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I have type 2 diabetes. My doctor prescribed Byetta and I tried it for several months and the nausea side effects of it was devastating and caused me to gain even more weight. So, when my doctor told me about victoza and its weight loss benefits I was extremely excited about this revolutionary drug that would help lower my blood sugar level, AND LOSE WEIGHT at the same time.  

In the beginning, Victoza was God sent to me. My apetite decreased and I dropped 15 pounds in about 4-6 months. And I did not experience nausea at any time. Then, all of a sudden the weight loss stopped. My weight loss became stagnated and have been ever since. It has been 2 years since that time and while my blood glucose level and A1C is good, I have gained the 15 pounds back and more. No matter what I do, I cannot lose weight.

Before Byette, my doctor tried many different kinds of pills (example metformin and glumetra) but the sides effects had my life on hold. I had untrollable bowel explosions 24/7. I hhave heard many people say they loss weight on these pills but not me, just the 24/7 bowel explosions.

I would like to hear if anyone have ever experience hear loss whille on Victoza. I have not seen anywhere that this is a side effect but my hair began balding in big patches right after I got on Victoza and thinning out. It is still light this and I am so frustrated, conscioused and sometime down over it. I know it could be worse but my hair stylist is convince that it has to e=be my Victoza meds because this was not happening before. I bought expensive all natural hair vitamins with biotin in it that was spposed to help grow my hair back and make it full again but that made it worse. I have gone to a 2nd & 3rd hairstylist for their opinion and they are all at a loss and said it has to be my diabetes medicine. I even went to a a dermattologist but she did not know why it was happening.

If anyone have this problem or know why this is happening since I became diabetic please let me know. My endocinologist said the only alternative is to place me on insulin bvut I refused because that would mean more weight gain plus the Victoza is working to keep my glucose under control.
22 Responses
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I couldn't figure out why I am loosing so much hair. First it started out with my edges, now the top of my hair is thinking out. I will be getting off of this drug ASAP. I have not experienced any other side effects. But,the hair lost is enough for me. I have even tried supplements that my PCP recommended. I just can't loose my hair like this.
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Its definitely Victoza
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I'm convinced it is the victoza.
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Yes. I started Victoza in April, and when I went to my hairdresser in August, she pointed out lots of large bald spots; and it's only continued to get worse, even though I stopped the Victoza in August. My doctor has diagnosed me with alopecia areata, and she does not think it's related to the Victoza, but I'm convinced it is.  I was horribly sick the whole time I was on Victoza, so the hair loss may be an indirect result of taking it and not a direct result, but in any case, I never lost my hair before I got on Victoza.
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Now I'm convinced my hair is falling out due to Victoza. All my life i've been told that I have great thick hair. I've never seen any clogging the drain until 4 months of Victoza. Every shower and the tub stops draining because it's clogged with my hair and it gets worse daily.  Bye bye Victoza. My regular GP doesn't trust the stuff either so this is a no-brainer.
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Hi, hope you are well.  I'm new to the community and I don't think I've seen any of your contributions.  Anyhow, glad you're contributing now.  I just wanted to take a second and point out that this post originated in 2013 so it is a little dated.  Doesn't mean that it is irrelevant, but it might mean not too many people come across it.

I could not load up your facebook page.  

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351246 tn?1379682132
I would say the hair loss is probably due to vitamin and iron deficiency which could have been the result of bowel problems that you have been having for so long. It could be mere coincidence that the hair loss started when you started Victoza. Hair loss is not a listed side effect. However, this is a comparatively new drug. Hence you could go on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) site and report this as a side effect. Otherwise you could ask your doctor to report this if all causes of hair loss have been looked into and not found to be the cause in your case. Only then can you link this with Victoza.
To do this, I am enumerating all causes of hair loss. Iron deficiency is the commonest cause of hair loss. Hair loss can also be due to dandruff, dermatitis, shampoos, oils, soaps, dust and dirt etc. Thyroid disorders and diabetes too could be a cause. Insomnia, stress and anxiety along with poor diet and excess of caffeine too can be the cause.
Localized hair loss can be due to scarring alopecia (causes dent, eg: discoid lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, lichen planopilaris, kerion, metastatic carcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, prolonged pressure, and cicatricial pemphigus), alopecia areata, tinea capitis (fungal infection), sarcoidosis, follicular mucinosis, bacterial infection, aplasia cutis (absence of skin),  burns (including chemical burns due to shampoos, oils or something that causes an allergic reaction), herpes zoster, squamous cell carcinoma, and other such conditions. The skin of the scalp should be biopsied. Please consult a skin specialist regarding this.
If no cause is found then please report this as a side effect of Victoza on FDA website. Also, insulin is actually a good option to be on especially since oral medications are causing a lot of symptoms. Weight gain on insulin can be easily controlled by regular exercise and diet control. Take care!

The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you. The advice may not be completely correct for you as the doctor cannot examine you and does not know your complete medical history. Hence this reply to your post should only be considered as a guiding line and you must consult your doctor at the earliest for your medical problem.
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I started losing my hair after I started Victoza - not sure if it is just a coincidence.  I have an appointment with my doctor in a few weeks and was going to ask her about it.
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Yes, I have experiences hair loss on Victoza.  It has been significant.  I will be discontinuing Vicotza for other reasons.  Since taking it, I have dealt with serious stomach upset and constipation.  Ultimately I have wound up with diverticulosis, most likely from all the straining in the colon.  I am extremely upset
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My doctor felt I was borderline diabetic. I disagree, but I began using Victoza for just over a week in early October. I didn't like Victoza and it was way too expensive so I stopped, but three weeks later, I began to notice I was losing large amounts of hair.  This has never happened before to me in my life. I don't color or process my hair in any way and I'm very gentle on it when I wash and comb it. Still, my shower drain strainer is completely covered in hair when I shower. Every time I comb it out, it's depressing to see a big handful of precious hair in my comb. It's now seven weeks later and I'm still losing hair, but it may be slowing down a bit. I realize the hair loss might not have been due to the Victoza, but I'm in pretty good condition with enviable blood chemistry (glucose slightly high, but not alarming) and no vitamin deficiencies. I take 50mg of Atenolol daily. Until a couple of weeks ago I did take the occasional Prilosec, but I have stopped taking that, too, just in case it was causing or contributing to the hair loss. Perhaps it was a combination of one or more of my prescriptions, just one of them, or something else. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope the hair loss will stop now and that it's reversible.
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Yes.  I have had hair loss only after taking Victoza shots.
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I've  noticed big hair loss as well and bowel explosions.  The hair loss is horrible as I am blessed with a full thick mane. Since stopping Victoza the bowel explosions have really calmed down.
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I too began losing hair after beginning to take Victoza. I am sure it is the victoza and that is sad because other than that i think it works well. Any ideas how to combat this?
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I am a pharmacist who had to start Victoza and hair has thinned all around the edges and top. I can only attribute it to the Victoza.
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I am writing this in the hopes that it will help others who are frustrated and afraid that Victoza is causing hair loss. I'm a type 2 Diabetic insulin dependent. I was well controlled for ten years without insulin up until last three years so I was out on Victoza to help me. And did I get hair loss? Yes !!! It made me lose so much of my beautiful thick and wavy hair.
I proved it to myself twice over. After the first two or three months of staring Victoza I noticed my hair thining all around and I could see clear to my scalp in the front in a mirror. I was horrified. All doctors said no to not the Victoza and just laughed. So I quit Victoza and had hair grow back. Then after a break I decided to try it again as so many other people had great success on Victoza. So again I faithfully began Victoza and yet again the hair loss started and now it's even more visible. Forget the hair loss. I had a friend who also was on it and now has three nodules in her throat. Now my tsh is high and I have a thyroid issue that is being checked at the moment. So don't let anyone tell you how great Victoza is when it's not. It even causes medullary thyroid cancer so be careful and be aware. Stick to diet and exercise or other pills that aren't as harmful as this stuff. Everyone is running studies and tests on this stuff. Don't be a lab rat of theirs.
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I was at my hairdresser's today to get a cut, and she said "do you know you have all these bald patches?" I didn't! She showed me in a mirror, and I was stunned!  One was quite large, and I have about four others! Thank goodness I have lots of fine hair, and my hair covers the bald patches—for now. I've been on Victoza for 3 months, a miserable 3 months of great blood sugar testing but horrible stomach issues. I finally decided enough is enough and weaned myself off Victoza a week ago. I've no doubt that the hair loss is a result of my taking this drug. I've never had any hair or scalp issues and had very healthy hair. I can only hope that the problem will resolve now that I'm off this horrid medication.  I sat in her chair and googled "Victoza and hair loss," and feel  confirmed by reading these posts that the medication is the culprit.
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Hello, I too am a recent user of Victoza. For my diabetes I am so upset, depressed, and confused. My hair has started comeing out by the handful. In discussing this extreme hair loss with my cardiologist, she mentioned the fact that people have been expienceing the same side effects of hair loss from useing Vitoza. According to the internet. I do not want to lose my hair. This is very stressful and heartbreaking to me. Now i have to deal with my anziety of the stress and worry of going bald. This is not fair!!!!!!!
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I am type 2 diabetes  and started Victoza three weeks ago. It lowered my sugar level. No weight loss to date though. However, I noticed, that I am losing a significant amount of hair everyday. I already have thinning hair and taking a solution similar to Rogaine at the moment. But, I never had quite hair loss before victoza. Does hair loss really a side effect of Victoza? Thank you
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Dear Doctor:  In my case it's a little more complicated...I don't know how much influence the Victoza had.  I started a diet seriously needed since I was obese at 5' and 213#.  Eight months later, with a strict diet under medical care and the addition of Victoza because of borderline diabetes, I have lost almost 70 pounds!  I'm thrilled at the weight loss and it has done me a lot of good physically.  However, I have noticed a serious amount of shedding I never had before.  My hair is colored (not bleached) dark blonde to cover gray, and it was long to my waist and very nice before my diet.  I Must tell you that, under my request, my diet consists ONLY of boiled plantains semi-ripe and a protein shake with strawberries twice a day, a cup of coffee for bkfast and a toast at night.  THAT's ALL.  I saw a dermatologist who prescribed some drops to be used for a couple of weeks but gave me refills, but those are for redness and problems in the scalp.  I don't have any I can see.  But now my hair is barely shoulder length and MUCH thinner than before.  No bald patches, though.  I have read strenuously about the different causes of hair loss in women.  BTW, I'm white and 59 yrs. old.  I see no less shedding with these drops.  My endocrinologist tells me that it could be a side effect of Victoza, but I have researched this, and other than this thread, have found no evidence of hair loss being a side effect of Victoza.  I have had my thyroid checked, all labs seem to have excellent results.  In your experience, could this hair loss be a side effect to Victoza? and if so, do you have any idea as to whether it would be permanent?  My doctor and I are planning to discontinue the medication as soon as I reach my goal, in another 3-4 months.  I just don't want to end up bald by then.  Would you please give me your opinion as a second opinion of sorts to my doctor's information?  Really appreciate your attention.  Thank you!
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My mother has been complaining about hair loss also. She says her hair texture has even changed the strands seem to be thinner rather than the coarse texture it has always been. Her hair has also lost its natural curl. The biggest problem is the thinning and shedding of her hair. She had taken the Rx and then quit for financial reasons. During that time her hair stopped shedding and she had new growth. Then once she was able to take the Rx again she realized the shedding came back. She will be talking to her Dr. about the problem next week. When she talked to me about it I googled victoza hair loss. That is how I found this thread! I am so glad that you spoke up about your experiences!! THANK YOU!!
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My mother has been complaining about hair loss also. She says her hair texture has even changed the strands seem to be thinner rather than the coarse texture it has always been. Her hair has also lost its natural curl. The biggest problem is the thinning and shedding of her hair. She had taken the Rx and then quit for financial reasons. During that time her hair stopped shedding and she had new growth. Then once she was able to take the Rx again she realized the shedding came back. She will be talking to her Dr. about the problem next week. When she talked to me about it I googled victoza hair loss. That is how I found this thread! I am so glad that you spoke up about your experiences!! THANK YOU!!
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I came online today to specifically search for "Victoza and hair loss" because it's the only thing that's new for me in the last 4 months. I have done tons of lab work for thyroid, mineral, and vitamin deficiency and everything is good there. I will have to talk to my Endocrinologist about this the next time I see her, and maybe switch to another drug.

In the meantime, I am taking a multi-viatmin (which of course includes Iron), Natrol Biotin (10,00mcg), using Rogaine for men (the foam) and washing with both Neutrogena T-Gel (to help with build up) & Pura D'or (organic shampoo). I will also be taking Viviscal (100% drug free) starting this week (the pink box). The Viviscal was recommended by a well known hair surgeon in Florida. I get all this stuff on Amazon at affordable prices. Good luck!  
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Hi, my name is Latongya AND YES,YES,YES! I am experiencing the same problem even after stopping it(1 month off) My hair was little past shoulder length and growing fine, no thinning, no shedding, no balding UNTIL victoza.  Now my hair is above shoulder, breaking and thinning&balding in the front,shedding and falling out throughout and in the back. It made my hair stick together  in patches and when you tried to untangle it the hair would fall out. I am very MAD and don't know what to do.  You're right its great for the diabetes BUT bad for your hair. Doctor took me off of it-kept me on metformin and added Onglyza.  I've continued to condition and moisturize,hot oil etc. hoping for a miracle. I am a black woman who has a relaxer and needs a retouch ; but I am afraid that it may make matters worse.  Not relaxing at this point can also cause breakage.Transitioning to natural hair requires cutting off all relaxed hair which is all except an inch or two AND that still won't guarantee anything. I know people who have natural hair who still had alopecia.    WHAT CAN WE DO?
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Thank you very much for the response. I will continue to look into this fmatter urther.
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