349463 tn?1333571576

When and how to start rice cereal?

Bella is just shy of 4 months and I'm wondering when and how you ladies are starting rice cereal. With my son I mixed it in his bottle for the first feeding. Right now she's eating every 2 hours all day long and then one to three times at night depending on the night.


26 Responses
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94902 tn?1330479667
I started Cash on cereal the weekend before he turned 4 months bc he was hungry all the time!  Ha!  I started with 1 tbs mixed with formula (or BM) once a day.  He could also sit up well when supported in a high chair and had good head control.  When I first gave it to him he had also lost his reflex to push it out of his mouth.  He would spit it out some, but not push.  By the third day he was opening up and leaning towards me for it and would cry when it was "all gone".  Now, at 5 months, he has 1 tbs of oatmeal and 1 tbs of bananas in the morning and 1 tbs of rice and 1 tbs of sweet potatoes in the evening.  He also still has 5 bottles a day of 6oz each, but no more night feedings.  Yay!  I just soothe him when he wakes up and he goes back to sleep in 5 or 10 minutes.  He doesn't act hungry when he wakes up in the night anymore either.  I did rice cereal for a week.  And then added oatmeal for a week.  Then bananas for a week.  then sweet potatoes for a week.  Its time to try something else, but I haven't decided what.  
Good luck!!  So fun!!
Also - Cash does have 2tsp of cereal in every bottle bc of reflux (dr told me I could put up to 6tsp).  According to him Its not enough to be considered a solid, but it just thickens it up enough to help keep it down in his tummy - we have doen this since 2 motnhs.  From what I've read there's no point to putting it in the bottle for feeding purposes bc the point is to try to teach them to eat.  Just something to think about...
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400358 tn?1320234443
I just started Joel on cereal this last week.  He was just shy of 4 months.  He did really well.  I started with 1 TBS of cereal mixed with 4 TBS of formula once a day.  The first couple of days I just gave him a couple of spoon fulls to get used to it but now he is eating almost 2 TBS.   He will also open his mouth for the cereal and fuss if he isn't finished and I take the bowl away. The doctor also told me to make sure that you feed them when you are going to eat so that they transition well when he is ready to eat with us.  He is still eating 7-8 oz of formula every 3 hours and doesn't wake at all at night to be fed.  He sleeps from 8 PM - 7 AM every day.  He is going to start eating real baby food tonight.
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719902 tn?1334165183
Just bought rice cereal today!  I am hoping it helps Cooper sleep thru the night, as he has been sleeping *terribly* lately.  He has a cold, and I guess that's why, although I also wonder if he could be teething?????  He is up every 45 minutes to an hour and it is Killing me!!!!

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425962 tn?1285086458
I have been trying it off and on for a few weeks actually... He still doesn't seem to get the bite and swallow thing but I agree with what the others are saying about sitting them up and trying it over and over again, and eventually they will get it. I need to get a high chair! good advice ladies, thx! :)
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551885 tn?1300383822
I can't wait to start Colter on his rice ceral once we get our butts back to our new house in Montana.  I don't want to try it until we finish the last drive up there.

My dr. told me to start him for two weeks on cereal and then start with the yellows, and then whatever progression they gave me when starting the veggies.  I have to introduce one thing for 5 days and see how he reacts and then let him try the next.  Can't wait though!
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349463 tn?1333571576
My dr wants me to bring cereal to her 4 month appointment. The nurse said they give it to her then. I have no idea why. For the last week only she has been sleeping through the night and eating every hour during the day. I miss her day time naps!
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229760 tn?1291467870
I have no intentions of giving Cruz "food" until he is at least 6 months. I am exclusively pumping so I know how much breastmilk he is getting everyday and I am very satisfied with his daily intake. (30oz a day) I know he is getting enough because he naps well during the day and he sleeps at night from 9 pm-7am.

My doctor even suggested given him cereal in his bottle due to his mild reflux but after one day of doing this I decided against it. Cereal just does not have any nutritional value and I did not see the point in it, since he does not spit up often.

This is something I am just not rushing into. Kids are so overweight now a days, I do not want to start him out with a disadvantage. I am not saying that every baby that eats before 6months will be overweight, it is just no something I feel is necessary at this time. If for some reason he falls behind in his weight percentile, then I will reassess the situation.

I do like forward to those fun and messy days of feeding and I can't wait to see how he reacts!
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400358 tn?1320234443
The point of starting rice cereal/baby food is not for the daily intake.  It is to help them learn how to take the food and swallow it.  I don't think that because I am starting my son on cereal or "food" that he is going to be overweight.  My son was sleeping well long before I started rice cereal.  I think that starting them eating healthy early is a key to keeping children from being "overweight".

At this early age your child is not getting a lot of his calories from "food" He is getting most of his calories from the formula/breast milk that he is getting and he is just practicing on the "food" for right now.  My son does not eat that much food in one sitting and he isn't suppose to.  The most important thing is that he practices so that when he is suppose to be getting more calories from the food that he is eating he will not be struggling with learning how to eat.

Babies are suppose to be chubby for their brain development.  The baby fat helps with the brain development.  
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229760 tn?1291467870
I am not trying to start an argument, I was just expressing my opinion (that is very researched based)

If cereal works for you then go for it.
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400358 tn?1320234443
Where did you get your research?? I would like to read it.
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419158 tn?1316571604
Wow, my littl gir is only eating about 5-6  3-4 oz bottles a day. Roughly 18 ozs a day. Her doctor is not concerend because she is gaining ok. I just started putting cereal in her bottles at night to help with her intake. For some reason none of my kids like to eat. They are all on the small side of the scale for weight. My 8 year old is only 45lbs and has fallen of the chart. I wish I had kids that liked to eat. Most parents worry about their children getting over weight while im just trying to add weight to mine.
Good luck with whatever you deside to do. When to add solides to your babies diet is a very personal choice. My SIL gave nothing but BM for the first year before slowly adding veggies and fruits each week. When her girls were 2 years old the were still being BF! To each their own:-)
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425962 tn?1285086458
I second what kaprovea said. The cereal isn't meant to represent any 'nutritional value' per se. It's more to 'condition' their little intestines to handle food and to 'teach' them to eat than it is for caloric needs... anyway, to each their own right! :)
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229760 tn?1291467870
If you read the section on "Nutrition" Chap 5 and/or "Solids" Chap 7  in the book titled "Baby 411" (3rd editon)  written by Drs. Denise Fields and Ari Brown it will tell you all about causing your baby to possibly have weight issues and food allergies. This book as been featured on NBC's Today Show and is nationally recognized so it is not just some quack book.

I am sure if you wanted you could probably find this info on the web if you did the right kind of search. I am not talking about sites like "yahoo" or anything like that were people just give their opinion.
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229760 tn?1291467870
FYI- I also read about the overweight issue in my Breastfeeding book so if you cannot find is specifically in Baby 411 that might be why.

Bottom line- the biggest concerns with introducing it this early (4 months or before) is food allergies and having them feel fuller which decrease their hunger when breastfeeding or taking formula.

Like I said, do what you want!
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171768 tn?1324230099
http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_fit/nutrition/feed47m.html gives a simple breakdown of introducing solids. You can also consult the AAP website for guidelines. I actually have some links due to being interested in this for a long time, but i have to run errands so i'll have to return and post them later.

cereal in a bottle is what can lead to obesity because the baby cannot control how much rice is taken in. cereal on a spoon is introduced simply for taste and texture. a baby introduced rice early is certainly not going to know how to eat better than a baby that is introduced solids at 6 months. Here's what I have gathered from all of my research and my pediatrician, who closely follows AAP guidelines and does a fantastic job of explaining things.

Many people choose to start solids at 4 months. This should not replace any bottle feedings, and if it does interfere with bottle feedings then you need to cut back. The baby's brain develops with the nutrients in formula/breastmilk, not rice, or even the small amounts of fruits and veggies that they may take. In addition, look at why you are starting. DOes the baby truly show signs of readiness, or are you trying because you think it will be fun? Some babies show readiness at 4 months, others don't for many months longer.

I think the debate exists here because some of the babies here are formula fed and some babies are breastfed. The AAP actually has different committees that publish different opinions, and in my research I found that it recommends 4-6 months for formula fed babies and 6+ months for breastfed babies. I think the WHO also recommends 6+ months of exclusive breastmilk. This is because breastfed babies are at an advantage of not having foreign proteins introduced as of yet, and parents should maximize this benefit, as it can reduce the chances of allergies, diabetes, etc... In addition, the nutrition offered by breastmilk is so superior to any solid a parent can offer, the benefits of providing only breastmilk far outweigh the benefits of introducing solids for taste and texture.

Of course, this is not to start a breastfeeding/formula feeding debate. I post this only to explain the difference in recommendations, both based on what I have read and what my pediatrician explained to me so well.

If your baby is not eating much formula, I would recommend that you avoid cereal simply because s/he needs the fats provided by formula for brain development. The calories in cereal may add pounds, but it may decrease her formula intake and defnitely doesn't provide the nutrients s/he needs.

As for me, I am waiting until 6 months since my baby is a very chunky breastfed baby. I actually think I may start with veggies instead of rice because rice has no nutritional value. I am still researching, but i think what I am finding states that cereal is not necessarily recommended as a first food. Maybe they say cereal because it's less messy =P
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229760 tn?1291467870
Great input TBH!!!! Thanks! : )
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400358 tn?1320234443
My son is eating a lot of formula and starting baby food has not made any diference in what he eats.  I totally agree that if your baby is breastfed not to start solids until 6 months bc of what they are getting from you but those that are on formula aren't at a disadvantage to start cereal at 4 months.  Every book that I have read has recommended starting at 4-6 months.  My son was ready at 4 months because he was immitating us when we were eating and has learned to swallow.  He loves eating his food.
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229760 tn?1291467870
Well I am glad it is working out for you! : )
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349463 tn?1333571576
I don't agree with the argument that cereal makes for over weight kids. I think if your child is inactive and you live a sedentary lifestyle with poor nutrition that your child is at risk. My son started cereal at 3 months and is skinny as a rail.

It's great to see so many moms who are doing research and staying informed! Thanks again for the feedback. I've decided to wait until the end of this month she will be 4 1/2 months old and I'm going to stop breastfeeding at that time. We want to ttc again and I haven't been able to get my period while bfing. At that point I think it will be good to start introducing cereal so that we can progress to the veggie baby food.
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94902 tn?1330479667
I have really enjoyed reading all of the great info.  It was a little after the fact for me bc I had already started Cash on solids prior to this post starting.
My brother and I had cereal and fruits and veggies at 4 months and I am 5'7" and 125lbs.  My brother is 5'8" and not sure of his weight, but he wears like a 28 in the waist for jeans.  Just my opinion, and I believe everyone is entitled to their own, I don't think starting solids early contributes to obesity.  Example - me and my brother.  However, we were never allowed to just sit and watch tv all the time either.  We were always very active - thanks to the direction of my parents and have always been healthy eaters.  In fact neither me nor my brother really like chocolate.  So I think the trend in childhood obesity can be caused by many other factors than when you start solids.
Again, though, this is just my opinion.  I think we all just have to do what we think is best for our little ones. All of our kids are healthy babes and that's what's most important - if that changes then we can make changes.
Just wanted to put my two cents in and to thank you guys for sharing info!  I really enjoyed reading it, and it also prompted me to go a step further and do some more research on my own.  Thanks girls! Take care!
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229439 tn?1245812437
Starting solids at anywhere from 4-6 months BF or FF is fine either way. Its a presonnal choice. The research will differ depending who's research you read and the studies change constantly. You can't listen to everything you hear or read. Each mom has to do what works best for their families. I personnaly started my son on solids at 4 months. And he was a 33week preemie. I have had no problems besides some constipation which I just give him prunes and it fixes that. If you want to go by recent studies, they are actually starting to say again that babies should start solids at 4months and to give a good variety in a short time to avoid allergies. A new food every 2-3days. This is what I do. They are saying now that waiting till 6months is showing more allergies in kids. And well next year the studies will be different I'm sure.
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1044859 tn?1259833828
I started aubrey on cereal about 3 monthas and 1 week. she did do well with it- just he poo schedual was off sometime she wouldnt poo for over a a day! so i stopped with the spoon feeding for now it is only in her bottle. but after christmas she will be 4 months and then we will try again.
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400358 tn?1320234443
It is very normal for the babies to have the poop schedule altered when they start solids.  It is because there is more fiber in it and it makes them constipated.  My son's poo schedule has been off since starting.  We just started to give him one once of apple prune juice in the morning and that seems to help.  I don't think that you should stop the solids just because the BM schedule is off that doesn't mean that she isn't ready.
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1044859 tn?1259833828
oh okay- thanks. i really dont have anyone to talk to so i really rely on everyone here. lol.
i have been adding a scoop or two to the baba. but i will try to juice when spoon feeding.

**everyone-- we are going to have a AUG/SEPT 2010 baby!
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