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Headache after eating

I get intense, throbbing headaches 2 hours after eating food.  The more sugar content, the more intense the headache, and the longer the headache lasts.  If I eat something like a snickers bar or a piece of cake, the intensity is debilitating and the pain can last for days.  Just about anything with more than a few grams of sugar gives me a headache.  I've dealt with this since I can remember, and I've been physically and mentally drained for most of my life (ie, if I can go 2 or 3 days a month without having some kind of head pain, I'd be ecstatic).  

Here's some extra information:
I'm very underweight.  I am about 5' 10" and I weigh 120 ~ 125lbs.  The most I've ever weighed was 135, and I had to work very hard lifting weights at the gym for months to reach that weight.  I have about 5% body fat.

My mom is diabetic (type II) and her parents were diabetic (needed insulin shots, so type I?)

My half-sister has Grave's Disease.

I've been to the emergency room a few times because of headaches, but my blood sugar is always "normal".  MRI's have shown nothing abnormal.

I yawn incessantly after eating - especially during the afternoon.  I can yawn 20+ times a minute for over an hour depending on how much I eat.  After the yawning stops, the headache usually starts to kick in.

I wake up and have to go pee at least 1 to 3 times a night.

I've wasted lots of time and money seeing internists and specialists.  No doctor has ever run a test outside of standard "blood work", which shows my blood sugar as being "normal".  Every doctor is eager to treat the symptom, but the best "cause" I've heard is that "headaches just happen to some people".  The diagnosis is always given about 5 minutes after I say that I have headaches, and then I'm sent off to the pharmacy to pick up the latest prescription migraine medication.  I'm very frustrated by this.

Any recommendations?
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Good day all!  I have followed this thread for over 6 years.  I think what we all have determined is that there are a lot of headache causes, and a lot of unusual reasons.  I will share my own issues/findings.

I too was having headaches after eating.  Varying from dull low grade to turn off the lights, pull the shades migraines.  They started suddenly one day in March 2005.  Massive headache!  Had to go home from work.  They went on for a few months 2 or 3 times a week and then stopped.  Then the next year, the same thing.  

After the 2nd year, I figured out it was:
1) seasonal,
2) after a BIG meal.

I was ready for it the 3rd year, and by the end of the year, after paying attention to what and when I ate, I had it narrowed down to PASTA as the main culprit.  And I also figured out that the pain was directly proportionate to the amount I ate.  But it took me many more years to figure out exactly what was going on.  At about 2010, I had figured out the seasonal part.  I have allergies.  Hay fever, asthma, etc.  So, I had begun to take Symbicort in 2005 during allergy season.  

By 2010, I had figured out that the Symbicort was also directly related to the headaches.  And, like the pasta, the more I had, the worse the headache.  The Symbicort itself did not cause any headaches.  But, if there was Symbicort in my body when I ate the pasta, or introduced soon after eating pasta, the headaches were much worse, than if I had just eaten the pasta on its own.  It seemed to take about 3 days for the Symbicort to clear my system.  (Headaches ARE side affects of Symbicort.)

Then one year, something changed.  During one of my "controlled tests", Instead of getting a headache, I got severe back ache INSTEAD of headache!!  What THAT told me was that it wasn't a true headache, but inflammation of some sort!  After more trial and error, I determined I was having inflammation in my head, in my lungs, in my joints!  Just everywhere.  And I was always told that if you have 2 pain spots, you only feel the pain that is the most intense.

What I finally decided (And I don't know why I didn't do this earlier) was to get allergy tested.  Injected with 70 plus allergens, plus some blood work.  By this time, I had assumed it was gluten.  It was NOT gluten.  I was actually allergic to WHEAT!  So, while discussing my new dietary restrictions with the Dr., one of the OTHER injection spots started itching.  The DR. looks and said "Oh, that's the corn.  You are screwed!"  She said the last part jokingly and I took it that way, but basically, corn is in EVERYTHING!!  High Fructose corn syrup, cornstarch.  I switched to peanut oil for frying.  I had to give up my favourite snack.  I used to drink Powerade after working out, but it is made with high fructose corn syrup, so I switched to Gatorade, which is made from sugar.  I also discovered that some multi vitamins have a lot of corn starch.

I have since figured out that the wheat gives an almost instant, and acute, and shorter lasting reaction, while corn gives a gradual, lower grade pain, but longer lasting.

I now read labels religiously, and am very careful when taking Symbicort.  I can now control the headaches, so they do not control ME anymore.  I do not eat wheat pasta at all anymore, and I do not eat normal bread.  Luckily I LOVE rice, and I LOVE thai food, which introduced me to rice noodles.  I eat dried oat cereal for my fiber intake.

So, there were a few things contributing to my migraines, and I hope my journey helps someone, or gives them ideas or directions in their own journey.
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I am suffering from very similar problem for the past 20 years. It started with drowsiness (often progressing to headache) around 2 hrs. after lunch. Other prominent symptoms were intense thirst, frequent urination, constipation, belching. Better always with sleep. No problem if I don't eat.

Two years back I was diagnosed with SIBO - methane. I have significantly improved with ayurvedic medicines, maintain a very restrictive diet. But still one error and everything goes bad and takes a lot of time to recover. An important correlation I have noticed of late is a connection between unformed/loose stools and headache. I began to take a laxative everyday which helped with better hunger and diet management. Also, when ever there is an aggravation I get reflux.

I have done all kinds of tests, pancreas, liver, thyroid, hemogram, almost everything is normal. Acc. to the blood test I am so healthy that doctors refuse to take the problem seriously. They refuse to make a connection between headache and GI issues, though every single alternative medicine recognizes it. If only they could acknowledge, they could use their excellent techniques of diagnosis more intelligently.

A few ayurvedic principles have helped me a lot 1. eating only when hungry 2. eating little less than full 3. eating before 6-30 p.m (4-5 hrs. before sleeping) 4. keeping 4-5 hrs. of gap between meals. Other things I've done: Keeping a list of problem foods. Not eating spicy foods. The SIBO recommendations coincides much with my issues, but I have no problem with carbs.

The errors that usually lead to problem: 1. overeating 2. not maintaining gap between meals 3. eating later than 7 p.m. 4. eating problem foods  - in my case very spicy food, fruits (fructos or polyols feed SI bacteria), egg whites (sometimes), mucliagenous veggies like ladies finger (feeds SI bacteria),  all legumes (except bengal grams, mung beans and black beans - soaked overnight water thrown) and all processed foods.

If I strictly follow diet, and take ayurvedic medicines (episodically), I am alright. Symptoms reduce, thirst and frequent urination goes away. The only time headache vanishes is when I have well formed stools, and that is very rare because I keep making mistakes. I still believe if I follow all the rules I would be much better. Trying to not give up hope. I wonder if anyone who has written above has found a better solution, especially captainheadache, whose symptoms very closely resemble mine.

Wonder if anyone else has belching, loose stools correlating with headache after eating?
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Sounds like a form of irritable bowel. The reaction/inflammation from the sugar activates the nerves governing the intestines which fire excitedly and irritate the connective tissue surrounding the spine and vagus nerve. This irritation continues up the spine to the head.Resulting in a headache, and probably neck/spinal pain.
Neuromuscular massage (holding tender spots on the body, especially the trunk and cranium) will relax/normalize the tissue, and remove the pressures on all the nerves that govern the organs, including the intestines.
This is a time-consuming process -.two hours, two to three times a week for a few weeks, a break, then start again. You can do some of it yourself on the areas you can reach.
Docs have no clue what causes headaches!

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I am suffering from very similar problem for the past 20 years. It started with drowsiness (often progressing to headache) around 2 hrs. after lunch. Other prominent symptoms were intense thirst, frequent urination, constipation, belching. Better always with sleep. No problem if I don't eat.
Two years back I was diagnosed with SIBO - methane. I have significantly improved with ayurvedic medicines, maintain a very restrictive diet. But still one error and everything goes bad and takes a lot of time to recover. An important correlation I have noticed of late is a connection between unformed/loose stools and headache. I began to take a laxative everyday which helped with better hunger and diet management. Also, when ever there is an aggravation I get reflux.
I have done all kinds of tests, pancreas, liver, thyroid, hemogram, almost everything is normal. Acc. to the blood test I am so healthy that doctors refuse to take the problem seriously. They refuse to make a connection between headache and GI issues, though every single alternative medicine recognizes it. If only they could acknowledge, they could use their excellent techniques of diagnosis more intelligently. A few ayurvedic principles have helped me a lot 1. eating only when hungry 2. eating little less than full 3. eating before 6-30 p.m (4-5 hrs. before sleeping) 4. keeping 4-5 hrs. of gap between meals. Other things I've done: Keeping a list of problem foods. Not eating spicy foods. The SIBO recommendation coincides much with my issues, but I have no problem with carbs. The errors that usually lead to problem: 1. overeating 2. not maintaining gap between meals 3. eating later than 7 p.m. 4. eating problem foods  - in my case very spicy food, fruits (fructos or polyols feed SI bacteria), egg whites (sometimes), mucliagenous veggies like ladies finger (feeds SI bacteria),  all legumes (except bengal grams, mung beans and black beans - soaked overnight water thrown) and all processed foods. If I strictly follow diet, and take ayurvedic medicines (episodically), I am alright. Symptoms reduce, thirst and frequent urination goes away. The only time headache vanishes is when I have well formed stools, and that is very rare because I keep making mistakes. I still believe if I follow all the rules I would be much better. Trying to not give up hope. I wonder if anyone who has written above has found a better solution, especially captainheadache, whose symptoms very closely resemble mine. Wonder if anyone else has belching, loose stools correlating with headache after eating?
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Check out Candida forums and youtube candida, stay away from breads, pasta and sugar. Eat low fat foots, mostly fruit and vegetables. Low fat meat, such as turkey and chicken breast. Read how fat coats the blood cells and prevents the blood cells from absorbing glucose (sugar) to deliver energy to the brain. muscles and the rest of the body. When the carbs can't be absorbed into the blood and be used as energy, Candida blooms out of control absorbing the sugar and preventing any serious damage to the body as a result of the fat coated blood cell not being able to utilize the sugar. The candida will release its emission after eating carbs in the form of ethanol and ammonia. These two by products are what make you feel foggy headed and give you migranes.
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today i had a pizza almost afterwards i got dizzy and a bad headache developed and heart rate increased should i be worried?
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dear i have same problem like you had.i have this problem for two years.daily headache after eating.feel foggy brain after eating. all symptoms like you.are you all right now? If you all right then plzz tell me how overcome this problem.plzz help me i am so frustrated with this condition.
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I also had severe headaches whenever I ate chocolate. It turns out that I have a problem with the casein in milk, which is a protein. I'll get a migraine that lasts for a while if I eat products that contain milk. Also, my throat constricts, I get congested, and I just feel bad. Benedryl is the only thing that works; not Tylenol, Advil, Aleeve, or any other over the counter-products for headaches. For the longest, I thought that if I took Dairy Ease and used lactose-free milk, that would be the end to my problems. However, I didn't have an issue with lactose, but the casein. I tried to eat soy cheese and drink Silk, but I was still getting congested, although not nearly as bad as I get with milk. I'll take that congestion because I like to bake. I was still having abnormal lab tests, so I got tested for Celiacs. I have it and was told to eliminate all gluten, which has been VERY difficult as many things contain it. When I first went gluten free, I noticed a change in the first few weeks. My joints didn't ache, my head didn't hurt, I wasn't congested, I thought more clearly, and my food didn't get "stuck" in my throat. Before, I had been diagnosed with GERD (gastroesophogeal reflux disease). My food wasn't digesting properly and I would basically regurgitate my food in the back of my esophagus. It got so bad that I actually got a yeast infection in my esophagus (YUCK!) and had to have a procedure to open it back up because it had constricted (hence the feeling that my food was "stuck"). I had a set back recently after eating some fries from a local fish restaurant. Apparently, they fried the fries in the same grease they use to cook their fish. Also, I don't do well with the fried foods due my GERD. Anywho, I hope that you're feeling great by now as it has been some years since you've put up this post, lol. :)
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PS:  The yawning and the frequent peeing are also symptoms common in migraine sufferers.  Most doctors don't know that.  
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Your experiences are consistent with migraines that are rooted in metabolic syndrome.  The leg cramps are a clue that you might respond well to magnesium therapy - since low magnesium this is a factor in both issues.

Magnesium of about 400mg extra a day, above and beyond what you would normally need to balance your calacium intake.  If you take this therapy, it goes better if you have a well rounded multi-vitamin.  Other vitams that do very well include B2 at about 200mg extra per day.  200mg of Q10 helps the B2.  

Metabolic syndrome involves an insensitivity to insulin, which might be why your situation is so easily triggered by sugar.  Metabolic syndrome is often linked to migraines, in which case, unchecked, the symptoms only get worse until it develops into full blown diabetes.  

If that is the case, it's very important to avoid refined sugars and refined grains.  Vigorous exercise for at least 15 minutes a day is also crucial if you have Metabolic Syndrome but you need to be sure to follow that with some kind of protein snack like a glass of milk.  I've found that if I do this exercise pre-bed, it further helps the leg cramping.

I hope that helps.
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I thought i was the only one this happens to. When I tell people sugar and/or carbs make me sick, they look at me and say "oh". I suffered with migraines for years. I noticed that before it rained they were really bad. It wasn't until my husband and I were on a cruise and I got a migraine everyday. By the third day my husband suggested I see about the acupuncturist on board. He was the one who told me to cut out all sugars and carbs. I did and never had a headache. That was 5 years ago. Now I am at a different job and it is very difficult. There are cakes, soft pretzels, etc. almost 2x a week. So we are back to square one. I was curious if anyone ever experienced drainage from the ear when they are sleeping. I experience this when I eat rice, potatoes or any sugar.
Thank you everyone for all the wonderful tips and info.
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4690177 tn?1359309911
This is all very interesting.  I don't necessarily get headaches just after eating (I pretty much always have a headache, or did until I had Botox and now have a reduction it seems so far).   However, as someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder as well, I put 2 and 2 together and realized that I didn't really suffer migraines when I was actively restricting calories.  I did some research on the matter after I started hearing about Ketogenic diets for children with epilepsy (which I also have, but it's controlled with meds), and there's a lot of not-so-scientific, anecdotal information about it online:  http://www.hcop.com/?z=1080

I bought Keto strips and tried to maintain on it; it DOES help me, moreso than anything else, but it's really hard for me to maintain without spiraling out of control.  So. . .it might be a better option for some than others.
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I also eat potatoes.  Sometimes I can handle rice and sometimes I can't.  That is why I started looking for headache info.
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Check out fructose malabsorption and FODMAPs.

The best research is from Australia.  Sue Shepherd did her phd on this.  

Symptoms: digestive complaints (diarrhea and or constipation), headache (behind the eyes), fuzzy head (poor memory, inability to think logically), irritability, depression, bloating, gas, etc.

What to do about it: cut out most fruits and veggies (especially onions and garlic), eat a lot of protein, cut out wheat (fructans), honey, juices, alcohol.

I eat sourdough bread, peanut butter, small serves of raspberry jam, lactose free milk, oatmeal, potatoes, dark chocolate, coffee, carrots, spinach, hard cheeses,
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I have had the same symptoms as you for the last 6 years. It does appear that sugars, too many carbs will trigger this for me.

I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia. The root cause *appears to be* a hereditary high triglycerides, which serves to shut down function of the pancreas.

Since the pancreas controls insulin production / release, the explanation given me was that when I eat sugar/carbs, it puts glucose into my system. Instead of a correct amount of insulin being released, a huge amount gets dumped, which knocks my blood sugar low.

The body then releases epinephrine & norepinephrine, to halt the insulin production / release. This causes some blood vessel restriction etc., and the headache. Since epinephrine is adrenaline, it causes elevated heart rate & blood pressure as well - which is consistant with what you reported.

All of that said - there was a commentor above (SMH1969) who mentioned a systemic yeast problem possibly causing this. In addition to my confirmed triglyceride & pancreas problem, I have begun to suspect that yeast may be the main culprit instead - but I haven't confirmed this yet. It is worth checking into.

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Your night time adrenaline rushes could be related to cortisol levels. You may want to see if your MD can check into that.
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oh and two more trigger foods I forgot to mention:

Beer and Orange Juice, along with the aforementioned Rice, Potatoes and Fish
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I, too, found this forum after searching "headache after eating." I am a 36 year old male. These symptoms  began happening to me two months ago, and was first triggered after having a bit of alcohol. I got a pretty intense pain at my left temple and behind my left eye.I did not connect this as cause and effect at the time. A week later, after once again having some alcohol, the same thing happened. So I swore off alcohol.

But I began to discover that seemingly randomly after meals, I would get the same migraine, always in my left temple/eye. I started to pay attention to what I was eating and when I would get these migraines. Although I haven't nailed down all the triggers, so far I suspect Rice, Potatoes and Fish.

I also get slightly anxious, and I even experience some flank pain (kidney pain), although I am not convinced this is related to the migraines.

Captain Headache, you have mentioned that the cause of your condition could be hypoglycemia or fibromalgya. If you could elaborate on these diagnosis, I would much appreciate it. Have your doctors come to a more solid conclusion on what is causing you to endure this terrible ordeal?

Unfortunately, I am uninsured, and if I pay for a doctors visit, I'd like to go in with as much information about my possible condition as possible.

Thanks for keeping this thread updated Captain Headache, you are a true advocate for your fellow human beings who endure this terrible and mysterious illness.
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My guess...yeast infection/ overgrowth (or a bacterial overgrowth)

Read the webpage by Karen Tripp on Candida

She eliminated carbs/sugars as much as possible and used Undecylenic acid from castor oil( she used a product called Thorne Formula SF722) acid and Caprylic acid from coconut oil acid to kill the fungus and then a probiotic to have beneficial bacteria compete for food with the fungus.

I would say that the headaches are dehydration and/or toxins (yeast are used to make alcohol and everyone gets headaches when they have too much alcohol, so if you are feeding yeast inside you maybe they are dumping toxins in you that add to the headaches; you also said you get regular diarrhea  which is dehydrating) You stated that headaches were less freq. when you were a wrestler...maybe you burned off a lot of the carbs used to feed the fungus. Less fungal growth = less headaches?
Yawning....skipping meals and being low on carbs results in "air hunger"...if the fungus is using up your carbs, along with your body dumping carbs through urination and diarrhea   (possibly as a defense to starve the fungus

Tired after meals ....if you are starving (again b/c of diarrhea  and  the fungus competing for the sugar) as soon as you eat you will be very tired/sleepy

Your doctors seem to be chasing symptoms and forgetting about looking for a cause.  Stomach ulcers were stress/runs in family/spicy food.....turns out it is H.Pylori bacterium.  Arthritis...again was runs in family/cold work environments, etc....now bacteria.  Heart disease.....was poor genetics, IE runs in families....now caused by viruses. Look for a cause and the cure is in foods along with your own immune system.

On the Karen Tripp Diet  she avoided and pre-made foods b/c they contain a lot of cabs/sugars.  Yo have to go back to eating real foods....for example for beakfast, bacon is manufactured food, so substitute a slice of pork for breakfast along with a couple of eggs and no toast or cereals and no OJ which has a lot of sugar. Replace the calories from sugar with calories from oils, like olive oil.  Lunch for example can be a large salad with low carbs veggies like bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, cabbage drenched with spices and olive oil and eaten with a protein source like roast chicken  but not with luncheon meats b/c they contain a lot of sugar.

If the Karen Tripp Candida Diet works for you I want the Nobel Prize okay?
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You may want to check and see if you have a protein intolerance or you body can not asorb proteins. Many people have allergies to proteins or can not digest those proteins. It sounds like with you not being able to keep on weight that may be your issues. Protein helps people with muscle mass. I hope this helps on your search for a cure. :-)
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it could be parasites too. Most thrive on starch and sugar. My brother had such a bad reaction to starch/sugar (sluggishness, brain fog, fatigue) he wouldn't eat anything all day, then eat a huge meal before bed.
He's been treated for a bacteria called blastocystis hominis and is fine now. But while he was sick, he found that many parasites can cause such symptoms, including the common yeast candida.
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Amazing to read this forum, it has helped me to look further into my headaches. Last year I suffered headaches the palpitations, tiredness and other things so I did research and changed my diet. However, the last two or three months they have returned slowly getting worse, my diet has gone backwards. It's crazy..

Im 10kg over weight I used to be 20kg after having a baby 4 years ago. Ive had problems losing weight because of anti depressants and all kinds of contraception's.

Ive had small changes and I eat smaller portions that I used to, I have increased eating rice again.. Due to relatives moving in. So I visited my doctor's again asking questions. Last year the did the normal blood and nothing came out and didn't check further. I tried another doctor but they couldn't see anything, I told them changing my diet a little has helped but they too couldn't really say anything about it. It helped for awhile but its back, need a solution not a short fix. I feel so helpless that they can not help.

I desperately wanted to see a nutritionist at that time but my husband won't allow me because it's expensive but I know that they will be able to help me more that my GP. They really upset in Feb this year, they told me twice i had the flu(no tests) when really i suffered a urine and kidney infect for about 3-4 weeks (waited for appointments and test results too) and lost 5kg. so i changed places. I hate Doctor's they want to treat the symptoms, I want the real cause..

Anyways, I will wait for my blood test checking for food allergies friday. I am worried because we plan for a baby about november so Im worried I don't want to suffer the next year of this.
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Amazing to read this forum, it has helped me to look further into my headaches. Last year I suffered headaches the palpitations, tiredness and other things so I did research and changed my diet. However, the last two or three months they have returned slowly getting worse, my diet has gone backwards. It's crazy..

Im 10kg over weight I used to be 20kg after having a baby 4 years ago. Ive had problems losing weight because of anti depressants and all kinds of contraception's.

Ive had small changes and I eat smaller portions that I used to, I have increased eating rice again.. Due to relatives moving in. So I visited my doctor's again asking questions. Last year the did the normal blood and nothing came out and didn't check further. I tried another doctor but they couldn't see anything, I told them changing my diet a little has helped but they too couldn't really say anything about it. It helped for awhile but its back, need a solution not a short fix. I feel so helpless that they can not help.

I desperately wanted to see a nutritionist at that time but my husband won't allow me because it's expensive but I know that they will be able to help me more that my GP. They really upset in Feb this year, they told me twice i had the flu(no tests) when really i suffered a urine and kidney infect for about 3-4 weeks (waited for appointments and test results too) and lost 5kg. so i changed places. I hate Doctor's they want to treat the symptoms, I want the real cause..

Anyways, I will wait for my blood test checking for food allergies friday. I am worried because we plan for a baby about november so Im worried I don't want to suffer the next year of this.
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I have the same symptoms but have read a book called Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates and believe I have found the problem. Candida and leaky gut from all the medicines and antibiotics I have taken in the past. As well as my diet being so bad as I struggle with withdrawal. I started the diet 5 days ago and I have less and less headaches and my sleep and improved amazingly. I really think I may have found the answer. It may be something you may want to try and not the klonopin.
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I also wanted to tell you that I went to a nutritionist and she said that my problem is that my digestive system and my liver are sick and that it why this is happening, She said that since they are the guards of the brain castle and that what I am eating is not being processed properly and too much glutamate is getting to my brain. I was told to eat a fat, protein and carb with each meal and snack and given digestive enzymes and probiotics to take. This is to build up my intestinal wall so it is healthy again. The headaches were worse so I am going to have to move slower and going to see a accupressure doctor who can get my liver on the right track as well. It seems my liver and digestive system are so compromised they are why I am so sick. It is also from allergies. I tested allergic to everything food wise and it is from my compromised digestive system. I am sure it is from the klonopin I took and I hope and pray that my brain heals soon and takes in all the GABA it needs to counteract the glutamate I eat with foods. The lower the glutamate level I eat the less the headaches. If you look up benzo support sites you will see many people that have diet issues like ours.
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