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First i would like to tell you that i find this site very helpful when i am having palpitations , as do lots of others from what i am reading and i will apologize before hand for asking the same palpitation questions . however even though we all have them they are a very personal thing in that for myself i talk myself into thinking that they are so different from what others are experiencing. so on to my question i have what feels like a skipped beat then a really hard thump then some times it feels like it is quivering for a minute then a missed beat they feel so scarry it is almost debilitating as i find myself like all the others fixated on them just waiting for it to happen again. ive had all the tests however they never happen when im on the holter or echo this causes me more stress like im going to drop dead from them. im 30 female non smoker drinker on occasion even this is causing palpitations.
i do have anxiety disorder and probably alot of unresolved anxiety from my child hood, i have fixated on my own mortality and think that this could obviously be causing me some of these problems.
so not to post the same old question but i feel like i need a personal opinion oh im also taking paxil only 10 mg a day sub theraputic i know im very stubborn about meds. i will seek therapy for anxiety but in your opinion if these do not show up when im being tested how do they know what really is happening.
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I also have really bad anxiety attacks I've had them since I was 12 years old and continue to get them now that I am almost 23 I was put on paxil which didnt really help then after a year and a half I tried to get off it and had severe withdrawal symptoms. I then ended up in the hospital when I had a severe anxiety attack ( which I give credit to my ex on that ) and had a heart rate of 180, I was wheezing and had severe "pins and needles" a sensation that like when your foot falls asleep and it tingles severly except it was all over my body including my eyes and mouth. The emergency room dr then put me on Propranolol 10mg and I've been on it ever since. It has been working pretty well. I noticed caffiene, sugar and diet has A LOT to do with these attacks. Anything that raises your heart rate even b vitamins! You also need to manage your stress levels try to relax and breath through them the more you worry the worst you get. I prefer a cold shower also. Lately I was having more panic attacks at night and I started to have this fear of going to sleep that I may die from a panic attack. But you know what I realized I thought to myself you know what I'm sock of living in fear of this I've had it for so long I havnt died yet so screw it if I die then I die but I'm not gonna live my life in fear. We all have to die someday and I'm not gonna live in fear anymore. And I've been pretty great ever since!! Good luck guys!
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A related discussion, palpitaions with heavy breathing and pricks ? was started.
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Hi All, this site has helped me so much.
I have been dealing with PAC'S since 1998. It was a fairly stressfull time of my life and was drinking alot of coffee, eating choclates and smoking. I started to play alot of intense video games during that time also. I ended up in the ER at 2:00 AM with skipped beats. It really freaked me out. I was 38 yrs old then and in OK shape with good blood work. I went ahead and did a stress test on a treadmill and an echcardiogram which all came back VERY normal. I have always worked out and played sports. The PAC's became more frequent especially after drinking alcohol and lack of SLEEP. I then went to a shrink for coping help and she put me on SERZONE 150mg /day which helped a bit. The one sideeffect was I put on weight. I went from 188lbs to 205lbs. I stayed on it for a year during which I started to visit the gym again(which I stopped because of fear of PAC'S) I slowly regained my confidence and started to cycle (Road bike) seriously. I took myself off of the serzone and everything was OK. I started to race bikes in 2004 which I did quite well. I would get a run of PAC'S if I rode too hard following the ride especially when I was trying to got to sleep. They seem to know when you need to sleep it seems.
My mom passed away suddenly last December 2004 and the skipped beats came back with a vengance. I went on Xanax, Ativan and Ambien to sleep. That was a mistake. After a while those drugs actually make you have more PAC's. I developed digestion problems which made more PAC's. I soon realised that certain foods with preservites (Hot dogs meat, ham, Tacos, Chinese food) were making me worse. I must state here that the relisation came after months of trial and error and great stress. Went for another echo which came back Very OK,but with "sinus with frequent pac's". I was going crazy with trying to find out if they were being caused by 1. my mind(Anxiety) 0r 2. external sourse (food etc.) I am still not sure, but I tell you that what you eat has alot to do with it. If you can find your trigger foods and eliminate them (caffine, Sodium benzonate etc) it will help lots. Keep stress factors low, excercise moderatly and don't play intense video games! It took me about 6 months to come to terms with these weird sensations.
Getting your fear of them under control is of paramount importance. Easy to say but very difficult to do. If you suffered from anxiety like me, know that nerves heal very slowly, but they heal. With patience and time and lots of good quality sleep, you nerves will improve and may become a more tolerant person which in this day and age ain't bad. God bless.
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WOW! I just found this site and never realized so many people's hearts do so many strange things!
In April of 2005 I went to the ER with my heart racing, the EKG showed 186-200 bpm, and had been happening for over two hours.
Anyway, the ER doc didn't believe that it was anxiety, as a previous doc had told me years ago.
I still haven't had all the tests done, so I still don't know for sure!  I'm looking for a new doc, needless to say.

If anxiety is the primay cause of your palpitations maybe a psychiatrist could help with meds and therapy.  I have been in therapy for major depression for years, and have tried lots of meds and had good luck with most of them.  I think the most prescribed anti-anxiety med is Xanax, at least that is what the first doc gave me.

Good luck to you
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What is your problem? You keep posting that nonsensical question on several questions. This is a serious board, so please go bother someone else. We know you are a serious mouth breather, so go bother them. As for palpitations, I have had them for years. No matter how many tests, etc...I know they are benign, but they are still scary. What is interesting is that in the past few years they have really decreased, only because I think I have been able to relax a bit more. I truly feel sorry for anyone who goes through this. It has affected my activities since I was a kid. I have had PVC's or PAC's and a few bouts with PSVT. All very unnerving. Just hang in there, and realize if that is your only symptom, you more than likely have nothing to worry about.
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I have been having this latest bout for about 2 months.  I wish I could go back to almost normal for awhile and give it a rest.  I also would like to say that I have seen MANY psychiatrists, and psychologists, etc over the years for anxiety.  Well, guess what?  They don't help.  If they can't make these things go away, they can't make my anxiety go away.  Simple as that.  I'm also tired of different meds.  Sometimes they GIVE me worse arrythmias.  And just try to talk to anyone who doesn't have them.....
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I have had similar Experiences.  I hope whoever reads this can find some help from it.

I am 25 years old now and when I was 20 I had my first Panic attack.  My heart raced and it was horrible.  I became so concerned I had a heart problem I could get nothing done.  My heart always skipped beats, but I had to Finger my pulse to detect it My Panic attacks slowly went away for about 2 years after about 6 months of an agoraphobic existance so for 3 years I still worried about my heart, but didn't let it bother me.  I started my own business and a little over a year ago I noticed my first PVC's  I went to Amherst Hospital and They admitted me for cardia Arrythmia.  the Cardiologist didn't show up because of the Ohio State Game!!!  And I'm convinced I have a Heart Condition and I didn't see the Cardiologist!!!!!  (His name is shaffer if you see him tell him he sucks:) Long story short I went to the hospital about 12 times in all.  and about 2 months ago I came to this site and made an appointment for the Cleveland Clinic.  I saw Dr. Martin and He did the Workup and did a 24 Hour Holter.  I was explained Exactly what was going on and how It's a big pain in the ***, , but not harmful.  after a little withrawl from being convinced I was going to die a sudden and uncontrollable death,  I was out on my jet ski today and Have had no trouble.  The money I wasted on this is Astronomical, , I would have the Corvette I wanted :) I cope by thinking If I had a bad ankle, and it hurt from time to time it's no different.  you have to tell yourself your going to live!!!  But have the CCF doctors do a work up, they are truly the Best!!!
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I know many have said this, but you are not alone.  I started having racing heatbeats about three months ago.  They were mostly in the mornings, (and after some meals) but gradually began to start at anytime.  I do have substantial anxiety issues, and my doc realized this and sent me for counseling.  In the interium I am on Atenolol 25mg, which has really helped.  I saw an endocrinologist, who told me I was fine, maybe a bit hypoglycemic (mostly reactive) but could not stress more that I must get my anxiety under control.  I saw a cardiologist last week, my EKG was as normal as they come.  He scheduled a stress test, echo, and wants me to wear a halter monitor.  He told me this is not my heart, but a byproduct of my stress and the re-active hypoglycemia.  The one thing all my doctors have said, I must eliminate my stress and that I must go to the gym and exercise.  This seems to be the main issue.  When I am active, I do not worry and my heart rate goes down.  A lot of us have this, it is very debilitating, if you let it be. Good luck, I am in the same boat you are, but I am working at it.
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Can I ask (this is important as I'm trying to compile information which may help me move closer to the possible cause of these annoying, harmless beats): if you breathe mostly through your mouth, can you post 'MOUTH', or if through the nose, post 'NOSE'. If you are always struggling for air (as an annoying habit), post 'AIR HUNGER'.


I'll get back to you.
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I have been having pvc's and pac's for ten years and an increase within the past three years. Scared when there are so many and trying to rest or just sit and work.
I have to walk every day , it helps both mentally and physically. Some of the medication options can lower b/p and I have low b/p already. One time in Urgent Care they said my potassium was low and gave me tablets that helped.
Healthy heart lifestyle but wish they would stop forever. No chest flip flops ..........What peace.
I joined a MVPS support group and learn from others too.
Thanks for sharing
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HI everyone.. i too have suffered with PVc for years, I am on a combo of calcium channel blocker due to a heart spasm i had last year and a low dose beta blocker. It seems to be working for the time being. They do break through when it is that time of the month however. I had a bad time when I took Paxil. I have been on Ativan for a bout a year for anxiety and it has worked for me without too many effects. Paxil kicked my PVc's in big time, so I never tried anohter anti depressant. I would like to try something more long term theuraputic as opposed to the short acting addictive ativan. if anyone has suggestions??
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I feel for everyone and can totally relate!Sometimes we can get a skipped beat and a thump,maybe a little vibration or flutter,a little eratic beat,a fast tachy,a pain withit,it may catch our breath,make you a little dizzy,the list of sensations can go on and on!We get them when we are just resting,or being active,eating,after eating.When and where these ugly little monsters choose to show their ugly faces has no rhyme or reason!
And yes we can wear monitors to catch them.But for me its like fishing,once they see the bait the scarey ones I want caught never come out!!So Im tired of it all!Most of them Ive learned to blow off,but there is still those that scare the you know what out of you!.When I get those I really try to refocus on to something else.That means that some times I have to push myself to keep up with my regular schedule.If I dont they get worse.I try to stay stress free,and with six children that I home school it can be a challenge.For those ladies that are pregnant and get a fast heartbeat that wont stop sitting down with a cold glass of ice water and relaxing and drinking slowly,and maybe something to read to help get your mind off your heartbeat will usually help.But they do have meds. for pg women that dont seem to get relief that is safe for baby.We cannot let this condition controll our lives!!Fear is a thief!!It will rob you of all joy and peace:( Ive also learned that worry has nothing to offer and doesnt had one day to our lives,but like the wind and fire will only add fuel for fear.My prayer for everyone is that if we have to live with these pvcs I pray that we can do just that live day to day to the fullest and dont let Fear rule you!God Bless~momof6
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I am so glad to hear of others that are pregnant and suffer from these horrible PVC's.  I'm 29 and 4 1/2 months pregnant.  I have had PVC since 17 but it wasn't until I had my last baby almost 2 years ago that they got to where they scare me to death.  

Before that, I would only get one PVC here and there, but after having my last baby, I have been getting many PVC's in a row which scare the daylights out of me.  I had a huge attack when my last baby was 1 week old, I was really stressed out with the nursing and I was just loading the dishwasher and felt one PVC, then another, then another, right in a row and I paniced, thinking my heart wasn't going to go back into rhythem like it normaly did in the past.  My body felt low on oxygen, thought I was going to die from lack of oxygen.  When my heart finaly came back around, my heartrate was sky high, don't know exactly what it was but I was hyperventalating from it beating so fast.  

So ever since that severe attack, I can't help but to get that anxiety feeling when I feel the thump from my PVC.  I get a pit in my stomach and feel like I need to escape, which sometimes makes the PVC's stronger and get more in a row.  I don't understand how to NOT get many in a row and I often wonder if it is dangerous.  I hear all the time here that PVCs have not killed anyone and are not dangerous, but how can they not be when you get several in a row and your body isn't getting the oxygen it needs?  It scares the daylights out of me.  

I'm pregnant so I would like to stay away from any medication if possible and learn to deal with it, but I'm wondering if there is a quick fix, like a little trick I can do, if I'm getting more than one in a row.  I can handle one PVC, but the moment I get 2 and 3 in a row, I'm afraid.  And I'm VERY worried after this baby is born because it was after my last baby was born is when I started getting severe attacks that made me go into anxiety attacks.  I just want to get through it without being medicated, but wondering if that is possible.
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I agree with this.  Exercise (in my case long/middle distance running) helps.  

On the physical side, my symptoms decrease with exercise, if done within reason --- I do know that my symptoms increase if I over-exercise, but the threshold for making that happen --- for me --- seems to grow as my conditioning improves. Completing longer distances (started by walking one mile at a time, then eventually running 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 miles at a time... over a period of months) with decreasing symptoms reduced any anxiety I might have had regarding the relatively small heart problem to practically nothing.  Not to diminish the importance of the symptoms --- those I still monitor, only with more disinterest, which in my case is probably a good thing.

Of course, it goes without saying that running/aerobic exercise is already well known to reduce stress --- a additional bonus.

I also found it worthwhile to eliminate caffeine and alcohol, which you may want to try.
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thank you to all who responded like i said before this site and all of your comments are very helpful. i am going to seek therapy for underlying anxiety and see if this will help im going to continue at the gym and try to not fixate on them as scarry as they are.
you see this all started after i had my daughter 5 years ago and began worrying all the time about what would happen to her if i died so im sure that probably the majority of these palps are anxiety my mind starts racing when they happen i cant stand them .
i have no other symptoms otherwise i live a good life but these darn things will stop me in my tracks.
so i hope that all of us who deal with these find peace .
this will be my new focus . thank you again for all the kind words and for all the valuable information.
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hello, i am a 44 yr old female, with both PVCs and very rapid heart beats. Since I was young I have experienced the ocassional skipped heart beat followed by a thump. I thought everyone experienced it. After several miscarriages, I suffered from panic attacks for a whole year. It wasnt until I took paxil for a year, plus therapy that I finally learned to keep my anxiety under control and avoid panic attacks. Which is when I decided to try for another baby. It wasnt until I was 5 months pregnant with my third child, did I have my first really bad episode. I thought I was going to die for sure, and ended up in the emergency room. My heart was racing at 160-170 beats per minute, and by the time the rolled up the ekg cart, my heart just went back to normal. This whole episode lasted about 50 minutes non stop, and it started out of nowhere while I was sleeping. Right after I delivered, I had a specialist check me out, do the whole battery of test, ekg, echocardiogram, stress test etc. and he discovered a mitral valve prolapse, which he said was quite common and benign. He went on to explain that while pregnant, due to the increased blood volume it is common to get these episoded of racing heartbeats. He didnt prescribe any medication and I certainly did get better. During my last pregnancy, these episodes became more frequent, and also the PVCs. I ended up taking Inderal starting in my 4th month of pregnancy, whiich relieved me a bit of the symptoms. I did not enjoy my pregnancy at all, and prayed that I would deliver as soon as possible and get some relief.

SInce I had my baby, she is now 2 years old, I have had another battery of test done, like before, only to find out that my mitral valve prolapse has gone from mild to moderate. And this is the reason I get PVCs and rapid heart beat. He has put me on Corgard 20 mg, since it has a longer duration in your system that Inderal, and have found some relief. I do get the skip a beat several times a day, that I am aware of, but they do become worse at night, while sleeping. My doctor saids that I feel more of them because I am laying down and not moving around, but that I probable get them in the same variations throughout the day.

Are there any technichs that any of you might know of, that can stop them when they are really bad? Today I am having a bad day with the PVCs in the 1000s. Ive been told that since this is an electrical malfunction of the heart sometimes doing the following might put your heat back in the normal rythm such as, ice on your face? any other suggestions? I am desperate, and keep my husband up at night. thanks
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I am new to this forum and hopefully I am not posting in the wrong place. I've been suffering from PCV's for nearly 20 years now. Has anyone had these attacks ocurr for several days in a row? This last bout is really driving me nuts it's been going on for nearly a week now, it might calm down for a couple hours but thats about it.
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84483 tn?1289937937

To: Gantua, I have never had a severe attack/episode of PVCs in going on 4 years only the odd thump now and then but i have had PVCs lasting from weeks to 6 months at a time in the 1000s daily. I am 40 years old and has them for  as long as I can remember even though the sustained episodes only took place over the last 15-20 years though i have always had the occasional thump. I would think that the 100mg of atenolol does the trick for me, for some it has no effect, plus mind over matter matter helps alot!!!

To: nymomof5, I know someone who has had up tp 15,000 PVCs daily that zoloft drastically reduced their symptoms, of course others has had an adverse reaction, my thinking would be whatever works for you go with it.
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I have to say that I take zoloft for my panic attacks without an increase in palps and without any side effects at all other than my debillatating panic attacks are gone and I can live life normal again.
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I take 20 mg of Nadolol (Corgard), a beta blocker, and it's all but erased my palpitations.  It's the rare day now that I feel anything abnormal!  What a relief after much struggle.  Perhaps it's something to discuss w/ your MD.
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84483 tn?1289937937
My ectopic beats mostly PVCs occur at higher heart rates such as with exercise or high emotion, some find it the opposite way, it really doesn't matter either way once all tests checks out fine. Of course there will always the odd ball that is missed, I think the trouble is that most of us here keeping thinking what if we are that odd ball and that thought keeps us from enjoying life.

I look at it like this whatever to be will be anyway, it's all fate and destiny, of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to our bodies and live a healthy lifestyle, just a thought.
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It is interesting that just about everyone on this forum states that they have found that exercise reduces the frequency of their ectopics. I have found the opposite. Often when I exercise I find that my ectopics increase in frequency for the couple of days following the exercise.  I would think it stands to reason since you create many stimulating hormones when you exercise that must stay in the body for a few days. I am not suggesting that anyone should stop exercise if this happens to you and you have been checked out (I certainly don't stop because of this, but I might back of a bit if it is a time when my heart is already going through a sensitive phase), as the benefits outweigh the frustration.
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I tried Prozac and got some scary tachycardias.
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I took zoloft for a few weeks last year and it really increased my PVCs.  My doctor is recommending prozac now and I'm concerned about another PVC increase.  Anyone else have bad reactions to antidepressants?
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