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Cold spot on skin

Hello to all,

I have developed unusual cold spots throughout my body.  It began about 2 months ago in November.  It started with cold sweaty feet.  I work in an air conditioned office, yet my feet would sweat profusely and constantly be cold.  I better shoes, socks and now apply talk daily to control the moisture which has elevated that part reasonably well.  The cold persisted however.  Strangely it feels only cold on the surface of the skin for the most part in smaller patches raging from about the circumference of golf ball to the size of a large orange.  It feels like I had an ice bag in one spot for a few minutes.  Almost feels a little numb, very cold like one would imagine the onset of frostbite would feel.  At first it started in parts of the feet, like the surface, the ankle, sometime just above the ankles on either side.  It then moved up to shins, thighs, forearms to the point where I feel these cold spots everywhere.  They vary from place to place and seem to be expanding.  Today I feeling it in about 7-8 spots around my body such as the knee, foot ankle, elbows, forearms and right eyelid.  Feels very uncomfortably cold, yet is not cold to the touch and no discoloration.  I’ve been drinking a little too excessively and regularly lately and have struggled with alcohol for many years.  I fear it may be related.  Alcohol related neuropathy was my fear but those specific symptoms alone doesn’t seem to fit the profile.  My doctor doesn’t seem to think it’s a circulation related and does not know what to make of it.  He is aware of my consumption issues.  I’m also on the antidepressant, Wellbutrin and have been taking it for over 6 months. Doesn’t appear to be one of the side effects. Anyone out there having similar symptoms or have any idea what this may be?  Any insight would be greatly appreciated as I’m getting quite concerned.  

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I don't have an answer, but you may want to read these 2 books by John Sarno entitled THE MIND-BODY PRESCRIPTION and THE DIVIDED MIND - The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders and also research his work. I've experienced many symptoms over my lifetime (70 years) for which doctors had no answers and his work helped me to understand what was going on in my body and how to get the symptoms to stop.
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I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia, for which my doctor said there was no cure, and the pain went away after reading these books and learning what to do to help myself.
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If the location feels cold to the touch (when you touch it, it is cold), then you are dealing with impaired circulation which can be the result of many conditions, such as a cold, low physical activity workplace that causes the body to conserve energy by heating the core and essential organs (or damage from an injury, a growth that lacks adequate blood supply, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, obesity, hormonal imbalance, etc.) The sweaty feet could be due to a shoe that doesn't breathe, socks that do not move moisture away from the skin, the body seeking to cool itself and some areas have more sweat glands (with the shoe/sock, a lack of complete evaporation) or conditions such as, hyperhidrosis, hormone imbalance, stress, etc.

If the part "feels" cold, sensory information coming from receptors in that location, in this case the feet, it could be that your feet ARE cold. In association with numbness, it may be indicative of small nerve damage. Peripheral neuropathy is caused by many health conditions and is the death of small nerves in areas such as the feet and hands. Peripheral neuropathy can cause feet to feel cold, be cold (as the CNS is not receiving the information to increase blood supply to the area), cause pain, cause a burning sensation, numbness, injury resulting from numbness/clumsiness/lack of awareness of minor damage (such as a shoe rubbing that leads to a broken blister one isn't aware of that leads to infection by staph, as without proper circulation the area is immune compromised and wounds are more susceptible to infection by skin flora), etc.

The sensation can also be due to mental condition, but physical testing should be performed first to rule out physical condition or neurological condition. As always, medications and chemical consumption should be a first consideration when evaluating symptoms. You are your best advocate and the only source of information regarding your symptoms, presenting your symptoms accurately helps your physician to observe signs and select testing procedures to uncover and evaluate signs of medical conditions.

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Hi, just curious, were your symptoms located at random points over the body or in one general area? I have the same symptoms as you, I woke up with a heavy right arm which turned to tingling. That stopped then tingeling in the right arm. One episode of tingeling in the right leg. Two hospital visits and I was given the all clear p, I have been referred to a neurologist and have to wait another week for that appointment. Since then I get random hot sensations on random patches of my body and sometimes cold sensations. I am very worried but also hoping for a OK outcome and trying to stay positive.
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I wrote this and not sure that it got thru..  I had various cold spots and pains seemed to start lower legs, knees, thigh, mostly right upper arm/shoulder/neck..  Have found if I put Aspercream(works best) or BenGay and it takes pain away for hours or days at a time.   I do Not drink or smoke   69 yrs old and only take thyroid med.   My mother in law had similar pains and found she had gastro parasite and antibodiotics took care of that.   I took herbal remedies and helped too.   I thought of going to Dr but cant afford all those tests.  

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OMG!!!! I have MS and was wondering the same thing.  I have an ice cold feeling on my knee and it feels like someone is pourin ice cold water on my knee.  I wish I knew what caused it.  I thought it was MS related.  If it is not MS related, what is it
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Just typed in my symptom of cold wet spot inside knee and up came this site...I am not the only one! It was so weird...felt like something was pouring in on my knee but it was dry....I have a lot of health problems, B12, bi-weekly, anemic, deaf, vertigo, but this is truly weird. Makes sense that it is nerve issues.
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I have ms and also have developed a cold area on my right arm i do take ibuprofen 200mg it does help a bit
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I have ms and also have developed a cold area on my right arm i do take ibuprofen 200mg it does help a bit
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I am 37 no previous health issues, all blood work perfect. I have cold spots on my face that feel like cold dead hands touching my face. back in April my fingers turned purple(but never again) I had some pain in the days that followed pain stopped,I have had numbness in my head, pins and needles in my feet, tingling g pain around eyes, the feeling of  bugs crawling on my arm. imaginary hairs on my face, facial burning, tightness in  one side of my face, feeling mentally crumbled- cannot focus.  general feeling of static in my head- only way to explain it-Five months I have all of these symptoms and my doctor was reluctant to send me to neurologist he did EMG and found nothing, any ideas as to what this may be? I feel my doctor does not listen or take me seriously, I have a nuro appointment in Oct at a very good hospital, I am worries this may be MS any thoughts?
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Hi Rachel, did you ever figure out what was happening? I have the exact same symptoms as you. I've had an MRI and EMG studies done- both normal.
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To whom it may concern,

I have had a lasting tingling, moderately painful and some cold spots here and there on mainly my left arm, less on the right. It happened suddenly. After a stressful 2 years without holiday and a grind in my homeland of Australia I managed to get the hell out for 5 weeks to my dream property which I purchased several years ago in the Philippines. I am et to develop the property and leave my hell hole homeland permanently. So after unwinding for 3 weeks, I happened to be at a waterfall. I threw both arms in the air as I plunged in to the waterhole at the base. I instantly felt pinched nerves or something. Both arms were affected and for a bit I thought I was cramping and swam to the side in case I drowned. It's been three days now. After much symptom sorting, including affects of coffee, my only vice, I can only assume it is as a result of a whole lot of tight muscles in the upper back and neck reliving themselves and my posture change from many years of tension has played on some pinched nerves. I will relax until things return to normal. Therefore, my suggestion is that since no one seems to be dying of heart attacks after scans and what not, I assume that most of you have tight muscles in the back of the neck or temple of where ever because your life ***** like mine. Anyway, I'm working on getting out of town and so should you. Maybe your job or relationship *****. Usually you are putting up with some sort of unbearable **** of some sort.
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omg it's my right eyelid too.... soooo annoying. What is it?  I also get the electrical "trumming" in my body... that has come and gone for years.
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to ZeldathePom... my feeling EXACTLY except it is the right eyelld... fr several days now.. feels like liquid... wet or bleeding.. but not... no other symptoms... weird... :-(
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do u have a short leg
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About 2 months ago I was outside in the yard and felt a cold droplet on my left eyelid.  I thought a sprinkler was on or a bird peed and the wind blew it into my face :) .  When I felt it with my finger there was nothing there.  Since then, the feeling of a water droplet, mint or a dot of Bengay on my left eyelid persists on and off.  It goes away with a warm finger press, but I can't live with my hand to my eye all the time.  On a hunch I Googled the symptom and found this forum.  What a strange sensation for so many people to have?  Has anyone found an explanation yet?  Does anyone's doctor have a guess?  
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About 2 months ago I was outside in the yard and felt a wet droplet on my left eyelid.  I thought a sprinkler was on or bird had peed and the wind blew the droplet on my eyelid :)  I felt it with my finger but there was nothing there.  The sensation of a cold water drop on my eyelid persists, on and off since then.  On a hunch I Googled the symptom and found this forum.  What a strange thing for so many to experience.  Right now it feels like a drop of water, mint or bit of Bengay is sitting on the lid and soaking through.  No substance or cold patch is detectable with my finger.  In fact it goes away with warm finger pressure, but I can't live with my finger pressed to my eyelid.  Anyone ever get any answers as to what is causing this?  I hope the feeling doesn't spread.
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I'm glad to have discovered this conversation. I, too, have been experiencing an extreme cold spot. Mine is on the back side of my left upper arm. The first time I felt it (around 2 weeks ago) it felt so cold I thought my shirt sleeve had somehow gotten wet. I've found that wrapping my upper arm in a sweater or other warm fabric helps. (Probably a heating pad would, too, but I haven't tried it.) Anyway, the cold spot came on around the same time as other weird sensations including numb lower legs, pins and needles in hands and feet, an electrical kind of "trumming" feeling inside my body that sometimes feels like it's vibrating from head to toe; other times in a more more limited / localized area. And tinnitus which I've had 24/7 for a couple of months (which I can tune out during the day when there's other noise but at night & early morning when the room is entirely quiet, the ringing/hissing in my ears is ongoing).

From all the research I've done, my combined symptoms sound like MS. I went to a neurologist last week; had a head and neck MRI this morning (40 minutes - it was wild); had blood tests done which show a significant D3 deficiency and cortisol out of whack). A B12 test was not included in my initial blood panel so went back for that test; now awaiting the results from that and MRI. Will post outcome when I know more.

I appreciate all the information that's been shared by others on this site. Like many have said, it helps a little to at least know I'm not alone...
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Did you get any answers from the MRI?
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If no one has ever heard of this, maybe we should come up with some really cool name for it. That way it doesn't get stuck with something like... introscotomasticalothomy.
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I am a 55 year old athletic female. I have experienced for over 10 years alternating cold patches through out my body. Most consistantly it is my right upper butt cheek. The annoying part is that the cold is Sooo deep and almost incapacitating. No amount of clothing can diminish the sensation. Doctors dismiss and 2 neurologists implied I must be imagining the sensation.  If there is no diagnosis/treatment  at least how do we manage it. Often if I just ignore it....I get sick the next day or so.
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Did you find out anything? I have recently come down with these also. Thanks
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Did you find out anything? I have recently come down with these also. Thanks
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Did you find out anything? I have recently come down with these also. Thanks
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Haven't used it and have the symptoms. What about diet soda?
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Did you find out anything? I have recently come down with these also. Thanks
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Did you find out anything? I have recently come down with these also. Thanks
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I have the same symptoms and just started investigating myself. I did come down with Raynaud's in my fingers and I think its going to my toes. I also feel these colds spots in random areas. I do not have MS, was a smoker and drink coffee and diet soda for a long time. I am going to look into the soda.
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