673736 tn?1228234586

Help! I have tried everything

I have had migraines since i was 15, I am now 37, about 10 years ago my daughters pediatrician at the time finally reccomended I see a neurologist from that point on I have tried and retried every migraine medication they make it seems. I am on Inderal, Topamax, Skelaxin, Maxalt Mlt plus the narcotics that are still sometimes needed from time to time. I am at the maximum dose of Topamax and I sometimes wonder how much lower my blood pressure can go when I take the Inderal as I take 80mg 3x a day.

I have about 8 to 9 migraines still a month and every CT and MRI still comes back normal. Has anyone else has any like this or does anyone have any suggestions? I also have a thyroid problem, and had my colon removed two years ago in January but have had minor complication with both, to say the least compared to other stories I've heard.

Thanks for any help given!
15 Responses
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449909 tn?1233409897
I think I am unable to guess any further. During pregnancy the female hormones change in the blood levels and consequently their effect in the various tissues, including nose and sinuses.

The next thing I can offer is to see you; if you happen to travel to this place, I can take a look at you. Being so far out, it seems unlikely  Usually I see my headache patients at least once during the episode of headache. This is when I examine the head and neck for some tell-tale signs.

But as of now, try stopping the ear fully on the same side with a cotton wool (during a headache) and see if it brings some relief. If not, try pinching the nose for a few minutes for the same effect and see. You may also try blowing the nose out lightly to see the effect (Just blow the nose out, no need to pop the ears)

Pls feel free to write.

Best of luck.


Thomas Antony
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180749 tn?1443595232
Follow these breathing techniques and your immune system will build up gradually and in turn the migraines will reduce.Do not give up before 4 months.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute.
Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for upto 15 minutes twice a day.(Max 60 min/day) Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.

Anulom Vilom -  Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril  
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril  
then -keeping the left nostril closed  deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 20 to 30  minutes twice a day(maximum 60 minutes in one day).
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep breaths into the lungs.

Bhramri Pranayam -Close eyes. Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three fingers on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in through nose. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.
Duration : 5 to 15 times
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673736 tn?1228234586
Have been seeing neuro for about 10 years with relief at times, but in the past 2 or 3 years they seem only to get worse.

The Inderal was started 10 years ago by the neuro, with close attention and watch paid to my asthma.

Depression I thought was getting better or at least at lowest. The first migraine I got I remember well, I lived in North Dakota with my parents and we had a very bad ice storm. My mother and I had traveled to my brothers in a nearby town, I remember laying on their couch with ice packs to my head, my mother not only taking care of my newborn neice but me as well. Little did I know at the time what was to come from that day, from then on I have been in and out of drs offices from ND to NY and now in Virginia where I live. I didn't know they would also put me in the hospital.

The only time I seem not to have one is the nine months I was pregnant with my daughter. Yes she is healthy she gets a headache from time to time but they hope to keep a close watch on her and see what might trigger hers so she does not go through what her mom has went through.

I will double check with ortho about your suggestion on my next apt.

Thank you for your help
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449909 tn?1233409897
Sorry you were not well for two days. Hope you are feeling better now. Now, let us try to organize the summary with the new details. You are 37 F

1. Headache of 22 yrs duration  ‘diagnosed’ as migraine at age 15
2. Muscle spasm (in the neck?)
3. Asthma  of 21 yrs duration detected at age 16. (Were you put on Propranolol [Inderal] for migraine from age 15? Propranolol is not recommended in asthmatics)
4. Depression: 10 yrs; (Divorce )
5. Thyroid hypofunction: 8 yrs. If TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary) is low, your doctor may want to adjust the dose of synthroid. He will decide by seeing the T3 & T4 values and your clinical picture. (Synthroid may be 'synthetic thyroid' - What we give is Thyroxine Sodium 100mcg daily; it has to be taken on empty stomach to facilitate good absorption. We advise to avoid taking any food for the next half hour. See what is the real ingredient of 'Synthroid').
6. Anxiety ?3 yrs (Father’s demise, lost job)
7. Diverticulitis >> Colectomy: 2yrs

Asthma, thyroid hypofunction and post-colectomy state are being controlled well with medication.

Present problem is frequent and severe headache (‘called migraine’): (ENT and Dental opinion : TMJ (But management unsuccessful), Ortho found nothing unusual (in neck), and Eye specialist found no cause for headache) CT and MRI of head are normal.

I gather you are yet to see a neuro.

I hope the ortho or the neuro have checked/ will check specifically for cervicogenic headache (headache caused by problems in the neck) and clear/ed it.
I agree that your case is a bit complex, but my gut feeling is that once your ‘depression’ is tackled, the headache should disappear. It is also known that thyroid hypofunction can be a cause of depression. You have had many events in your life which can bring in or sustain depression (divorce, father’s demise, loss of job, single parent, looking after a teenage daughter..[how old is your daughter? Hope she is healthy])

In your opinion, what would have caused your headaches at the age 15, in the first place? Was there any traumatic event? Either physical [to neck or head] or psychological?

Reply at your leisure. Meanwhile, hope you are going to meet a neuro, if you haven’t done that already.

Best rgds,

Thomas Antony
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673736 tn?1228234586
To TA, In regards to your questions here it goes I have been trying to get back to you but have had little success, migraine for the past two days.

My TSH until after surgery was running with in limits is all I am told then dr tells me it is low. I take my Synthroid religiously without missing a day.

The only medication for the colectomy is the Vit. D as it has caused the def. by not allowing my body to absorb it as well.

I was diagnosed with asthma at 16 and take Singuliar for this at bedtime. The depression was diagnosed about 10 years ago when my husband and i divorced for this I take the Zoloft(sertraline HCL) at bedtime. The anxiety I do not know what brought this on, but is aggrevated by major life changing events, such as my fathers death 3 years ago, losing my job, but lately just going to the store with alot of people can cause a major panic attack on days others are ok. The Ativan which I take .5mg 3x a day controls it now as long as I take it before I go anywhere. The Singulair(montelukast sodium) taken at bedtime controls the asthma, and the Zoloft controls the depression.

The Topimax was prescribed for migraine prevention, I take 200mg 2x a day. Inderal also for migraine prevention , dosage is 80mg 3x a day, Ambien(Zolpidem Tartrate) 10mg taken at bedtime for sleep. Skelaxin(metaxalon) 800mg 2x a day for muscle spasm thought to be part of cause of migraine ?, Percocet(oxycodone/apap)7.5mg as needed for pain of migraine, Maxalt MLT 10mg as needed for migraine, and Vit D I take once a month.

To Rina, No I do not touch diet soda as I know my triggers and stay very far away from them. I live with these at least 3 to 4 a week lasting sometimes 2 and 3 days at a time so I watch what I eat and drink. But thank you for the suggestion.

Thank everyone here so very much.
I appreciate everyone trying to help you all dont know what it means
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679361 tn?1229482695
Just a quick question, do you drink diet soda? I too suffered from horrendous migraines and had been prescribed every over priced drug on the market. One day I was listening to my local radio station and one of the Dj's had mentioned that since she had quit drinking diet sodas her migraines had almost disappeared. So I thought what the heck and tried it, it has been over 2 years that I have not had a diet pepsi, and what a difference! I have had only 3 migraines this year, and they have been shorter and less painful that in the past.
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I too have had migraines (with the Aura) since I was little.  My first was when I was 5.  I am now 47.  I also have many of the issues that you describe.  As far as the migraines go, I am currently on 240 mg of Verapamil. I was on 180 mg (which worked for several years) but then I started getting them more often.  So my Neuro upped my dosage.  It has helped, but my ENT thinks that one of the reasons that I get these migraines in the first place could be allergy's.  I know that Caffiene is a major trigger so I stay away from it.  MSG, stress, lack of sleep are also my triggers.  Even flickering lights can be triggers for me.  

I get allergy tested on the 18th as I have been getting sick 3-4 times a month, so I'm guessing that I most likely have some allergies that I know nothing about that will be triggers for my migraines.  I also just found out that I have a Thyroid condition.  My ENT hasn't confirmed exactly what it is...but my research leads me to believe that I have Hashimoto's which is why I get sick so much (I have Asthma too) and why I am always exhausted.  My ENT has put me on 30mg of Armour.  Most likely he will up that dosage when I see him on the 18th to get allergy tested and to discuss the blood work results.

Just an FYI...you might look into Armour instead of Synthoid.  I think that there have been lots of people that do better on it.

All-in-all...when I get everything settled as far as my health, I think the Migraines will get better.  The Verapamil has worked for me so far...
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449909 tn?1233409897
Okay. A few more clarifications. My queries are given within brackets.
I have an under active thyroid and was diagnosed with this in 2000. I regular dr. keeps close check on this and to date have had no surgery. Testing done is routine US and blood work (Do the blood test show hypothyroid values? How is the TSH?
Hope you are taking Synthroid adequately and regularly as advised)

I had a colectomy because of severe diverticulitis 2yrs ago in Jan., I have no colostomy. My complications, compared to others as mentioned have been minor, I have frequent loose stools and tend to have a decreased imm. system, which my dr. has said can happen. If my daughter gets the stomach flu or if it going around at school I catch it rather quickly and have a problem controlling my bowel.
(What medication are you taking for this?)

I am a single mother and have an at home daycare so that I can raise my daughter. Also after surgery was very drained and not really able to return to work. Sleep is ok, not always the best. I take medication to help.

I also have asthma (How long and what medicine you are taking for this?), depression (How long, what caused this – if known, and what treatment) and anxiety (How long, what was the situation in which anxiety appeared for the first time, and what treatment are you on for this) all of which are under control (controlled with medication/ treatment/ disappeared?).

Med list  (I am not familiar with some of the names below. If possible, see the label and note what the ingredient is. For example, Topamax (Topiramate), Ativan (Lorazepam 1 or 2 mg)
Ambien(?), Topamax (For what illness was this prescribed?), Inderal (What dose, what times), Synthroid, Ativan (bed time only?), Maxalt MLT (What dose, what time?), Zoloft (?), Vit. D, Skelaxin (?), Percocet (?)

Reply at your leisure.

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673736 tn?1228234586
I have an under active thyroid and was diagnosed with this in 2000. I regular dr. keeps close check on this and to date have had no surgery. Testing done is routine US and blood work.

I had a colectomy because of severe diverticulitis 2yrs ago in Jan., I have no colostomy. My complications, compared to others as mentioned have been minor, I have frequent loose stools and tend to have a decreased imm. system, which my dr. has said can happen. If my daughter gets the stomach flu or if it going around at school I catch it rather quickly and have a problem controlling my bowel.

I am a single mother and have an at home daycare so that I can raise my daughter. Also after surgery was very drained and not really able to return to work. Sleep is ok, not always the best. I take medication to help.

I also have asthma, depression and anxiety all of which are under control.

Med list
Ambien, Topamax, Inderal, Synthroid, Ativan, Maxalt MLT, Zoloft, Vit. D, Skelaxin, Percocet

Thank you so much for helping!
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449909 tn?1233409897
Since I am in a different part of the globe and hence can't see you, let us see what we can do to alleviate the issue. I think we have to get  total picture.

Lets go through your story once more.

You began to have headaches (doctors called it 'migraine') from age 15, 22 yr back.

You have been to dentist and ENT who diagnosed it as TMJ dysfunction, you took treatment for the same without sustained relief.
Ortho said nothing was wrong.
Eye doctor told you are beginning to have cataract.

Thank God, your CT and MRI are normal.

Thyroid problem (what problem, from when, what investigations done, and what did they show, any surgery done? what treatment?)and a colectomy (When was it done, for what problem, do you now have a colostomy? what other treatment you are on for the same?) both with minor complications (what complications, and how they are being managed?).

Hope you don't have any other medical problem.

Looking after a teenage daughter, and the above two illnesses are enough stress. Any others? At work, or home? How's your sleep?

Can you list all the medicines you are on?

Best rgds,

Thomas Antony
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673736 tn?1228234586
The ENT, and Dentist both said that they were caused by TmJ, but after being fitted for the appliance from the dentist and going through the Physical Therapy ordered by the ENT they eased maybe 1 or 2 a month. I still wear the appliance and apply heat to my jaw when I feel tension as was told to do. I  have reduced the amount of stress in my life but with a teenage daughter not so easy to do.

The Ortho said there was nothing wrong and the only thing the eye dr. could tell me was that I have senile cataracts forming. These are new just starting, my question is could they play any part in this?

Thank you
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449909 tn?1233409897
Do you have their notes, to share with us what their conclusions were?


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673736 tn?1228234586
I have tried the ENT, Ortho, Dental, and Eye as you suggest the only thing that is another factor maybe that just last month they diagnosed me with having the start of cataracts but this is a new onset.

Thank you
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I wish I only had 8-9 a month. I am 39 and have them almost daily. Tried Topamax for prevention but that's all. Otherwise I take Imitrex or Maxalt. At this point I am out of ideas and feel like I have to live with this until I get old. At that point, I've heard migraines usually cease. I feel for you....it's misery and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Just wanted you to know you are not alone.
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449909 tn?1233409897
Migraine is a particular type of headache with a symptom pattern. It has to be diagnosed after ruling out look-alike headaches, caused by other problems. This may mean visit to ENT, Eye, Dental, Ortho etc other than neuro.

CT and MRI can rule out only structural problems. A specialist "sees" much more in a clinical evaluation (History, examination and investigations).

Best of luck


Thomas Antony
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