299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: 4/20/2009 Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 36 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 30 weeks!!! (u/s 7/7) C-section 8/12!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 25 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 14 weeks!!! (appt 7/14 & 7/28)!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 6 Weeks!!!
Looloo: BFP!!! (1st u/s Today!)

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 2 more Lupron shots! =)
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal & looking for a new RE!

Rachjas: Transfer Wednesday or Thursday!!!
Mommyin10: Continuing Lupron & stims. b/w today; u/s & b/w Thurs.
kmcarino: On bcps & Lupron

Naf: Awaiting AF...

ad_06:  CD1!
Hannah: CD6 (appt tomorrow)
Pyar: CD10
Lina: CD18
mrspace: CD18
Candie: CD30
jmh2005: CD30

Well, my blood test today showed my estrogen at 265.  The nurse said it's good 'cause it shows I'm responding to the meds, but because it's over 200, they want me to come in for an u/s in the morning.  They said it's nothing to worry about, but in the back of my head I'm thinking it's gonna be too high & my cycle will be canceled...  Hopefully I'll check in with good news afterwards ;)

rachjas:  It sounds like your little embies are growing well! =)  I'm sure it's a little stressful not knowing when your transfer will be, but hopefully you'll have some answers tomorrow!  How are you feeling?

Stacey:  Thanks!  I'll be updating with u/s results tomorrow instead.  I have an appt in the morning...

ad_06:  Yay for AF! ;)  I'm glad she finally showed & you can move on with a regular cycle.  Sorry about your dad! ;(

mrspace:  Hang in there!  If I remember correctly, sometimes you'll O later when taking clomid.  Keep up the bd'ing! =)
49 Responses
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449498 tn?1338772039
Good morning!! :) Oh, I've missed you guys, but I've been SO busy with work that when I get home I'm exhausted! I've been thinking about everyone though! ;) And of course, I have to be at work in 30 minutes and I still have wet hair! :) Thank goodness my hair is short and it takes me 10 minutes to dry and flat iron it! My belly is getting huge ladies! I'll have tons of pics from our upcoming trip to post, so you'll get to see how big it is! :) We're going shopping for food, and whatever else we'll need for our camping trip this weekend. I already have everything else packed, which is a relief. We'll leave first thing Friday morning, but I'll definately check in later and get caught up with everyone individually! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Gotta run! :)
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: 4/20/2009 Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 36 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 30 weeks!!! (u/s 7/7) C-section 8/12!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 26 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 14 weeks!!! (appt 7/14 & 7/28)!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 6 Weeks!!! (u/s 7/9!)
Looloo: BFP!!!

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 2 more Lupron shots! =)
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal & looking for a new RE!

Rachjas: Transfer tomorrow!!!
Mommyin10: Continuing Lupron & stims, u/s & b/w tomorrow!
kmcarino: On bcps & Lupron

ad_06:  C3
Hannah: CD8
Pyar: CD112
Lina: CD20
mrspace: CD20
Candie: CD32
jmh2005: CD32
Naf:  CD32 - Welcome Back :)
mrspace:  I'm sorry to hear about the car accident, but glad you're okay.  Enjoy your family reunions! How fun! =)  By the way, my temp always dipped the day before my +opk, so keep up the bd'ing.  You might not O for a couple more days :)

Stacey:  Happy Canada Day!!! =)

Kaylee:  Happy 26 Weeks!  How are you doing?

Rachjas:  Have you heard what time your transfer will be? I'm praying for your little embies!!!  I'm sure they're growing nice & strong, getting ready to meet their mommy ;)

luvkayln:  How's your work week going?  Will you leave Fri or Sat for your camping trip?  I'm sure you're getting excited! =)

Candie:  How are you?

Helpful - 0
688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone.

I'm cd20, and got another -opk.  My cm is super watery and just barely ewcm.  I also had a temp drop this morning, so I think I will O tomorrow.  

I will try to update everyone later on today, but I'm out of it.   I was in a car accident this morning on my way to work.  So that made me late to work, and now I feel like I can't catch up.  I'm fine, and so are the other people involved in the accident.  I just feel shook up I guess.  

I have a family reunion for the next couple of days, so I don't know when I'll post again. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you all!  
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299260 tn?1304216105
That's so true!  Keep us posted =)
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465737 tn?1315754922
No call. That's o.k. though. I will hear from them in the AM. If they are confident enough to do a 6dt, my embies must be real strong!
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Stacey: Thanks! I know, the "crop" comment makes me laugh :) So my estrogen is still high. It was 469 or so. I can't remember. But it almost doubled since yesterday, so we're lowering my Follistim from 225 to 150 & I'll go back on Thurs for another u/s & b/w :)

Guesito: Surprisingly, I'm not stressed this cycle. I'm excited! :) It's been fun going through it with dh & he's done a great job taking charge of my meds :) The baby shower sounds like fun! I'm sure your daughter will appreciate it.

Rachjas: How are you doing? Any news?
Helpful - 0

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