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Flu-like symptoms after exercise

I love running, using aerobic equipment and lifting weights; however, I ususually experience flu-like symtoms for days, sometimes weeks, later. For years now, I have felt as if a virus surfaces in me everytime I exercise.
My PCP is unhelpful.
My ENT recommended L-Lysine which I have been taking with a multi-vitamin everyday for a year.
Any suggestions?
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I have been experiencing the same thing. I have been working out routinely for 2 years. There was no break or anything - no change in the workouts I'm doing - just out of nowhere I get really bad pain in my abdomen, headache, weakness and fatigue, some nausea. (No sore throat or coughing though.) The first time it happened, the pain was pretty severe, so I went to emerge. They found nothing wrong. It went away after a couple of days. It happened again two weeks straight, for a 2 to 3 of days each time. Then after taking it easy for a couple of weeks (first week doing nothing, second week doing yoga) I tried to work out again this week. I was ok after Monday, but after yesterday (Tuesday) I'm feeling awful again. And Monday's workout was more intense than yesterday's. Nothing makes sense!

I already take probiotics and multi-vitamins, etc. Maybe it's all just due to dehydration... gonna pick up some hydralite on the way home.

I just want to say one thing to people who commented they're eating yogurt. Yogurt is not an effective source of probiotics. It's no where near enough of a dose to do anything at all. If you think this might work for you, go get some pills. Also, different pills will effect you differently. Align made me horribly ill. But I have found the Jarrow brand 'Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS' 5 Billion Cells Per Capsule have really helped me with other digestive issues. So don't expect to be able to buy what someone else has bought and have the same thing work for you. You might have to try a few different formulas before finding success.

Good luck to us all! :)
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I've had these symptoms and I may have a another cause: mold.  I was working in my basement quite a bit and I realized that there is mold there.  Then, through research, I was led to mold in autos.  Where is the first place I go after working out? My car. And my sinuses are wide open.  Adding the time in the basement may be part of it.

So I started driving with the windows down and it has helped.  Then, I bought an ozone generator and ran it in the car.  Detail shops use these as do hotels. FYI, the ozone is dangerous.  (I'm dealing with the basement separately.)

So far, I haven't gotten sick after working out. I bookmarked this site and that's how I came back to it; I'll write more if I find more.
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I have the same symptoms. I am 49 years old and in very good shape.  I was just about to give up with all the advice I have read on line until I got lucky.  I mean very lucky.  Let me list what issues I have after a good workout.

1. Body aches, not sore muscles. Especially in the back and the muscle that was trained. Just like the flu is hitting me.
2. No energy at all.
3.Swollen, soar throat.
4. Glands in throat are sore.
5. Sometimes a headache.
6. Twitching muscles, especially in the triceps. Sometimes so bad it keeps me up at night.
7. Run down for days.
8. Memory seems to be getting worse.  Epically short term.

I have had this for 6 years.  5 days ago I was talking to a coworker about this and a Navy Seal friend  over heard us. He proceeded to give me some advice. It worked that day instantly. He told me that I was deficient in Magnesium.   He told me it is common with the intense training that they do.   He told me to get a good Magnesium supplement that is in a gel cap so it dissolves.  He also said to  take it on an empty stomach and don't eat anything for about another hour or two.  He said that Magnesium does not dissolve and absorb like people think when mixed with food or anything else.  

So I went on line and instantly started to do the research on magnesium.  Well most of the symptoms fit me so I though oh well one more supplement to try and throw away it  does not work. I purchased gel caps of Magnesium Glycinate 400mgs from the local supplement store and took two in the parking lot with water.  I waited about an hour and went to Golds gym to hit a chest workout.  I did a good pretty intense workout and headed home.  I was waiting for the symptoms to hit but it never happened.  I just about cried.  I have not cried in 35 years.  I could not believe I just had a work out and was not headed home to eat then lay on the couch like I always do.  I had energy, and believe it or not more mental clarity.  

The next day I still felt fine. I could feel my old friend, real muscle soreness.  Only muscle soreness.  I was amazed and though it was a fluke.  Next day I did the same thing.  Waited about 2 hours after I had some food then took two soft gels equaling 400 mgs then went to the gym for leg day.  I had to test this so I went all out.  All the way up to 3 reps at 405 on squats then worked hams and calves along with abs.  Went home.  No sickness, nothing.  Again I about cried I was in total shock.

The next day I was sore in my legs and calves but no sickness at all.  I  took off Thanksgiving day and relaxed.  Today I went to the gym and worked back and arms, still no flu like symptoms. As I type this I hope it helps someone else.  I truly feel your pain.

The only other thing I take I read on  is a decent probiotic.  Besides the magnesium listed and the probiotic that is it.  

Good luck.  I hope this helps.  Thank god for someone listening in to my conversation.  It has been a 5 day life saver for me.

Oh I would also like to add that he told me that Lyme Disease seems to lower magnesium levels.  I have a family ranch and my own.  I am out working on it all the time.  I will get tested for Lyme next week.  My wife has it and has tested positive 2 times.

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This is now week 2.  I am feeling better every day.  My energy is going up every day.  This has been a miracle.  The best thing is how it is effecting my wife.  She has Lyme and no telling what else. He r joints are always stiff and her tendons ache all the time.  She is not able to swallow capsules so I bought her some powder magnesium glycinate she had the same results I had.  She can barley get out of bed but the next day she got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.  I asked her how she was feeling and she stopped in her tracks.  She said "nothing hurts" and she was completely taken by surprise.  Today I spoke to an emergency room doctor.  He was big into fitness and told me that in his opinion 99% of people are low in magnesium.  He sees it all the time.  He went on to tell me that I need to ad Zinc to the magnesium.  They work together.  I will try his advise next week.  for right now I am in a honey moon state with the way I feel.  So far so good and getting better.

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Just ant to vomment, in my case it showed up to be lead poisonin from the drinking water. Something my doctors did not find out, I have to do it myself.

So check what you put into your body.
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973741 tn?1342342773
I think it is really fascinating that there are well over 300 comments of people having this same issue!
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when you workout,your immune system gets suppressed waaaaaay too much to explain,but it has to do with hormones/adrenals/etc.These are some way to do better of this situation :
lots of vitamin c everyday.
probiotics in the morning on an empty stomach
try to stay warm
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I read your post. I also love running and exercise. After running, I feel tiredness so I don't think getting fatigue is the symptom of flu.  You should consult with an experienced doctor regarding your problem.
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Thanks everyone for sharing! I had tried all sorts of things and nearly thought I'd have to give up the gym.
I used to end up for two weeks off being ill after sometimes even a moderate gym excercise.
This is what I've been doing for the last six weeks and what kept me in a much better healthy state (I do have a slightly runny nose the next morning after my gym workout but it goes away by lunch time).
The list is:
No milk based protein (I found I'm intolerant)
No daily coffees (just occasionally)
Vitamin D
Some carbs before the gym

I'm not sure which one of these was the deal breaker. I may start drinking coffee again in a few weeks to see if anything changes.
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That's interesting that these things made a difference.  I can see the milk issue though for sure.  I think probiotics help with gut issues --  I'm a big believer.  Anyway, thanks for sharing.  Ya, I guess you could do test adding in (or taking out) these items one by one to see if you have a return to your past symptoms.  Glad you are doing better!
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After 12 years of dealing with this issue, and multiple attempts on what is causing the flu-like symptoms, I finally think I'm narrowing in on a culprit....Stress.  Ive been able to single out single triggers thru trial and error, and they all trigger a stress response in my body.  These triggers are:

Too much exercise
Lack of sufficient sleep
Mental Stress

I can better deal with the above if only one trigger is present, but for example, if i have a couple of days in a row of not enough sleep, and throw exercise on top of it, I'm destined to get sick for 3 to 4 days.  

So now that I know the triggers, and how they are related, I can work on finding a cure (if even possible).  I still don't know the exact mechanism in which the sickness comes about, but I think one possibility is that it has to do with histamines.  Antihistamines have shown to help out a bit in preventing the symptoms from happening so there's that.  Plus, i've developed the same exact symptoms from allergies alone without the presence of another trigger.  My current guess is that my triggers create a stress response, which in turn makes my body release histamines, which somehow are making me sick.  I have an appointment with someone that deals in histamine intolerance and what not in a few weeks so we'll see what he has to say about my theory.
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I have exactly the same triggers (except allergies, which I don't really suffer from).  But if I exercise, especially when I'm under-nourished and/or dieting, and I'm stressed, and I don't get enough sleep... bam, I'm sick for 2-4 days.  Sickness is headache, dizziness, nausea, stomachache, and fatigue.  I have had this for 20 years... the onset put me in the ER but now I just deal with it.  I have no idea how to avoid it and I've been to docs, searched the Internet, etc. In spite of there obviously being lots of sufferers, no doc has ever heard of such a thing.
This happens every time you exercise?
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I do know the answer, based on latest research.
No one of you is completely wrong, most of your
Auto-diagnosis may be right, except not the worst ones (I hope, but may be possible too).it's about stress response, so weather you just over train, or are out of shape or eat*hit, or suffer me/cfs(probably not) orare stressed, or have adrenal fatigue,or have anxiety or mood issues, or antthing that mess with your stress response , it's very likely you will experience flu like  symptoms. For me it was stress(unconscoius, since except some join/nerve painn I didnt realize I was so stressed) which went on to clear anxiety-tension(which added some minor sleep and digestionI trouble).
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Also keep in mind a stress response will raise most molecules such as inflammatory cytokines, histamine etc... it's natural, but if it's out of balance will make your whole system more reactive , mounting an exaggerated inflammatory response. If this out ofof balance becomes chronic you will experience a break down making your whole system weaker (I.e. more prone to infections ) opening the way to all sorts of problems (especially chronic ones, so be careful and act in time)
To answer to anyone who didn't understand what is stress, yes , even you who think you're gluten sensitive. You may be right, that sensitivity may mount a stress response too. Stress is not just mental, every kind adds up, so just stop focusing onon 1 issues, start to addres your psychological stress first (most are mainly from this source) and then if not enough look for other sources of stress I.e physical, metabolic, allergic etc (no not on Google, you little hypochondriac thinking you may have lupus or cfs,  you have medical tests to rule out those things).
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I posted 6 years ago and thought I might give an update that could potentially help someone with these symptoms. Before 2012 for many years I got flu-like symptoms after each workout and it took me a couple of days to a week to recover. I then read the comments on this forum and decided to investigate my food allergies and intolerances. I did blood tests and found out I'm allergic to soy. I also did an elimination diet and discovered that I'm gluten intolerant. I avoid foods that contain soy and gluten and since then I have almost never had this issue again. The only times it came up again, was if I ate soy and gluten for a couple of meals before. Hope this helps someone.
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While not a highly trained athlete, I have always struggled with inflammation and recognize a lot of what previous posters have mentioned. This webpage seems rather informative and I see now where I am sabotaging myself. I don't have a strong immune system and previously for 6 years I lifted weights consistently,,,once a month I would try cardio and I would be sick with a virus within the next few days.  Hope you all find the answers you seek.  Some might be on this webpage for you. Peace

I have also previously had exercised induced analyphylaxis...so histamine is also at play for me....I have a sensitive spirit and body.. I have fast twitch muscles so I can lift heavy weights easily. Cardio has never been a strength. I believe understanding your genetic makeup, past health crises,  hormones,  cortisol etc...and diet are all key to finding that allusive balance that comes naturally for many others.  
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Old thread, but so nice to see that others have the same issues (sorry :) ). I am 35 and fit, I train 4-5 days a week and hard. I often come down with fever and sore throat. So frustrating!
I agree with a lot of comments here. Allergies and asthma might play a role. Make sure to get enough sleep and eat healthy (whatever that means).

One question though, how many of you have just worked right through it? I get so frustrated that I can't train, so sometimes I just do it anyway. I can't go a 100%, but maybe 80-90% at least.
Does anyone else have experience with that - to just ignore the symptoms and train anyway?
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20797011 tn?1513631048
L-lysine is often taken to enhance calcium absorbtion and promote some help in fighting viruses. You were not specific on the symptoms you experience, but my guess is that when you exercise you don't drink water, or you sweat to excess.   This will dehydrate you and you will lose salt and other minerals.  You can experience shaking of the hands, visual disturbances, headaches, stomach aches, stitches in the sides, exhaustion, low grade temps and other unpleasant symptoms.  If this is the case, try drinking a fluid that has minerals in it like Cytomax.  Make sure you take in salt, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.  Take several breaks to drink sips (not gulps) of fluid as you jog around.  Wear a hat to protect from the heat of the sun, and keep your head cool. If you breathe with your mouth open you may expect to dry out the bronchs and get a burning sensation in the chest as well.  When you are exercising in an aerobic state, try breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth
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Hi all just found this site and think the autoimmune issue could be a cause factor in the symptoms we are getting.

My recap - In 2013 after leading a party fuelled life i suffered a pulmonary embolism. The doctors said i an auto-immune issue and vitamin d deficiency. Lupus anticoagulant i think they called it. Anyway i didn't take the docs advice of taking blood thinners for the rest of my life as i believed my lifestyle at the time was the cause of the sudden  illness and i could fix it without drugs. Anyway i stopped all drinking and partying and haven't touched anything for 5 years now and i replaced my party lifestyle with a fitness clean living lifestyle. Martial arts, Gym, Running, Cycling etc and was going great until last year when every-time i went out running within 2 or 3 days i would be extremely fatigued with flu like symptoms. It got to the point where i just couldnt train. Then i read about probiotics and gave it a go and to my amazement i would start feeling better immediately. However after a few days my eyes nose and ears were streaming and i went to the docs and he gave me anti histamine and again i started feeling better. I played tennis yesterday and today i feel like **** again. This isnt normal and i believe has to be related to the original diagnosis of an autoimmune issue. The comments on this board are i believe definitely in the right line of diagnosis - auto immune related.
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Like many of the people commenting and who share similar symptoms, I cut out gluten with excellent (though not instant) results. By week 2, I hadn't felt sick despite exercising. By week 3, I was able to exercise more than I'd been able to (without getting sick) for years. By week 4, I felt stronger and more alert than at any time in the previous 6 years. I'm now just over 7 weeks into it and am undoubtedly far healthier than I have been in a long, long time.

I had always been skeptical that I might have gluten intolerance since homemade bread was such a big part of my diet and I didn't seem to react quickly to changes in gluten intake (but apparently it takes a long time for changes to manifest). Also, I tend to avoid trendy health stuff. However, the other explanations were starting to look pretty scary, so I decided to try cutting gluten.

The symptoms I was having (all of which are gone now):

* I'd get sick for a day or two after about 1 in 8 routine exercises (e.g., 2 mile run, which used to be easy for me).
* About 1 day out of every two weeks, I'd be so "foggy" that I couldn't work, make decisions, or even drive a car safely.
* I'd get a lot of "cricks", deep muscle aches, and pain around bones.
* I was mildly lactose intolerant.
* I couldn't sleep after a single glass of wine.
* I'd crash after lunch most days.

Again, all of the above symptoms have completely disappeared since I dropped gluten, for 7 weeks now (much longer than my longest "good spell" over the previous 6 years). I now run 2 miles per day (my dog reminds me if I forget), I never have "brain fog", I have no muscle problems or bone pain, I'm no longer lactose intolerant, wine doesn't affect me any more than it does anyone else, and I have plenty of energy after lunch and through the afternoon. I also dropped 6 pounds despite that I wasn't trying to lose weight. It's a huge change in my quality of life -- so much so that it makes up for the lack of bread! (Though I have, since giving up gluten, literally dreamed about pain au chocolat.)

Other tests: allergies (no sensitivities), tons of blood tests (all normal). I haven't actually been tested for Celiac disease. While running this "gluten experiment", I didn't change anything else about my way of life.

My doctor was just confused about my symptoms. When I told him about the gluten thing a few weeks ago, he said, "Oh yeah, lots of people are trying that out and finding that it helps. Even one of the other doctors here did." I only say this to point out that a doctor may very well not say anything about "gluten sensitivity" to you, presumably since this isn't well understood and almost certainly wasn't taught to them. This is sad, because I've lost a lot of time to this, and I'm sure that many other people out there are currently losing just as much and are receiving just as little helpful advice from their own doctors.

While giving up gluten is mildly inconvenient, it's really not hard and is a good option to try if you're having these types of symptoms. It's important to note that it's not ratiometric (halving your gluten intake won't make much difference on the negative effects); you'll need to reduce wheat, barley, and rye gluten intake to essentially 0. You may need to read a few articles about going gluten free to do it successfully (e.g., soy sauce is ~50% wheat; ask for tamari instead). Further, you'll have to ask waiters to *check* that something you're ordering is actually totally gluten free (e.g., is the beurre blanc actually a roux?).

If you've scrolled all the way down here, then it seems like you're serious, so if you haven't tried going gluten-free yet, maybe this is a good option! Best of luck.
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I found out I have a gluten intolerance (high antibodies) but going gluten free was not enough for the exercise issue, although it relieved many other symptoms. I also read about leaky gut and imbalanced gut flora in those with gluten issues, and after reading posts here I started taking culturelle just before a vacation in Mexico. surprisingly was able to do two one hour yoga classes and a couple others on my own. I was tired after the first one but ok after that. Coming home this was weird, within 12 hours started feeling sick again, but that resolved in a couple days. Stuck with probiotic and seemed to help. Switched to align a month ago and feel crappy again! I am researching probiotics and while your pharmacist will say there is no difference that does not seem to be the case. I am listening to an interview with a gut researcher ( Kiran and can't remember last name) who says many of the probiotics people take do not work - just dead bacteria. He also said avoid all refrigerated probiotics as this is a marketing tool. If it has to be cooled it will not survive the high temperature in your body. Lastly, he said do not fall for the multi- strain marketing tool as that does not make a probiotic better and it is not backed by scientific evidence. A good quality single strain is better than a multi-strain crappy one. Sorry I do not have links right now but do your research and keep your sceptic hat on! I am still looking for a probiotic but have switched back to culturelle to see if that has any effect. I'm not saying it is the best but that strain has been recently tested for peanut allergy and so I wonder if it helps the gluten sensitivity. Just wanted to mention this for those that tried a probiotic and it did not work...it might still. I am also looking into hormone imbalances and viruses since the gi doc thinks my gluten intolerance is being caused by something else. Been sick for almost 2 years. Sucks but hang in there and keep trying to figure it out!!
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For people who eat a low-salt, or mostly whole food diet, you may have enough salt in your system for day-to-day living, but not enough for intense exercise.  

I was training for a 2-day, 200-mile bike ride and came down with flu-like symptoms after my long rides. Thinking it might be deyhdration, I spent the week before my next long ride drinking at least 8 cups of water per day.  But again got sick after my long ride.  

My acupuncturist thought I might be low on salt/electrolyte stores.  For people in this situation, the water they drink passes through them vs being taken up, utilized and stored by their bodies. Thus in spite of drinking plenty of water, they may still end up dehydrated.  

She recommended I drink 2 16-oz bottles of water per day, each with a Nuun or other electrolyte tablet in it, for a week before my next long ride.  She also recommended liberally salting my food during this time.  It fixed the problem:  I was able to complete my next long ride, as well as the 200 mile ride I had been training for, without any flu-like symptoms.
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1756321 tn?1547095325
I had flu like symptoms due to over exercising.
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I've had this problem for 20 years and no doctor ever took it seriously. The past two years, I haven't touch a weight, and would remain healthy when everyone around me was sick. Two months ago I started working out again and have spent the last two months sick. The last workout to suppress my immune system: one set of squats with 135 pounds. I keep dialing back the intensity, but lifting just obliterates my immune system.
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Dating all the way back to 2006, thanks all for your generosity in sharing and for well wishes.

Im 60. I think my condition started when I was much younger from drinking any kind of coffee or taking any stimulant—I would come down with flu-like symptoms that were immune supression-related, i.e. sore throat, fever, often progressing to lower respiratory sxs (symptoms). I would fight it off with nutraceuticals. I eventually stopped using any stimulants including ephedrine.

I am a runner and had run 6 miles 2x/week for decades. (I loved running, like most of you who were exercisers.) A year ago the same flu-like sxs would occur with that, so I cut back running to fewer miles and then less often and then 5 months ago stopped all together.

Two months ago I did go an ND who did labs and only found a low ACTH. She hypothesized stress-related pituitary-adrenal issues that also affect white cell function. Two months ago she started a slow titration of low dose naltrexone (LDN) to stimulate immunity and ACTH production. So far, on half of her target dose, here's my report: I ran two blocks 2 days ago and tonight have a sore throat, sneezing and am fighting it from going into my lungs. I'll keep you posted if it eventually makes a difference when she reaches her target dose of 9mg.

In the meantime, thanks to your posts, I'll begin with a gluten-free diet, try H1 blockers (antihistamines) and find a functional medicine internist who can check endocrine function and methylation issues.

Best of luck to everyone.  
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20248508 tn?1495096672
Great thread. Helpful answers
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I have had this since I was 13 years old. I contracted a particularly debilitating virus for a few weeks and went from being an incredibly active child to being bedridden for days after walking up a steep hill.

I have been to every specialist. My opinion of the majority of medical professionals is poor on a good day.
It has affected my life greatly and still no-one can tell me why.

Errr - bright side. I'm a lot older now and the severity of the symptoms have lessened. A lot of it is management and building up my tolerance to intense exercise.(very..slowly) I have dealt with this for more than half my life and it definitely teaches you hard lessons!

I'm hopeful they will develop past the vague and unhelpful diagnosis of CFS so I check up on forums every now and then. I am also looking into the effect of diet on your inflammatory response which I think is really helpful in managing the symptoms.

All the best to everyone! Thank you for sharing your stories
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I get the same symptoms as mentioned here, and don't have the perfect answer. However, I think it might be heart or blood sugar related. I would imagine we do not all have the exact same issues, but I would just encourage everyone to be careful, don't overdo your workouts, and maybe get a check up.
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Absolutely. What most people are describing here is best labeled as EXCERCISE INDUCED IMMUNOSUPPRESSION. What's interesting is that any athlete will experience this from prolonged intense excercises. As for the rest of us here, seems we are genetically more sensitive to excercise (especially with age!)

Read the article below my comment. It's the most compelling read about EXCERCISE INDUCED IMMUNOSUPPRESSION. Let me know if you find something more on the topic. I had prior read something about histamine release, however I find this IMMUNOSUPPRESSION study far more compelling.

What's happening to our bodies? Seems the scientists have not reached a concensis on this yet. But they do know that our body is flooded with excessive inflammation markers when we excercise too hard (yes, unfortunately for some of us that threshold is low).

WHAT TO DO? According to this article, the best way to manage this is to increase carbohydrates before and during excercise. In simple terms, this provides glucose to your muscle so they don't starve and are less stressed. Sorry, there is no compelling evidence of magic pill in the following of a a vitamin or mineral.

Anecdotally speaking: Carbohydrates seem to be helping me reduce post excercise problems. Sports drink powders is an easy way to achieve this during the excercise - keeps your carbs and electrolytes up.  As well, building my excercise routine extremely slowly (I started with 10 minute jogs, then added a minute each week). If try to stay consistent and if I miss a week I dial back the length of my jog a few minutes and start building it back. I can say I've successful reduced my flu like symptoms with this.

Don't take my word for it. Read the study.

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I have Lyme disease as well.  I started having symptoms about 9 years ago and was finally diagnosed about a year and a half ago.  The flu-like symptoms started after exercise or massage about 2 or 3 years into the onset of  Lyme symptoms.  The symptoms are worse when I do yoga than cardio/weights.  I think because yoga is so detoxifying.  I agree with @NatHenry above.  It couldn't hurt to be tested for Lyme if you are having these symptoms, but it MUST be done by a Lyme literate Dr using those specific labs.  The CDC estimates 300,000+ people are contracting Lyme a year. I never had a bullseye rash and I'm not "outdoorsy." Plus I live in Los Angeles which is not considered a Lyme zone, yet I have 3 coworkers with it - one was born with it. Would have never believed I had Lyme Disease.  Lyme mimics autoimmune disease, so it is frequently misdiagnosed.  Also this flu after exercise seems to be frequently associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which many think is actually actually Lyme. I am going the natural route to treat my Lyme.  I've read that antibiotics are not the best choice for long term remission; plus the long term treatment with them destroys your gut microbiome.  I have not conquered this flu after exercise symptom yet, but am confident with treatment, I will become stronger.  I just bought the book "Unlocking Lyme" by William Rawls MD, a doctor who contracted Lyme and healed himself naturally with herbs and diet.  I plan on following his protocol and am hoping for a solution.  Another great book is "Why Can't I Get Better?" by Richard I Horowitz MD. Best of luck to all dealing with this yucky flu after exertion symptom.  Hope we get a concrete solution soon.
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