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all itchy arm sufferers....please look into brachioradial pruritus.  My arms, and only my arms, have itched for 10 years.  no rashes, no psiorias, excema etc.  The creams, allergery pills..my list is extensive as to what I have tried but nothing worked. ---------------The only thing that helps are ice packs. -----------------------
Recently,I had an x-ray to check if I had any nerve impingement in my cervical spine - one of the possible causes but nothing showed so I continue to search for answers.  I did get confirmation of the brachioradial pruritus from a great dermatologist who has only seen 3 cases in his 15 years on the job.  He did a biopsy that he sent to UC Davis for confirmation.  The diagnosis was actually a relief as I have been told that it is so many other things.  
I hope this helps.  I will keep posting if I find anything helpful solutions.  
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I was diagnosed  this March with brp but I've had a mild case off and on for about 3 years. I was lucky in that my first appointment  with a Dermatologist  he asked me 3 questions  and was able to diagnose right away. AND the questions  all involved the car accident  I had been in years ago, suffering extreme  whiplash leading to degenerative  discs  C2 to C7 and now osteoarthritis . Not that I'm thrilled but at least I know I'm not crazy. My GP brushed me off but that's  ok. This forum has validated everything  I feel and knew about brp . And I totally agree with dsrtdove -it is important  to go to the beginning and read everything . There are a lot of suggestions for treatment  and I think you have to try any and everything to find what works for you. I use ice packs of course, a hydrocortisone  cream if necessary, aloe gel, chirpy chickweed, and a healing herbal tea of red raspberry  leaf, nettle and willow bark. It is good with a touch of honey and it works within 5 minutes, easing the itch and stopping the sharp needle stabbing. It is hard if I'm already hot because it will make me sweat which of course makes it harder to ease the pain. I've  also changed my diet not because of it but as a lifestyle change I was all ready working at. Anyway, that's my two cents. I hope I've added to the help and information  and it adds to your relief. I mix it up because one thing doesn't  work every time so it go thru them until one does. I don't  sleep at night much anymore but as I'm on a disability pension, I can sleep during the day if needed.
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I was diagnosed  this March with brp but I've had a mild case off and on for about 3 years. I was lucky in that my first appointment  with a Dermatologist  he asked me 3 questions  and was able to diagnose right away. AND the questions  all involved the car accident  I had been in years ago, suffering extreme  whiplash leading to degenerative  discs  C2 to C7 and now osteoarthritis . Not that I'm thrilled but at least I know I'm not crazy. My GP brushed me off but that's  ok. This forum has validated everything  I feel and knew about brp . And I totally agree with dsrtdove -it is important  to go to the beginning and read everything . There are a lot of suggestions for treatment  and I think you have to try any and everything to find what works for you. I use ice packs of course, a hydrocortisone  cream if necessary, aloe gel, chirpy chickweed, and a healing herbal tea of red raspberry  leaf, nettle and willow bark. It is good with a touch of honey and it works within 5 minutes, easing the itch and stopping the sharp needle stabbing. It is hard if I'm already hot because it will make me sweat which of course makes it harder to ease the pain. I've  also changed my diet not because of it but as a lifestyle change I was all ready working at. Anyway, that's my two cents. I hope I've added to the help and information  and it adds to your relief. I mix it up because one thing doesn't  work every time so it go thru them until one does. I don't  sleep at night much anymore but as I'm on a disability pension, I can sleep during the day if needed.
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What diet changes did you make.  Is there any food in particular that you found sets it off.
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Hi. I have a history of breaking bones and getting hurt. One of the injuries many years ago, I broke C4-6. In 2005 I got hurt...severe traumatic brain injury...again my neck, along with my brain, sustained injury. The neurologist said I have to have an MRI every so often !( can't remember) because the spinal fluid could get stopped from my spinal cord to my brain so, if it ever seemed like someone was pulling a shade in front of me...that's what's happening and get to ER. Anyway, I have suffered Brachialradial Pruritis for years! I started lasering my neck and shoulders each night and sometimes again if I'm in the sun for hours and I can tell it's coming on. It actually works!
Everyday I want to celebrate because it's still working! It's MR4 Activet Laser! It's absolutely Wonderful!!!
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What is this laser? I cant seem to find anything...
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This itching was really bothering me last night, couldn't get to sleep, I asked my husband to hand me the Gold Bond Ulimate Hand Sanitizer, kills 99.99%of germs, that helped, but needed something more so applied Tiger balm Neck & Shoulder rub which is very cool to the skin.  Calmed it right down!

Best remedy ever, even more so than ice!

Hasn't bothered me since!
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Hello Patriotsgirl85,
You're welcome! I hope the information helps and thank you for taking the time to read  previous posts ;) I understand the frustration with this condition and I sincerely hope you are able to find the help you need and are able to get it under control!
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Hi Susan,
Sorry to hear about your BRP and your shingles.....no, they are not related. Shingles are caused by the chicken pox virus in your body.....could be brought on by a compromised immune system, stress etc. BRP is caused by damage to the neck....typically C4-C6 where the nerves are being compressed and firing a 'false itch' instead of pain. Good luck with both!
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