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Chronic Nausea

Thank you for this service.  After reading your archives I see I am not the only one with a nausea problem. I am a 40 year old women. 7 years ago I had a stomach virus.  Prior to that I hadn't vomited in 20 years!  Since then I have become extremely nauseous 2 -3 times a week after eating.  I have seen several MDs, homeopaths, tried acupuncture, chiropractor, and numerous others things.  I've had an upper GI, Gall Bladder Test, Stomach cat scan, blood tests,etc.  I had an allergy test that showed sensitivity to several foods and I have eliminated them for several months, still no change.  I went 6 months without wheat!!("I'm Italian and that means no pasta!)  My symptoms are:  after eating within 5 minutes or 2 hours I get very nauseous.  THere is no pattern.  I can eat the food once and be fine, eat the same food another time and be sick.THe only pattern is that my worst attacks are after eating out at a restaurant.  I do not vomit- though I feel like it.  THe attack can last several days, nauseous, shaky, weak. I swear I'll never eat again.  Then I start to feel better, start to eat again.  THen I get another attack.  The bad attacks don't happen that often, but the nausea happens 2-3 times a week, bad enough that I have to lie down.  I'm afraid to eat, afraid to travel...it's starting to affect my life..I've lost alot of weight.
After 6 years of this..I went to see another MD.  He gave me Propulsid to take and I just started with it. I don't understand, if my stomach is not emptying correctly, why is it ok sometimes and then others I get very sick?  His diagnosis was
cyclic nausea.  What does that mean??  He did not mention gastroparesis, but after reading your archives , it sounds like a possibility.  Is this something that can be healed or do I have to keep taking medication forever?  Will the medication make my stomach dependent on it to empty?  I hate to take medication and would rather find a natural way to heal myself, but so far, 7 years of trying has not helped.  ANy advice?
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Dear Sally,
You should ask you rdoctor to arrange for a gastric emptying study to confirm a diagnosis/.

WE know that patients with impaired gastric emptying do not have continuous symptoms.  Why these patients have intermittent exacerbations of symptoms is currently unknown.

If you have idiopathic gastroparesis (i.e. no defined cause), then you will probably require treratment indefinitely although there will be times when you are symptom free despite not taking medications.  If you have a specific cause for the gastroparesisi (e.g. thyroid problems or diabetes). then treatment of the underlying condition alone may allow symptom improvement
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I am a 22 year old suffering from ideopathic gastropresis for 6
years.  It sounds to me like your symptoms fit exactly with gastroparesis.
I suggest that you ask your doctor to have a gastric emptying test done.
It shows how quickly or slowly your stomach empties food.  If your
stomach is slow and there is no sign of blockages or anything, they
will tell you it is gastroparesis.  Some people recover fully from ideopathic
gastroparesis, other get a little better and others never get better.
There is not a cure.  There is only medication which can help with motility and
nausea. As far as there being no pattern, gastroparesis is ALWAYS there in the
same shape every day, but you can have good days and bad days of eating.
Sometimes food makes me sick one day that didn't before.  There is no explanation
for that...just good days and bad days.  Foods that you should avoid include high
fat foods since fat takes longer to digest, high fiber foods, depending on your
situation you might avoid meats...especially red meat, but some people can handle
white meat (I can't).  You should also avoid certain fruits and veggies.  A lot of
it is trial and error.  Some gastroparesis patients can handle some things while others
can't. There is another drug you can try called domperidone.  It is
a research drug.  You can get it free through a compassionate clearance program at
some research hospitals, otherwise you will have to order it directly from Canada. If you
want the name and address of the pharmacy I use, feel free to contact me.  Unfortunately,
it is a rather expensive drug and insurance companies don't usually cover it since it is
research.  If you have any more questions feel free to contact me at ***@****.
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I'm not a doctor but just wanted to let you know that, at times, I suffer the same symptoms.  Mine started after a 2-month infection with a parasite (giardia) which affected my bowels and stomach.  I became so nauseous that I lost about 25 lbs.  I felt full all the time and got to the point where I had to force myself to eat about 800 calories per day.  I thought I was dying of stomach cancer!!!  I finally had an upper endoscopy done (once my bowels were straightened out) and the doctor saw that I had a VERY mild case of reflux.  He said that it was so mild that he could not imagine that I was suffering as bad as I was; however, he did prescribe Prilosec which helped me get back to "almost" normal.  It has been about 18 months since and I am mostly normal; however, I do get these cyclical bouts of nausea that will last for up to 2 weeks.  My GI doc has suggested that I could use the Propulsid; however, I don't want to because many people get diarrhea from the medication and I don't need that.  My nausea does not sound as severe as yours but it was at one time when I was very distressed over my condition.  I think the stress and worry really exacerbates the conditon.  And it also seems plausible to me that one could have intermittent gastroparesis--kind of like irritable bowel syndrome of the upper gut.  People who have irritable bowel don't have it everyday--they go through spells of it.  In some people it is caused by the nerves that control that area.  Same can be said for the upper stomach and the bladder (overactive bladder).  Maybe your nervous system to that area is slowing down at times and causing this.  Hopefully, the Propulsid will help you during those times.
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Hi! I was wondering if you've had your blood sugar tested
after eating, the symptoms you explain sound so similar to hypoglycemia. It might also explain your worsening symptoms after eating at a restaurant. If your doctor thinks this could be a possibility, he may run a glucose tolerance test. Hope you find something helpful and get to feeling better!
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