355169 tn?1196990694

Dizziness & Electric Shock Feeling

I have been having "dizzy spells" along with a buzzing feeling throughout my entire body, the feeling of electric shock of sorts is not painful & seems to happen along with the dizzy episode. It usually happens every 2-30 seconds & lasts about 2-3 seconds. More severe when I move my eyes or my head. I don't feel this at all while I'm laying down...
My Dr. is stumped and so am I. I have no clue where to begin looking for the problem.
33 years old
White Female
on Zoloft 150 mg daily

Please help, where do I begin?
Thank You!
28 Responses
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Hi,I have had a diagnosis for this!!!!!

Vestibular migraine. Don't be fooled by the name this isn't a true migraine it is alot more complicated then that and I do not even get a headache.

I have all the same symptoms and  like you probaply even more then you can list.

It took along time for a diagnosis and I would like to say it has got better but it hasn't.

Medication is trail and error, I have had a few nightmares but found beta blockers help the most.....but a very high dose.

Also regular sleep pattern, tiredness is a big issue for me. I also reduce caffeine.

Still have a long way to go and more steps to take. I am not really any better and it has effected everything I am also four more stone heavier then I was before it started from nowhere due to my nobikity

I am going in the UK, and had to push to get referred to a ENT specialist but this has been a big help and I have been given visual exercisers that help.

Those of you with similar issues look into the condition and ask your doctor, but do not expect them to understand it know anything about it, you will need a specialist for that

Good luck.
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I was proof reading it when it saved, the weight gain is due to my mobility not being very good due to dizziness and medication making me very tried. Also one of the symptoms can be craving and I can get intense sugar craving when I am really bad (I had never had a sweet tooth before)
Wow!  It's SO comforting to have a name to put with it!  I've had the same symptoms on and off for a couple of years, and they always come with insomnia in which as soon as I am able to doze off, I have weird dreams followed by waking up.   Head motion causes dizzy pulses, and when it's bad I get the shock sensation in my tongue.  But even when I'm lying down, I get the pulsing sensation randomly in groups of 2 or 3.  Primary care doc said "vertigo", and my neurologist shrugged it off, saying "sounds migraine-related".  Thank you for putting a moniker on it, and thanks to all who posted.  It helps to know I am not alone in this.  : - )
17424990 tn?1456583096
I have been have the same symptoms. Everything you listed is exactly myself, however I'm 29. As I'm reading the responses, I'm feeling better just reading this forum.
Does anyone seem to feel the symptoms amplified at a certain time of the day? Around 5pm, I feel those symptoms even more with shocks in my lips and cheeps as well. But eventually goes away. I started Zoloft about 3 weeks ago.
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I have had all of the symptoms mentioned on here so far. I was on Prozac and didn't have many side effects except of the ED type and sex drive ones. I wanted off for that reason so my PA recommended Effexor. I tried it but could never get past the lowest dose. I also had more issues with side effects and didn't like it at all. It wasn't until I decided to ween off that I started having these dizzy/shock sensations. Sometimes when I turn my head or just move my eyes from one object to another. I am having them right now. I don't feel like eating because it seems to bring them on along with nausea and fatigue. I have no energy and have to force myself to do things. All I want to do is sleep most of the time. I definitely do not feel like my usual self and I hate it. I do struggle with minor depression and anxiety/panic attacks. These spells are very scary and that just peaks my anxiety. I feel like I am on the verge of a panic attack.I do find that if I distract myself with conversation or a task it seems to lessen the spells. I feel the shocks in my lips, tongue, teeth, hands and fingers, feet and toes. I have been lying in bed and had loud banging noises send a jolt through my entire body. Very painful and scary. I am wearing a cardiac event monitor right now for 30 days to seem if there are any issues there, It doesn't pick up any of the dizzy,shock spells and so far the two don't seem related. The only meds I am on right now are Bisoprolol for blood pressure and prilosec for heartburn. I take low dose aspirin and CoQ10 as well. This is driving me nutz and its wearing me out just to function normally!
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I took setraline 50mg, and ended with 200mgs, since May 2014, i stopped cold turkey September  26, 2014. After the second week not taking it i started feeling most of the withdrawls symptoms including the zaps or electric  shocks.  All together, it was better than the side effects i had with this medicine. I felt electrict shocks in my head when i moved abruptly, and later when just moving my eyes, i think it lasted about 3 weeks, but it came again. I was feeling it again these las 3 days.  Just reporting. Hopefully it goes away soon.

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I was off zoloft 2 days cause I had flu.... that darn electric shock keeps going down my back. It is awful when you walked cause you feel like you r walking weird. I hate this feeling.
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I am having the exact same symptoms.  Exact same response from the Dr.  they can't figure out what is going on.  Are you still having symptoms, have you had a diagnosis yet.  Any info you could give would be helpful.
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I am 36 and was/am experiencing these sensations when I close my eyes or move my head sometimes, but I found out I have entered early menapause ( this has been on and off for sevsral months) You may wanna find out if you have a family history of early menapause. (I did and didn't even know)
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I had the same "electrical shock" sensation, only while I was on one of the following: Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor, and Celexa. My doctors have also just shrugged it off when I'd complain (over the past 13 years). My current doc probably thought I was crazy when I flipped out because he wrote an rx for Zoloft as an adjunct therapy for my anxiety and I kindly told him "absolutely not". I explained the shocking sensation and he just looked like he had no clue - never heard that before. I will never, ever take antidpressants again. I take Klonopin for anxiety and I do take Seroquel XR, when I need it. I honestly believe the shocks are the consequence of the medication on the brain, almost like over reactive neurons or something. It took up to four weeks one time after stopping Celexa for the shocks to stop, and I do still occasionally get the sensation, just not to that degree. Weird stuff...
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Celexa caused full blown epilepsy in me.
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I have these same feelings, sometimes I can go for a couple weeks without feeling them, then it comes back as a constant.  I am on 40 mg of Prozac and 30 mg Buspar for anxiety/depression.  I haven't missed any doses, so I don't know why.  I have told my doctor and he just seems to dismiss it like I don't know what I am talking about.  I do have inner ear problems, but that has not been linked to my dizzy flashes and shocks seem to start in the middle of my back and go up thru my head and out my arms.  Makes my teeth feel numb.
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I have been having your same symptoms.  Everytime I have mentioned it to my doctor he looks at me like I am crazy.  I am on synthroid and was on effexor.  I just switched my anti-depressent last Monday back to Prozac and these feelings now are almost continuous.  It makes me almost afraid to walk or drive because I feel like I could pass out at any time.  I never had these before I started on the effexor and now I am wondering if I am having withdrawals after reading through all the posts on this website.  Dazzed and Confused about what to do!
Traci Demijohn!
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I get the same electric shocks and dizziness.

I am on Zoloft (sertraline) 100mg, Lamictal (lamotrigine) 200mg, and Klonopin (clonazepam) 2mg per day.

The dizzying and nauseating shock sensations in my head, behind the eyes, are also triggered by swiftly moving my eyes side to side.

I used to be on Effexor XR (venlafaxine extended-release) and experienced the same phenomenon correlated to withdraw or forgetting/inconsistent dosage.

After having been on Zoloft for the past three years, the shock withdraw side-effect spoken of seems to present quicker than it used to when I first began taking the medication.

I often feel the shocks from simply sleeping-in too late (12+ hours) during latter REM cycles even when I've not forgotten any doses.   I experience this the worst during rapid-eye-movement while dreaming, beginning sometime before I wake up and it continues for about 15-30 minutes after waking.
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I have this problem too. I get an electric shock/pins and needles feeling in my hands and feet, accompanied with a flash of diziness. I notice it more when I am tired, or have done a ton of housework.
It usually happens later in the day, but goes away when I lay down, except for sometimes I see stars when I move my eyes at night. It happens when I turn my head side to side, and sometimes up and then to the side. It happens when I swim and finish the lane, touch the wall and stand up. It happens when I move my eyes from side to side. And sometimes, I am not sure why it happens, but always when I am moving/shifting slightly. I am on Zoloft, Seroquel and Lamictal for bipolar. Xrays are normal except for slight straightening of the neck. ENG test was normal. Next is the MRI.
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i read with interest comments regarding withdrawing from zoloft.
would the same apply to sertaline? i have stubbornly stopped taking it after 10yrs and the electric shocks are totally wearing out my mind and body. will it stop? it has been 2 weeks now, and i get sweeping seconds of complete absence of mind when it happens.
please help im going mad :(
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Sertraline is the generic name for Zoloft .
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I have had these same symptons for about 3 years (on and off, more off). I had it happen one night realy bad about 3 years ago and just now came back. I am wondering if they are not seizures. I have an electric shock go through me like I touched a hot wire then dizziness then naseau. I feel like im on a roller coaster going up and down. My mom has grand-mal seizures and has all her life, she said she has the same sympons.
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I have been getting the electric shock like feeling since last 1 year. It wasnt continuous till 2 months back. These days I get them almost everyday. It starts to appear from noon to evening, normally when I am in office. No dizziness feeling. It occurs whenever I turn by head, and lasts for 2 seconds.
I am on Prodep 60mg one capsule everyday.
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Just two days ago I began getting these "electric shock feelings" through my whole body. When I walk, hear certain noises, turn my head.  My mouth is always dry and my lips have been numb for 2 days.  I don't understand.  I don't take any medications or am I under any more stress then I normaly am.  I don't have medical insurance so I've been going to wed sites to find other people with the same symtoms, but I'm not getting any answers or help....


This sounds very much like a pinched nerve or herniated disc in your neck - especially the numb lips and experiencing symptoms when you walk adn turn your head.  Anti-inflamitory meds should take care of it in a jiffy.
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Just two days ago I began getting these "electric shock feelings" through my whole body. When I walk, hear certain noises, turn my head.  My mouth is always dry and my lips have been numb for 2 days.  I don't understand.  I don't take any medications or am I under any more stress then I normaly am.  I don't have medical insurance so I've been going to wed sites to find other people with the same symtoms, but I'm not getting any answers or help....
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Hi I get these same things happening, I am not on any of the drugs talked about on here. my neuro is doing an MRI to see if there is a vascular problem within the brain or he feels it could be seizures in the brain and I don't mean epileptsi.

I get dizzy then this feeling like my head is exploding then I get loss of vision and extremely fatigued after.

it has been happening for some time now.

I wish you luck in finding what is causing your problem I would also along with the other recommendations see a neuro and get a MRI there is a chance it is something more than drug induced.
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I have the same exact problem as listed above, I have the buzzing feeling in  my head and the dizziness.  Sometimes the dizziness gets even worse when i close my eyes, not to to sleep but just to close them, I've been fighting with myself trying to figure out what's wrong, my doctors even can't figure out what's wrong.  I have had a coupoe of ear infection lately, and I want to go get an ENT, but I wanted to see if any one can related to these symptoms.  
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Hey rockangel,
I was reading your stuff and I wanted to say that I have had the same symptoms for about 1.5 years now and I am not taking any medication, so it may not be the meds.  
I have had every test that my Doc has recommended, which  hit the pocketbook, with no findings.  Dizziness is less often, but I have buzzing feeling, mostly at bedtime and pulsating feeling in my neck. The last month has been good, but last night was bad. My symptoms are usually worse after exercise, but not always.
I hope you find something out.
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Believe me your not alone.  I was addicted to Lortab after I quit taking it I started to get the same feelings, there are days I can't even walk because I can feel it shoot through me as well.  Just like everyone else my Dr. was stumped I have had an MRI been to a ENT and to no avail.  If someone ever does find the answer let me know and to everyone else God bless you and help you.
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368886 tn?1466235284

Your dizzy spells could have some other cause. The electric shock like sensation is actually a part of the discontinuation syndrome, where one suddenly stops the drug (SSRI family). But since you have not missed your doses, it is unlikely.

I would recommend that you should see an ENT specialist. I suspect some internal ear dysfunction. You need to get ENG (electronystagmography) done. This test and the ENT opinion are not absolutely essential, but they will help rule out any vestibular (inner ear) problem.

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I have the same problem but I'm not on Zoloft, I'm on Effexor 300mg in the Morning and Mirtazapine 30mg at bed time.  My Dr. is also a little stumped on why this is happening.  I do tend to get these symptoms more when I have missed a day or 2 of my Effexor, I'm *guessing* that's the cause but not 100% sure!  I really wish I knew!  These feelings are not only annoying but SCAREY!

33yr old  w/f
Smoker 20yrs +
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355169 tn?1196990694
I'm so sorry to hear that....
I went to the Dr. again today & he is convinced now that it has to do with my neck. He thinks it's an old injury. He is sending me to phsycal therapy now. Maybe he is right..... Maybe I need to see a new Dr. I know it isn't related to that...
I think it is the Zoloft but my doses haven't changed in about a year. I'll keep you all posted, thanks for all your responses & thanks Jessi63, I really hope you feel better
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