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B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) levels very high in bloodwork

I have been tested twice recently for B6 level.  My first test two months ago indicated a 156 level with normal range being 20-96.  My second test indicated at 283 level.  My physician has no idea what this means and if there is a problem.  I am concerned that there is a toxic level of B6 and I should be doing something about it.  I'm not talking anything except multi-vitamin.  I've been concerned about my health for some time as I'm quite fatigued, anxious at work, balance issues (the term lightheaded would be the closest) eyes are sensitive to light, have trouble focusing on people when they talk, and have a few other issues like trouble concentrating, sense of smell has been gone for years and my sense of taste has been affected for quite some time as well.  My skin is quite raw on the knuckles and I think I have psoriasis as well as my nails are pitted and raised.  Not sure what is related but I definitely feel that there is something physicially wrong with me and this high B6 level has been the first thing to come up as being something worth pursuing.  Any help would be appreciated.  
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I have the same exact problem! I keep having MS, blood and urine test done and the only thing out of range is the B6. Please tell me they were able to find an answer!
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Patsy--Have you seen an Endocrinologist? That specialist should know something. A nutritionally oriented  alternative medicine doctor might also be helpful.

I'm about to embark on a quest to get help for my discomforts due to my elevated B-6 levels.
                              Please stay in touch.
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Thanks for the great information!  I have all these symptoms and my B complex vitamin has 250 mgs B6.  Stopping it as of this morning.  Recovery and exercise here I come!
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has anyone ever heard of probotics elevating B6 levels? I was treating myself for Candida with antifungals, successfully reduced my levels, but felt no better really. I have had headaches for 15 years. The past two have been the worst with swelling, pressure, barometric induced, especially blood vessel throbbing around my nose and eyes. hard to focus, the pressure really draining. My B6 level is at 655. I stopped taking everything. I'm hoping it will come down on it'sown. By the way, I never took B supplements, just some adrenal support. Any advice would be appreciated
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hi just to let you know, i started burning in my feet bad bad bad a month ago. and then it moved on up my legs to my knee. and then between my shoulder blades and hot spots in my right breast an my toune feels like it burns. and my bottom burns like a kedney infection, had it checked and no kedney infection. my b6 came back hi don,t know how high yet go to doc wed 16th feb. i have been taking multi. vit. too plus d,c,cq10,e,fish oil, i thought you need these to stay healthly. but i feel like i am going to die. i feel like i have been poisoned. this burning i so bad some time a cold burn and next time a hot burn. i have had alot of pain for 33 bad back, but this worser than anything i have ever had. i sure wish some one could help me. and by the way all foods has b6 any thing comes from the ground. the water you drink probley does to. some foods are higher  like  meats. i just don't know what to do.
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I just want to suggest this to all of those posting here. If your treating physicians are unable to determine the cause of your high levels of B6, please consider seeing an endocrinologist.ALTHOUGH MY HUSBAND HAD DIFFERENT SYMPTOMS, he did have an elevated B6 level as well as many other symptoms which proved to be due to a rare metabolic condition. After seeing so many doctors including a psychiatrist, it was finally diagnosed by en endocrinologist. So if you are all still struggling without answers, please consider this. He suffered for so long before someone diagnosed his condition. I would never want anyone to experience the frustration and depression of dealing with a condition that can't be explained. MY BEST TO ALL OF YOU.
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