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1157646 tn?1343967128

PCOS and going to the doctor.

Hey everyone!
I'm relatively new to understanding PCOS (although was originally diagnosed at 16, am nearly 21 now). Had been put on the pill at diagnosis and just got told to keep on the pill until I wanted to consider children.  I was on the pill (and going well on it too) until this past october when I developed quite a few DVT's (blood clots) and so now I can't take any combined contraceptive.

Now that I've been off the pill nearly a year, my cycle has got progressively worse and so I went to the doctor who sent me for some bloods and told me to go see a specialist.  I go to the specialist on the 15th (just over a week away).  What sorts of questions are important to ask? What do I take with me? What do I need to remember?  I tend to not trust too many doctors so I like to be on top of things myself somewhat and so any advice would be muchly appreciated! :)

Thanks in advance!!
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Some ideas for preparing for the appointment:

- Write down any symptoms you're experiencing. Include all of your symptoms, even if you don't think they're related.
- Make a list of any medications, vitamins and other supplements you take. Write down doses and how often you take them.

Take both of the above with you to the appointment. Also...

- Take a notebook or notepad with you. Use it to write down important information during your visit. Also, if you can, bring along a friend or family member to have an extra listening ear, since it can be difficult to remember everything.

Then some questions you might want to ask:

- Are medications available that might improve my symptoms or my ability to conceive later on?
- I have other medical conditions. How can I best manage them all together?
- Under what circumstances do you recommend surgery?
- What treatment do you recommend for my specific situation?
- What are the long-term health implications of PCOS?
- Do you have any brochures or other printed materials that I can take with me?

and add any other questions you might have.

Hope it all goes well. :)
10 Responses
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1157646 tn?1343967128
Ok, here's an update on the situation. I ended up in my GP's office last friday with a SUPER heavy cycle (no wonder why, it was 5 months overdue!!) and it was at the point after 2 days I was slightly anemic (my haemaglobin had dropped)  so I really have to start looking into it again and seeing doctors.  My GP have me some tablets to get me through the immediate and slow things down but said it's not a long term treatment. So, I'm having an ultrasound on wednesday (this week) and have an appt with a gynaecologist on October 20th.

Fingers crossed this guy is more decent than the last!!!!
Thanks for the supportive comments!! :)
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1157646 tn?1343967128
Yeah, I'll most probably be seeing another specialist, but not for the moment. My GP (who is absolutely amazing) said he'll do some calling and talk to other doctors for me to hopefully avoid another horrible experience.  At the moment we're just waiting while my GP looks into a few things and does some research. I'm sick of waiting and being in limbo with everything going on and me having no control but there isnt much I can do at the moment.

But yeah, I'm with you, I'd love to knock some sense into some doctors!
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Oh boy, that's not good. I wouldn't go back to that doctor either. Some people are just like that and I wish I could slap them upside the head to knock some sense into them. lol. Are you going to try and see another specialist?
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1157646 tn?1343967128
Thanks for your comment.  I'm 20 too and have now seen 2 different doctors who have all been total idiots and quite rude. Hopefully I'll find the right doctor eventually.
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I'm very sorry for your horrible experience. Almost every obgyn i went to was like that. I'm 20 and have been to four diffrrent ones total. A lot of them can be jerks but there are good ones around. I hope you will find the right  doc that cares and will help you. This is a tough disease. My prayers are with you.
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1157646 tn?1343967128
Sorry to hear of your awful experiences with doctors too.  It's horrible having to deal with bad doctors along with all the symptoms and everything else!!

Eventually I'll get a second opinion, I've been back to my GP (who's really nice) since this appointment and he's suggested I get a second opinion too.  I'm just gunna wait a little while though, just to get over the complete disappointment from the last doctor.
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1306788 tn?1334752651
Nat, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with the specialist. Sometimes they can be really awful. I've been suffering with PCOS since I was a teenager, now in my late twenties, and only got diagnosed a few months ago. The reason being I had the same experience as you, not just with one doctor, but several, all making me feel like I was just going to them and making my symptoms up. Eventually I stopped going to the docs all together, I was so despondent, for years I carried on like this. Until finally, after trying for a baby for a year with my hubby and not succeeding, my hubby begged me to go back to the doctors. I was very reluctant, but he managed to convince me to go. Luckily on that day there was a new doctor at my surgery, she was attentive, really listened, ran an entire battery of tests and finally diagnosed me with PCOS and prescribed me with Metformin. And for the first time in five months I actually had a normal period! I was so overjoyed to finally put a face and a name to all my symptoms. Even though there is no cure, it is treatable. Hang in there hun, try not to lose hope. You just got a bad egg, and you are absolutly entitled to a second opinion.
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1157646 tn?1343967128
Just an update now I've been to the doctors appointment.  Honestly, the only way to describe it is a complete and utter waste of time!!

He's decided that my bloods and ultrasound results mean nothing and I'm a liar about ALL the symptoms and everything I told him...and no I'm not joking!!!!  

Appointment lasted less than 5 minutes, after he told me I was making it up and the bloods mean nothing (although flagged as abnormal) I ended up leaving his room crying.  There's no way I'm going back!!
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1157646 tn?1343967128
I've got a list of symptoms already - my GP got me to put that together when I went to see him. Medications aren't written down though - that's a good idea!!
I'll definitely take a notebook to the appointment, I've got into a tendancy of doing that when I go see my thyroid doctor anyway. And I'll have my mum there to listen too.

Thanks for the questions too.
I'll do some research into PCOS between now and the appointment so I have some idea about it myself too.  I'm surely gunna think up alot of questions over the next week!

I'm quite nervous for the appointment lol.  
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