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Liver Lesions Found

What causes liver lesions. How common are they? Is there any significance in the the number of lesions seen? How often do they change into liver cancer? Is there any treatment that will help? (Alternative or mainstream)
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Hi, Im 43 year old male from Maldives (A group of islands in the indian ocean) Some 6 months back when I went to Thailand for a medical treatment, I did a full medical check up. After reading the reports, the doc said there is nothing wrong with my blood, kidney function is normal, liver function is normal, but an enlarged liver, and after looking at the ultra sound report of my liver he said that there is a "poorly defined echoic lesion on the liver" he said it could be tumor mass or a fatty object. When he told me that I felt that Im going to collaps. Since he said that I have this on my mind 24/7, Can you tell me what this axactly means "Poorly defined echoic lesion" Is this dangerous? Im very afraid. Please help.
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First, to Judy, I will be thinking of you. I too try to be healthy and eat right and don't drink or smoke. I think all that is in our favor. Your doc is right and these hard to define but benign lesions are becoming more and more common due to more people having CT scans for other reasons!! In other words, we all could have them and only those of us lucky enough to have scans get to know about them! Liver biopsies are not difficult from what I know so you should be fine tomorrow. Let me know and send me your email.To "mann", I think your report is the same as Judy and mine in that they saw some "spots" that they are not sure of. The odds are they are benign and not dangerous. Have you had liver function tests (blood work)? I had the exact same feeling like I could collapse when my doctor said they founds "spots" on my liver. Look on this web site (search archives") for postings on liver lesions and liver hemangiomas.
My first posting will come up. I know I spent hours on the internet trying to find something reassuring and someone else who had a similar experience. My suggestion is to see the doctor again and have lab work done and a follow-up CT scan which is better at "seeing" and diagnosing the lesions than a ultrasound
(what did your doctor in Thailand suggest?) It more than likely will be nothing bad. Let us know what happens. By the way, I have many friends who have gone to Maldives and I know it is beautiful! I have been to Seychelles and to Thailand as well and love tropical places.
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Benson, I know just how you feel but you are more in the clear than I am as I did not have an MRI. I am just having the follow-up CT on February 25 and am nervous too. It is such a life-changing diagnosis if the lesions are not benign that anyone would be scared. It is like when you get an HIV test routinely for insurance and you have virtually NO chance of being positive BUT you are scared because the implications of a positive test are so profound. I opted to just do the follow-up CT as I did not want a liver biopsy (no reason except I just didn't want it and I have heard that even a biopsy might not be conclusive). Did you have the AFP lab test and was it OK? That relates to tumor activity. I almost hate the whole CT technology because it finds a lot of things that are benign that you would never know you had if not for the CT. The anxiety it generates is almost too much to bear. The nurses I work with used to joke we should get a total body scan but then realized we didn't want to know if anything is wrong! Please let me know what happens with the biopsies. I will let you know about my follow-up CT. I am not really religious but I will send positive energy and thoughts for you. If all turns out well, we should both work harder to appreciate our lives, right?
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Christine,  Yes my test is tomorrow around 3:00 p.m.....Little Rock, Ark. time.  So, think of me.  I think they will give me
quite a bit of sedative...so I am trying not to be a baby and
be brave!!!!   I know what you mean.....I hate feeling
like such a pitiful victim when I go get a test.  I am trying
to read something into every word or facial grimace!  I can
tell you one thing....they will have to drag me kicking and
screaming to the next machine that looks inside you!

I have always believed in vitamins and healthy eating....I don't
drink or smoke and if this is a bad report...I am certainly
going to have "egg on my face"....because I have encouraged
this with my friends for years!  We don't have a naturopath
here in Little Rock...but my husband works in Chicago and we
spend our summers there, so I could go for a work up there.
Please let me know what you find out.  I don't know how long
my posting stays on the board, but lets stay in touch...I will
send you my e-mail address if you need it.  

I did see on another site some information, which I did not read,
on chinese herbs.  Honestly, I don't know what to do at this
point....I feel like I am a walking time bomb!!!!

My Doctor says this is very common....I wish I could let that
sink in and feel lucky....but until my test comes back....I
will be..........cleaning out all of my closets...and tying up
loose ends!!!!!   Just kidding.....sort of.   Judy
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Dear Judy, is your test tomorrow? If so, take a deep breath and just get it over with. Every time I have gone for a CT, I have felt very humbled and small and "sickly" like all the techs probably felt sorry for me! But I just forced myself to get it done and tried not to worry. I have the tests at the same hospital where I work and then, for good or bad, I can access the results on the computer...that is pretty daunting. Anyway, the AFP is a non-maternal alpha-feto protein test that shows liver tumor activity if it is increased. It is true that hormones can cause liver hemangiomas and maybe liver cysts to grow. As I said before, I wish I never knew about all this!! Liver cancer is almost never found in patients who are not alcolholics or who have had Hepatitis. But my docs thought it might be a spread of cancer from another place...I had the mammogram and other tests and I have no symptoms so I am hoping that it is all OK. It most probably is for both of us. I admit I am now jealous of everyone who has not had a CT and does not know what might be lurking!
I live in SF Bay Area. I am going to go to a naturopath for liver detox advice/diet. I have friends who have had good results from having healthier diets. I will let you know what happens with the naturopath (she had a MD as well).
I will think of you tomorrow....
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Thanks for the positive energy!!!  I will do the same your way
wherever your way is!

I don't know of the test that you referred to....I had blood
work done the day that I fatefully went in for a bladder
infection and indigestion!!!!!  The parts of it that I know
are about the liver are as follows:  Bilirubin 0.5,  Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum...81,  AST 13,  and ALT  15.   My Doctor
said all were normal.

You are right, as of Monday, it will be a month and for most
of that time...I have been terrified!  I feel better after
speaking to the Gastroenterologist.....but my GP was hopeless.
He would never call me..and never gave test results.  I learned most of what I know on the internet.  My GP  was sort of a
natural health Doctor as well as an MD....which I liked.  He
wore sandals and had his dog in the office, which I loved.....but
now I realize, when it comes to tests, you want white coats and
stainless steel!!!!!

I have taken estrogen for almost 30 years on the advice of
several Doctors...no progesterone....and I think that has
agravated a preexisting condition.  I have taken myself off of

Anyway,  the odds are on my side.....but the "what ifs"  are
winning the war tonight as I ponder my next few days.

Do stay in touch, with your situation.....and more words of
encouragement...or information.  

Thank you for your message.      Judy
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