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woozy, drunk feeling/twitches

Hello there.  I am a 19 year old (otherwise healthy) guy from England and for 3 months I have been suffering from symptoms that are confusing!
I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.
My health took a downward turn in Sept last year.  I had swollen glands in my neck very badly, sweating in the night, mucus/puss on my tonsils etc and very bad headaches/difficulty looking into light etc...
That subsided and left me with a horrible foggy/cloudy head feeling.  Like I had a veil infront my face that I wanted to lift and become part of the real world again.  I then got very dizzy.  When I moved the world would shake infront of me, my keyboard would jump out at me, and it was like looking at the world through a shakey hand held camera. I also had balance problems, like when i closed my eyes i would fall over. Doctor gave me serc for an inner ear problem but it didnt work.  However, after about 3-4 weeks, this calmed down.  

Present Symptoms:

Now however, I am left with a horrible woozy, almost drunk feeling in my head all the time, I never feel "with it" and find doing normal tasks difficult cus I cant consentrate and my short term memory sems bad!  When I try to sleep I frequently get a sensation as if my body is going back and forth quite quickly. - A sensation i only got when I was drunk before all this started.  The nost worrying thing is that I get muscle twitches very frequently. My calfs twitch a lot, my eyelid twitches and muscles in my back, both volentary and non volentary muscles twitch and spasm.  I found that when I smile my mouth would twitch, and I spill my drink sometimes when I hold the cup up to my mouth because in certain positions I cannot stop it from jerking.  I also have a few balance problems where I feel like falling over when I do things.
Over the last week, I have been having jolt like experiences that feel like electric shocks going across my torso, and down mailny my left arm.  It seems to happen funnily enough when I look toward the side!  The eye movement to the right mainly will make this jolt sensation, although it happens when i dont look right.  It doesnt happen when i look down or put my chin on my chest!
My neurologist did an examination where he hit my reflexes and made me walk etc.. and said it all looked normal but is recommending a head and chest scan.  This may take quite a few weeks, if not months.  I am worried as to what it might be.  I thought I'd give all my symptoms from start to finish, maybe some are not relevant.  Do you have any ideas?

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A related discussion, state of drunkiness past 6 + years was started.
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A related discussion, Drunk feeling Sinus Infection was started.
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Come over to the MGH neurology forums on the NEUROMUSCULAR web and meet many other twitchers who have very simliar complaints and can offer you information and support, and much reassurance!
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Do you drink a lot of soda?  Sometimes I get to feeling like I'm in a fog and my "brain" is heavy but when I cut out soda I begin to feel better...........
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Dear James & Justin-

I've also been experiencing some similar symptoms to the ones you've described.  I'm 29 years old and up until six months ago, had never had a major illness or anything other than good health.  My symptoms, however, can be linked to an event that still doesn't make any sense to me.

In August of 2000, I took one hit off a marijuana cigarette (shared with some friends) and had a very strong reaction to the drug.  My senses immediately became overloaded and I became very frightened.  I was with my wife at the time as well (who did not smoke) and I told her that "it went straight to my head", and that "I didn't feel well".  I told her that I had to go for a walk (we were at a concert) to find some space.  We walked to a concession stand and I told her I thought I was going to pass out.  She told me to sit down on the ground and she went to get me some water.  At this point, I remember feeling completely out of control and literally thought I was going to die.  My wife (who is a nurse) brought me some Sprite and calmed me down.  She even took my vital signs at the time which were completely normal.

I was able to drink quite a bit of Sprite and felt a bit better after a few minutes.  However, I soon felt nauseous and then vomited violently.  I drank no alcohol that evening, which makes it even more bizarre to me.  Thinking the marijuana might be laced with another drug, I checked with my friends, but they insisted that nothing was added.  Furthermore, everyone who had shared the same marijuana cigarette with me was fine.  When I went to bed that evening, I can remember looking forward to waking up sober and putting the episode behind me.  Unfortunately, when I woke up the
next morning, something seemed very wrong with my vision and I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life.

To give you some background, I was a very moderate pot smoker (3-4 times per year) and never had any adverse effects from it.  I haven't smoked it since.  I've never smoked cigarettes (tobbacco), have been a moderate drinker all my life (glass of wine 1-2 times per week), and have never used other types of drugs.  I knew that something strong had effected my body and just figured it would take a day or so to get it all out of my body and get on with things.  Wrong again... six months later I'm still encountering the same symptoms more or less.  My symptoms are 1.  Vision not sharp...
feels like I have a filter over my eyes that softens everything slightly, but is not out of focus.  This has been present 24/7 since the incident.  2. Dizziness/lightheadedness:  Has been intermittent and does not affect my balance significantly.  Just sometimes like I'm floating 1 inch off the ground when I'm walking.  3.  Very slight tremors felt when I'm holding a piece of paper, etc. (intermittent).

If I had to describe it in a nutshell, I would say that my senses still think they're on marijuana, but the rest of me is normal (i.e. I don't feel buzzed).  This is a very frustrating way to feel day in and day out and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  I am "uncomfortably" numb.  If there is one thing to be happy about, it's that I'm still totally functional and (besides the symptoms) and feel like my physical and mental processes are all fine.

As I've seen with many others on this board, according to every test and doctor evaluation, I'm completely normal.  This includes evaluations from:  two Optometrists , two Opthamologists, Neurologist, CT Scan of my sinuses, and a MRI of my brain.  I've also have visited both a acupunturist/herbalist and Chiropractor extensively as well.  I had little luck with Acupuncture.

I did find some improvement with the dizziness after several Chiropractic adjustments, but my eyesight remains unaffected.  My chiropractor found some evidence of whiplash via x-ray... I had fallen hard skiing and hit the back of my head last March, but did not have a concussion at the time (I went to the hospital for a badly sprained wrist).  Whether or not hitting my head could have anything to do with all of this, I have no clue.

At this point I think I have only a few options left... 1.  Continue with chiropractic and hope that the symptoms improve gradually over time.  2.  Hook up with a specialist that understands how seratonin affects the brain...  maybe the neurotransmitters got out of whack when I had the toxic reaction.  I've been told drugs like Prozac might help this.  3.  See an ENT doctor to make sure there is nothing going on in the inner ear that could be playing a part in this.  That's all I can think of.  I have an appointment with my primary next week too see what I should try next.

Well, hopefully this post will give you some new angles to try.  Good luck!  Feel free to e-mail me at ***@****

Best regards,

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Dear James & Justin-

I've also been experiencing some similar symptoms to the ones you've described.  I'm 29 years old and up until six months ago, had never had a major illness or anything other than good health.  My symptoms, however, can be linked to an event that still doesn't make any sense to me.

In August of 2000, I took one hit off a marijuana cigarette (shared with some friends) and had a very strong reaction to the drug.  My senses immediately became overloaded and I became very frightened.  I was with my wife at the time as well (who did not smoke) and I told her that "it went straight to my head", and that "I didn't feel well".  I told her that I had to go for a walk (we were at a concert) to find some space.  We walked to a concession stand and I told her I thought I was going to pass out.  She told me to sit down on the ground and she went to get me some water.  At this point, I remember feeling completely out of control and literally thought I was going to die.  My wife (who is a nurse) brought me some Sprite and calmed me down.  She even took my vital signs at the time which were completely normal.

I was able to drink quite a bit of Sprite and felt a bit better after a few minutes.  However, I soon felt nauseous and then vomited violently.  I drank no alcohol that evening, which makes it even more bizarre to me.  Thinking the marijuana might be laced with another drug, I checked with my friends, but they insisted that nothing was added.  Furthermore, everyone who had shared the same marijuana cigarette with me was fine.  When I went to bed that evening, I can remember looking forward to waking up sober and putting the episode behind me.  Unfortunately, when I woke up the
next morning, something seemed very wrong with my vision and I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life.

To give you some background, I was a very moderate pot smoker (3-4 times per year) and never had any adverse effects from it.  I haven't smoked it since.  I've never smoked cigarettes (tobbacco), have been a moderate drinker all my life (glass of wine 1-2 times per week), and have never used other types of drugs.  I knew that something strong had effected my body and just figured it would take a day or so to get it all out of my body and get on with things.  Wrong again... six months later I'm still encountering the same symptoms more or less.  My symptoms are 1.  Vision not sharp...
feels like I have a filter over my eyes that softens everything slightly, but is not out of focus.  This has been present 24/7 since the incident.  2. Dizziness/lightheadedness:  Has been intermittent and does not affect my balance significantly.  Just sometimes like I'm floating 1 inch off the ground when I'm walking.  3.  Very slight tremors felt when I'm holding a piece of paper, etc. (intermittent).

If I had to describe it in a nutshell, I would say that my senses still think they're on marijuana, but the rest of me is normal (i.e. I don't feel buzzed).  This is a very frustrating way to feel day in and day out and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  I am "uncomfortably" numb.  If there is one thing to be happy about, it's that I'm still totally functional and (besides the symptoms) and feel like my physical and mental processes are all fine.

As I've seen with many others on this board, according to every test and doctor evaluation, I'm completely normal.  This includes evaluations from:  two Optometrists , two Opthamologists, Neurologist, CT Scan of my sinuses, and a MRI of my brain.  I've also have visited both a acupunturist/herbalist and Chiropractor extensively as well.  I had little luck with Acupuncture.

I did find some improvement with the dizziness after several Chiropractic adjustments, but my eyesight remains unaffected.  My chiropractor found some evidence of whiplash via x-ray... I had fallen hard skiing and hit the back of my head last March, but did not have a concussion at the time (I went to the hospital for a badly sprained wrist).  Whether or not hitting my head could have anything to do with all of this, I have no clue.

At this point I think I have only a few options left... 1.  Continue with chiropractic and hope that the symptoms improve gradually over time.  2.  Hook up with a specialist that understands how seratonin affects the brain...  maybe the neurotransmitters got out of whack when I had the toxic reaction.  I've been told drugs like Prozac might help this.  3.  See an ENT doctor to make sure there is nothing going on in the inner ear that could be playing a part in this.  That's all I can think of.  I have an appointment with my primary next week too see what I should try next.

Well, hopefully this post will give you some new angles to try.  Good luck!  Feel free to e-mail me at ***@****

Best regards,

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My name is Justin eggert I'm a 19 year old male. I have had the same symptoms you have had. It started about 2 years ago. I'm fatigued, I always feel sick, I get burning/tingling/itching sensations. My muscles twitch on and off. I used to get electric sensations with eye movement (only lasted about a week), I feel almost drunk - i can't focus very well, its hard to concentrate. i've been to the doctor numerous times they always tell me i have sinsus problems but I just got a CT Scan and my sinus are perfect except for a pollup. I have had an MRI on my brain it was fine. I have been on numerous antibiotics and nothing has helped. I've been trying to find out whats wrong with me going on two years now. I'm almost relieved to find someone else who has had almsot the EXACT symptoms as me. please, if you find out any information e-mail me at ***@****

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Do you have any coal, oil or gas burning appliances in your home?
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Dear James T:

Sorry that your having problems.  I am not sure if I will be able to help much. The fact that your neurological examination is normal makes thing much less worrisome.  I would agree with the MRI of the brain and will help with further thoughts about the cause of your symptoms.  Much of what you are explaining sound very much like inner ear problems: balance off, wavy vision.  This might be a post viral problem that might take awhile to heal.  The muscle twitches also could be part of the same problem.  Benign fasciculations occuring after an infection is a common finding and in the face of a normal examination, is common.  I am assuming that some basic labs were normal, CBC, electrolytes, and the like.  I will also assume that you do not drink, smoke or take elicit drugs and there is no family history of neurological problems.  Given these assumptions, one thinks that you are suffering from some sort of post viral syndrome.  But, over the internet is not the best diagnostic evaluation.  Sorry, I couldn't be more informative.


CCF Neuro MD
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