341551 tn?1266980730

Breast or Bottle Feeding

Just curious who is Breast or Bottle Feeding? Through my entire Pregnancy I said I was going to bottle feed and than my husband really wanted me to breastfeed and at the last minute I changed my mind. So I breast fed for the first four days and than my nipples were so sore that I had to take a couple days off. So I've been supplementing bottles here and there. But when I breastfeed, I don't think he's getting enough milk. He will eat for 5 minutes, doze off, than wake up 10 minutes later and feed again. Yesterday he did this for almost 2 hours straight. Than I went to pump later that night and I had nothing. Is it possible that I'm not producing enough milk? Because whenever I give him a bottle, he sleeps for 3 hours. Also when I do pump, it takes me about 2 hours to get 3 ounces. That can't be normal! How would anyone ever keep up with their babys feedings?
Just curious what you ladies were doing and if you had any tips! I don't mind giving him bottles here and there but I really wanted most of his feedings to be breast milk.
27 Responses
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525485 tn?1314361301
Gina.....I was totally for breast feeding when I was pregnant....and it was so hard for her to get the hang of it while we were in the hospital.....she did finally get it..but favored one side....and I never knew what she was getting and if I was producing enough for her....
Once we got home..its like she lost the concept of latching and gave up...and I tried and tried and it got to the point where every time she got so frustrated that she screamed at the top of her lungs and I fed her a bottle of formula instead. However, I did want her to get my breast milk because I know how good it is for them, so I am pumping and giving it to her..but of course I do not produce at her speed. So, I pump....get a bottle or two...and then I supplement with formula when needed. Similac Adance Earlyshield is one of the formulas that is the closest to breastmilk, and I dont think she really knows the difference. The piggy is already up to 3 ounces every feeding and has gained so much weight. Her two week appt was today and she already weighs 8 pounds 6 ounces!
I plan on continuing to pump and supplement when needed!
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341551 tn?1266980730
Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who had a little trouble! It is so hard because you try and pump to keep up with their feeding but when they feed every 3 hours thats nearly impossible! And I can't possibly breastfeed at night..I'd be up every 10 minutes with the way he breastfeeds. Plus we use the Good Start, ready to feed...you just shake, open and pop on a nipple. Daddy & I get much more sleep this way!

Now when you pump...how long do you do it for and how many ounces do you get? I think I am producing an ounce a half hour and I feel like it should be coming way faster than that.

Awww that is a lot of weight in 2 weeks, but thats great! She's nice and healthy! Caiden lost 11 ounces in the hospital but he's up to 9 pounds 2 ounces. So still under his birth weight but is getting there!!
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195469 tn?1388322888
Whether to bottle feed which does seem to be more convenient or whether to breast feed can be a real stress on a mother.  If you want your baby to get all the immune qualities from your body, breastfeeding is best.  It's also been proven that breast fed babies have less allergies and less gas and tummy upset (especially if mommie doesn't eat too many spicey foods - that goes through the milk)  They are overall, healthier babies.

If actual breast feeding is not going well, I still think it would be a good idea to pump and give your breast milk to the baby.  There are lactation specialists' that do this for a living and with their help, you really can succeed and enjoy breast feeding.  Does this mean that a bottle fed baby will not thrive and grow...of course not.

Breast feeding develops a deep bond between mother and child and actually helps the mother's body to return to pre-pregnancy state faster.  Some women even say that it helps them to lost the baby weight faster.

Even as kitten and puppies do...they seem to find a teet and prefer that teet over all the others.  As many of you know, they will fight each other to get THEIR nipple.  I think the same is true for babies.  They are more comofrtable laying in one position and sometimes pick the breast that it most comfortable for cuddling with mommie.

As some women have said on the Forum, it's like the baby considers on of your breasts the "evil breast" and won't go near it.  It may sound cruel but if the baby realizes that they are not going to get any milk from the anything but the "evil breast," they will eventually adjust to the other breast.  Sometimes that requires a mother to listen to some extra fussing from the baby.  That's hard to deal with.  The baby can really work themselves up into a fit to get the breast they want.  

My daughter had one of those babies, so she pumped the "evil breast" at the same time she was feeding the baby on the baby's "favorite breast."  That keep her from becoming engorged on the "evil side."  Eventually all of her babies would take from each breast, as they matured a little bit.

You really are doing what is best for your baby's health, breast feeding if you can.  Keeping your nipples well lubricated in-between feedings can really help with that soreness and nipple crackin you can get between feedings.  After breast feeding, make sure that breast is completely dry and use a lotion your doctor recommends to keep the nipple supple.

All in all, you do what is right for YOU and your baby.  Babies do seem to settle down to the breast feeding quite quickly between 2 and 3 weeks old.

Even a week on breastmilk is much better than not breast feeding at all.  Your colostrum has alot of anti-bodies in it.  Just what you baby needs for a good start in life.  Try not to give up too easily.  But also don't beat yourself up, if you find that breast feeding is not for you.  There are plenty of healthy, strong kids out there that have been raised on the formula's out in today's market.  They are easier on their little tummy.  The proteins in the forumla are broken down in the processing of the formula, that makes it easier for baby to digest.

You can be sure that baby wants nothing more than to be cuddled up with mommie against her bare chest, enjoying the rich milk she can't get from anyone but mommie.

Best of luck to all of you.  Whatever decision you make is the best one...Trust in what your heart tells you.

All the Best,
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231441 tn?1333892766

the pain of breast feeding get less. But the first 2 weeks are hell.  If you persist it gets better.  I am now 3 weeks and while it's not yet comfortable it's much better.

If you can just let him breastfeed.  It is harder work to breast feed, so he may get less at a timeand eat more frequently, at first.  Also he may get tiredd... so tickle his feet to wake him up.  Breast feeding is a workout for him (and that's also a good thing).  Plus he's comfortable against your warm chest. :)

Don't worry how much he gets and  you can't compare what you can pump and what he can get.  he is more efficient at getting the milk out than you are at pumping.  He will get what he needs if  you exclusvely breast feed him on demand.

The more you supplement the less milk you'd have... so do try not to supplement too much (maybe not more than 1 feed a day), if you want to continue breastfeeding.

I am now pumping and breastfeeding.  I have to be out at work.  Today I manually expressed into a bottle.  Going home for lunch in a few mins and to feed my girl.

There's also lots of advice on the breastfeeding forum, which I found really helpful.

Just make whatever decision is right for you.  As long as baby got the colostrum at the beginning that is critical.  Breastfeeding, if you decide to persist, will get easier.  But bottlefeeding is a good alternative, if you end up not breastfeeding.

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I nursed both my boys until 14months. I never used formula with either one of them It was easy for me i produced lots of milk, and they got the hang of it pretty quickly. This time i dont see how am gonna have the time to nurse. So i have been reasearching diffrent formula's I am kind of nervous, since both my kids have allergies even thought thely were breastfeed. I worry that if i dont nurse this baby she is gonna gave more allergeis than her brothers. Well see how things happen when she is born.
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Hi Gina ,
I had the same problem my nipples were soo sore and they were bleeding yet the doctor said i can still breast feed! that was strange ,,,there's this ointment that really helped a lot..my nipples healed quickly and we started over ,,everything is great now ..i want to tell you that it also takes time to produce more milk ,the more the baby ***** the more milk you will produce ...i also give him the bottle sometimes and thats due to my schedule cause i go to college ,,,dont worry everything takes time ...but beastfeeding creates a great bond between you and the baby and it's very critical for his immunity..
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231441 tn?1333892766
Yeah, i have allergies, all my sisters' kids have allergies and so I reckon my baby has a good chance of having them too.  So this is why I'm doing my best to breast feed (oh and it is a lot cheaper than buying formula)....

But even though they say breast is best bottle runs a very close second, so do whatever suits. :)

Hope your girl isn't going to have allergies.

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518733 tn?1333017015
im brestfeeding right now lol i love it! the 1st week it realy hurt and i had craked and bleeding nipples but i fed through it and its fine now, lilly feeds between 10-30 mins the more they suck the more milk you will make!
at birth lilly was 7.3pounds she went down to 6.13pounds 4days later then 8days after that she was 7.9pounds so its working, and its a g8 way to bond, it will hurt at 1st but you got to feed through it.
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643558 tn?1258402509
Hi there ladies...I too am breastfeeding..in the hospital he latched on 15 minutes after he was born and ate every 2 hours after that, we were doing great!!  About 3 days into it...my nipples cracked , it hurt to have him feed...but I just grinned and beared it...when he was feeding on one, I would extract a little milk, rub it on my nipple, and let it air dry...and then when I wasn't feeding i would use the lanolin lotion...at day 5-6 my milk came in, and he learned (and I did too) how to latch better...now it is going great....he eats about every 21/2 -3 hours, and at night about every 4 hours....I did pump once because when my milk came in i was so engorged and produced about 6 oz!!  I have not been to a 2 week well baby yet...but I can tell he gained weight, because he already grew out of the "coming home" outfit....

You just got to stick with it, there will be pain and diffuculty, but in the long run soo worth it.  Your body knows how much to provide....like my lactation expert said....for the first few weeks you have to have that baby attached to your breast all the time, it is the only way to establish a good ssupply...feed every 2 hours at first for about 30 minutes!!!
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342988 tn?1299782356
i did not even try having him go right to the breast.  i just went straight to pumping.  i get about an ounce every 4 hours right now but i should be pumping more.

try having the baby right near you when you pump because it stimulates your milk production.

my doctor also told me to mix the breast milk and form.  so if your baby is eating 3 ounce bottles, make 2 ounce of formula and top it off with the ounce of breast milk you got.
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525485 tn?1314361301
Gina, I get about 4-5 ounces in like 10 minutes or so.....thats how long it takes to pump..but thats the first intiial pumping when I get up...throughout the day..i probably pump a couple times and only get about 3 in those pumping times..My body is definetely not keeping up with Sarah's eating needs!
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543966 tn?1234735968
I put Annabelle on the boob right after she was born, and she latched right on and sucked away....but due to complications she was in the nursery for much of the next few days, and they gave her a pacifier in there, and after that nursing was harder and harder. I'm the one that mentioned the evil boob thing....Heather is right, I began starting her each time on the evil side, and not switching her until she had drained it pretty well. She screamed and screamed for the first few times, especially during her night feedings....I cried right along with her, and was strongly tempted to give up, or to at least supplement with formula.
But we perservered, and now at a week and half, she is a breastfeeding pro. I have found that if I hold the evil boob a certain way, it seems easier for her to latch on properly...also, the nurses at the hospital showed me how to put sugar water on the evil nipple, as well as a few drops of formula; I think that really helped at first, before my milk came in.
The nurses at the hospital were HUGELY helpful....but I felt a little upset at how strongly they emphasized the importance of breastfeeding every 2 to 3 hours. Annabelle never wanted to eat that often; she ate every 4 or 5 hours, and was very clear about when she was ready. Otherwise, it just turned into a big screaming fit, whenever I tried to force her to eat when she wasn't hungry. Their little tummies are so tiny, they don't need much in the beginning; nobody used to use formula years and years ago, and I'm pretty sure that millions of babies didn't starve to death just from being stubborn about breastfeeding in the very beginning.
Oh, and my nipples are adapting well...it was horribly painful at first (my mother told me to use the same breathing techniques as for labor!) but now it barely hurts at all. It's such a sweet time for us, I really love it!!
If anyone out there feels discouraged about breastfeeding, I would strongly encourage you to keep trying, it is definitely worth perservering through those first struggles!
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341551 tn?1266980730
See, I'm not giving up on breastfeeding...I want him to drink breastmilk over a bottle but the problem is when I do breastfeed him...I don't know how much he's getting. And most of the time he will drink for 5-10 minutes and than fall asleep. I try everything to wake him up and it doesn't work. And if he does wake up he doesn't want anymore milk. So 5-10 minutes of feeding...than he wakes up 20 minutes later and does 5 more minutes. One day I did this for 2 straight hours, feeding him every 20 minutes because he was only feeding for 5 minutes and I just can't do that all day, it's exhausting!

So I try pumping and first pump in the morning I got about 4 ounces in an hour and than he will eat that right away. Than I go to pump a couple hours later and I barely get an ounce and I pumped for an hour! It really upsets me because I want him to get as much breastmilk as possible but I feel like I am not producing enough milk for him, like I can't keep up. So I will give him a bottle which satisfies him completely and he sleeps for 3 hours or more when on a bottle and only 2 to 2 in a half when on breastmilk. So I think I am just frustrated and upset because if I put him on the breast he doesn't get enough and isn't satisfied and than he gets frustrated and upset. And than if I try and pump it takes me forever to get any milk and than I can't keep up with his feedings every 3 hours. So I feel like he is drinking more formula than breastmilk and I dont know why but it upsets me. I am definitely not giving up...I am just looking for answers or moms going through something similar. I know it will get easier over time but its so darn frustrating right now.

Lance-you said you can't keep up with your babys feeding..are you giving her formula often?
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643558 tn?1258402509
It is lazy white boy syndrom...seriously!!  That is what my lactation expert said....that the laziest eaters are little white boys!!   My son falls asleep as well, pretty much as soon as he latches on....I have to stimulate him by either rubbing his feet, or moving his chin and squeezing milk into his mouth at the same time....you have to hold him in the cross cradle hold....with the opposite arm holding him and his neck, and the arm on the same side cupping the nipple pushing on his chin to stimulate and using the other finger to force milk in....this usually gets at least 30 mons of feeding time out of him, then he is content for 2 1/2-3 hours!!
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514428 tn?1287598456
This was a no thinker for me since I breastfed all my children...NO BOTTLES OR PACIFIERS!!   That's just one less stress for me to worry about.  I introduce a sippy cup about 5-6 months (for juice or water only) that way when they're ready to be weaned, Ihave that sippy cup ready.  I breastfed my son for 9 months until he has corrective surgery on his penis and I breastfed the twins until they were 21 months.  Ihad to wean them because I got preggo for Myra...so just think, I JUST got over breastfeeding 8 months ago!  LOL  
It does hurt for a couple weeks, but its so worth it for me.  I'd rather go through some pain for  a wonderful that I do for my children.  
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525485 tn?1314361301
Yes, she is getting more formula than breast milk....but atleast I am giving her what I can! it is frustrating..i couldnt agree more! Hopefully it gets easier!! Good luck!
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341551 tn?1266980730
Ahh you can say that again! Frustrating!!
Caiden gets more formula too...because we discovered for sure that when I breastfeed he is NOT getting enough. I breastfed him for almost an hour using both breasts and he was starving afterwards! It was late in the afternoon and I just think I don't have enough milk. So I'm just pumping first thing in the morning...I get about a bottle in a half and than basically swap every other feeding. So I'll pump for one bottle, than the next he'll get formula, than the next pump...so this way he's getting both. It's been working out so far...but at night he gets all formula, I don't have the energy to pump at 3 am in the morning and I don't produce enough milk to pump and store it. But its been working out good like this for the last 2 days so I'm going to try and keep up with this, even though it feels like I'm pumping ALL the time! Hopefully more milk will come in and it will get easier. At least he's getting some breast milk!
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525485 tn?1314361301
I also do not pump at night......I find it hard enough to stay awake to feed her let alone pump.....lol....I sometimes find myself fighting to stay awake...and if I was going to pump...I think it would be even harder! Sarah gets formula all through the night and then I pump when I am up for the day....I only pump 3 times a day I think.....in the am...afternoon and before bed..Atleast its something that she is getting from me and that makes me feel a little better than her not getting it at all! I wish that she didnt lose the concept of breast feeding all together, because I really wanted to do that for her....but she gets so mad that she cant get it and screams bloody murder as if I was hruting her while she tries...poor thing!
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151668 tn?1239921105
The only thing about NOT pumping consistently (such as during the night) is that this will make your milk supply dwindle. Especially if you aren't bf'ing during the night either.
When I give bottles during the night, I still try to pump at least once (even just 3 minutes on each boob makes a difference). Or I bf at least once or twice and use only one bottle. It kinda bites, but I know it will keep my supply up b/c our bodies are only going to produce the amount of milk that our babies are regularly drinking...which should gradually increase. Not pumping or bf'ing consistently will only let us produce what our babies are eating right now, instead of letting our bodies send signals to increase the amount  as they grow and start consuming MORE. Does that make sense?

I'm trying to hang in there for at least another month, but honestly, bf'ing is REALLY hard to do while taking care of a toddler, too. It's hard to find the time...especially to pump.

Oh well, good luck to us all! Goodness knows we need it... :-)
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341551 tn?1266980730
The only problem is, I can't breastfeed anymore. We figured all along that he wasn't getting enough when breastfeeding and now I know for sure he's not. Tonight I pumped about 2 ounces and it took me over an hour. I knew he was going to want more but my breasts wouldn't pump anymore! But than I would squeeze my nipples and it would come out. So instead of giving him formula I decided to breastfeed him until he was full which I figured wouldn't take long cuz usually he takes between 2-3 ounces each feeding. So I put him on my breast and he sucked for about 2 minutes and immediately got frustrated and started crying. But he kept looking for the nipple like he was still hungry but every time I would put him on my breast he wouldn't take it or he would suck for a minute and than scream. So I think he knows he's not getting enough milk and that frustrates him. And that must be it because I hardly get anything when I do pump. It upsets me and him so I've decided not to put him on my breast anymore but I still will pump.

I definitely understand what you're saying about the more I breastfeed and pump the more milk thats produced. My lactation specialist said the same thing...so I am trying to pump whenever I can but its tough and frustrating when I don't get anything. And to pump in the middle of the night would be insane because he wakes up every 2 hours as it is and it takes me over an hour to get 3 ounces usually. So I would literally be getting no sleep so I know I can't do that. But I do try and pump as much as I can throughout the day...so I'm just hoping I can keep up with it for a while because I know how beneficial it is!
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231441 tn?1333892766
They get frustrated becuase it is much quicker for them to bottlefeed than to breastfeed.
You may also find that you can express milk manually more quickly and effectively than with a pump (I pump till I can pump nothing else), then if I try manually there is still milk.

I make my baby drink breast directly at night.  Yes she sukcs more, but I do it on my side and I drift off to sleep quickly.

I am now breast feeding and pumping and manually expressing.  I do the manual expressing everytime I go to the toilet.  Is getting easier and I can get 1 -2 oz this way.

Have refused to give my baby formula becuase it willd ecrease milk supply.  My girl now wants 4 - 5 oz per feed and I have to top her up with expressed milk after all the day time breast feeds.

My schedule is get up in the morning and breast feed her one side and pump the other.  Then finish pumping the side she sucked.  Then I go to work.  At work I manually express as often as I can.  Takese practice, but I'm improving and find it easier in some ways than the pump.

Then I go home at lunch time and breast feed her and then pump as much as I can as well.

Back to work.  (baby get's express milk while I'm at work).  Back to manual expressing.... even a little is better than none.  Home in the evening, breast feedign and manual epxressing.

Evening I make her suck only, even if she gets grumpy...... not quick enough!  Just have to persist.....

Hope this helps.  Really is a lot of work.

Do try manual expressing (you can find instructions on line)....

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464337 tn?1237651655
It is very frustrating and you have been givengreat advice so far. You have to remember one thig. You can not comapre how much formula he eats to how much breastmilk he will eat. It is like comparing apples to oranges. If you want to breastfeed you have to be prepared to feed him every 2-3 hrs from the time you start feeding him and every 4hrs at night. It is a huge commitment but a great one. Babies who are breastfed do not consume as much as formula babies and they don't need as much. EVery breastfed mother has the worry of not producing enough, however as soon as you introduce the bottle and suppliment with formula you are hurting yor milk supply. Your body is trying to figure out how much milk your babay needs, so for the first 4 weeks or so you need to breastfed exclusively. If you miss a nursing session and feed him abottle, your body says "oh I don't need to make that much milk". Also, you can't compare the amount you get in a pumping session with the amount he will get in a nursing session. Babies are much better at getting the milk than any pump out there. The ony way to tell if they are getting enough milk is by whether they are gaining weight or not. Some moms can't handlethis and need to know how much their babies r drinking so bottles work better for them. Also if you are not available to nurse every 2-3 hours then it might not be the best choice for you...
Don't stress over it girl. You are doing wonderful if you are pumping and giving him some breast milk. There are alot of mothers not willing to even pump. You are most likely not going to be able to breastfed exclusively at this point though as he knows the bottle is much easier for him. This happened with my first daughter. I got sick after delivery and they had to suppliment her in the nursery since I couldn't fed her. After she got that bottle she did not want to work for the breast. My son and I had a little struggle this time as well, but we fought through it and are exclusively breastfeeding now. He eats every 2-3 hours and sometimes more often. Sometimes he eats for 10-15min on each side, sometimes 30. Sometimes he olnyeats on one side. But when he is satisfied I stop. I do not make him eat more than he wants. If he falls asleep I change his diaper, take his clothes off so he feels the cool air, and turn on the lights which helps him wake up. Then we nurse some more if he is interested. He is getting fat and growing so I know he is getting enough. I was nursing him on a schedule at first as I had to wake him, but now he is waking himself when its time to eat.
Keep doing what your doing and what works best for you and baby... No one can tell another mother what is best cause it has to be best for you and baby and only you know what that will be...
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151668 tn?1239921105
I agree... we can only do what we know is best for our own babies.  I really feel like giving up bf'ing for the simple fact that I'm already worn out from taking care of my toddler. I guess I keep doing it b/c I think if I can just get through one more month I'll feel better about her getting the extra immune boosters from my milk. Although, at the end of the day, I feel good just knowing that I've made it four weeks! LOL

I have begun to mix 2/3 breast milk to 1/3 formula to help me at night. I think it helps her sleep a little longer (with the exception of a possible growth spurt that I think she is going through right now). Bottles are so convenient at night when you're so exhausted you could sleep standing up!
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341551 tn?1266980730
Well thats just it. When I breastfeed him, its not every 2-3 hours, HA no way would I ever get 4 either! When I do breastfeed him he will feed for 5-10 minutes than either fall asleep and wake up every 20 minutes and do the same thing. He'll do this for hours. Or he will drink for 10 minutes and than get completely frustrated and not want it anymore. Now I don't know if its because he's not getting enough milk or because its too much work for him and now that hes been introduced to formula he knows its easier to get milk that way. But breastfeeding just does not work for us. It either ends up taking hours (and this way neither of us get any sleep) or he gets so upset and frustrated...and that just doesn't work either. I am available to nurse, it just doesn't work.

I'm aware that the more I bottle feed, the less milk I will produce but I had no choice. He'd be starving and wasn't getting any breastmilk from me...so I had to give him a bottle, the poor thing would starve! So I realize my milk supply is low because of putting him on the bottle but thats just what worked for us. I try and pump whenever I can..the first 2 sessions I get plenty..after that I have to fight to get a full bottles worth. But I am at least giving him as much breastmilk as I can and thats all I can really do. I really wanted to breastfeed him for a while but it just doesn't work for us.

As of right now, he is feeding every 2 to 2 in a half hours...and he drinks anywhere from 2 to 3 ounces each feeding. As it is I feel like I can't keep up. As soon as he stops feeding, I get a burp...than he wakes up for a good half hour. Than he gets a lil cranky cuz he's so tired and it takes me another 20 minutes to get him to sleep. By the time this is all done, he sleeps for 45 minutes and than he's ready to eat again. He just started this a couple days ago and its been rough! Mommy hasn't been getting that much sleep and I dont think he is either! At night, he's better...he usually goes right to sleep after eating but during the day that is his schedule and its exhausting. So during those 45 minutes of him sleeping...I try and pump instead of taking a nap. So its like never ending..can't catch up! Could you imagine if I was breastfeeding? He would constantly be on my breast and neither of us would sleep. So it's been tough, I am just trying to give him as much breastmilk as I possibly can but I feel like I have no time. I just hope his schedule changes and he starts sleeping a bit longer!
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