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Diarrhea after Gall Bladder removal?

Since I have had my Gall Bladder removed in 1998 I ssem to have diarrhea and had been diagnosed with IBS. I notice that generally it occurs after fasting or if I eat a high fat content diet. I am wondering if I could have a form of dumping syndrome? I know that IBS can come any many shapes and forms but I rarely ever have constipation with it just diarrhea. Since here recently it has gotten to the point that everytime I eat (generally after fasting or eat a high fat contenet diet) I have diarrhea. It has become hard to go anywhere after I eat because I have to run to the bathroom let alone trying to go to work after eating. Any suggestions or I deas as to if I may have dumping syndrome, I know you are generally here for advice but if you can help me and point me in the right dircetion I would appreciate it.
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I had my gall bladder removed 2 years ago..it contained a stone that filled the entire bladder.  My diarrhea  began within 3 weeks and continued to be difficult every day...embarrassing at best, debilitating at worst!  I read a post by a gal who had her GB removed a number of years ago and, like me, didn't want a bunch of drugs and tests to get past the problem.  She tried Caltrate D+, 600 mg.  I think that's right, but I tried Walgreens brand of that and I cut them in half. One 600 mg tab cut in half taken before bed each night works for me under most circumstances.  If i do something wild, like eat a tray of spinach artichoke dip or other super high fat stuff, I will have some loose stool but not watery diarrhea.  It works!  I am so much happier and no surprises in meetings.  Try it...it works.  It turns out that your body absorbs about 60% of the caltrate (important to take the right one...not 'trix but 'trate) and the rest goes into your intestines and absorbs the liquid (bile) that is there.  That's a pretty loose description but all I know is that it works for me and I am soooo thankful to have read that post.  I don't want any drugs!  LL
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Hello everyone.  5 years ago I got my gall bladder removed.  Not because I had issues with it, but because they happened to find one in an Xray.  I've always been healthy & skinny my whole life and lucky to have a fast metabolism.  After my gall bladder was removed, it took a while for the chronic and painful diarrhea to take effect.  I have been given cholestyramine which does work.  However, I'm not one to take medications because I believe in natural ways to cure myself.  I did notice that after eating a heavy pasta meal, my symptoms were even worse.  So I did an experiment and my conclusion:  Go Gluten Free! I have been doing it and everything is solid now!  I feel normal again.  I still eat food with the same amount of oil and none of them give me problems.  I wish doctors would be more creative to find solutions rather than give us all these medicines.  Try it and read into gluten.
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I had my gallbladder out in November 2010 and have been suffering with this diarrhea ever since.  I can't eat anything without having to run to the bathroom..If I know I have to go somewhere I don't eat. Can't go out to eat unless I plan on coming straight home..which really *****. I want my life back..Have been reading all the comments and glad to know I am not alone in the matter.  Does anyone know if the Questran or Cholestid are OTC or prescription.  Thanks everyone for your help
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I have dealt with this problem for over 25 years trying all kinds of stuff - from prescription drugs (harmful to liver) to calcium and lots in between. Amazing I started eating a banana first thing in the am and the problem with diarrhea has ended.  I have pushed the envelope, so to speak, by drinking coffee just a few minutes later and still no problem.  I am very amazed.  The only other supplement I take is a bile salt pill when I eat a heavy meal.  I have been doing this for about two weeks.  Still a long way to go to be sure but I wanted to pass this along to all to try.    
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Really it's banana? I am also facing same problem. After taking breakfast need to run to washroom.
And facing lots of pain every morning. Please suggest something.
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use "FiberCon" (I got mine at Wal mart) I know its a fiber laxative but it works!!!!!!!!! had my gallbladder out in 1993 and had diarrhea almost every morning(20 years!!) :-( its now 2013. My daughter had hers out this year and I had her to ask her Dr. and he said for me to take FiberCon but not as directed!! you need to take 2 in the morning and just drink enough water to swallow the pills and eat like you normally do. and if 2 doesn't work use 3....(2 worked for me). And the Dr. said if you get constipated don't stop taking the pills just drink more water...I hope this helps..I know how it is when your on a family trip and not being able to eat because you know It will send you straight to the bathroom.
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use "FiberCon" (I got mine at Wal mart) I know its a fiber laxative but it works!!!!!!!!! had my gallbladder out in 1993 and had diarrhea almost every morning(20 years!!) :-( its now 2013. My daughter had hers out this year and I had her to ask her Dr. and he said for me to take FiberCon but not as directed!! you need to take 2 in the morning and just drink enough water to swallow the pills and eat like you normally do. and if 2 doesn't work use 3....(2 worked for me). And the Dr. said if you get constipated don't stop taking the pills just drink more water...I hope this helps..I know how it is when your on a family trip and not being able to eat because you know It will send you straight to the bathroom.
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Thanks for your reply but may I know who suggested you to take fiber con? Any side effect is there after consuming fiber con?
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I had my gallbladder removed last February I had the same problem. I also gained a lot of weight since I was eating mostly soups and plain carbs as that was all I could eat without feeling sick. I have since been experimenting, speaking to a nutritionist and working on a healthy diet for weight loss and for getting rid of this horrible "flushing" of my system. It's not perfect and sometimes I still get these symptoms but in general I am much improved. Here is what I've learned.
1. STOP EATING HIGH FAT FOODS: this is key, and it's hard. No more fast food, fried foods or anything with a lot of oil or cheese. Many times this is the worst part. I don't eat out often, and if I do it's usually a salad. It ***** when going out with friends to eat and I find I can't eat anything on a menu... but I'd rather munch on veggie sticks than feel awful.
2. CUT OUT GLUTEN: There is a lot of research on gluten and why it's not great for anyone's health. But I find I'm no longer able to digest it properly and therefore I get the symptoms everyone on this page has been describing. Cutting out gluten had the added benefit of teaching me how to eat and helped me lose weight.
3. NEVER EVER FAST: Eat small meals often. When you don't have a gallbladder your body still produces bile in the liver, but instead of being stored in the gallbladder it is released directly into your digestive system. This means if there is no food to digest then that bile (essentially acid) travels through your system, burning, causing cramps and diarrhea. There is also some suggestion that this burning of your intestinal tract could lead to other problems like IBS, ulcers and maybe even cancer.
4. DRINK WATER: the more water you drink the more you dilute the bile and the less harmful it will be for your intestinal tract BUT
5. DON"T DRINK LIQUIDS WITH MEALS: you no longer have a backup supply of bile. You only have the little bit in your digestive system at the exact moment you eat, so DON'T dilute it when you need it to work to digest your food.
6. GET IN SHAPE: Working out helps to regulate your system. The better shape you're in, the better your body works.
7. LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEG: it has the natural fibre you need and the nutrients your body needs.
8. EAT HEALTHY LEAN MEATS: Your body needs protein to function, stick with lean cuts, but don't skip the protein.

I hope this helps any one who is suffering, it's been a great help to me. I also take probiotics at night before bed, take DGL (licorice extract) before meals to help coat the intestines and prevent bile burn and I will take a bile supplement and a digestive enzyme for any large meals.

All this has helped me get fit and feel good about 95% of the time. I still slip up and eat things I shouldn't and my body reminds me that that is a terrible idea and then I'm back on track because I never want to feel that way again.

Best of luck.
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Try cooked rice in the AM, usually does the trick.
Remember the BRAT diet if someone had diarehha .....
B is for bananna
R is for rice
A is for a fresh grated apple
T is for toast
The rice works and also take your Caltrate, with Vit. D and minerals.
The calcium supplement is up to you and how much you should take.
But I take 2 - 6oo mg. / cut them in 4 and take them after each meal.
It is not meds and works so far.  The rice is a binder for the stools.
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I'm having the Same issue and I know brat and it is hard for me to follow by brat when im allergic to bananas
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I had my gall bladder removed full open surgery in Sept 2011, I have been absolutely fine up until a month ago. I could eat what I wanted when I wanted, had no problems whatsover.

But since about the beginning of Sept 2012 I havnt had a solid bowel movement, sometimes it just explodes from me not long after eating, it is often very bright in colour and the smell is foul! (sorry to get graphic), I dont have a high fat diet and I was told post op that some foods might cause this so at times I've expected it.

I have a dull ache in my right side just under my right breast where my scar is and sometimes it burns (not connected to eating patterns) in fact it was this pain that caused me to look these symptoms up and brought me here.

From what I'm reading this doesnt sound unusual :(
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OMG after two weeks after my gallbladder was removed it hit me real bad diarrhea.  It was with any kind of food I ate.  I didn't want to leave my house it was so bad.  Sometimes it was so watery nd sometimes it was yellow and the smell is so terrible.  Luckily my cousin told me about a medication this powder to take that her doctor proscribed to her. Tried one and I was finally free to leave the house and not get diarrhea.  Thank God for CHOLESTYRAMINE FOR ORAL SUSPENSION.  
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I had my gall bladder out in October 2011.  I recovered fantastically and have been feeling great since about the week after the surgery.  But, for the past 6 weeks or so I have begun to experince diarrhea and it has become more frequent.  Is it uncommon to start to experince this so many months after surgerywhen I had been feeling so good initially?
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2827584 tn?1340579696
I make a point to see patients back about a week postop and specifically inquire about diarrhea. If it is consistenty watery, cholestyramine is immediately started. The vast majority of patients will increase the dose to effect and taper off the medication over two to three weeks as their GI tract adapts. I have observed that delay in initiating therapy makes it much more difficult to control and requires longer term treatment. Research has shown that bile salt delivery to the colon results in more rapid transit of stool through the colon and secretion of fluid resulting in a "secretory diarrhea." the resin binds the bile salts so they don't irritate the lining of the colon.
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Happy to see I'm not alone in this world with this "crappy" problem! I had my GB taken out Oct. 2011 thanks to the wonderful stones that created so much pain I awoke from a dead sleep. Went to the ER got checked out they told me  they had to take it out and set up surgery for the next day because my heart rate was "too low".Did they ever think that I just might now how to relax better than most people? Went through it all had an easy recover thanks to the laprascopic surgery. I thought everything was all good afterwards until I quit taking the pain meds. Then I was introduced to HELL! like everyone else I could be half way through a meal or right at the end and not even 3 min after it would strike. Never in my life have I ever had to plan a route with multiple bathrooms along the way just in case. So since I run a delivery route I had to get this fixed ASAP. Went down to the GI doc and told him the problems and he was like "oh yeah it happens to 15% of people. didn't the surgeon go over this with you." HELL NO I wasn't told about anything. So what's done is done. He wrote me up an Rx for cholestyramine and I gave it a shot. WOW is all I can say! I went from up to 7 runny ones a day to 1 normal one a day. Not to mention the Rx is pretty cheap. I think retail no insurance is about 30-40 dollars but luckily for me I've got the coverage! A little note from experience, if you get the cholestyramine get nothing but the one made by Sandoz. it is a fine powder thats orange flavored and is by far the best tasting one I have tried.  Steer clear of the prevalite!!  I wish they would really educate people on this because the after effects are just absurd, what can ya do though! 29 years old with my appendix out in 06' GB out in 11' diagnosed with gluten allergy among others GERD and EE of the esophagus! Still going strong!
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I had my GB a little over a year ago. I was great for the first 2 months then the diarrhea started. I suffered from gallbladder attacks for 15 years until a smart gastro doctor determined what the deal was. I am 39 , 5'10" and 138 lbs. I totally did not meet the criteria for GB issues. But mine didn't work so out it came.  I am in outside sales so I am on the road all day. Having one of my "stomach issues" daily after eating has caused me to just eat a few crackers to suffice until I can get home. The extreme urgency diarrhea is soooo embarrassing when I am with a client.  Although it's great for your bikini figure it sure is tough on my attitude.  I am a hag when I'm hungry and I seem to stay hungry nowadays.  I had heard of the pills (cholestid). I am going to search for a doctor that will prescribe them for me.  My other doctor gave me the "magic sand" to drink.  I just can't get it down.  My husband asks me if getting my GB was worth all of this. My answer is YES!  My pain from the GB was way worse.
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i had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago and i know all about the fatty foods, the grease, the stress , but somtimes, it wouldnt bother me, but then out of now were , in the last few months i get these violent attacks. Somtimes they happen in the middle of a bowel movement . at the beggining or at the end of one.... sometimes the food dosent even digest and stomach acid along with broken up feces comes out ....also just before these attacks happen my kidneys hurt until it travels through my bowels.....the really bad ones make my anal area feel like im turning inside out ......i found a stringy film yesterday in the toilet after one of my attacks....chroans runs in my family aswell as diverticulitus...im going to set up a colonoscopy soon but i fear for the worst...seems that here latley no matter what i eat after a few days i have an attack and they happen more frequently.....i was 29 when the gall bladder was removed but ive always had stomach problems...im not sure what i have?
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I had my GB out last year. Ive had the same problems. But instead of meds, I added more cheese (low fat) to my diet, also peanut butter. Seems to really help and i can tell on the days I dont eat it. Id rather find natural ways . I didnt have stones, my GB didnt work. I did control how I felt for a year with what I ate. I know this day and age its hard Not to eat fatty foods or fast food.... But believe me, if you can do it, its better than pills and more meds!! good luck to all
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I had my GB out last year. Ive had the same problems. But instead of meds, I added more cheese (low fat) to my diet, also peanut butter. Seems to really help and i can tell on the days I dont eat it. Id rather find natural ways . I didnt have stones, my GB didnt work. I did control how I felt for a year with what I ate. I know this day and age its hard Not to eat fatty foods or fast food.... But believe me, if you can do it, its better than pills and more meds!! good luck to all
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hi, i had my gallbladder removed on the 15th june and i suffer from watery yellow stools after eating i looked it up and apparently its called steatorrhoea look it up eating less fat and things can help :)
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I have the exact same problem... Except I'm a 19 year old girl who recently had gallbladder removed (About 2 months ago now due to bilary dyskinesia). I eat breakfast and straight away (after a few bites even) I'm needing to rush to the loo. Should probably go and see my doctor I guess! Thanks for the posts on here, thought I was alone.
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Like you, I started taking Welchol 2 years after my gall bladder removal.  It certainly does help.  I have tried to go off of it just to see if I could do without it.  I take my 2-3Welchol pills EVERY DAY!   I went two years with chronic diarrhea and finally went to the doctor.  After being referred to a gastro-doc, going through an endo and colonoscopy, the doctor found a large cancerous polyp!  So in many ways I was thankful for the terrible diarrhea.  You just don't find something like that in a 35 year old woman with no history of colon cancer!  

I still have issues with GI disorders.  No cancer though!  I'm working on cutting out gluten again.  
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I also come to know that after gallbladder removal people will get Colon cancer. Because bile drop will directly falling to stomach or intestine instead of storing into gallbladder.
Please tell me if I am wrong.
1105423 tn?1258006976
Did the ultrasound show that you did have gallstones? I had gallstones, and yes, that pain is SO terrible, you just wanna stay in your curled up ball and never move again as to not want to feel the pain. I don't reckon the diarrhea is associated with the gallstones (if you have them; you didn't exactly state if you did or not -- unless im blind) but you might have just had something really bad to eat that didn't mix well with something, or you might have an early case of IBS, or a stomach flu. Have you had any diarrhea since 2 days ago? Please tell me you're at least eating a little something. I know the pain is horrific, but jell-o or crackers or even lightly buttered toast may help decrease the cramping. If you have gallstones, and have an attack where it hurts so bad, let someone call 911. Morphine works like a charm :)
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1103340 tn?1272755853
i just had an ultrasound done to look at my gallbladder but i was wondering if anyone has had this problem because of gallbladder stones or anything

the most recent was 2 days ago i had really bad stomach pain with really bad diarrhea  the pain came and went like contractions and the pain was so bad i wanted to die but nothing would have been fast enough its the worst pain in the world i would rather be shot the pain would be there when i had to push then i would go and the pain would stop for a few seconds then start again this went on for over 4 hours straight i had NOTHING left in me at all
i am having panic attacks because i am so tarrafide to eat because i may have this happen again the pain is so bad
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Hello, I'm 34 and had by gall bladder removed in Feb 2009.  Since having the surgery, I get diarrhea with everything I eat no matter what it is.  My surgeon gave me Whelchol.  I was prescribed 6 pills a day but do fine with 3 pills in the am only. It's actually a cholesterol medication but works wonders for intestinal issues.  No more diarrhea!!!  So side effects.  They only way to see if your body has adjusted is to skip the medication and see what happens.  So far, I still need the medication and I'm wondering if I will always need it.  I'm just thankful it is available and I have a normal life again.
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Is there any side effect of those medicine which you consuming daily. Is it helpful for you. Eating banana first in morning will be helpful.
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I had my gallbladder taken out 8years ago the only thing i have been able to tdo about the diarrhea is run for a bathroom nobody would listen or care thanks to all of you i will check into questran or cholestid and with any luck i will get my life back again thank you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                           swanny328
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