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Please Help

Good Afternoon Doctor
I apologize for the long post but I want to be as detailed as possible.
MRI report below.

Spine echo T-1 and T-2 weighted sagittal and spine echo T2 as well as gradient echo T2 axial sequences were performed.

1. At the C2-3 level, slight bulge and mild uncinate prominence on the right noted.
2. At the C3-4 level, minimal bulging and uncinate prominence, greater on the right noted with no significant mass effect.
3. At the C4-5 level, no significant bulge or focal protrusion noted.
4. At the C5-6 level, mild to moderate bulging and uncinate hypertrophy, slightly worse on the left noted. Superimposed 5-mm left posterior disc extrusion is seen, with marked indentation on the anterior thecal sac, laterally on the left and the proximal left C6 nerve root.  Moderate hypertrophic osseous foraminal stenosis, worse on the left also noted at this level.  No mass effect on the spinal cord is seen.
5. At the C6-7 level, 2-mm broad posterior right paracentral protrusion, minimally indents the anterior thecal sac.
6. Mild posterior right paracentral protrusion noted at T1-2 and minimal posterior bulge at T3-4 noted.
7. The spinal cord is normal and uniform in caliber and signal intensity.

Moderate intervertebral disc degeneration with spondylosis and uncinate prominence at C5-6.  Focal left posterior disc extrusion with marked indentation on the anterior thecal sac and proximal C6 nerve root sleeve on the left at C5-6.

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Thanks for using the forum. I am happy to address your questions, and my answer will be based on the information you provided here. Please make sure you recognize that this forum is for educational purposes only, and it does not substitute for a formal office visit with a doctor.

Without the ability to examine and obtain a history, I can not tell you what the exact cause of the symptoms is. However I will try to provide you with some useful information.

Anxiety can cause many of the symptoms you describe, and may actually be a source. Your MRI does suggest (by report) that you have a C5/6 extruded disc with thecal sac compression. This finding may explain some of the symptoms of pain, muscle twitching, weakness, etc. It won’t explain all of your symptoms though. Typically, herniated discs are treated medically. However, given your reported MRI, it may be worthwhile to be evaluated by a spine surgeon. You should discuss this option with your neurologist.

I do have to mention that in a minority of patients, surgery needs to be done urgently. This often is the case when the herniated disc is pressing on the spinal cord itself. Surgery is emergent so that permanent spinal cord injury does not occur. Another indication for urgent surgery is if there is evidence that a nerve is being compressed on to the point that its function is impaired. Symptoms suggesting the need for urgent surgery include muscle weakness, loss of bowel or bladder control, loss of sensation, particularly in the pelvis and severe and progressive pain.

Have you had an EMG/NCS to evaluate the extent of injury from the extrude disc? These tests are performed at most neurology clinics.

Thank you for this opportunity to answer your questions, I hope you find the information I have provided useful, good luck.

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Continued from above....

I have been experiencing dizziness (almost like i am riding an elevator), headaches, neck pain and stiffness, muscles twitching, chest pain (like a sharp stabbing pain/hot), digestive issues, red hands and feet, vision disturbances (floaters, light sensitivity, dizziness when moving eyes, blurry vision), joint and muscle pain, elevated heart rate at times, muscle twitching/spasms, arms and legs fall asleep when sitting or lying down and just a general feeling of weakness.  These symptoms are present almost all day and night.  very little relief.
This all began in April 2010.  Prior to this i was very active. I played sports and exercised 4 to 5 days a week and was in decent shape.  Now I am just surviving from day to day. I have seen several doctors and have been told it is anxiety but the pains I feel are very real.

My neurologist believes that it is anxiety as well but it is hard to accept since the symptoms are always present.  Please help as my life has come to a complete stop.

I hope I can get some advice on what may be going on.  Again thank you and sorry for the long post.
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1707207 tn?1307811901
I unfortunately have had very similar symptoms as you and also was active and happy prior to the onset of symptoms(dizziness,numbness in left side, also in left calf/foot/ digestive issues & abdominal tightness/ muscle twitching weakness/fatigue, nervousness etc....) I was evaluated initially for stroke,ms,cardiac trouble etc...    The following tests were done:
MRI and MRA of head------------ok
Carotid echo------------------------ok
heart stress test--------------------ok
all bloodwork -----------------------ok except elevated alt and ast (liver)
EMG-----------------------------------some nerve conduction problems on left side
MRI cervical spine------------------very similar to yours with c5/c6 disk and c6/c7 disk bulge and    indentation of thecal sac etc....

Neurological symptoms persist and I too live day to day with it. Tightness at base of neck and cracking noises when I look right or left. Symptoms are all over the place so I was diagnosed with anxiety but I'm sure that's not it. Worst part is an attack feeling like close to but never quite losing conciousness which happens occasionally with numbness/tingling left arm which are stoke symptoms but they hospitalized me and ran a million tests to rule that out.

So , let's focus on what they did find on you and me----------cervical spine trouble with indent on thecal sac. In my opinion , even though the symptoms are all over the place, it's the only finding that even comes close to explaining what's happening to you and I. Focus your efferts on that unless they find something else that might explain your symptoms and don't let someone talk you into anxiety as a cause if you feel your coping ok. You know if you are having panic attacks or not! Good luck my friend----------hope you get better.
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