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How do I take care of myself after cervical fusion

I will be having a 4 level anterior cervical interbody fusion from C-3 thru C-7 with plating and screws June 8th. Will also be using cadaver bone and bone morphogenic protein. I have a mostly desk type job, and plan to be off work 3 weeks. What I don't know is how do I take care of myself at home. My husband can be home with me as long as necessary. How is the best way to sleep? I understand I will have trouble swallowing for weeks or months but will that be due to pain or swelling in my neck? If you are home resting in a recliner and watching tv, can you take off the front part of the collar as long as you aren't up and walking around? I am sure there are other questions I need to ask and my surgeon isn't very forthcoming with answers other than they will teach me in the hospital in the expected 2 nite stay. I'm afraid I won't remember details while on pain meds and I want to know beforehand how others with multi-level cervical fusions manage at home. Anything that did or didn't work to make you more comfy would be appreciated as I want to get my home prepared before I have the surgery. Thanks to all, Cindy
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I haven't found it that difficult. I had c4-5,c5-6 and c6-7 discectomy with fusion on 3/29. Hardest part is eating and resting. No pain meds since 3 days after surgery. Only wear collar if I'm riding in the car or out in public. Not so tired all the time now. Doing small things around house, dishes, sweeping, and sorting laundry. Voted out of my mind not doing more. Only 2.5 weeks out but hoping I can drive next week. Get cozy with Netflix.....try to indulge a little.
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You sound like you know what your talking about I'm almost in week two of my c5 c6 fusion did you use the cervical  stim by the way? I'm sleeping in a recliner but my neck feels swollen but don't look swollen guess it's just me I worry to much when can I wash my hair
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I had C4-5/5-6 done 30 years ago now I am going to have C3-4 and C 6-7 done out of grave necessity at the C3-4 level. The first surgery was a cake walk but I was in my late 20's. Now in my early 60's I am a little more concerned. I have enjoyed reading all of the posts, and this takes away some of the fear of the unknown. I will keep using this site to guide and help others.
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I had C4-5/5-6 done 30 years ago now I am going to have C3-4 and C 6-7 done out of grave necessity at the C3-4 level. The first surgery was a cake walk but I was in my late 20's. Now in my early 60's I am a little more concerned. I have enjoyed reading all of the posts, and this takes away some of the fear of the unknown. I will keep using this site to guide and help others.
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had lower ones done 20 yrs ago now ones above it are pretty bad they shifed and pressing on spinal canal etc...dont quite remember how long it took ..my husband helped me so much but since than he passed ...so I am kind of alone thanks for post
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Hello Kate,
I just had this same surgery! Sleeping in a recliner or with a wedge pillow is very helpful. Eating afterwards well, start with icecream or ice chips and move to yogurts, and jello. It will take a while for it to feel normal, but don't panic it is normal to feel strange. I think the best advice I have been given is to take walks daily. It clears your head, improves your mood and helps regain your endurance. I am up to a mile and a half at 3 weeks post op. I started out slowly and worked up. Listen to your body, if it needs sleep then sleep as much as it wants! Give yourself permission to sleep and rest it will help you to heal more quickly. I hope this helps good luck!
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10476843 tn?1410415226
I had a 3 level ACDF w/fusion C 4-5, 5-6, 6-,7, 6 wks ago and was in hospital overnight then went home. I was told to prop up pillows or get a 30° wedge at a foam shop and used it for 2 wks as instructed. I'm so tired of wearing the hard coller day and night. Its been in the 80's in the SF north bay, CA and I've had to add Band-Aids to where it rubs causing a rash. That has helped. I also had Posterior invision where they added support wedges that will fuse as bone. I have a bone growth stimulater that I wear around my neck for 4 hrs a day while watching TV in the evenings. Tablet & smart phones mess with the signals so don't use them while it is around your neck. I had xrays 2 wks post op but I don't have a f/u appointment with the OS or PT so I'll f/u with their office to see what to do next. No driving yet since I'm still in the hard cooler. I'm off all narcotics but I do take 3000 mg Tylonol for pain. No Advil as it slows bone growth and healing. I can't drive until hard collar off and I can turn my head due to blind spots. The Anterior portion was not painful at all but the two 1 1/2" Posterior incisions have been painful since first night where they cut into muscle and lasted for a month. I had my husband and adult daughter here to help me as I couldn't do much of anything while I was doped up with Norco and Flexeral. I'm feeling much better but its hard for me to walk due to PN/CMT and which I take generics for Neurontin and Cymbalta to control nerve pain. The surgery was uneventful and pain free on the anterior side. The posterior portion took 4 wks. There is no way I could return to my job before 6-8 weeks post op. I'm using short term disability currently. I was needlessly very nervous pre op
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Excellent Post - needed the specifics.  Hope you are enjoying a new back and new lease on life.
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C-7 T-1 Fusion on 5-12-14 at 11am was up and walking at 5 am next morning.  Went home next day at 1pm my surgery was done from my back not through my throat.  6" incision from C-ys7 down center of spine.  Had to remove large Cyst starting at C-7 behind disk.  Removed C-7 disk and fused with 2 screws.  No neck collar just pain pills, getting along very well, hard getting out of bed and off couch.  It was 1 week tell I took my first short drive to grocery store.  This set off the pain spent the rest of day in bed but other then that it has went better then expected.  Thats my story good luck to all.
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4 weeks post op today, ACDF C5-6 and C6-7. My pre op pain in my scapula and down my left arm is gone, a miracle! But here are some of the experiences I've had. VERY difficult to swallow even ice chips the first 48 hours after surgery, and at least 2 weeks of soft food and chewing a lot. Still have the sensation of something in my throat but less awareness as time goes by.
MUCH tiredness and almost non stop sleep the first week, may have been due to pain meds. I stopped most all a few days ago, but couldn't stand it so back on. My surgeon is great but skimpy on words, so I've had to read and figure out what works for comfort and safety. I was in a hard collar 24/7 for 2 weeks and a soft collar for 2 weeks. Today I took it off and have been trying to keep it off, but the back of my neck is aching like the dickens, so I may put it on for a few hours. Sleeping is an issue, I woke up in agony last night, must have slept funny, and not sure HOW to sleep now that collars are off!?! I see my surgeon next week, and intend to get answers.
Cant work, desk job with computer 8 hours a day and just too much with the bent neck!
All in all, best decision, the pre op pain was FAR worse and non stop so I'm happy I had the surgery. Good Luck!
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hello,i been a heavy construction laborer all my life, and in one day( shoveling snow of all things) my life changed ...  I had a acdf on my c5 c6 c6 c7 on 7-25-13 in Pgh. Pa. and being 98 days or 14 weeks or 3.5 months out of surgery.... I can say this,  my spine hurts where the disc are trying to fuse...  still hurts deep ach,  I had a x-ray at 12 weeks and it showed a area where the graft still has not fused together , my doctor tells me to rest and no work till 1-15-14(6 months), then if no improvement we will see about a ct scan and go from there, he has me on meloxocam, not working yet. I have muscle spasms bad in my neck, shoulders,,,still have some nerve pain down my arm in to my hand and fingers, I sleep on the couch than in bed( better sleep than bed).. I heat up, stretch, walk 2 miles a day,ice down. did therapy (can only do so much there) .... I still have a saying that is burned in to my head,,, one lady said... REST AND PATIENCE...... I  have 2.5 more months till my next. appointment,.. they say( everybody on the web that is)  It will take at least a year to fill better... we will see..
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I had surgery one week ago.  Double fusion in my neck.  It's amazing how great I feel.  I'm not wearing collar only when riding in car.  All the pain and numbness in left arm is completely gone.  I actually walked 40 minutes this morning.  I do get great relief from ice packs and heating pad through out the day.  I find laying on back with tempropeadic pillow at night works great for me.  I'm sore in the morning and have trouble swallowing meds but all else is great.  I had a great surgeon, he did spinal fusion surgery in 2011 on me as well.  That was a great success too.  Hope u continue to recover.

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hi all, I had cervical surgery on june 17, wore neck brace for 6 weeks. I forget which c levels were done but had 2 fusions, bone removed and rods/screws/basket installed. this was needed due to spinal impingement from a disc. surgery went well, 2 days at the hospital. was hard to swallow but is getting better. burning in arms went away until I started p.t. dr said to stop p.t. for now as my body may not be ready for it. I still have partial hand numbness, which I had before surgery. i feel pretty good throughout the day and even cut back on pain meds. my biggest problem is mornings. im out of the soft brace and wake up with sore neck. I tried combinations of brace/no brace/pillow/no pillow, so far none has helped. think I will try sleeping upright, sounds like fun but will see how I feel in the am. no stitches, glue was used and is healing up nice, I did try therapy and traction/decomp  via chiropractic prior to surgery with no progress. had a great dr and good hospital experience. good luck to all.
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5615003 tn?1370973060
I had a Cervical Fusion from C3 to C7 back in 11/30/2010 with a wonderful surgeon(Dr. Hermenau Desert Spine Institute in Yuma) .. It's been about almost 3 years now and I have minor discomfort.. even though I am not supposed to be using pillows I still do but not too high of a rise. After the surgery I had a neck brace and had to use a walker for about 3 months tops.. then from there I just had to make sure not to "look up" that much where it tilted my neck... even until this day.Currently I am taking EMG tests because afterwards they have diagnosed me with Cervical Myelopathy and I get occasional muscle spasms and nerves reflex(ex. can not control my toe continuously going up unless I hold it down, etc.) . I occasionally lose my balance when walking but not too often(maybe once a month or so..) but not to the point where I am falling. I can still climb 4 flights of stairs good... I have still been blessed since at some point I was in a wheel chair for a few days being quadriplegic before the surgery. So please don't wait too long before talking to a doctor like I did.. I am happy that I can walk but it's been a challenge to live everyday knowing I still have nerve damage and living with a titanium bar/plate in my neck with a scar.  But hey.. I can give piggy back rides to children (that weigh approx. less then 50 pounds) without any problems.
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You said they only lived 10 years after surgery, how old were they?  You really should not say anything unless you know what the doctor meant!  Is he a quack?
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I have spinal cord compression at c5-6 and c6-7. I have had severe pain below shoulder blade (scapula), in between shoulder blades, upper back and shoulder pain. NS wants to fuse them and tie into old fusion done 20 yrs. ago. This will mean my whole neck will be fused. Most people I have read about talk alot about arm symptoms, I have some underarm ache and weak feelings and a few issues with thumb and index finger but my main PAIN is the back stuff.Has anyone else had these pain's in the back???? I am so confused, one NS said it could be coming from the cervical another would not answer. I am sceduled for surgery on the 28th and would like to know if this pain is related. Also might add some numb feelings down side of legs. And a feeling in my leg's like they are weak and feel fatigued. Anyone had this for cervical? NO lumbar problems on MRI.
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I am day 4 post op for a one level, c5-c6 fusion. I am a professor, and have put this surgery off for a while given my back to back schedule, using cortisone injections to help get me through. When I began having reactions to the cortisone, I decided for surgery. I built up my fitness, bought soft foods, a recliner, and expected the worst. I planned for three weeks off work. On day 4, post op, I am not on narcotics, just a bit a valium for the cramping in the neck, and bored to death. I want to go back to work. I am not sleeping because of the collar, not because of the pain!! And, because I am not working. Everyone tolerates this surgery differently, but I didn't expect such a good outcome. By the way, I too, was given four days of decadron to reduce surgical swelling. I think that was a remarkable help.
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Yes, mine is still numb...feels very odd when shaving! I asked my doc about that at my 4-week checkup yesterday. He said that's perfectly normal, some folks have feeling return after a few weeks, some can take up to six months. He said when they make the incision, there are literally hundreds of nerve endings that are affected, and they take time to heal.

Here's hoping for sooner rather than later!
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How are you feeling now?  Are all of you pre-surgery symptoms gone?
Do you have a horizontal or vertical scar?  I am to have this done and really would appreciate some info--thanks!
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It is probably a muscle spasm. I had my surgery on March 22, C6-7 and about six days later I had bad muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders along the trigger points. I think it came from not using my hands enough to get up. I was pulling too much from my upper body. I am in a hard collar and it is difficult to get used to moving in. I am taking muscle relaxers to help. I read not to take NSAIDS because it may inhibit the bone fusion. Just use your hands to push yourself up.
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Anyone have their chin down to the base of their neck stay numb for weeks? Still having stiffness and pain in neck. No change after surgery,,,in fact more pain!
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Had C5-C6 and C6-C7 discectomy with fusion, plates, and screws on March 8, 2013. When the surgery was scheduled, I told doc I had a flight from DFW to DCA (Reagan Airport) scheduled on March 18, with a return flight on March 22. He said that should be no problem. I would not be driving, just taking cabs from airport to hotel, and walking from hotel to office (about five blocks).

While my biggest concern is lifting the suitcase, I've been reading that one shouldn't ride in the back of a car (which is where cabbies put you), or sleeping on your back (no recliners in the hotel, and I am a stomach sleeper when in a bed) for several weeks.

Also, he set me up with home PT, but the therapist said I have to be considered home-bound for insurance to cover. In other words, if I fly to DC, I will lose the PT.

What is your experience?
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Tues, March 13, 2013
I had C4-6 Ant Cervical Discetomy and fusion w/PEEK Interbody and Anterior Plate - on Jan 13,2013

I''m 67 yrs old -plagued by back and neck problems for years but it's gotten down to the point of interfering with my life and unbearable pain. so, my neurosurgeon said, It's time.  But, have to do neck before back.  I really feel for all you folks still working.  I had the good fortune to retire early, lived my dream of going sailing for 14 years and now this is what I get to do. No whining allowed.  So, I had the cervical fusion - in early one morning and out the next afternoon. Great doc and his PA - can't say enough good about them - from Tucson Orthopedic Center.  However, most of the post op instructions were a bit skimpy - mostly, I think, because I'm a retired nurse practitioner. so, afew things for those getting ready for the surgery or just having had it - there are many variations of doctor prefereances regarding THE COLLAR - my doc wanted me in a soft collar 224/7 the first 3 week,  then only for sleep until I see him on 4/10. No lifting my hands over hand, no lifting heavier than gallon of milk (actually, i think that's a little much) limited bending, no driving first three weeks and then none until off narcotics (which will be a long time cuz of back), and that was about it - oh, don't get incision wet for first three weeks - use waterproof dressings.   So other things I learned - don't use the airthritis meds, no steriods,  for the swallowing pills - there;s this great stuff called "Pill Glide" - available at Walgreens or other such pharmacies - works great especially for Potassium Tablets.   I also prepared a "wound care" tray before I came home from the hospital - had sterile 4x4's, alcohol sponges, sissors, tape,disposable gloves, waterproof dressings for the shower all there so I didn't have to round it up later.  Well stocked fridge - yogurt, applesauce, puddings, etc. but even with the sore throat, as long as I took small bites of well steamed veggies, chewed well, swallowed and followed up with cold liquid - staws needed even now - no problem. Will say, swallowing still remains a bit of a problem.  Also, at first, in the first few days, easily provoked coughing spells - cepacol lozenges worked great. ice pack - not the frozen pea but real ice pack helpful - not only at the incision site but also across the low shoulders - something to do with the positioning during surgery.  So, post op - I had immediate relief from the pain in hands and neck pre op - magic.  unfortunately, the back has gotten much worse since I can not do my regular exercises although progressing towards that. Walking as much as possible, but again - the back pain. so, once I am healed from the neck fusion - doc estimates 2-3 months - wait a little bit as my husband and I want a brief vaca - then the big one - 6-7 hr surgery and the doc is going to, as he say, build me a new back.  I believe him.  I have scolosis/kyphosis and all the uglies that go with along with them.  that recovery will be a grueling 12-15 months ..a few prayers please.
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To all of you preparing for ACDF, be aware that Thrush is possible due to the antibiotics you will be given during and after the surgery.  
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