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Heart stress under anesthesia

I'm a 44 yo male, with a long history of panic and anxiety and subsequent dependence on prescribed benzos like xanax. It took me years to taper off of these benzos due to terrible rebound anxiety, chest pains, PVCs, and tachycardia. My doctor and I tried propranolol for a couple of years as an anxiolytic, but I started developing more and more PVCs, including nocturnal ones. Now, after ceasing all medications for months I have a few PVCs now and then but I've learned not to let them bother me. No caffeine, smoking etc and healthy lifestyle including jogging and good diet. If I have any alcohol or sedative like benadryl, for a couple nights after when I wake up I have a couple minutes of tachycardia until I rise to full consciousness. Event monitor showed a few PACs/PVCs and sinus tachycardia up to 160 max. Dr isnt concerned.

Under general anesthesia or twilight anesthesia, might PVCs or sinus tachycardia upon awakening cause complications for the surgeon? Is the physiological stress of surgery added to pre-existing "touchy" heart (as my dr calls it) dangerous? I'm concerned that a cocktail of anesthesia drugs including scopolamine & versed might make my heart rate unstable, cause a panic attack, and freak the operating team out.
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again GROW UP!
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please dont direct anymore comments to me I am not answering anything else you have to say.  Were wasting valuable space with this nonsence.
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you know your right.  You just keep on harping and harping yet you have to do it on the forum.  If you would take a spot where someone could post a comment you would take questions from people also.  There I said it in my opinon it is you doing it.
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I found out the more I worried about them the stronger they got.  YES, I did have them skipping like every other beat for a long time.  Its a living hell.  I KNOW what you're going through.  Once the doc has you checked out and found that there is nothing physical what causes these skippings i.e. low blood sugar, low or high potassium, a thyroid problem, once all this is ruled out (usually these are not the causes) and your heart checks out o.k. try to ignore them.  I KNOW this is easier said than done.  I've been there where you are 10 yrs ago it was HELL.  After the tests and since the cardio told me there was nothing wrong with my heart except for a mild leakage (not suppose to cause the PVC's) I don't get into full anxiety when they start.  I still HATE them, but just tell yourself NOTHING will happen to you, maybe this will help.  10 yrs ago I got one of these episodes while on a plane and of course I could not get out, the "what if" kicked in and I was a total basket case.

Good luck.  Let me know what the doc said.  Remember I UNDERSTAND what you're going through.  I've been there and still am there at times.
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LET IT GO ALREADY!  Or you might get PVC's!
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now wasnt that mature to take the last posting.......lmao yes I have read the diclaimer.  You know what im not evening going to deal with you anymore.
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Dear Barb, Today is horrible. im sitting here having couplets... i think... one right after the other. tomorrow i have my appt with the ep doc in Oklahoma city. Im scared to death. these couplets are coming in bigeminy. did you ever have that? My gosh i dont know what to do.
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I've tried meds including beta blockers and they all helped a little.  The beta blockers brought my heart rate to 30 bpm I was taken off and I was on a light dosage.  As for the ablation I mentioned this to two cardiologists and they didn't put me up for it.  Unfortunately I do not have the cash to have it done.  I've an HMO health insurance and that is all I can afford.  Last time I checked you need the o.k. from a Cardiologist to have an ablation done I cannot refore myself to have this procedure done.  I've seen two Cardiologists about these PVC's. That is all my insurance allowed me to have is a "second" opinion.  I cannot hop from doctor to doctor until I get the ablation done which two Cardiologists told me I don't need. And I have them off and on for the last 40 yrs.  I applaud the people who can just "ignore" them without worrying about them.  But everybody is different.  Like I said you don't tell a person who suffers from depression "snap out of it be glad you don't have anything ornanic/physically wrong with you". You make it sound like people like me just refuse meds and any kind of help.

Maybe people like me bring on the PVC's more because we worry about it.  Maybe some of it is psycho psymatic, it doesn't matter whether mental or physical, unless you've been in these person shoes (meaning having their anxiety) you have no idea.  You have these PVC's and you don't worry about it, that is you.  My husband pops meds with alcohol and doesn't worry about it and says "if I die I die, what the hell".  Everybody is different.  But he is the healthiest one in the family, because he doesn't care, and doesn't worry but he UNDERSTANDS what people like me and his sister (who suffers from frequent anxiety attacks and PVC's) are going through.

I would ignore these PVC's too if not one Cardiologist says "don't worry if you have them during exercise" then you read an article BY a Cardiologist that says "PVC's during exercise can be fatal".

I thought this board was for people to help each other and not criticize people and tell people what procedures to get without knowing what their doctors said, what kind of insurance they have etc.

I UNDERSTAND that people who are not in our shoes don't understand what we are going through anxiety wise but all I expect is that people realize and understand that it is a problem for me and people like me.

Like I said before I don't understand how an adult can be afraid of a needle, but I would never criticize these people for I UNDERSTAND that it is a problem for THEM.

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I understand you completely, unfortunately I was medically retired from my job at the hospital where I worked last year,not because of PVCs, tachycardia and anxiety , but because of a painful connective disease called ankylosing spondylitis, luckily i got my full pension at 38 instead of having to wait til 55. Though I am not that physically disabled , but I was suffering from chronic pain and stiffness , also chronic fatigue and fibro myalgia syndrome secondary to the disease.I am still suffering from chronic costochondritis CFS and FM due to this AS, but i keep on the move.

Like you, most that I worked with never knew when I was having PVCs, when i mentioned to one or two persons on the job , they said Hank my I would never deam that you were having a problem like that and hiding it so well, working in the medical professional you have to put on a great exterior at times.

One big clue you had PVCs for 40 years, hell I am only 40 and nothing bad as happened to you yet,it probably never will at least not from the PVCs. I mostly have exercised induced PVCs though when I get my episodes I have them regardless of any particular trigger, I had them 6 months straight every day in thousands, I had an exercise stress test with PVCs during the test. Ignore the the doc that says PVCs will kill you if they happens during exercise, this is an "alarmist" and does not apply to persons like yourself and I and most on the forum.

They are some "docs" from the old school, no disrespect to them that has prescribed proarrhythmic drugs for persons with simple PVCs that ended in devastation, they still have the mentality of seeing a single PVC trigger V-fib in a patient that suffered a MI in the intensive and still can't get it out of their heads that this does not apply to  the general population with PVCs and write these articles , no wonder there is so much anxiety regarding PVCs especially when you read conflicting articles everyday about them.

Take care.

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Wow! I had no idea my question would precipitate such a long thread and rekindle the YAPP ("yet another PVC post") debate. Overall, I appreciate the overwhelming helpfulness of all the people who post here. Lots of different experiences and everyone truly wants to help others. It's a great thing to see!

The one thing with PVCs though is that when you feel one it is not only a constant reminder of your heart function going awry, it's very disrupting to your daily activities. Sometimes they feel like a small mule kicking you in the chest. Although they are benign (supposedly) it's still justifiably disturbing. Even if visual disturbances or uncontrollable limb movements were judged "benign" by doctors you wouldn't fault people for wanting relief from them and being disturbed by them. You wouldn't tell someone with chronic hiccups or heartburn or back pain "it's all in your head, get over it and be thankful you don't have a real problem." The correct distinction is between people's anxiety over PVCs, which seems to be more of an irrational mood disorder than a heart problem, as opposed to being disturbed by the sensation of the PVCs themselves.

By the way, it doesn't help anyone's anxiety over heart problems to see so many commercials on TV with EKG traces and voiceovers saying "you're having a heart attack, such and such aspirin is proven to save lives.. etc etc etc." In fact anytime an advertiser wants to induce excitement or fear, they use a sound effect of "lub-dub" going ever faster, or an EKG trace, or someone clutching their chest in pain. This goes for anything from commercials for statin drugs, to cars, to roller coasters. You might say "well just don't watch TV" which sounds like a good idea, but hardly practical. Ironically, when I used to have panic attacks a few years ago, the first thing doctors, psychiatristts, and therapists used to say was "when you feel yourself getting anxious go distract yourself, watch TV." Go figure.

Anyway, thanks for all your great posts and the best of luck to everyone!

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I came on this board for the first time several months ago.  I mentioned about PVC's not being dangerous, and that I get them while walking.  Somebody, I forgot his/her screen name said in so many words "lets hope that your next walk wont be your last" I don't remember the exact words, and he/she argued that it can be indeed fatal.  I stopped posting on this board for I don't need people to scare other people, especially people who are not even doctors.  Coming back after all these months I can see that there are still people out there critcizing/judging people instead of helping them or trying to understand them.

I never had any luck with bio feedback, but I would be the last person to tell the person who posted above, and asked about bio feedback that bio feedback doesn't work.  What works for one person might not for another one.

And last but not least people who already suffer from anxiety/panic attacks will worry about anything coming from the heart and that includes PVC's a lot more than somebody who doesn't have an anxiety condition.  People like me HATE to be like that, don't want people to feel sorry for us, most of our friends and relatives don't even know about it.
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People like us are NOT cardiac cripples.  I'm sure you are holding a job like I do.  No matter how bad I had these PVC's I kept on working and keep on working full time, go on airplanes, drive on the express ways etc.  I and people like us don't hug the couch and want people to feel sorry for us.  My closest friends don't know about my condition out of fear they would not understand.  My children did not find out until they went to college, and they found out by accident.  Only my husband knew. I sat through meetings with severe PVC's never getting up and leaving the room.  I had root canals done with severe PVC's and never got out of the chair, and the list goes on.  And I'm NOT apologizing for being afraid of these PVC's, especially not since I read that they can be fatal which btw I also read ON THIS BOARD.
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Thanks for your kind and understanding post.  You have even more things to deal with on top of your PVC's than I do.  I've a leaking heart valve besides the PVC's, but am not worried about it.  I got my first out of the blue panic attack when I was 15 yrs old.  Back then there was no understanding about panic attacks.  Valiums were prescribed like aspirin which were only a band aid.  I went to school and later to work, when a panic attack hit me I ran to the bath room.  15 yrs later I finally came across a book about panic attacks, I read it, re-read it, and read it again.  It taught me that panic attacks will not kill me, taught me how to deal with them etc which no doctor or therapist taught me, and I saw quite a few over the yrs about this issue.  I now have them under control 95% of the time.  However, I still have severe anxiety about test results and doctors and hospitals which I explained in one of my earlier posts that I'm sure it comes from my one year in the hospital as a 3 yr old child.

Thanks again for your understanding.

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Rick, I just realized that you also have PVC's.  I'm happy for you that they don't bother you.  I don't know if you also suffer from panic/anxiety attacks.  I do at times along with severe white coat syndrome.  I tried to get help, whatever it takes.  I spare you all the therapists I saw, the meds I took to no avail.  The last straw was when I made an appointment with a  Psychiatrist (since everything else failed) to get me over this anxiety of doctors, hospitals, outcome of medical tests etc.  I was told by this "wonderful" professional "to stay away from doctors and hospitals", subject closed, I was in and out of his office in no time.  If people would never get sick in their life, or would never have the need to get tests done, never mind hospitalization then that would've ben great advise from this shrink to tell me to stay away from doctors and hospitals.  Its not that I don't try to help myself.  I hate this anxiety, especially about these PVC's, and especially when certain articles say that you can drop dead from these PVC's which were btw written by Cardiologists.
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I understand everything you just said.  To a t.  It didnt help in my case that my sister was found dead and no cause of death was really determined.  She was younger than me.  I also have a leaky heart valve that may need repairing or replacing someday.  These pvcs scare the hell outta me and some days they actually make me cry. Its not as bad since the bigeminy is gone but I sure would love to go back to the days when my biggest problems were getting my nails done, fixing my hair and going to the tanning bed....lol
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Hi there everyone,as a sufferer from pac/pvc's I'd just like to say what a lifeline this forum has been, it's given me a much better insight into my problem . I know however, that if I had a really life threatening heart disease I would look at these days when the pac/pvc's freak me out and see that in reality I had nothing to worry about BUT everybodys reaction to a problem differs and it's not the size or seriousness of the problem that creates the reaction.

You can never look at a persons problem and say that they shouldn't be worried or to what degree they should worry, if they are having panic attacks because of something in their life or experiencing feelings of absolute terror then that sure is a big deal to them.
Let's all realise that we're all different and not judge each other too harshly.

Take care all of you.
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Today I load my stuff up and begin to make my way across NC, Will make one stop then arrive at Duke for the second ablation.  I am scared I will come home feeling the same, I'm sure he will get tach fixed but those darn PVCs I hope and pray they will show up so he can ablate them as well.  Is there anyone that has had pvcs ablated successfully?
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Barbie, like I said before if somebody suffers for example from depression EVERYBODY understands that, doctors as well as the rest of the people.  But people like us we are being brushed off with either "don't worry" or "stop going to doctors and hospitals" and this coming from an M.D.  Society is making us into basket cases.  How many times have we read about high BP "the silent killer", high cholesterol "a walking time bomb", I don't know how old you are, but wait till you get past 50 and how  many times you will hear from the docs "at your age". Side effects are listed on medical/pharmaceutical websites as well as on the inserts of the meds for us to read yet when I mention a side effect i.e. I take Lasix and I've read on at least 3 different medical/pharmaceutical websites that Lasix can cause your cholesterol to go up, when showing this to my doctor he said "throw it in the trash, Lasix does not cause your cholesterol to go up only hormone pills" which I don't take btw. And the list goes on with this confusing stuff.  Everybody is different.  Everybody has different family/health backgrounds.  You said your sister had a sudden death of course you're worried. I was in the hospital for a solid year when I was 3 yrs old with very traumatic experiences, ever since I have severe anxiety of hospitals and test outcomes.  BTW, I made this conclusion myself (about me being at the hospital for one year when 3 yrs old) that this is what causes my anxiety since nobody else in the professional world seemed to realize it, that this is the cause for my anxiety, I helped myself, but can't get over it, not even with meds, all I got was a washed out to tired feeling to do my job, and I was on different anti anxiety meds including Xanax.

Before people should judge somebody and tell somebody how lucky they're that they don't have a serious illness they should realize that there might be a cause for this they don't know about.  I don't think they'd tell a depressed person "get over it and be glad you don't have a serious physical illness" because depression is understood, for which I'm glad, all I expect that my situation is a problem for me, people don't even have to understand it, but please don't judge me for somebody you have clue about.  BTW. I didn't mean you Barbie when I said "don't judge me" I meant people in general.

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I forgot to mention when posting my last post about Lasix and high cholesterol, I did not go to my doctor worrying about this possible side effect.  Believe it or not I don't even read the side effects (out of fear I might imagine them) until I experience something I never had before and THEN I look up the side effects.  I never had high cholesterol until about 3 months after I started taking Lasix.  I had no life style changes, no diet changes, everything was the same, and all of a sudden the cholesterol kept creeping up, that is when I looked up the side effects of all the meds I'm taking (only 3) and Lasix listed elevated cholesterol as one of the many side effects.  Right away the doc wanted to put me on statins instead of switching me to another pill.  I refused the statins, if a drug is that potent that you've to have your liver checked every 3 months I ask myself what does it damage in the process of getting your cholesterol down? I did my own research on the net and found out that after about 6 months of taking Lasix your cholesterol will gradually come down again which is my case right now.

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Good Qusetion,

Biofeedback is learning to respond to what makes you or your body feel a certain way, what helps, what doesn't ect.

If you learn that certain things triggers PVCs, you can take steps to learn coping skills that will help improve symptoms.

If anxiety and over breathing triggers them you might learn breathing exercises to help.

If you suffer from them during exercise you might learn how to cope with anxiety knowing that exercise will trigger the thus reducing the frequency during exercise, maybe go alittle slower and longer, derive the same benefit and avoid the anxiety.

If you get them at rest, you might just get up and walk around the house or yard a bit, usually this provide some relief from the symptoms of PVCs.

If caffiene , alcohol or certain foods tends to trigger them , avoid the food.

Find someone the experiences what you are experiencing shares your thoughts,  fears, and cocern, ask how they cope, thery might provide useful information and lessen your fears and anxiety.

Learn what helps your body and mind to cope with symptoms and improve them to tolerable lveles or diminish them altogether, this is what I understand biofeedback to be.

Lastly don't let a "benign" condition no matter how uncomfortable it may feel allow you to become a 'cardiac cripple", I was given that label once by a electrophysiologist/ EP cardiologist, a label I did not deserve, as i was not crippled by symptoms, the term "neurotic" would have suited me much more appropriately, Iwas never house bound or afraid to do things despite my alarming and uncomfortable symptoms due to PVCs and tachycardia.

Good luck, maybe someone else could throw in their understanding of biofeedback, this my understanding only , could be completely wrong.

Hope you feel better soon.
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I had 2 successful ablations (RVOT and LVOT) in 2003. Like Suki, I had well over 20,000 pvcs per day (bigeminy, couplets, nsvt).  It has been 1 year since the second ablation, and I have very, very few ectopics now.  Good luck!
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Hi there
Just read your story and thought I might just tell you of my experiences.
Firstly I found that xanax and propanolol (and other beta blockers)worsened my palpitations - I took xanax for years.  When I look back xanax changed my personality making me tired all the time and maybe a little miserable.  I wouldn't take anti depressants for years because I thought they would trigger off my palpitations ...... WRONG!!!!  After taking the plunge I have found that anti depressants have helped me so enormously - I'm not tired all the time and feel so much more positive and confident in every way, I'm still getting a few palpitations but I'm not brooding about them afterwards and letting them stop me live, I'm thinking "so I've got a heart that jumps about, it doesn't matter".  So, forget xanax and perhaps try an anti-depressant, the one I am taking is seroxat - this anti-depressant was recommended to me by my heart specialist as being the one least likely to upset the heart.
2nd point of your post - arrythmia under anaesthetic.  I have gone into tachycardia a few times just as it is starting to take effect, the reason being my heart does not like adrenalin and reacts to it, so ask for a non-adrenalin shot and you should be OK - I have since I have asked for it.
To finish, I do have a genuine fault with my heart that has been found (scar tissue in the atrium) but obviously my rather anxious nature has really helped to get the palpitations going and I feel sure that the anti-depressants have at least prevented this particular trigger.  It goes to show just what our emotions can do to us.
Good luck, you're OK.
Best Wishes. Linda
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I was glad to see your post.  I tried to email you several times during the week, but was not able to.  Could you please give me your email again. I sent to the email you offered in the comments last week, but could not get through. I have lived in the Carolinas all my life.  
I have been to Duke heart Center, and wish you all the best there with your ablation. I have very minimal cardiac symptoms anymore.  Let us know how everything turns out.
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Make no mistake about this... I HAVE HAD HUGE NUMBERS OF PVCS for at least 30 years if not more.  I am just saying that in the context of everything else that has happened to me, PVCs were no big deal for me.  It is like being tall, short or whatever...I just dealt with it and really never complained until I had some chest pain.  They worked that up and found no disease at that time. Yes PVCs are annoying and can be uncomfortable and if there is a drug to fix it, take it or if an ablation can be done successfully, do it.  I would choose the route of no drugs and maybe an ablation though often other sites pop up and nothing changes in the end.  They are doing lots of research and I am sure there will be answers to all of this.  Electrophysiology is a relatively new field.  There are new approaches, new wires new equipment coming on the market every year so I don't think personally we are that far from having more answers to this age old problem.
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