464067 tn?1297298432

how is everyone feeling

i ladies i thought i would comeon and see how everyone is now it is coming to the last few months of pregnancy and also because the April 09 forum is quite quiet lol.
so how is everyone are use all getting things ready for the baby or babies?
how are use feeling knowing you will see your wee baby in a few months?
have anyone got any names for there babies?
anything you would like to share i would love to hear i just thought i would try and brighten up this forum a wee bit lol

so if anyone would like to share there feeling on the last few months of their pegnancies would be great to hear from

take care
28 Responses
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501096 tn?1320874932
We found out on 12/1 that we're having a boy and we're really excited--it was just what we (us and our DS) wanted.  Our DD2 (4y) cried because she wanted a girl, but she's over that now.

On the down side, we ended up being sent to a perinatologist on 12/9 after they discovered a single umbilical artery.  The specialist also found 2 extra holes in the baby's heart.  We'll have to go see a pediatric cardiologist sometime before the baby is born.

Otherwise, baby boy is healthy and measuring about 6 days ahead.  He's an active little guy and you can already see him moving from the outside on occasion.
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581359 tn?1454006442
We just had a second stage 2 u/s yesturday and our baby is doing great.  We are like Glenda our baby only has a two vessel cord.  They did a growth scan and she's perfect.  1lb 14oz.  She's in the breach position, but the tech said that doesn't really matter until the 37th week.  She said they don't document what position the baby is in until then.  We've got lots of appts coming up, so I'll post how things are going.

Have any of you had your glucose test yet?  How did it come out?  I've got mine on the 14th, fun...I hate that orange drink.  Good luck to all of you ladys, I hope everything is going well with your pregnancies.
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501096 tn?1320874932
I believe I'll get the glucose test in another 4w, but I'm not sure.  Way back when, they used to have different flavors of that drink, but now they only have orange.  I HATE all orange sodas, so it's extra nasty to my.

In the meantime, we just got fetal doppler that we ordered, so we get to listen to the baby's heart any time we want.  It's really reassuring, especially when he gets "quiet" sometimes.
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464067 tn?1297298432
hi everyone glad everyone is doing well

i was mant to get my glucose test but sadly i cant get it because my mornng sickness is soo bad i cant have it the sweetness will make me sick soo i have refused the test i dont want to but there is no point getting it if i cant hold the drink down.

i also have my 28 weeks scan on the 13th of jan to find out how my wee boy is growing and to make sure everything is fine so im looking forward to that but the only thing im worried about is i feel my baby really low down i thought i would feel him near my ribs but he is very low down (under my belly button) i do feel kicks and i can see my stomach move but its nowhere near my ribs.

but other tha that pregnancy going great 13 weeks to go then i meet my wee boy i cant wait

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501096 tn?1320874932
Well, I saw my OB today & everything looks great.  My blood pressure was 102/62 and baby's heartrate was strong and in the upper 150's.  My glucose tolerance test is scheduled for 3w from tomorrow.  My next following appt will be in another 2w when I'll start my non-stress tests and I'll go weekly after that.  My schedule has been accelerated a little due to my age, the single umbilical artery, and the holes in the baby's heart.

Tracy--sorry you're still dealing with m/s.  I had it for nearly 24 with my last one and it's just gone away in the last 4w with this one too.  Maybe they could give you a dose or 2 of antinausea meds to take before you go in for your GTT.
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581359 tn?1454006442
Wow, I don't have to start my non-stress tests until in 32 weeks, you'll have to start 6 weeks before that... Well it's really good that they are going to keep a close eye on you little boy.  I've got my glucose on the 14th, 28 week appt. on the 20th where I will get my rogam shot, and another u/s on the 28th.  I've got an appt. about every two weeks until the Feb. when I start going in every week or more.  

Tracy - I feel my daughter low also and it's because she still has her head up, they won't call her "breech" or even care what position the baby is in until your 37 weeks.  Your little guy could be head up also.

It's weird to think of it in how many weeks we have left, 13 weeks doesn't seem to be very far away...
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501096 tn?1320874932
Got good news today.  We saw a different perinatologist in the same group and he couldn't find ANY holes in the baby's heart except the one that is in EVERY baby's heart (it closes at birth).  Of course, "junior" was not very cooperative, so he couldn't be 100% sure about the upper hole.  They also couldn't find any evidence of a placenta previa as we had feared.  It's low-lying and posterior, but not a previa.

Baby was also breech this time when he was head down last month.  He's an active little guy, so who knows what he'll be doing next time.  We are so relieved at this good news!  (PTL!)
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581359 tn?1454006442
Wow!  Congrats, that's GREAT news!  Will you still have to start the non-stress so early?  Either way, as long as he's healthy it will all be worth it.  I'm sure you guys feel so much better!
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501096 tn?1320874932
I'll still have to do the NST's because of the single umbilical artery and my age, but that's not a big deal.  It's actually nice to have some quiet time in a recliner with just my DH to keep me company.
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581359 tn?1454006442
Yeah it does sound relaxing, you have 3 older ones right... I'll have to go and do my NST's alone because DH will have to stay home with our 2 year old.  But as long as this baby is born healthy I don't mind one bit.
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237300 tn?1231454718
HI girls!  Do you mind it I join in?  I am due the 25th of April and I'm having a boy.  I read your posts about the glucose screening. I had mine last week and I failed!  I couldn't believe it.  So I go back tomorrow for the 3 hour test.  I hope I pass.

Right now my baby is breech too.  From what I've read they can move up to 32 weeks.  I hope he turns around but it has to be more comfortable then being upside down..LOL.  I feel his kicks really low...way under my belly button.  

I didn't know we had to take a stress test...does everybody do that?  I feel so out of breath after I eat and I was sick (bad gag reflex) but that has subsided for the most part.  I was high risk in the beginning.  I had 3 m/cs so they watched me closely.

When are you guys due?  
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501096 tn?1320874932
Welcome and glad to meet you!  You're due right after me (4/23 +/- 1d) and I'm also having a boy.  Did you fast before the glucose test?  My OB says it's a NON-fasting test, BUT if you a big meal or a lot of carbs before it, it CAN affect the results.  Before your next one, be sure to eat a lot of protein and very few carbs.

My baby was head-down last month and was breech on Tues, but I think he was transverse last night.  They do move a lot!

Not everyone has to take non-stress tests (NST).  Most drs recommend them if you're over 35 OR if you have certain complications.  I fit into both categories since I'm 40, have a single umbilical artery, the baby was diagnosed with 2 holes in his heart (at least 1 hole has since been healed, so that's not the biggest issue now), AND I have 2 clotting disorders.  I'm sorry for your losses, I've had 2 m/c's as well.  I have also been blessed with 3 healthy kids (10, 8, & 4).
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581359 tn?1454006442
Congrats on the baby boy!  I've got a tracker going of all of the April moms that have let me know there stats, I'll add you to it.  This forum isn't really that active right now but I'm hoping when we get closer to our due dates we'll see more posts.  I'm glad you are starting to feel better as far as the "sickness" goes.  I had it really bad the first 15 weeks, but now it's gone and I feel great!  The feeling like it's hard to breath is completley normal, I have it a lot and it's gotten easier with this pregnancy then the last.  I think you get used to it.  

As for the NST, like Glenda said, you shouldn't need it.  I have to have them weekly starting at 32 weeks, because my daughter also only has a 2 vessel cord.  A normal pregnancy won't need to have NST's unless you go past your due date.  Good luck with your pregnancy, enjoy it.  Check out the stats post also, I'll add you to it.
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581359 tn?1454006442
Ha Ha...shows how much I pay attention, you are already on our stats post, lol.  Sorry!
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Hi!  I just joined medhelp.  My name is Carrie, I have a 21 month old son, Alex, and a daughter on the way!  I'm due April 22.  I haven't had my glucose test yet; I go in on the 28th.  I failed it during my last pregnancy test and had to do the 3 hour one; brutal!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed I pass this one.
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501096 tn?1320874932
Welcome.  If you go by my dr's date, we have the same due-date.  My ticker reflects MY choice of due dates (count back 3m & add 7d since LMP), so they're a little different.  I'll probably have this one early due to my "issues" (see above entries), but who knows....  My glucose test is on 1/27.
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581359 tn?1454006442
Welcome.  I've got a 2 year old daughter, Natalia, and we are expecting our second little girl on April 10th.  I read into the 3 hour glucose test today, and OMG!  I had my 1 hour yesturday and had to call my midwife after I read what the 3 hour takes and am happy to report and very relieved that I passed mine.  So I don't have to do the 3 hour!  I hope things work out for you this time and you don't have to go through that again.  I'm the same as Glenda, I'll probably end up having my little girl early as well, but we will see.

Glenda - How are things going with your little guy?  Have you started your NSTs yet, or had another u/s.  I hope all is going well.

Good luck to everyone, hopefuly we'll start doing more on this forum the farther along we get.  
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501096 tn?1320874932
Baby B (as I call him) seems to be fine.  I start the NSTs around the week of 2/9 (30w).  I should be getting another u/s when I go back to see the peri. on 2/2.  I see my reg. OB on 1/27 for my glucose test and rhogam.
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581359 tn?1454006442
Glenda - It's good to hear that you little guy is doing well.  I just got my rhogam yesturday I was told somewhere that you could get it in the arm now, but no...it was still in the hip.  Not to bad though.  I'll also start the NST's the week of 2/9 but I'll be 32w.  I have another u/s on the 28th and have my regular ob appt on the 21st.  I hate the parking at the hospital that I go to, it's the main military hospital on the island, and is always busy!  So hard to find parking!  They have a lot of spots for pregnant women right up in front, but you can't get the pass until you are 35 weeks.  I am going to ask if I can get one early because I have to go in so often, we'll see.  
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501096 tn?1320874932
I'd rather have it in the hip than in the arm--I use my arms to much for them to be sore.

I just noticed that you are in Hawaii--how wonderful!  DH & had our honeymoon there 12.5 years ago.  We went to 4 different islands (Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, & Kuaui) and we loved it!  By the way, the place where you are is really close to my DD1's name: Alea.

Sorry the parking is so bad at your hospital.  My NSTs will be done at my OB's office.  If you get there around 1p.m. the "mommy spots" are usually available, but any other time and they're usually full.  My OB's office is in a building just across the parking lot from the birthing center where I HOPE to deliver (had my other 3 there) and NOT even close to downtown (thank goodness!).  We just took a tour of its "parent" hospital in case we HAVE to go there.  It's a LOT better than it was when we had our first tour 10.5 years ago, but I still prefer the birthing center (actually just a low-risk maternity hospital).  Good luck get a parking pass.
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501096 tn?1320874932
Duh, I meant "GETTING a parking pass."  I wish this forum had an edit function.....
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581359 tn?1454006442
Yeah, I've been here on Oahu for about 7 months now.  DH got here in May and DD and I followed in July.  We got pregnant right after I got here, lol.  Being apart for a while really did the trick :)  I love the big island though, Oahu is ok, they've got some nice beaches but not as nice as the black sand beaches on the big island.  This is DH second tour out here, it's where we met.  We got married on Waikiki beach 4 1/2 years ago.  Then moved to DC for 3 years, had our DD out there at Bethesda, the "Presidents Hospital" and it was really nice they had just redone the birthing rooms and they were really nice.  I haven't done the tour yet at Trippler, but I hear it's really nice though to.  They have jacuzzie tubs in the rooms that you can labor in, which is what I really like!  I'm also seeing a midwife for my regular appts, not an OB.  But I do see the Peri for the u/s.  I'm really not sure where I will be for he NST's in military hospitals you don't always get to see the same Dr. and you don't know who will be delivering you which stinks, but I haven't had a bad experiance with any military Dr. I've had so far and we don't pay a penny for any of our medical, so I can't really complain.  

Anyway, hope all is well talk to you soon.

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581359 tn?1454006442
Well I had my 28 week appt. today, I'm measuring 29 1/2 and I'm only 28w 4d.  So it doesn't seem that having SUA is affecting our little girls growth, yet.  But one thing that I did find out today is that I won't be going for weekly NST's I'll be going TWICE a week and getting my amnio fluid checked once a week starting @ 32 weeks.  Also, I will still be going to my regular Dr's appts so it seems I'll be living at the hospital...fun!  

But hey when she is born healthy then I don't care!
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464067 tn?1297298432
hi everyone thought i would update everyone about my pregnancy everything going fine except my morning sickness has returned and my pelvic bone feels like its going to snap i had my appointment with my midwife last week and she has messed up all my appointment i was meant to have my growth scan at 28 wks but when i phoned them t confirm my appointment they said i didnt have one so i was very confused about that then i got a phone call on the same day saying i had an appointment with my midwife which i didnt know about so i was very confused about all my appointments and why i wasnt informed about all the mess but i went to see my midwife last week she apolgised i now have a growth scan on the 16th feb which i am now looking forward to but when i tod her about my pelvic bone she said there is nothing she can do abut it i just have to put up with the pain i had blood drawn and my iron is low again so im back on iron tablets but other than that pregnancy going fine just 9weeks to go and then i meet my new baby boy
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