1271927 tn?1310580362

Updates anyone?

It is getting slower and slower in this room...the excitement of new-ness is wearing off. Or, I think we are all becoming more busy getting things ready!

I've had my second baby shower - one more to go! Baby Ava owns 17 pairs of shoes already...is that a little too much?! LOL! I think all I need to get now is feeding items. I hope breast feeding works out for me and I am pretty determined to do it, but I do have to go back to work at 6 weeks and will have to pump - thus needing bottles still.

My mom was down here a little over a week ago and got the crib and changing table for us. Her room is really coming together now. Just a few more organization moves and we are all set to go! She has so many new clothes it's unreal - I probably have one of every outfit created for baby girls in the last 6 months! LOL!

We had our 3D ultrasound done when mom was in town. Baby Ava is SO cute it's unreal! She wasn't too active or cooperative (as usual), but we got some good pictures of her smiling, one of her counting with her fingers, and another of her singing (or yawning). I had some super cute cards made with the pictures. I can't wait to get them in the next few days and mail them out.

My belly is growing SO big. I feel like she is gonna crawl out of my belly button sometimes! But it's not time yet...gotta keep her in! We are taking a labor prep course right now. 4 more weeks to go with that course. At the end of the course I have an appointment set to do maternity pictures...anyone else doing photos with this pregnancy?
12 Responses
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1311519 tn?1333982067
yes i was wondering the same thing lol.

As for me i am on bed rest have been for the last couple weeks, had to go to the hospital to stop preterm labor i am at 3 cm and 50% effaced. I have horrible SPD and back pain. And all i can do is lay around i haven't done anything to prepare for our baby girl who is still nameless lol. i am 32 weeks and i hate my drs office i get no info, they mentioned a induction to me at my first visit but haven't since.. I dont need one really but they want to control my labor because of how fast it is lol.

I have my baby sprinkle planned for April 16th, and not to sure it will go very well since my friend said i am not entitled to one lol, she is a ***** i know..

The only things we have gotten this little one is a new swing and pack n play, i have no clothes yet. we have most the stuff from our daughter so its a bummer to not shop. lol
But soon i am going to get a double stroller and hopefully some clothes, and stuff i need. Time is going by slow but i am terrified that in less then 8 weeks this will be my 3rd child, i am scared what this labor will bring..

ok enough ranting i hope more ladies check in :)
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1271927 tn?1310580362
Once you are dialated, can you get un-dialted? Does bed rest help with that? Sorry to hear you are laid up already - what a bummer! I do hope you can do some shopping!

People do have different thoughts about showering for a second (or third) baby. My sister is having another boy and her first is under 2. It doesn't make much sense to have a huge party just so people can bring you gifts. But I think that every baby deserves to be welcomed. A new outfit or two can't hurt. And every baby uses diapers, wipes, and bath items like they are going out of style. At her shower they are doing a low key party - no big meal, no giant decorations, no renting a hall. Just getting a few ladies together at her work and playing games. I don't think she even intends on opening presents (she's requested only diapers and wipes). I hope the party goes well for her. I did send her a blanket and she needed a new bouncer seat. Besides that, she has pretty much everything she needs.

So what are you doing to entertain yourself on bedrest?
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136689 tn?1419580447

I actually had posted over in the may 2011 babies,i also had a 3d pic there too, but anyway, bubs is in breech position so i hope he decides to turn soon, otherwise i want to get hime turned and then induced, also i have gestational diabetes which i'm now on insulin but it's not working so have to check and see whether the dosage needs to be increased, but besides those two things i'm all ready, just needing to buy a another car before he come so we all as a family can go out places but otherwise all set, except bottles
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1311519 tn?1333982067
i play on the computer alv day, watch tv, sleep, sometimes i am bad and get up and do stuff like dishes and take my son to school. it bad i wish i could clean or something its hard with a 2 year old running around too lol. and ya i didn't request anything but would appreciate diapers and stuff.. now i have decision to make about my travel system and car seat / that could go with the double stroller  i want lol
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778012 tn?1304901886
hi ladies :)

Cassandra, I hope baby girl stays baking at least a few more weeks.  I am sorry you are on bedrest.  Also sorry for anyone making u feel bad for having a sprinkle shower...I am having a shower next month and am also a little nervous how some will percieve it since this is my 2nd.  But my friends (who I didn't know when I was pg with my DD 5 years ago when I had a low key shower) insisted on throwing one since this is a boy.  I hope urs goes well and u have no debbie downers who want it to go poorly just because they thinkk u don't deserve one...

Amanda:  things have been slow on the board; I don't say much, not because I am not excited though.  It just seems like I have been pregnant forever (not that I have had a bad time, just the fact that we tried for so long to get pg makes it seem like I've been pg just as long) because things have been pretty uneventful...I've been documenting this pregnancy better than I did my first because I am not taking it for granted that I will be able to get pg again, but even still the most I have been able to do is take pics of my growing belly and record the funky dreams (that died down after about the 15th week)...and the firsts like kicks and ultrasound and stuff...the rest would get pretty repetitive because it doesn't vary much day to day.  I've got the nursery done, all the big gear is bought...I just need to tour the hospital and pack the hospital bag and we will be set...I just want to meet my son already!

Misslollipop: I am sorry u have gestational diabetes...and I really hope baby boy will turn on his own...there is still time for him to do that right?

Good to hear from you ladies!

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1271927 tn?1310580362
misslollipop - Yeah, I got the GD too about 2 weeks ago. But I havent gotten as far as insulin. Just controlling with diet for now. They have been monitoring me my whole pregnancy for it, suspecting that I might get it at any point. Well, it finally happened and now I am part of the self-stabbing club....horray. But only 9 more weeks of it to go!

jillian - I have been documenting this pregnancy pretty well too. It took me years to get this far, so I want to remember every moment! Since this is my first pregnancy, everything is new and exciting to me! I write in a journal every few days - even if it's just about my emotions or what's going on around me.

Here was a cute moment we had last night....  After labor class dh and I came home, relaxed for a bit and went to bed. As soon as I laid down, Ava started kicking up a storm. So I reached over and put dh hand on my belly. He has only felt her move a few times as she is a very shy baby! Well, she just kept kicking and kicking. DH started freaking out! He was saying "nah, uh! that has to be you doing that!" Of course it wasn't - I can't manipulate my body like that! Then a few minutes later when she settled down a bit, dh looked at me and said "I can't stop crying! I can't believe she will be here in a few weeks. I can't wait." Then I started sobbing and we just cried ourselves to sleep. I'm crying now just thinking about it!
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1510919 tn?1298825067
glad to hear everyone is still doing good besides a few minor bumps in the road! :)
I am currently a high risk pregnancy because of my blood pressure being high. went to ER twice last week for it and then was on bed rest for 2 days but im back at work now (though i was put at a desk job... boring but better than nothing. Im still at a big risk for preeclampsia but so far so sign of it :) My last ultrasound was at 20 weeks. im scheduled for one monday!! I'm so excited to see her again. As for her room its coming together. we ran out of paint so we  have to get more. (watermelon theme) im getting crib, dresser and changing table with my income tax money i get this week or next. lots of clothes and diapers and finaly got her bouncy etc. First shower went great 2nd one no friends except 4 showed up after RSVPing i was so ticked. Work shower is coming up... thankfully cuz im still missing so much! We are scheduled for an all day birthing class next saturday so im excited for that. already have my hospital bag packed because of our frequent ER trips lately had me worried. i did tell my boss i wont be back after baby. I am going to be a SAHM :) Sorry for the rambling ladies. dont get to talk much to girls lol
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Hi Everybody!...Its great t hear from all of you, its true the board is being very slow.

I am home resting as well as per my doctor, i am back to work in betw July and august.

I sleep  when i can but i am not in the same pace like before in the sleeping time , also i get heartburn and it gets difficult to walk & breath but at this point everything is normal. i even sleep in my couch  which it seems very comfy now.

My mother moved with us to help me with everything in the house and i take care of my cats and dogs. ( i have a robot litter for my cats , so no contacts with poo ..) + my sisters come by to help me as well ( shopping and stuff)  Tx God!

My belly is gorgeous Huge and i keep looking myself in the mirror and still seems a dream after ttc for 2 years ( remember I am 42y/o now)

The baby is almost 4 pounds and I am only 7 months, delivery day will be around May 15 and it can be a c section.

I have all the room in drawing and i picked the furniture already, my cousin will be here at the end of this months to decorate his room since i will have the baby shower party at the end of this month which include all friends & family (appx 60 pp), My parents in law are hosting the party in a venue so i guess i will get mostly everything that day. i did register for big things only.

My sister is a professional photographer and she is being taking photos since 5 months prego, + my husband place sheets of different colors as a background and takes pics as well...

The baby kicks all the time and moves when he hears music... also when my dogs bark...he gets active...lol

I can not wait until may 15, i am so happy.

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Hi Everyone,

I am happy to see all is well, all is well here also.  I haven't had any of the GD or anything.  I haven't gained any weight in the last 6 weeks, but the baby girl that I am carrying seems to keep growing.  At my last appointment when I was 31 weeks she measured at 33 weeks.  This whole process was done by ivf so I know the dates are right and there is no miscalculations or anything.  Then today at almost 33weeks (two more days) she measures at 36 weeks.  Has anyone experienced that?  We now have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow.  They have also brought up the C-Section talk, which I have never had one.  

The intended parents aren't having a baby shower, but they are having a 'meet the baby' shower after she is born.  

Take Care everyone!
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It’s good to know that “overall” everybody is OK; I guess I have been lucky as have any PG issues of this trimester.
We have her room I would say 90% done, big stuffs like stroller, and car seat are also taken care of. For the bay shower I registered for a lot of small stuff, it’s in about 3 weeks so after that it would pretty close.
She moves a lot…almost all the time, I guess she also moves when she sleeps..I love feeling her kicking and punching..although worries me a bit how will it be when she get bigger.
I plan on breastfeeding but have to come back to work after 12 weeks; so will need deal with pumping milk, storing it, etc.
Question for you: have you decided what bottles to use? I am between Dr’s  Brown, Tommy Pieppe, and Breast flow, the last one seem to be the winner but still not sure; do you have any advise based on your own experience or what you have heard?
It’s amazing to see that may is getting close, we are really excited to meet out little princess…
Good vibes to everyone, hopefully all will be smooth until our babies arrive.
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Hi ladies new to the online community. I'm due May 31st, its a boy.  Hope everyonr is doing well with all the back aches and head aches that come along with pregnancy.  To the lady that is on bed rest, I wish you the best luck, even if you do have baby now he/she will have very good chance to be very healthy.  I will try to add pictures to my profile...these days I forget everything it seems like.  Best wishes to everyone.
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1396598 tn?1283945721
Hi everyone! It's been months since I've been on - horrible I know! Work and home have both been absolutely insane lately, so it's been near impossible to get time to log on anymore. I am 33 weeks 5 days - due May 15th, so I am excited to be down to the last 6 weeks!!! It's so hard to believe, but I am definitely ready to be un-pregnant again. This time has been so much harder physically than the first, so I'm just tired of being sore and tired! Here's my updates of what has been going on the last couple of months.

I lost 8 lbs in 5 weeks mid-2nd trimester, struggled to gain any of it back. Right at the beginning of my 3rd trimester, I acually had finally gained 4 lbs back and maintained it for a couple of weeks, then ended up in the ER because I was having awful belly/back pains and threw up. The pains came in waves, so I thought they were contractions. Thankfully they were not. The OB diagnosed me with dehydration, although it seemed to be a pretty strange diagnosis since I was drinking just fine up through the day before. My midwife actually thinks it was 1 of 2 things - either food poisoning or a gall bladder attack. Apparently both on/offset virtually identically. So... with that even, I lost the 4 lbs again. Since then I have been creaping back up and have FINALLY gained back the full 8 lbs. The baby has seemed to grow without any issues - it was measuring 2 weeks ahead, but this past week it was right on. I will be having an u/s at 36 weeks to double check the size to make sure it's not looking huge! :) My daughter was only 7 lbs 1 oz, but they were convinced she was going to be 9 lbs. This time I'm afraid they'll think it's only 7 lbs, but will actually be 9! hahahaha!

I am all belly - carrying right out front. Completely different than my first, so this time it has been much harder physically. I have been very uncomfortable since late December, so I'm definitely ready.

That's about it for me. Just anxiouly awaiting the next 6 weeks to pass and to hear how everyone else has gotten along with their deliveries!

Best of luck everyone! I will do my best to get on here a couple more times before I deliver and will definitely share the news.
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