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Diarrhea for over 20 years now tests

Hi dr I have a few questions.Im a 42 yr old male in good health.I have been getting Diarrhea at least 4 times a week for the past 20 years or more.I cut out coffee and soda and fast food and I got some what better but still not where it want it to be.Anyway I went to see a GI doc and he did blood tests and tested me for lacotse and celtic  gluten intolerance and whte blood cell count ,etc all came back normal.Then I had a colonoscopy he found one polyp that was benign that he removed.Then I had a Endoscopy with the tube that went down my throat he took a biopsy when he did this and it came back normal.Now he wants me to do a barium swallow, or upper GI series,is this the same thing?But im wondering why would he have me do a barium swallow?and im really worried if he thinks something is wrong?seeing my blod tests were all normal what would be my chance of having something wrong with a barium swallow test?And why do you think he wants me to do the barium swallow test do you think he thinks something is wrong?He thinks I may have Ibs D but im not so sure be hes the doctor and a good one.I really dont wanna do the barium swallow test because I read it has radiation exposure from the test but I guess I will have to but I dont like the thought of radiation exposure.And also do you think he will have me do anymore tests after these 3?colonoscopy,Endoscopy,and next week a Barium Swallow.thanks i will be looking foward to your answer.
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I am now taking Bee Propolis ordered from Puritans.com.  It truly works!  And its cheap!!!  No more Immodium AD for me norTylenol 3.  I still take my Questeran (from dr) down to half a packet a day.  I heard about the Bee Propolis from another forum.  The only precautions is don't take if you are allergic to honey or bee's .  http://www.colitisfoundation.com/dcforum/DCForumID10/33.html  is the web site for that forum,  that has helped me soo much.  I have been searching since last year.  On the web and with Dr.'s.   I knew there had to be something out there!  It worked for me the first day, only one pill or capsule.  They can explain about it better than I.  Its made by honey bees, I think its the stuff they seal their hive with?   It works as an antibiotic, and is non-toxic.  I've been taking a few weeks now, one suggested I add Primadophilus Reuten by Natures Way to my regiment also Prodiem Stool Bulker (their GI suggested this) .

My story is.  I'm 61 years old was very healthy, working out etc.  Last year during a cholesterol check I complained of a annoying pinch in my right side, dr checked, found a lump, had cat scan, showed abnormal tissue, then colonoscopy to biopsy the lump in my small intestines (at the adjoining of large and small).  Cancer was the word.  Had surgery, then Chemo.  Been suffering with diarrhea since.  If a bathroom isn't close by, I don't go there!   With the Bee Propolis, so far I can go out and not expect any problems.  Wears off about 24 hours later.  Its a healing thing so hopefully thats the case here.  Don't quit your meds from you dr. take as an addition to it is non-toxic.  After few weeks  I' m taking 1/2 the dosage of Questeran.   I have a question for other questeran takers. .  Is the reason we are taking this for the bile binding?   Do we have too much? not working properly?  Would ask my dr, but I have asked soo many ????  that I think I'll give him a rest, especially about the Questeran.  He is a little mad at me right now cause I'm taking Bee Propolis.  He did not say it would harm me.  Just wants me to take Questeran, but that does not work completly, I want to feel normal as I can.  Appreciate any input on this.

The best luck to all.. In my world so far , this is the answer.  I only take one capsule per day.  I will lincrease to the 2 per day, if needed.  Oh by the way .  My purse, car, at work locker has Immodium AD and tylenol 3 are stashed with these meds.  I haven't needed since I started the bee propolis.  Will keep them there just in case tho.  I need all my army of meds on hand, ha ha.  (not really a laughing matter, I know).

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I have had problems with diarrhea for over 15 years, and about 3 months ago it was getting so bad that I was taking Imodium (loperamide) 3 to 4 times a week so I could be able to leave the house for shopping, etc.  I felt I was taking too much Imodium, so I asked my doctor if there was anything else I could take, and he sent me for a colonoscopy, even though I had one about 4 years ago and it was normal.  Had the colonoscopy, found nothing wrong, and the doctor put me on Questran (cholestyramine) powder to mix with liquids.  I've been taking it 1 or 2 times a day about 2 months now, and it does seem to help, and I only need to take Imodium if I have to go somewhere early in the morning (I take it the night before).  But this is getting ridiculous and I can't put up with this, I'm getting too old for this (I'm 73).  The Questran is supposed to bind the bile, and too much makes you constipated, so I use my judgment about whether to take 1 or 2 on any particular day.  I keep wondering if taking Imodium so much (for years!) made me lose bowel control, and so I kept having to take it more and more often.  I heard that maybe biofeedback for bowel control helps this problem?
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I'm having similiar problems.  Diarrhea all the time.  Had surgery for cancer in small intestines and chemo.  Been over a year, still diarrhea.  Have tried: Questeran (works sometimes).  Some days i take Tylenol 3 (1/2 pill per day works good but stomach cramps after taking a long time).  Now I'm taking  Bee Propolis (puritans.com)  works real well, its a natural.  At this time I'm alternating with Questeran and bee propolis,  the bee propolis works all the time, but don't know if this is gonna be an on going thing.  Want healing!!  Surgeon says Questeral will heal, said something about bile .  Then I didn't hear anymore because of sedation for colonoscopy.  He told my hubby that my intestines were healed, showed him the pics.  Good luck with yours.  Keep us informed.
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Bo I can really sympathize with your situation.  Maybe if I tell you my story it will help you and maybe someone out there can give us both some good advice.  
I have also had 20 or more years of diarrhea. I also had all of the testing that you mention.  Recently it got so bad (3 or 4 times a day) that my PCP finally sent me to get a Nuclear study of the liver and gall bladder.  It turns out that my gall bladder had quit working at some point and was huge.  My Doctor put me on questrian (sp?) and that has helped.  Several weeks later it started hurting me and I had it out, but I didn't quit having the diarrhea, so my doctor kept me on the questrian.  It helps a lot, but I still have about 2 to 3 mornings a week that I have a problem.  It has been 3 months since the surgery.  Is there anything else I can do about this.  I am about to get laid off and I can't seem to find a job.  I know it is because I cannot always be on time and sometimes I cannot even make it to work anymore.  I really don't know what to do.  

Any advice would be appreciated.

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If you have been seeing a traditional medical doctor, have had all the tests and they have come up normal, then you may want to get a second opinion for a holistic doctor. They know as much as traditional doctors, but they also believe in disorders which are very real but which traditional doctors don't believe in because they never learned about them in medical school.  One such disorder is chronic yeast in fections of the gut. Right now many studies are showing that most people with IBS, and other GI disorders have an over growth of bad bacteria in their guts (a.k.a. yeast). Our guts have about 5 pounds of good, healthy, probiotic bacteria. It keeps the 1 or 2 pounds of bad bacteria in our guts under control. But sometimes, the good bacteria gets ruined, and the bad bacteria runs rampent. You can have chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea has a result. The best probiotic on the market is called, Primal Defense Ultra. You can order it thru a co. called Garden of Life. They sell it cheaper than the health food stores do. Everyone with digestive problesms should take this. Even healthy people. You should also get the book, What Would Jesus Eat, by Dr. Don Colbert. Go to his web site. You'll learn alot there. Third, see a holistic doctor like Dr. Colbert. Just doing the first 2 things will help, regardless of whether your problem is yeast or not. But the doctor will find the actual cause, especially if it's yeast. Good Luck.
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I also forgot to add the during the colonoscopy he gi doc took a sample of my stool and it came back normal.He didnt tell me what he tested it for and I forgot to ask.I dont know how he found any stool with all the prep I drank but he did he said.
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You seem more anxious than you probably need to be. I suppose your doctor is just trying to rule things out. However, since this has been going on for 20 years, it is kind of hard to imagine anything that awful is happening.
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233190 tn?1278549801
I agree with the testing thus far.  

I can't speak for your gastroenterologist, and thus cannot comment on what he may be thinking.  The barium swallow will look at the actual swallowing mechanism, which would not be seen with the upper endoscopy.  

As for the diarrhea, sending the stool out for fat malabsorption can be considered.  If the tests remain negative, targeting treatment for irritable bowel disease can be considered.  

Obtaining another opinion at a major academic medical center can be considered as well.  

Followup with your personal physician is essential.

This answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice - the information presented is for patient education only. Please see your personal physician for further evaluation of your individual case.

Kevin, M.D.
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