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Dizzy and Blur Vision while driving

I am a 43 yo female who recently started having major problems with dizziness while driving.  I recently started driving 2 hours to and from work.  I am having a difficult time explaining the symptoms.  I was driving home from work and began to feel like everything was moving too fast but I was sitting still.  My vision became blurred and I began  to be unable to focus.  I feel like my car is not touching the road and I have no control.  Medical History: Diagnosed w/fibromuscular dysplasia w/renal artery stenosis 7 years ago; gastric surgery 5 years ago;plastic surgery in July (breast reduction and tummy tuck; high blood pressure and I am hypoglecemic. My PCP states he heard something in my neck and has ordered a Caritoid Ultrasound but I am concern that this is not my problem and it is something we are missing. I am having a low grade headache;some low grade burred vision; dizziness when turning over in the bed and some facial pain behind my eyes.  Please tell me if we should be looking at other things.  I have to drive back and forth to work so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I just found this on a Google search for highway vertigo and read through it, it's very interesting.  I've had very similar things happen (vertigo on the highway over a certain speed/on downhills etc) but I don't have it 100% of the time and some highways are ok, others are not. Some of it seems like panic or anxiety attacks, which is something I am familiar with, unfortunately,  Those started 12 years ago when my father became really ill and never completely went away.  In my case, this problem with highway vertigo and these attacks of whatever they are seems to be related to having things moving on both sides of my field of vision or a wide open view on a downhill grade.  Example, when I am in the right lane and a major exit splits off on my right side where I have cars moving faster than I am on both sides. That can really set it off and it can get scary, sometimes I need to slow down but I've always forced myself to continue driving.  Sometimes I can drive in the middle lane without problems, sometimes it's bad.  I noticed at a sporting event where we had seats hanging out over the lower arena with a video screen on one side and movement on the other, clear plexiglas in front.  That was bad in a very similar way and I had to get up and move, just a few rows up where I had something on each side was okay.  I've also had it happen to a lesser degree on a small road when sunlight filters through trees and does a strobe light effect.  

I'm interested in the various thoughts about cervical vertigo because I have upper back and neck problems, it generally feels like someone is branding me between the shoulder blades with a hot iron, I've learned to ignore it over time.  I do have a good chiro and I will ask her about cervical vertigo.  

My question for you other poor souls is whether you have brain fog and fatigue to go along with this?  Some days it's all I can do to get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other and I'm usually a bit of a spaz.  I suspect it's all due to blood flow to the brain or something like that, since I'm blessed with normal to low blood pressure and excellent health otherwise in all other measureable ways (I'm 52).  It's gotta be something hit or miss, I slept wrong or something silly like that because some days are a lot better than others and if it was something more serious I should have it more consistently.  

I was diagnosed some years ago with General Anxiety Disorder around the time that the panic attacks started and went through CBT to sort a lot of that out.  I've never taken meds because of the side effects, I was recently given a script for the smallest dose of Buspar and I've thought of taking that as a test for it being anxiety related.  However, I'd like to find the root cause rather than medicate the symptoms so the chiro and the various vertigo versions seem to be a place to start.  Good luck to everyone, this certainly ***** when it happens and all these comments have been really helpful.  
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I recognize almost all the symptoms you mention... how are you doing now?
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Have you ever considered it to be Vertigo? It can make you feel this way and can cause migraines.
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Oh the doc told me my blood pressure is/was 93 over like 65 or something close to that. She thought that i could have had a low pressure spell causing me to feel like i was going to faint. Then she suggested that my nasal passage and ears were congested and i may have allergies or sinus infection and suggested Allegra. Not going that route since i do not feel any sinus pressure or consistent sneezing. Not big on taking medication, i usually don't. Then she suggested that an antihistamine may dry out my sinus passage, could have water in my ears throwing off my balance. I went to the pharmacy and picked up some motion sickness meds. And i have been drinking alot of gatoraide since i think i may have had a bit of dehydration due to a lot of physical activity over a few months time with little rest. (work on my recently purchased home on weekends then work all week without a downtime day to recoop). Going to look into a chrio this week and see what happens.
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Hi i'm back again. I moved closer to work so the drive has been shortened by 25 mins, and back roads. Have not experienced the dizzy-vertigo going to faint feeling up until this past week. Went on vacation and had to drive 5 hours on the freeway to get there. Didn't have the feeling until i got home. everyday this week i have been feeling like i do when i spend time on a boat then step on dry land. Kinda floating, like the earth is moving under me feeling. I experienced my legs getting stiff while sitting at my computer at work then getting up to walk around. Had to get the blood circulating. It has really scared me and i left early on thursday and went to the doctor. 4 days straight and the symptoms seemed to be getting a little worse by day so it was time to go get checked out. I am glad for these posts as i have been to family doc, no infections or diseases according to urine and blood work. the doctor doesn't know whats wrong. I have had MRI, ear tests, blood tests, physical, heart...everything is normal and i am generally a healthy person. when i was on vacation, i sat in a whirlpool the first evening, then got a massage the following morning. I think maybe these actions have brought on the feeling again. I thought maybe because of my lasik surgery, that my prescription my have changed in one of my eyes and is throwing off my balance. I like the chiropractor idea and maybe the nerves in my neck are getting squished(so to speak) when i sleep. I have an older Sealy mattress, may be time for a new one. I am going to schedule an appnt with a chrio and see what happens.
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This is my second post on this thread - the last one was in 2010.

In brief, I was diagnosed with BPPV in about 2008.   I felt like I was in a fog all day long.   I could walk, but it required special effort.   I had trouble knowing if I was actually awake.  It was all very surreal.   Doing the brandt-daroff exercises for 1 week got me back to normal.  Just google it, there is a youtube video which shows you how to do it.   If you have not tried it, give it a go.   If it does not work for you, you've lost 10 minutes a day.  

I have now managed to stay symptom free for the past 3 years, which I believe is due 100% to adopting a healthier lifestyle.   I have cut out all soft drinks.   I cut out coffee.  I make sure that the food I buy is organic and not sprayed with pesticides or genetically modified.   Eating this way will cost you about twice as much money.   Is your health worth it?   People these days all have these weird symptoms, and cancer rates are at all time highs, yet we continue to eat food which is GENETICALLY MODIFIED and think it has no bearing on all of this.   90% of the stuff in the stores is modified or has some sort of chemicals added.   I can't prove this is the reason I was dizzy, but logically, I have to believe it had something to do with it.  

Even if it didn't help my dizzyness, I feel more alive than I have in years.   I am fit and healthy and loving life.  

I truly hope that some more of you experiment with diet (and exercise) and achieve positive results and can post them here.  

Best of luck to you all, as I know how scary this condition can be.  

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I'm finding everyone's comments very refreshing just knowing that I'm not alone!
I started experiencing problems driving on the highway the fall of last year.
I thought it was due to the fact that my car was 15 years old and probably needed mechanical work on the steering and front suspension. So...I decided to get a new car and it freaked me out that I was still noticing a problem even while in the new car driving on highways and going above 50 mph. I'd have to keep my hands planted FIRMLY on the steering wheel and just look straight ahead. I could barely even lower my eyes to look at my speedometer or even want to turn my head to look over my shoulder to change lanes. I also noticed that I was driving in the far right area of the lane, nearly driving on the lane markings, and I had a tough time staying in the center. So, once again I blamed it on the "feel" of the power steering. I kept the car two months and replaced it with a smaller car from a different manufacturer. The problem has improved somewhat, but I'm still feeling uncomfortable going above 65. (I drive I-95 where, if you aren't going at least 80+, you'll be forced off the road. I can remember driving this highway with just one hand on the wheel...but NOT anymore!
I'm now on an anti-anxiety prescription medication,which I really don't want to take, but thought I'd better try it to see if there is any further improvement.  This is without a doubt the strangest thing I've ever experienced and am desparate to nip it in the bud and get on with life!
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