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SiCKO opens June 29

Michael Moore's new documentary, SiCKO, about the failures of the U.S. health care industry, opens June 29 in theaters around the country.

As part of the filming, Moore took a group of 9/11 rescue workers to Cuba to receive medical care that they were unable to receive in the U.S. All of the workers that were treated were thrilled with the care they received.

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Plateletgal, is EVERYONE out to get you, or is it just the insurance companies?

Illegal Immigration...a...SMALL...problem?

I do agree 100% that accountability with insurance companies should be more transparent.  No argument there.  The insurance companies do get audited each year, by the Department of Insurance, the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) and CMS (Center's for Mediare/Medicaid Services).  Trust me, you'd rather have a colonoscopy by a jackhammer.

The best way to have an insurance company lower it's rates is to go to it's competitors.  In other words, hit them where they live.  Easier said than done, I know, but we do it with Auto Insurance, Mortgage Lenders, Banks, and Credit Card Companies.  Now, I know this may come as some surprise, but these industries also have some multi-billion dollar companies as well.

We want a dichotomy.  We don't want insurance companies to post a profit.  When we are in the hospital though, we want them to have "deep" enough pockets to pay for everything.  Kinda like me saying I'd like to sleep with a nymphomaniac, but I don't want to sleep with someone who's been with other guys.  

Be careful what you wish for.  If you have Universal Health Care, the only ones you can sue is the government (the then provider of your healthcare), and how well do you like your chances with that?
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Illegal immigration is only a small part of the problem. However, the real problem are the insurance companies who are dictating to physicians' how often they need to see patients', what tests they may or may not order and basically... dictating how to treat the patient. Not to mention.... making billions of dollars doing this and as a result, patient care suffers.
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I think Insurance companies should have more accountability to us the tax payers and they should be audited each year to see if these high prices are justified.  
We passed a bill here in Texas a few years ago limiting damages on medical lawsuit, everyone for this bill stated our health insurance premiums would go down with the passage of this, well it passed and the premiums for health insurance has rose more rapidly than ever. That illegal immigrants do get better medical attention than we who pay insurance premiums, I've seen this first hand in an local emergency room, cause I was there! and witnessed it..........
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Please let me know where I am incorrect.  I'm not being sarcastic, I just want to know.  Unlike others on this forum, I can admit when I am wrong.

Don't go telling those who are comfortable being the victims that Michael Moore is wrong.  They don't want to hear that.

As for millionaires, how much do Deans and Chairs make at the University level?  It ain't 11 bucks an hour, I'll tell you that!  If you think University Systems are not big business, well...

Why do so many hate the wealthy?  Is it frustration?  Is it envy?  Is it jealousy?  

Please find a poem, entitled, "We and They".  It's very enlightening.
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Sorry, Bob, your comments about Medicaid are incorrect. And sorry to all of you who support Michael Moore, be careful, some of his information is very misleading.

I work for a large medical university that I don't want to name. My job is to collect payment from the insurance companies, including Medicaid and Medicare.

And just so you know, I pay way too much for health insurance!!! For my family size, I make too much in gross wages to be considered below poverty; but what I actually bring home is below the federal poverty level. To get any assistance, the government only considers gross wages. Figures. :(
I don't look for higher paying jobs at other places because my son will receive outstanding tuition assistance when he goes to college.

Anyway, regarding Medicaid. Our department has made the "business decision" to not accept any new out of state medicaid patients. The reason? In order for our doctors to recieve payment from an out of state medicaid program, the doctor has to accept their contract. Nine times out of ten, we would just write off the charge rather than go through all of the paperwork of accepting an out of state contract. Most doctor offices have adopted similiar "business decisions". Call any office and try to make an appointment with out of state medicaid, or even with your home state's medicaid.

Also, if we are aware that our home state Medicaid program wont pay for a very expensive treatment that is not life saving, our doctors are encouraged to suggest other less expensive options.

Mind you that our department treats adults and children. Most of our patients have illnesses that have nothing to do with lifestyle choices.

Also, when Michael Moore states that most doctors prefer that their patients have Medicare or Medicaid, he is wrong. Medicare, Tricare (military insurance), and Medicaid tell doctors what they will pay for a procedure, and if it costs more than they pay, we CAN NOT bill the patient.  Most private insurance companies are far more flexible in their payments and usually pay far more than Medicare and Medicaid.  Go to your state's Medicare web site and look up the fee schedules, then compare it to a major company like United HealthCare or BCBS.

The real problem with private health insurance companies is that their top brass are making millions of dollars each year, while raising the costs of premiums for those of us who work for a living so that they can stay competitive!!! If our congress would grow a spine and force these corporations to put salary caps on the executives or make them take a pay cut before raising our premiums, then things might change. But, I guess that is not what a free market society is all about.

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They should get healthcare, but not FREE healthcare.

Who is getting free healthcare Bob ? We all pay taxes and people who aren't able to afford healthcare insurance, go to clinics and still pay on the sliding scale.

"Talk about Judge and Punisher.  You're the one telling me how much money the rich "won't" miss.  Have you sent a questionnaire to them?  How are you making that determination? "

Where did I say that ? Are you confusing one of barn babe's post with mine ??
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You don't quite get my point.  No.  They should get healthcare, but not FREE healthcare.  If I make a decision, as an adult, to begin smoking, knowing all that we know about how the tar and nicotine affects our lungs, should I then get FREE healthcare, when I get an illness brought about as a direct result of smoking?  It was my CHOICE to smoke.  No one forced that cigarette into my mouth.  

Talk about Judge and Punisher.  You're the one telling me how much money the rich "won't" miss.  Have you sent a questionnaire to them?  How are you making that determination?

I see that you totally ignored my last paragraph on my last post.  Do you always answer just part of the question?
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Not everyone who is ill is ill because of "poor choices". So you like to make yourself the judge & the punisher, Bob ? Who gets health insurance and will live and who won't because of their "poor" choices --- so let them die ??
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I said it before, and I will say it again (and it will be ignored again).  I believe that children should get top notch health care right off the bat.  Also, those that, due to no fault of their own, contract a disease or become injured, should get "millionaire coverage".  

Where I separate myself from the bleeding hearts, are the women who download babies, with no regard, or care, of how they will be cared for.  Also, those people who put themselves in "high risk" demographics - not those that are born with a disease, but who knowingly make "poor" choices, I believe, should not be rewarded with FREE health care.

Your husband, the fireman, should have free healthcare (extended to the family), and should get a pay raise.  You will not find a humbler, more kinder heart, other than those in the military, than those who protect us from fire and flood.  The reason why civil servants don't have the benefits they deserve is because the same bleeding hearts that want to give the poor free health care, won't pay 1 cent more in taxes, to see to it that your family has proper healthcare.  The people you should be angry at, are those that you are agreeing with.

Seems ironic.
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i cant believe how the government can boast about being the best country and form of government, but will drain every resource of its citizens for their healthcare. most patients with terminal illnesses cannot afford even a fraction of their health bills and the government will turn a deaf ear.

this video got me really worried about our health care system and the corrupt people behind it
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There is something seriously wrong with the theory that people who have not got a lot of money don't deserve the best medical care available.  That is so wrong on so many different levels, where do you even begin???  My family is fortunate enough to have medical coverage, now.  How do I know what will happen in the future though?  There have been MANY times that we didn't have coverage.  And I'll tell you what...people like "Bob" who don't care about the people who don't have coverage and think those people deserve it, they don't hesitate to call my husband when their house is on fire.  That's right.  My husband is a fireman, and we have been in the position of having no coverage simply because it costs so much.  Where's the justice in that?  And while my children were without coverage and got sick and we had to make payments to doctors just to get them seen, we had all sorts of people who have raped, murdered, etc sitting in our state pen who got up one morning with a fever, tooth ache, whatever and they got medical help immediately.  Where's the justice in that???  And while you speak of these women, "Bob", who have numerous babies by different men, please remember that the children didn't ask to be born.  They in no way deserve to have to suffer for someone else's choices.  
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I saw that CNN program ! If you check Michael Moore's website, he posted a personal e-mail from an executive at BCBS. It is something you don't want to miss.... obviously this executive is very worried about this film.

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Well, CNN did some fact-checking on the film and decided that it's accurate.  Also, Michael Moore has a copy of a letter up on his website, written by an HMO executive who said, "You'd have to be dead not to be affected by Moore's film."  

The film is excellent, certainly his best work so far - extremely tightly edited, he hits the salient points of the history of private insurance in Amerika and the history of nationalized care in Britain, which is very interesting. There wasn't a dry eye in the theatre where we saw it. The stories were truly sad.

He's currently working on Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2 !!  This guy just doesn't quit. He's amazing. I *heart* Michael Moore.  

The sooner Amerika has a free universal health care plan, the better off we will be.  Don't miss SiCKO.  
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"If you want everyone to be covered, are you willing to pay 55% sales tax, like Netherlands, Europe and Switzerland?"

I just read your post from 5/14 up above. I just wanted to point out to you that Europe is not a country and that Switzerland and the Netherlands are in Europe.

In addition, Europeans do not pay 55% sales tax.

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Some can not help to be poor.  What about the older person who gets sick and ends up in a wheel chair uses all their money and runs out.  Come on.  My mother who worked for the government and worked hard and is sick now, in a wheel chair and can't get **** from the government she worked for.  She has little money.  She worked hard, paid her taxes and has not gotten anything.  She struggles to wheel around in a house that she can't get around in and depends on her children for help.
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Health care is NOT a human right.  Show me where, in the Bill of Rights, does it state so.

Obviously, you feel that the "poor". who make "poor" choices in life, should be rewarded by giving them free healthcare.  We do that already, it's called Medicaid.  

Someone, who is on Medicaid, who does not earn a living, and pump money into the economy, still gets health care, when they go to a hospital, doctor, or clinic.  Guess who pays for it, through higher taxes.  Those mean, wealthy people you so detest.  

Access to healthcare, and the quality of healthcare, are two separate issues, and you bleeding hearts love to fuse the two together.  

The reason why group health coverage has become so expensive is because, we, the users, have abused the system - going to the ER for something that could be taken care of at a doctor's office.  

There is enough blame to go around, between the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies.  But, we must also include the users of the system (sometimes, who abuse the system) in that equation.

That is, of course, if you are willing to admit that users of the healthcare system actually abuse it.  Or, is that just the RICH who do that?

Don't you feel ashamed that we live in a society whereby those who get "handouts" bite the hands that feed them?  Doesn't that bother you?  You really believe that someone who works hard, makes good decisions, and puts off immediate gratification for future rewards should be FORCED to give a percentage of that to someone who makes bad choices, and does nothing to better themselves?

The cold reality of it is, someone on Medicaid can go into any hospital and get treated, no questions asked, and guess who pays for it, if they don't have the money?  You guessed it, those mean, RICH people.

The reality of it is, that Health care is available to all, but, as you bleeding heart liberals state, the quality of the health care is reserved for the wealthy.  That I will grant you.

Here is what I'd like for you to do.  Next week, when you get your paycheck, cash it, and take 25% of it, and give it to homeless people.  Do that every paycheck, until you realize that these same homeless people, who tell you that all they need is a little money to get them back on their feet, will still be there.  There will come a time when you will stop doing that, because that person will take no intiative to help themselves.

As the saying goes, "Liberals are Conservatives, who haven't earned a living yet."

It's great that Micheal Moore exposes the problem.  But, what does he offer in the way of a solution?  All he is doing is making money off the poor - those that he is claiming to help.  How much of his money does he give to the poor?
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"My husband is shocked at how much taxes we pay here in this country "

And have so little to show for it - just a  bunch of money being funneled to Halliburton and Blackwater and the deaths of almost a million Iraqis.  Gee, who wouldn't be "proud" to be an American with that kind of track record?!

Yep, the inefficiencies in our health care system are well known. This country could save millions in costs every year if we had single payer.

Health care should be  a human right. Everybody deserves to have comprehensive care - everybody. I don't care if you are an Amerikan citizen, if you are a tourist, here with a green card, here as a student, an undocumented worker - I don't care. Everybody in the country deserves health care.

It's a basic human right. Leaving health care to a  market based capitalist system is morally repugnant.
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"If we have such a horrible system, why are there so many "centers of excellence" here in the USA? How come when leaders of countries are ill, they are shipped to our hospitals to be seen, taken care of and cured? "

Rich people can always get covered and get the best care. You just proved  my point about discrepancies in health care for the wealthy v. those without the economic means to afford it. Nice try, though.

"If you want everyone to be covered, are you willing to pay 55% sales tax, like Netherlands, Europe and Switzerland?"

Rates of taxation vary by country. Also, last time I checked, the Netherlands and Switzerland were IN Europe, "Bob." Might want to check your world atlas. Canadians, for example, do not pay a VAT of 55%. Their system  has been compared side-by-side to the U.S. system and comes out ahead every time - economically, in terms of infant mortality rates, and in quality of care.  

"Michael Moore is SICKO. He is overweight, diabetic, has HBP, and can't get coverage with an individual plan here, because he doesn't respect himself enough to take care of himself."

Doubtful that Moore can't get care. Moore is incredibly wealthy because of his success as a filmmaker. He can probably afford whatever health care plan he wants, whether he has pre-existing conditions or not. I guess you know the guy personally, though, eh?  How else would you know that he doesn't "respect himself" and you appear to know what his personal health problems consist of. Being overweight doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with having hypertension and diabetes.  Really, "Bob," can't you do better than this? And having "self-respect" has nothing to do with getting health insurance. LOL.

"Medicaid just raised the income levels to $44k to be eligible to have our children on assisted government care. These 44 million people who "can't afford" healthcare - do they have cable or dish TV? do they have gold teeth and piercings all throughout their bodies? do they have tattoos? do they smoke? do these people eat out at fast food 4 to 6 times a week? are these in-tact families, or are they women who have multiple children with multiple men, who don't reside in the house with the children (a form of child abuse)? do they have money to buy all the new fashions, paint their nails, and get perms, updos, etc.?"

This is the classic Republican smear of the poor - in other words, people who are poor should be "punished" and should not be doing anything except wearing rags around in public, not eating anything (because you would judge everything they purchased at the store or in a restaurant), and should not maintain their dignity by having hairstyling done or do whatever they want with the meager amounts they live on.

Frankly, I'm tired of this frame. It smacks of classism and racism, and the overriding patronizing attitude towards the poor that you've offered up sickens me and indicates quite clearly that the poor don't "deserve" to exist. It is not up to you how the poor spend  money. Sorry, "Bob." It's not your business, so butt out.

The mark of a civil and just society is one that takes care of those in need. That's why we have social programs. Your Republican conservatism has no place in this kind of society. My guess is that you are the type that doesn't mind that  we are blowing $200 million every day on the illegal occupation of Iraq, but the comparatively small amounts that  are funded to social programs in Amerika are "unfair." In other words, taking care of those in need is beyond your comprehension. Here's another way to put your position, "Bob" - you've got yours and f*ck everybody else, right?   I think we can all do without that kind of greed, selfishness, and narrow-minded outlook. We've had too much of it as it is.

"My point being, if you have money to get tattooed, buy a carton of cigarettes, and get cable or dish TV, then you have the money to get healthcare, you just CHOOSE not to, because people feel sorry for you when you are the victim, rather than someone who has made poor choices with their money."

Nope. Wrong again. Apparently, you know very little about the health care "industry" in this country. Health care is too expensive for 47 million Amerikans. 47 million. And recent polls indicate that more than half of all Amerikans, right now, favor a single-payer system that covers EVERYBODY. A system like Medicare, but extended to EVERYBODY.  

"There are some who just cannot afford it, based on what they earn at work."

It's not that they "can't afford it." It's that their employers either can't afford it, or their employers refuse to offer it.  

"But, they are in the minority, and usually get a second job, that carries the benefits."

Wrong again. Employers and businesses are opting  out of offering health care, at all levels - small businesses, corporations - they all recognize how laughably expensive health care is, and they are refusing to offer it. In fact, many corporations are now lobbying government representatives for a single-payer system.  Many companies here can no longer compete with those overseas in other countries that have single-payer government-backed systems.

My guess is that either you've never been poor yourself, "Bob," and don't understand the reality of not being able to afford health care, or you are simply one of the many knuckle-dragging conservatives running around thinking that your monetary success somehow makes you a "better person" than those without resources. Your lack of compassion is astonishing, to say the  least. But conservatism is all about punishment, isn't it, "Bob?"  If you can't afford to take your kid to the doctor, it's your problem.

That's right. 47 million Amerikans "choose" not to have health care. Wow. Now  there's some magical thinking.
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My husband is shocked at how much taxes we pay here in this country ! And the fact that physicians' only have about 7 minutes to spend with their patients'. That is probably why it takes so many visits before you get a diagnosis.

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Did anyone here check out MSN's article about health care ? The latest report is that health care in the U.S. is expensive and inefficient. America ranked last among six countries on measures of quality, access, efficiency and outcomes.

Germany scored the highest, followed by Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Per-capita spending in the U.S. (2004) was $ 6,102 --- twice the amount of money as Germany !

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If we have such a horrible system, why are there so many "centers of excellence" here in the USA?  How come when leaders of countries are ill, they are shipped to our hospitals to be seen, taken care of and cured?  

If you want everyone to be covered, are you willing to pay 55% sales tax, like Netherlands, Europe and Switzerland?

Michael Moore is SICKO.  He is overweight, diabetic, has HBP, and can't get coverage with an individual plan here, because he doesn't respect himself enough to take care of himself.

Medicaid just raised the income levels to $44k to be eligible to have our children on assisted government care.  These 44 million people who "can't afford" healthcare - do they have cable or dish TV?  do they have gold teeth and piercings all throughout their bodies?  do they have tattoos?  do they smoke?  do these people eat out at fast food 4 to 6 times a week?  are these in-tact families, or are they women who have multiple children with multiple men, who don't reside in the house with the children (a form of child abuse)? do they have money to buy all the new fashions, paint their nails, and get perms, updos, etc.?

My point being, if you have money to get tattooed, buy a carton of cigarettes, and get cable or dish TV, then you have the money to get healthcare, you just CHOOSE not to, because people feel sorry for you when you are the victim, rather than someone who has made poor choices with their money.

There are some who just cannot afford it, based on what they earn at work.  But, they are in the minority, and usually get a second job, that carries the benefits.
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It is shocking, the state of "health care" in the U.S. I would like to see the government open up Medicare for everybody ("Medicare for All" is actually a great frame), since not many Amerikans are "against" Medicare (except die-hard Republicans, I guess).  The latest poll results indicate that 52% of Amerikans support a single-payer system of health care in the U.S. That means getting the insurance industry out of it and having the government cover everybody.

When 47 million Amerikans are uninsured and have no health care, something is really wrong. Talk about the shame of a nation.  Embarrassing doesn't begin to describe how I feel about this situation. It's just shameful.

And, it looks like the U.S. Treasury Department is investigating Moore for taking those 9/11 patients over to Cuba.  I can't think of any better publicity for this film, which opens at Cannes this week.

The insurance industry is scared sh*tless about this movie coming out. Moore reported that insurance industry executives are advising their employees not to discuss the film with anybody who shows up at their offices or to take phone calls from Moore or his staff.


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I didn't hear about that yet ! It is definitely something I would be interested in seeing. I know my husband is European and he is SHOCKED at what he has seen here and especially what we have to go through with our health care plan.
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