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Onset of PVCs

I know there are a great deal of posts regarding PVCs, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. Sorry if this has been addressed before.

I am a 28 year-old male that has recently been diagnosed with an arrhythmia. I am active, I don't smoke, I eat healthy, and I don't drink any caffeine. A few months ago I started feeling strange muscle twitch-like sensations in my chest. After wearing a Holter Monitor, I was told that I am experiencing PVCs, but I shouldn't worry about them. That was the extent of the information that I was given from my primary care physician, who is doctor treating me and who simply ordered the monitor from a cardiologist that I never even saw.

I have been doing some reading on the PVCs and I think he was probably right in that I shouldn't worry about them for now. However, I have two questions. First, why did I just develop them all of a sudden at the age of 28? They were minimal when I wore the monitor, but over the past few months since first experiencing the them they have gone from non-existent to nearly all of the time. Second, does this condition present any concerns for future cardiac conditions?

Thank you.
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Dear stakan,
Premature ventricular cntractions (PVCs) are very common.  Almost everyone has PVCs from time to time but only some people seem to notice them.  The reason for an increase in PVCs is not always clear.  Of course the "usual suspects" must be looked for such as: increased stress, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, lack of sleep and other potential triggers. Another possible cause cause could be increased awareness of the PVCs.  Aging of the heart tissue and "stretch" of the myocardial cells may play a role.  

Besides the sensation of the PVC they are not dangerous and do not have any long-term consequences.   If they are bothering you medications such as beta-blockers or serotonin reuptake inhibitors can help.  In extreme cases an ablation procedure may be considered.
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Hi there, I'm not a Dr. but I am a fellow sufferer and wanted to offer support because I know exactly where you are!!!  I experienced my first pvc stuff at 26 and got the same results you have and had the same questions.  Here's what I have learned and experienced.  They can begin out of the blue -- no rhyme nor reason.  For me, I think the stress and adrenaline of grad school and "adult life" triggered them and that I had a predisposition to them (they would have come on at some point).  In my experience, they do become more frequent but luckily you are going to be mentally so much better adjusted to them you will be amazed how many you can handle in the future without flipping out.  I used to feel very concerned with one or two a day, not it takes runs of them for minute upon minute on end to get my attention.  I am now 36.  Most pvc sufferers do not have any cardiac problems -- they just feel like they do!  Try to think of them as hiccoughs (sp) of your heart.  If you do a search for pvc you will find reassurance. They are not a concern:  other arrhythmias can be (tachycardias) but you will know if you have that (I have psvt and possibly afib at times and it really is different) and even then they are generally only of concern if you pass out.  So enjoy your "skips" they are a part of you now and won't harm you.
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Thanks for the replies! The sensations don't bother me or limit me in any way, but they were very bothersome until I figured out what they are. I'm not too worried about them now. I'm still a little uncertain what syptoms should prompt me to have it checked again though? Increased frequency apparantly isn't one, but how much is too much? Is it your own level of tolerance?
Anyway, thanks again for the replies.
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I just found this site after having similar problems.  Over the past month I've noticed that my heart had an irregular rhythm.  I'm 22, I don't use tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, etc.  I'm in between undergrad and Law School, so I don't have insurance and thought I'd wait to see if they went away.  Since they didn't, I finally went to the doctor.  He said he heard a premature heartbeat (either a PAC or PVC).  They did an EKG and he said there was "One extra beat" on it and made it seem like that wasn't a big deal.  I'm waiting for results from a blood test (where they're checking potassium, electrolytes and thyroid).  These abnormalities in heart rhythm have become worse and are really uncomfortable, though not painful.  I don't know if it's that I'm more worried or if they're actually getting worse.  Is there any concern that my doctor may not be noticing?

So glad I found this site...you seem like a wonderfully supportive bunch!

Thank you!
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I'm 34, male, and suffering from this PVC condition.  For me it is quite annoying and often I am left light-headed and finding it difficult to breath comfortably.  Although it's been stated that PVC's are not harmful, it is hard to accept given how dibilitating they can be.  After eating certain foods, especially those with Phosphates (is there a connection?) and preservatives, my PVC really starts up and can continue for hours.  During this time I am dizzy, finding it difficult to breath comfortably, my eyes are glazed and raw-feeling, and the pressure in my chest and stomach increases to the point that I feel as if I'm going to burst.  The main discomfort though is my stomach.  There definitely seems to be a connection between my stomach and PVC's and I'd like to know what it is.  Each time my PVC kicks, my stomach seems to squeeze, or heave, and this convulsion travels up my throat - as in esophageal spasms (this is very uncomfortable).  Also, the pressure in my head increases like I have increased blood pressure and this can also be felt in my neck where the carotid arteries are - is there greater pressure going on here with PVC?

I am so unhappy that this condition keeps coming back and is seemingly getting worse, AND that doctors seem to be at a loss for treating it.  Thank you to all who contribute to this list, it's comforting to know I'm not alone with this.

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Hi Heartache-i was actually glad to read your comments because your symptoms just about mimic mine. Except that I suffer from cramps over the heart area as well, and other weird and wonderful things--like all of what you are feeling , but then it lapses into my legs feeling heavy and "dead" or my arms losing sensation.And then long after the palpatation is through, i feel weak and totally out of energy. I also notice the strength of my pulse differs. I am actually going to see a diagnostic physician soon to see if he knows what the cause is, as the doctor shake their head and try to tell me that there can be no relationship with heart palpitations,burbling stomachs, odd pressures in the head, numb limbs, slurry speech and double vision,back aches neck aches and total weakness and inability to exercise due to shortnes of breath and heart cramping /palpitaions. It almost makes you laugh when you go and see one of the docs and you know, before you even start explaining, what they will say.Do these guys think we realy LIke going to the doctor???If I had my choice I would much rather be lying on a beach enjoying myself.Top marks for this site and sites like this--at least those of us who are not crazy, but can feel theres something wrong can see that through self education we dont have to accept just what we are told.The medical profession makes too many mistakes to just be trusted unconditionally.
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I just found this site and it seems very helpful. I tried to post a question to the doctors, but the message said the site is too full. So I wonder if anyone can help by commenting.
I'm 53 years old and haven't had any heart problems (rich family history though). About 6 years ago I started feeling some palpitations or fluttering. The doctor put me on a holter monitor for 24 hours and the results were normal. For several years I used to have palpitations or fluttering for a few seconds here and there. I easily ignored these.
A few days ago I suddenly experience very strong palpitations, fluttering and what felt like irregular beat. The pulse became high and rapid. After a while it began to slow down but didn't go away for several hours. I called my doctor who told me to go to the ER. I went there, they admitted me and started running a lot of tests. Of course, I was hooked to monitors galore too. The tests included blood works, EKG (many), stress test and the one where radio active dye is injected into the veins and the camera goes around taking pictures of your blood flow to see if there is a blocked artery. All the tests came out normal. Only the potassium level was on the lower side of normal. I was sent home and told to see my doctor in two weeks. I have also decided to schedule a consultation with a cardiologist.
The symptoms, however didn't go away yet. Sometimes they disappear, then come back. At times they are mild, and at times they are stronger. Needless to say, I am very worried, which proably adds to the recurrence of the symptoms. Does anybody have any information or experience which might at least calm me down a bit. I keep wondering if I should call the doctor again, but then remember I took that road just four days ago and nothing was found in the hospital. I am sitting here with a racing heart (at times) wondering what to do. Thanks in advance for any comment.
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hearty--that sounds pretty much like panic attacks to me-Panic attacks can suddenly manifest themselves, regardless of age, health or whatever.Keep a diary of what foods you are eating for a month,what your stress levels are at certain times of the day, and what the heck you are doing at the time one of those monster episodes takes place, and see if this corrilates to any of your palpatations--there are many posts here relating to food induced flutters.Buy a bp monitor and keep it at home and check your bp everytime you have one of these episodes. They realy aren't that expensive and can put your mind to rest . At least that way next time you go and see your doc you can tell him-no i am pretty sure its not related to food but perhaps my blood pressue needs to be professionally monitored--or whatever. If you take some of the onus of your doctor and you are armed with knowledge, you can be at least a little surer that no mistakes will be made that could be detrimental to your health.I am still doin it with all my symptoms and i am certain that any day now ill get to the bottom of it.
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I am 27 years old, good health, average weight.  On March 7, 2002 I was laying on the couch and watching Fear Factor when my heart just started pounding out of my chest.  I walked around, took deep breathes and eventually even went to sleep.  When I woke up at 5:30 a.m. my heart was pounding so fast I could not even keep up with my pulse rate.  When I got to the er my heart rate was 170.  They gave me something to calm my down which still kept my heart rate at 130.  My EKG was fine but fast.  My doctor put me on a 24 hour holter monitor which showed SVT with my highest heart rate getting up to 180.  He put me on 25 mg of Toprol.  

I had an echo done which showed mild Mitral Valve Prolapse.  Back to the er with chest tightness, was seen by a cardiologist who increased Toprol to 50 mg.  One week later back to er - woke up with heart racing and haven't been able to sleep.  My heart rate was 137.  EKG fine but fast - increased Toprol to 100 mg.  Both of the last 2 times my potassium was low.  Scheduled a stress test and an event monitor for two weeks.  Cardiologist said he was not sure I had SVT could just be sinus tach. would look over the holter results and would see if he thought I have mitral valve prolapse.  Stress test was fine.

I haven't seen the doctor to find out for sure what he thinks about my other test and event monitor.  The nurse would tell me what she seen and didn't see.  When I was having some of my symptoms - she said everything looked fine.  It did show brady tachy and PVC's.  My heart rate was high on several occasions but I don't know the highest.  I feel chest tightness, palpitations, tired, and strange things going on in my chest almost like a bubble moving around sometimes especially when I lay down, different little twiches.  I feel like I sound like a hypochandriac and people keep telling me to get a grip on myself. For the last few days my legs, especially my left leg, has been going numb from my knee down.  I feel almost like a gurgling sensation coming up in my throat.  I don't know if this is related.  I have completely cut out caffeine and don't understand why this is happening to me all of a sudden.  I don't go back to the doctor until May 2nd.  Do I have Mitral valve prolapse, svt or am I just falling apart?  Is there any way to get a grip on this situation?  I know that something is going on in my chest!!! I am so glad I found this site.  I haven't been able to find anyone who understands what I am feeling until now.  Thank You!
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wow--its so good to finally see someone who also has these weird things happening--I thought for a sec there that I was the only one.

"I feel chest tightness, palpitations, tired, and strange things going on in my chest almost like a bubble moving around sometimes especially when I lay down, different little twiches. I feel like I sound like a hypochandriac and people keep telling me to get a grip on myself. For the last few days my legs, especially my left leg, has been going numb from my knee down. I feel almost like a gurgling sensation coming up in my throat. I don't know if this is related."

If you ever find out what the hell is going on in YOUr chest let me know plzz. I have also had tests and most are considered "normal" although I have found out, after a year on this slog, that what is normal for one doc is not so normal for an other. I try to explain that you can cope with everything as long as you know what it is thats making you feel this way--buti guess its hard--i know--until last year i couldnt be realy botherd with sicko's either.The dead leg syndrome can, hoever realy realy give you the s@@@s-and it can be scary as hell. I have been told it is hyperventilating that causes that--I was told actually that my arms and legs suddenly going totally numb while, for instance, vacuuming or other such stressful tasks as stooping over to tie my shoelaces ,and rolling over in bed whilst reading a book, are probably from hyperventilation???Never mind the speeech going all slurred and my vision blurring and the burbling going on in the area--but hey--prozac will fix everything? Sometimes it just feels as if someone is tying something around my neck-nothing to do with being out of breath, just a huge pressure build up and a pounding in my carotid artery in my neck as well as in my heart.My physiotherapist says it is all to do with  referred pain from a bad back, or maybe fibromyalgia or even some other autoimmune disorder, my doc says it might be IRS or some virus, my husband says hes sick of it-lol-yes i can still laugh about it-and so am i frankly.Im trying to work out if its a food allery at the moment and ill let you know.DEADLEGS SUCK.
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ditto to all of that....exact same symptoms here, scary because it is to the letter, what i am experiencing.
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well darn--i cant use the hormone theory on you then can i? lol---come on peco what is your theory and have you done any self testing--mainly for the sympthoms in relation to the numbness and the deadlegs? Any idea? it almost obviously seems as if there is a cutting of of oxygen somewhere in the system but is that possible?
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Glad to see there are other people out there will same symptoms as mine. thought maybe i was losing it. i am a 49 yr old female , i also have palpitations and fluttering of the heart. sometimes many times a day sometimes maybe only once, but none the less it scares me. have had a stress echo and wore holter monitor for 24 hrs. both normal. said i had 32 extra beats in 24 hrs but nothing to worry about. the fluttering doesn't bother me too much unless it lasts for more than just a few seconds. sometimes a little while after the fluttering stops my left arm starts to hurt, not really bad but just enough that i notice it and then the panic sets in, which makes everything worse. Is it possible to have heart disease and have a normal stress echo? does anyone else out there have the same thing going on with them? its scary isn't it?
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I was diagnosed with Afib 2 and 1/2 years ago.  I also have some epidsodes of PVCs and PACs.  But my message here is that I was a total wreck after I was diagnosed with Afib.  I was converted almost immediately back to sinus rhythm, however, just the thought of something going wrong with my heart sent me into a tailspin.  I have learned, and I want to emphasize "learned" to spend more time controlling my emotions, and controlling how I perceive life, and that really helped me considerably.  As one person commented, "What's the worst that can happen to you - you die."  I know that sounds glib, but that is the bottom line. I had to be OK with that fact.  Also, this web site was a God-send.  I was made aware that I wasn't alone.  
Thank you all for your sharing.
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I was recently diagnosed with Paroxsymal Atrial Tachycardia.
Does anyone else have this.  What caused this and what is
the treatment for this?
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Just a note to say that I have been relatively PVC free for a couple of weeks now and wanted to share this with you all.

I honestly cannot say exactly why the PVC's and all the other symptoms have mysteriously vanished for this period (kinda scary).  However, the general health of my chest is very good (comfortable) and the only symptoms I have are those that resemble flu or allergy.

Even more good news is that I have found a person who works for a clinic here in Seattle and has offered to help me with a number of tests to find out what is going on with my system. . . of course it would help to have symptoms to test (laughing) but we can wait till the return (AND THEY WILL RETURN, THEY ALWAYS DO).

I'll be sure to post what the tests reveal and if the docs can explain the heart/stomach connection.  I also want to mention that my blood pressure was way up a few weeks ago that might have contributed to the dizzyness, the eye glazing, and the chest tightness.  I recommend everyone keeping check of their blood pressure and changes (however slight) in their daily stress levels.  If you are experiencing ANY changes in your life - however small - keep a journal of these changes and correlate them to your periods of PVC discomfort, etc.  You'd be surprised by how life's "little" changes have "big" consequences with your system.

Things to check:

-Good diet
-Stress over little changes (especially job and relationships)
-Food allergies or reactions to various materials/chemicals
-Ellimination of other health conditions unrelated to PVC that contribute to overal stress but are not PVC-related symptoms
-Overthinking/focusing on symptoms and daily discomforts - this will kill you.
-Physical stress: get a deep massage from time-to-time and drink PLENTY of water!  Toxins in the body can cause all kinds of terror.  And when you get the massage, have someone you love do it, so you really relax and feel a love connection with this person - you'll thank me for this one.

I hope everyone is hanging in there and continue to contribute to this thread.  Enjoy any period you have between discomforts and really make the most of it . . . don't sit-about waiting for the next (innevitable) PVC to crash your party - we must break the circle of doomed thought!  I'm going to enjoy my breather while it lasts.

Lots of love to you all and keep the faith!  Again, I'll keep you posted as to any diagnosis and treatment the docs provide 'when' I finally see them.

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Hi Krogers! I would try checking your hormones - are you on HRT? At your age-  you are at the perfect age for experiencing PVCs related to dropping estrogen/progesterone. It happens in 60% of women going through menopause. CHeck it out! If your not on HRT - you might be surprised how it can take care of your PVCs entirely. There are saliva tests you can take yourself, buy them online. Anywhere from $100-200 but its worth it - then you can take them to your Dr and get what your missing in a natural cream or natural pill. (hormones). Good luck!
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do you think exercise related PVCs decrease if you are in better shape?  i have had PVCs for many years, but usually would only get one or two every once in a while, when i was exercising very strenuously.  now i get them every time i exercise, and they last until 1 hour after exercise.  i think i feel light-headed too, although i am quite sure it's from the fear i feel when the PVCs start up.  i can't seem to get it through my head that PVCs are benign!!! ps. i am not in as good shape now as i have been in the past.
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Yes, I'm taking hormones. but ,before i started taking hormones ,the palpitations were more numerous.
the nickname"hiccups of the heart" is a very good name for the feelings that i have. I am very much out of shape, but i am afraid to exercise much ,due to the fear of the palpitations.my mother has had a racing heart for about 30 yrs now, so that worries me. I constantly worry about everything. if its not my health , its something else. i know that doesn't help any.
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Kat - I have them too - at exercise. I just think when your out of shape, its worse. I think it can happen even to athletes as I have read and can still be benign. I think mostly its our anxiety - your right - as soon as we feel one, especially during exercise, they are much harder, and to me sometimes painful, it is scary and sends us into a tizzy. But I think they are much more forceful because your heart is working so much harder. I find that doing an exercise on an even keel like walking / something where the heart rate isnt up and down up and down, works better to keep it that way. When I really push it , I get the PVC's /the one time I had a treadmill test, the cardiologist (who is well known in Colorado) saw me throw a PVC when I got real exhausted and I said "SEE THERE IT IS" haha I was freaking out - and he just nodded his head. I said , is it because Im out of shape and he nodded. So I think Ill get into shape first, then if I stil have them, Ill tackle it then. But your so right - it is SOO scary and Ill be walking or exercising and WHAM! I stop and of course my heart rate goes up even more because now Im scared. They feel so hard during exercise that it scares me.but I dont have chest pain or dizziness / but if your hyperventilating - then you will get dizzy.
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Your symptoms sound pretty similar to those i experience at times, and yes, i do sometimes feel like i must be a hypochonriac, or a looney. "Pins and needles" in hands,arms, legs, and feet only occuring recently.  I am 36, and have experienced PVCs (11,000+/day)for about 3 years now.  Were less frequent to start with, and had a period of about 8 months last year when they didn't bother me too much at all, but now back with some vengeance!  Last year i also had investigations into a peptic ulcer/ eosophageal reflux, for similar symptoms. Scope results did come back clear, although i had been on some meds for it for about 6 weeks before they had a look in there!  (now does THAT make sense?!!).  However, i have not had the severity of symptoms since.
If i were you two (hopefully with good collaborative Drs on hand...), i would check out the Vagus nerve, which innervates heart, stomach,pharynx and larynx (especially you goodgal with your slurred speech - i have never had that.  i (and a medico friend) have been a bit suspicious of vagus nerve role but no hard evidence for me.  Good luck, its worth a look/ ask! could also be worth looking into estrogen, calcium, magnesium levels, as a few different posting sites/archives have suggested differing insights involving these.

"Heartache", enjoy your break from pounding chest etc. - it really is sweet!  And yes i think lack of sleep is a big player in my case, but i'm never sure if it is the chicken or the egg ie. i don't sleep that well when PVCs play-up, as sometimes they wake me up with the force, but then again other times when i am skimping on sleep trying to get more things done they can become much worse. Ahh well,.... i fall back on the much spouted claims of the experts that it is not a life-threatening condition ... which makes me wonder if that is why there is so little research done on the nasty, annoying, life-quality effecting buggers!!!

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Not sure if this will help anyone... but today, after suffering through nearly 24 hours of continual palpitations, I decided to throw caution to the wind and have an actual caffeine-laden cola, something I haven't done in weeks. I figured if I was going to have palpitations, I might as well enjoy myself a little.

Darned if the fluttering and whumping didn't stop almost immediately after finishing it. I've been PVC-free for over four hours now, which  is something of a record for me. I guess I'm wired backwards, because I think the caffeine managed to calm the misfires down somehow. I ain't complaining...

Anyway, there may be at least one of you out there that this may help.

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thought i would just throw this in. my palpitations do seem to  get worse when i take pain medication. does anyone else have this to happen to them?
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hi guys--just thought id let you know-after all the testing and having been labelled a hypochondriac, a panic attack sufferer, told to take Prozac for anxiety and told that there was no way all the symptoms I had could be happening --i pushed through and demanded furthr investigations--and guess what. A tumor the size of a grapefruit, a uterus enlarged 4 times the size it should be, bloating up at different times of the month causing --yup==palpatations, numbness etc etc, digestion upsets due to a sudden fall in hormonal levels, causing food allerys causing gas causing more swelling pushing up onto my heart. DONT GIVE UP--keep questioning everything--dont trust blindly!!! and SPECIALLY not if you are female.!!! ordinary GPS are a worthless bunch more worried about their next game of golf or their luchdate witht the reps from the pharmaceutical companies.God save th specialists!!! Sorry if i sound a wee bit synical-if i had given up i God knows what would have happened.Anyway--fingers crossed.Sites like this keep you motivated.
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