1185591 tn?1264648444

I am starting treatment in a few days

Hi, been a while since I have been on-line, lost home internet:(

I am starting treatment, finally on Thursday. I am wondering what I can expect from the treatment interferon and riboflavin? I have read some nasty stories about side effects.

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179856 tn?1333547362
Actually nothing at ALL happened to me after my first shot - except I was so worried about it that I passed out and slept like the dead, my family even came in to check on me I moved so little.  Please don't worry about it.  Take two tylenol with the shot to help.....they can make a huge difference to offset any 'flu' that you might feel (like I said I never got it).

Make sure you drink a lot of liquids beforehand and during treatment. They help more than you can imagine.  Drink at least half your body weight in ounces a day.  Tx causes severe dehydration and it's not very pleasant, eventually you will get used to having to pee all the time - it's worth it.

Just try to remember WHY you are doing this.  Yes it's no fun but in my cases it's totally doable.  There are good days and bad days but if you keep yourself to as much normalcy (getting up and going to work rather than sitting home in bed) will help with your attitude.  Seeing people every day gives you the chance to forget about it for a while and even laugh sometimes.

I treated for 72 weeks and am a big chicken baby usually.  I had some of the most drastic side effects possible (my fault I decided to almost double dose the ribavirin thinking it would help me & sometimes the shots too - I don't advise doing it it was a huge mistake but I was scared and wanted to succeed) but I made it through.  If I can you can too.

Plus a lot of the 'severe' side effects you hear about have fixes attached to them to help you through.  Lethargy is the most common thing we can't do much about........that's not scary right?

Don't let the threat of sides freak you out - you could be one of the lucky ones that just breeze on through and never have a hard time!!!!!!!

Good luck remember you can do it!
23 Responses
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276730 tn?1327962946
Good luck in your journey. Depending on how llong your treating foor it ccan feel forever. I treated 55 weeks..it was long and not a pleasant thing to go thru. AFter week 5 I started to feel the full effects from tx. All I can suggest is you will have your bad days and good...some days you will think you will never get thru but you will! Also please remember this helped me during tx- You are helping your liver by trying to be rid of this virus!!
Some educated great people here and most of us have been thru it.
So I wish you good luck and please ask away!!!
TAKE one day at a time.
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Your first shot will make you shake ,rattle and roll,its just like a flu,the drugs are killing the virus,just get a good warm comforter and crawl under the sheets,you will be fine,make sure to take fatty food with the RIBA,,avacoda is a must and olive oil and cheese and nuts,at least 35gams of fat each dose.GOOD LUCK..the shot isnt that bad...ive had wosre hangovers
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Dont eat grapefruit,and for that matter,advoid unfiltered tap waterI have a water distiller and the remaining toxic sludge left over after one gallon cycle smells and looks vile,checkout my pics and take a look
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338734 tn?1377160168

The first couple of weeks are kind of hard as it seemed to me that was the worst for fever/chills and aches. After a couple of months, those got better, but fatigue got a little worse, probably because of anemia.

Everyone is different. Hopefully you will get a pretty good feel for how you react after the first three weeks and gain some confidence.

When side effects were difficult, I just concentrated on taking everything one day at a time and tried not to get too frustrated or discouraged. I just tried to do what I felt I had to do at the time and not look ahead much.

Music was a really good therapy for me. I always felt a little better zoned out with some favorite tunes. You might try that or any other activity that you enjoy or that you find comforting. The Monty Python Flying Circus DVD set was good for me also. I can always get a good laugh from them. Laughter makes everything much better. Maybe GoofyDad and Macia will get another poo thread or gas thread going. Those were always uplifting. :-)

Best of luck,
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1185591 tn?1264648444
thanks so much for all the great responses, and sorry to get late!
seems like everybody got different results from the start of the treatment. I will have to wait and see how I react. I hope that I don't get too many of the side effects. I really appreciate the responses thanks so much!

@charm27  thanks. Yes I don't image that this is going to be pleasant, but it is something that I want to go through to kill the virus! Yes, I agree by going through whatever the treatment puts me through I am helping my liver get back to health, so it is worth it!

@Rockerforlife yikes, this does not sound good at all. I hope I don't experience this. If I do well I will deal with it best I can. thanks! I have dealt with really bad hangovers so I can handle this too:)

@nygirl7 thanks so much! It is encouraging to hear that you did not get the "flu-like" feeling, maybe I will get lucky and not too.

Yes I have been hearing this from friends too, tells me to drink lots and lots of water, as it will help out a great deal. I didn't know that the treatment makes you dehydrated, so even the more reason to drink lots of liquids during it!

this is great advice! Doing this is very worth while, or I would not even try! I know that there will be tough times, but most likely good times too. I figure lots of people went through this and beat the virus, so it is doable, and I can do it too. I do plan to continue to work, unless I can't as I think that getting out and seeing people is sure a lot better than sitting home alone:)

Yep I am a big chicken too, but I know I can do it, thanks so much!

@IAmTheWalrus  thanks! Yes I am sure after the first few shots I will get a feel for how I will react, maybe I am one of the lucky ones and it will not be too bad:) I guess I will see on Thursday! seems like everybody has such different reactions from the shots, so I will see how I react, either way nothing could make me not do this!

this is good advice to find something to take your mind off of everything that it going on. Might be a good time to start drawing again! Yes you are so right that laughing makes everything better:)
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412873 tn?1329174455
Sounds like you got some really good advise above, so I'll just send my Congrats on getting started and well wishes.

We're all pulling for you!!!

Keep us posted,

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1185591 tn?1264648444
Yes, great advice!
thanks so much for your well wishes, and I will keep posting too,

yep getting everything started has not been easy, I am happy to finally start the healing:)
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Hey.....good to see you.  I remember you and your cute little avatar, one of my faves. :)

"When side effects were difficult, I just concentrated on taking everything one day at a time and tried not to get too frustrated or discouraged. I just tried to do what I felt I had to do at the time and not look ahead much. "

I think this advice from Brent is good along with the others you've gotten.  You may start off with very little issues and then there is generally the fatigue you have to contend with.  Do what you can but don't get frustrated if you can't do what you could before, it's only temporary.  Keep the water flowing and keep the Tylenol handy if needed and get your rest at strategic times while also paying attention to your quality of life during this time.  "Do not let the things you cannot do keep you from doing the things you CAN do" was one of my credos and it served me well.  

Wish you well along this journey, flashDude.

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1185591 tn?1264648444
I started the treatment, a few hours after the shot it felt like the worst flu I ever had, 3 days later still not well. I hoping that the next shots does not make me feel so badly!

thanks so much fr all the great advice!
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412873 tn?1329174455
Actually, your body will adjust somewhat. Be kind to it and do what it says.  

Congratulations on getting started. Sorry it's hitting you hard right out of the gate, tho.

Hang in there...drink plenty of water.

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1185591 tn?1264648444
It is day 5 and I am starting to feel human again`-`

I am hoping that the next shots will be less severe on my body!
yep I drinking lots of water too.

thanks again`-`
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I wish you the very best with TX...
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1185591 tn?1264648444
thank you!
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1225178 tn?1318980604
You got lots of good advice above. I am only going on my 4th shot, but I can tell you that I only had the really bad aches and fever the second day after my first shot. My doctor told me I could take ibuprofen, which totally knocks out the aches for me. Also, do as Nygirl7 says with the water... when I start feeling a little nauseous, I chug some more water, and within a few minutes, I start feeling better.

Are you doing 24 or 48 weeks?

We can do this!!!!!
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1185591 tn?1264648444
Hi Diane,
I am on my 2nd shot, this one is much better than the 1st one, but I feel so drained all the time. I have been doing the water too, been trying to drink a gallon a day it does really help a great deal!

I am doing the 48 weeks. I am hoping that the next shot I will not feel any side effects.
yeah we can do this`-`

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To Flashdude,
Don't worry about it. It will only keep bumming you out. Think of the positive results of this whole experience you are and will be going through. It will end at some point in time. I just wake up every morning and tick off each day in my diary. I find keeping a dairy important as I can go back to some days and look at the bright ones!!!Try to keep yourself as busy as you can take!! Sometimes it's very difficult so when exhaustion happens, LAY BACK ON THE COUCH!!!! Lots and lots of water will definitely help!!! Time will pass and before you know it you'll be on the downslope of the program. Only 79 more days for me!!!!
Can't wait to being healthy and feeling good again!!
You CAN do it!!!!
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1185591 tn?1264648444

yeah I been more positive, thinking the side effects is killing the virus, and this really helps!

I agree I have been drinking lots of water, and it is really helpful! been doing stuff when I can, and resting when I get too tired.

that is great that you are down to 79 days, congrats!
thanks so much, I am looking forward to being healthy again, I can do this!
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691935 tn?1421027090
After my first shot I felt like I was walking sideways.  As mentioned above, everyone reacts differently.  I was pretty bad throughout the entire treatment, my brother never felt bad - just a little emotional, my husband didn't feel so great but he never missed a step.

Water is a good idea but I think it does more than just keep you hydrated.  I think it is an added protection to other organs in your body.  As NYgirl stated "make sure you drink a lot of liquids beforehand and during treatment. At least half your body weight in ounces a day.

My doctor recommended I drink powerade or gatorade also.
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1225178 tn?1318980604
I've done my 4th shot now and learned a really good lesson last weekend that you may want to remember. My kids had a lot of things going on so I made myself get up and go to 3 different things instead of just taking it easy after my shot, and last week was the worst week yet during work. I had at least 3 times as many sx all during the week as I did the previous weeks, so be sure to not schedule anything for the 2 days after your shots.

44 shots to go.... we can do this!!!!!!!!!
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179856 tn?1333547362
it sounds like little by little the after effects of the shot are starting to get lessened and that is a great thing.  Your body does sort of acclimate to it - it's really miraculous when you think about what the human body can handle. It's always amazed me.

Are you takinig tylenol with your shot? I really think that is what helped me not get the 'flu'.

I'm sorry your feeing so wrung out.  Unfortunately that part is just part of the whole deal.  You need to actually learn to pamper yourself when you can on weekends and not expect that you will be able to do everything you can before you started tx.  Try to remember - it's not forever and you are down a few weeks now already.  There is an end date in sight.......you can make it for sure if I could, I'm a big baby and it's already been 72 weeks of tx plus three + years of being cured. Believe me I never thought I would make it but one week at a time, one shot at a time........it goes by.

Just hang in there and remember treat yourself better than you ever have before........you deserve it.
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1185591 tn?1264648444
@ Yuk

I have been having lots of nasty sides, the 2nd one was better than the 1st, but the third one was really bad. I need to take it easy after the shot. This will be easier now that school is out for the summer.

water is key!! when I don't drink a ton of water I feel it! So I always drink lots of water now usually 2 or 3 of the 1.5 liter bottles a day!!

yep I had to learn this the hard way too! this past shot(my first one by myself!) was so intense, it was during final projects at school, but at some point I just had to lay down and except the fact that I need lots of rest of few days after the shot. I have had some major side effects, but I think that soon they will get less`-`

yes we can do this, and beat the virus!

thanks! I think that the sx will get less in time,a s at some point your body must adject to the shots. For right now I just think of the bad feeling of the viruses getting killed never to come back. It helps me emotionally through the sx, so even if not true it help`-`

Yep been taking the tylenol, but I still get the flu like stuff for a few days after the shot. Yes I agree, and for my 4th shot I am just planning to take 2 days off from the world just in case I need it! Also, I am going to try to chill a bit before the shot so I am relaxed then too, as yes I agree you can't live life like before the tx! This shot will be the first at night, so I am hoping to sleep through the worse of it.

Yep, the treatment is not forever, just a year I guess, it is worth it to kill the virus and save the liver!!

thanks so much!
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