers.  I did get confirmation of the brachioradial pruritus from a great dermatologist who has only seen 3 cases in his 15 years on the job.  He did a biopsy that he sent to UC Davis for confirmation.  The diagnosis was actually a relief as I have been told that it is so many other things.  
I hope this helps.  I will keep posting if I find anything helpful solutions.  
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I've been dealing with this for about 5 years now. Not sure what I've done to deserve this unbearable sting and itch. Left arm only. No creams....nothing helps. Ice works but last night was the worst flare up that I've had and it would come back even after using ice packs for an hour. MRI of neck was fine. My orthopedist wants an MRI of my arm to see if that nerve is trapped. Praying they find something. My neurologist just throws mess at me but they all suck! Gabapentin works but makes me feel terrible. Sorry for the rant, but I feel hopeless at times. There is no rhyme or reason for the flare ups. I did drink a little alcohol last night, for the poster that mentioned it earlier. Anyways, praying for all of you, as I ask for you to pray for me.
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I have been undiagnosed with bpr and have been suffering for the past 15 years since my first pregnancy. I have had itching on and off since then and it seems to be worse when I sweat in the autumn in the washington dc area. Recently I have noticed that drinking any alcohol makes it flare up. Have you noticed that?
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BRP Patient Testimonial: Cervical traction with a home device (used in a horizontal body position) seems to relieve some of the pressure on cervical nerves. In addition, Lidocaine 5% patches (manufactured by Watson/Actavis Pharmaceuticals) placed each evening on shoulders and arms have provided significant, beneficial, and effective relief. Patches are worn for 12 hours and help the patient to sleep at night. The benefits seem to carry over into the following day. Lastly, Aspercream with 4% Lidocaine provides on-the-spot short term relief. Effective hygiene includes cool or cold showers with only Cetaphil used on arms and shoulders.
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Lidocaine did absolutely nothing for me
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Yes! I remember my Mom and her sister itching their arms, too! I remember years ago my Aunt being so frustrated and saying, "it's like needles and ooo I could just dig them until I bleed!" Ugh....well mine seems to start in the Fall or change of season, too.   It went away for many years but this year it is in full force. I've wondered if it is brought on by the change in temperature or dryness or heat going on in the house. This time it seemed to appear after I got poison ivy and then hives ...took a dose of steroids and seemed to be left with this.  Or maybe it was the cause or just coincidental .?..who knows!  Kind of feels like I have a scratchy wool sweater on most of the time. At times I feels something like a pin pick of a needle but that is usually after I have irritated it already. I really am trying not to scratch because i have a wedding this weekend and feel self-conscious. Maybe we can identify each other by the little blood spots on our blouses...ha!
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I m so glad I found this community! Every Sept - Nov for past  4 yrs I have intense itching along a perfect nerve-root / meridian line down both arms from 10pm - 4am. Such a maddening itch and tried every cream/lotion etc
Am sitting here now with ice packs on, having drunk some baking soda in water, applied aloe propolis cream and feel at peace for first time since August! Thank you so much everyone for sharing, felt like I was going bonkers! X
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I have been suffering with this for about 9 years now. Until now I haven't found anybody else who has this seasonally. The doctors are no help. Anytime I go to one they try to diagnose me with scabies, but I know that's not it because it always disappears almost overnight come the end of November. It starts in September and lasts for about 3 months every year. Every year it seems to be getting worse. when I was a child I had a lot of allergies and had to get injections every week. Those allergies are gone now, all I have is this arm itching. But I would gladly take the old allergies back over this.I am at the point now where I can't even sleep. I am going on two weeks now with zero sleep.The itching is the most insanely insidious thing I have ever experienced. It's not just itching but also feels like pin pricks, almost like I am being jabbed by a thousand tiny needles all over my upper arms and shoulders. Most nights I am awake all night scrubbing at my arms with a natural bristle hairbrush just to keep from going insane. The second I stop, the prickling starts again. The only thing that ever seems to help is ice packs but I can't stand freezing my arms every single night. It's not so bad in the daytime but at night it is unimaginable torture. Allergy medication does absolutely nothing for me. My husband can't even sleep in the same bed with me anymore because I keep him awake all night.I am just hoping the next few weeks go by quickly so I can have my life back again.
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