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525485 tn?1314361301

Another Week! January 28th-Weekly Check-In

I know Gina normally posts this, but it looks like our last weekly check in was over a week ago, so I figured I would post just incase little Caiden decided to join the world and she wont be on! That would be pretty cool?!!

So, how is everyone feeling? At this point, some of us already have our little one's in our arms...and many of us are very anxiously awaiting to see when ours will come!! Update everyone ladies...and let us know how you are doing!!!

For me....I am sick of the tests...sick of the NST tests 2-3 times a week...sick of the bloodwork every week...and all of the damn appts, 2x a week, sometimes more. Im really mad that they mentioned induction to me for next week..and then having another one of the doctors say no....I was diagnosed with minor preeclampsia.....and thats why they were going to induce...so the midwife that told me we should induce is going to talk to the office to see if we can still induce next week like she thinks we should. I have a doctors appointment on Friday and I am hoping to have more information on whether it will happen or not!! I just want to know already. Besides that, DH and I are actively trying to get this baby out ourselves...having sex and such..even though its so uncomfortable....this may be a little TMI but the worst is when I get a BH contraction and my stomach balls all up.....in the middle of it..makes it quite uncomfortable because its like he cant even put any pressure on me....and all he says is...maybe we shouldnt be doing this. I assure him that its okay and its not going to hurt anything.
They did an internal at the hospital yesterday and no change. She says I am still the same, about 1+ and 80% so nothing is happening. SHe also says that when touched the baby's head moves...so does that mean she can actually feel the babys head??? Weird.

Anyways, how is everyone else doing???
39 Responses
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368690 tn?1284357253
OH Tarobinc, what an awesome gift!!!!!!   I think that is so incredibly neat and sweet!!!  :)

Brandi, I have a very bad cold too!  :P  I feel ya so much on this one.  My dr won't do size estimates at all, so I have no idea how big/little this boy is going to be.  I think I'm ok with that though.  I just hope he's between 8-9 lbs (I've heard big babies are easier to care for).  

Today I went to L&D.  I woke up this morning coughing pretty hard.  While I was coughing, a bunch of fluid came out of me.  So I naturally got up and went to the bathroom to check it out.  It didn't seem like pee.  :P  tmi, I know.  but I was consistently wet all morning and in between coughing fits even.  So I got a shower about 12:30pm, called my OB and they sent me to L&D to make sure that it wasn't my waters breaking.  I got to the hospital, they hooked my belly up to the monitor and checked out my cervix with the litmus paper (swab) test.  That unlubricated speculum hurts sooooo bad!!!  ew.   But they said it was normal, no amniotic fluid, so that is good.  I'm 36 weeks today, so I don't really want to meet baby Daniel until at the very least next weekend.  ;)  They said it was probably thin discharge, and since I'm near the end and coughing, the over production of the CM and the pressure from coughing can make it push out and feel wetter than normal.  They checked my urine also, and I have a UTI!!!  Oh a joyful UTI.  :P  so that is what is making me cramp and feel very bad, beyond having this cold.  They prescribed me some antibiotics, which I am grateful for.  I just want to feel semi-normal by the time its ready to push my baby out.  I want to feel strong and not weak from still being sick.  
Oh, that was kind of a long one.  

I hope you other ladies are continuing to do well today and have great weekends.  :)
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489000 tn?1364302227
Ok, since the baby showed to be weighing in at 10lbs, maybe more, the OB scheduled me for a c-section on Monday, which happens to be my birthday! What a great present it will be to hold my dd for the first time!  

Good luck to all!
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514428 tn?1287598456
Thanks girls~

I knew from the begining I was going to have a big baby, I'm just hoping I don't go over 40 weeks~that's still 2 1/2 weeks away!!!  Hoping my doctor is right and he says I'll go about next Thursday. ..probably due to the next doctor checking me and I might be things going, who knows....I'm just stoked to have this baby coming out and enjoy walking again :)  
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525485 tn?1314361301
Well ladies...no induction for me. My blood pressure was better.....I had everything checked today. Gained another 6 pounds this past week (the weke before that was also 6 pounds), 1-2 cm still..no progress there. Amniotic fluid level check was at 8.6 which is lower..but still okay....
no talk of induction unless the 24 urine test that i started today comes back with a higher number than before (which was 309) so we will see!

Just waiting now.....feels like forever away!
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543966 tn?1234735968
Let us know how your appointment goes! I am SO envious of your cramping, ha! I had it for a day or two after my last exam, but now nothing is happening, and it feels like I will be pregnant forever. I welcome the pain, if it means progress! I've been having trouble breathing, too, it's really frustrating.
I'm excited for you, it sounds like you'll be going soon!
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341551 tn?1266980730
Thanks Heather! Your so sweet, encouraging us all and reminding us were doing this all for our babies and its completely worth every symptom!

As of right now...the past few nights I've been having trouble breathing again. I thought that was over once he dropped but I think now he is taking up my entire stomach and completely stretching out so not only has he dropped low but his lower body is still high making it difficult for me to breath or catch my breath. It's frustrating. I've also gotten indigestion back...still crampy and boy oh boy does my back KILL! For the most part its felt great my entire pregnancy, now all of a sudden it hurts really bad..so achy and sore. Surprisingly I'm still sleeping good, but getting up every hour to pee...luckily I fall back asleep quick.

I really feel like he's coming...with all this period like cramping and even ovulation like cramping along with my back pain...I think he is almost here! Hopefully I'll have more of an update tomorrow after my appointment!
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195469 tn?1388322888
Hang in there little mothers.  The last month is always the hardest.  It seems like God gets mothers ready for no sleep, in the last month....getting us ready for staying up all night with the baby.  Nursing or bottle feeding every few hours and changing diapers.  That's what I told my husband in the last month of both of my pregnancy's.  I felt like a beached whale.  I couldn't lay down and be comfortable.  I had heartburn from you know where, I peed constantly, I was constipated and I threw up the whole last month.

I know for sure that men could never carry a baby.....

Hang in there ladies.  You all know it's worth it in the end.  God bless all of you and your precious little ones.

Mommie Hugs,
Heather - MS Forum
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im having the worst pains ever i cant even sleep my stomach is a hard ball and it feels like its so high in my ribs i cant breathe my back is in pain all the time i cant wait until i have this baby girl already
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487124 tn?1256654549
ouch  BRandi  i know how u feel  iam  almost in the same  boat with my little one now  they are guessing her wieght at about 8 pounds now  and i have another four weeks. My  son was  9lb 6 oz so  i know how that  feels . They told me  that i had one big one i can have another one  i  told my doc to  stick it !! lol  but in  all  seriousness have though of inducing u do to the  size of the  baby  that is what they are  going to  do in my case  but  i run a bleeding  risk cause i bleed really  heavily  right after my son was  born  almost tot he point of  transfusion.  I have anoither appoinment tomorrow in the morning  so they are going to to  more measuring then i have a follow up  u's next tuesday  so  i will know something  next week  
        i  also am  feeling the the  cold thing i have bad one now to not helping have to cough all the time with the hip and lower belly pain    well good luck to all u  ladies and it is  not much longer  for the rest of us
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525485 tn?1314361301
Brandi! You poor poor thing! almost 9 pounds already. God bless ya! hopefully that baby of yours comes sooner than later for your sake! Keep us updated.

I am hoping to know more tomorrow when I go to the docs!! Hoping for some good news!
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514428 tn?1287598456
I just got back from my doctor's appointment...

I knew I wasn't going to get an internal since my doctor is out of town for 10 days.  But I got him to give me a guess of the baby's weight...

8 pounds 10 ounces right now!!  

I'm so freaking nervous that he's letting me go all the way and not inducing me.  I brought up my birth of my son and told him he was only 8lbs6ozs and hoping I don't need to go through that again.  He told me he can't predict anything until the time comes, but I'm leaning toward a freaking c-section from the way he's talking...He told me that he thinks I'll go this week, but to try to hold on until he gets back from vacation...OMG so I'm nervous if I do go these last couple weeks.  Hopefully it's actually smaller then he's thinking, but I know it's a big baby....

Lastnight and all today I've been having this horrible cramping and painful feeling in my left hip.  I'm not sure if it's from coughing and blowing my nose, but it's horrible.  I'm having a hard time breathing and gasping for air because of the phlem.  Not fun!!  I just want this cold gone before I deliver....

I can't wait to meet my baby and to see what I'm actually having.  Then I can go out and do some shopping and get the nursey going :)  

Only a few days/weeks for us girls and hoping we're all doing well....Good luck to you all and hoping I go SOON!!  DARN!! :)  

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Ladies your all so lucky your toward the end. I am 36wks and 2days. My C-section is on Feb 23rd. I had an Appt. Monday and as usuall she shrugged off all my concerns, the pressure the constant BH, She did not check me. She said since i deliver via c-section she will see me every 2wks and not every week. Very frustrated i even told her i want an amnio at 38weeks to c if the baby is ready instead of waiting until 3days befor my Due date. She did nto even answer me! I am very tired, cannot waite until this pregnancy is over.
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Do you live in Canada??? I wish I did so that I could get that lengthy maternity leave!  Or to even have short term disability to be able to take my full 12 weeks off and not use vacation or sick time.  Oh well, I actually am blessed to be able to take the time off and get paid my vacation plus when that runs out my work will pay a few weeks at full time pay.

I have about 19 days left but I go back today to the doc and we will probably be discussing possible inducement.  They had thought I might have preeclampsia from my BP rising, swelling and 6lbs weight gain in one week.  But my protein (in urine) was 220 and if it was over 300 then they would have induced me this week.  The swelling is still bad and I don't know about the BP or weight gain yet, but if they are both rising like they shouldn't then I'm sure he is going to suggest inducing me - which at this point I won't argue.  I feel like I should let her come when she's ready, but last week I was not dialated and she hadn't dropped, nor do I feel she has dropped at this point either.  I am in pain in my downstairs area - both front and back sides - making it hard for me to do anything, though I am still working.  Well we'll see this afternoon how things are or aren't progressing!
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316024 tn?1248899826
Everything seems to be running smoothly with me.  Had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday and was negative for GBS so that just totally made my day!  The baby dropped big time so hopefully will be anytime now.  My doctor won't check to see if I'm dilated or anything until my due date or after.  Kinda ***** not knowing where you are but I guess that's the way they do it here.  My doctor seems to think she's going to be about 7 pounds 4 oz when she's born.  We'll just have to see about that.

Been having really weird dreams the last few nights, never had them like this before. Up almost every couple hours.  Been feeling really crampy also.  Last night was the first night I actually felt nauseous and I am never nauseous!!!!  Very hard to walk too, wish my water would just break already!  My appetite has been weird too, at least I'm not the only one!

As of the 27th of Jan I am officially on Mat leave!   Woohoo a whole YEAR off!  I've been off work though since the end of October but though short-term disability.  

Just think Feb is almost here and we're all going to be posting about our new arrivals.. YAY!  Take care everyone!!

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643558 tn?1258402509
Hi there ladies...

Same boat here...my boss told me the other day not to worry about coming to work, to take care of myself and baby!!  i feel guilty and honestly bored myself....I was all ready to go in about 30 mins ago, just to check e-mail and such....but got those painful cramps we have all been talking about...you know where it feeld like a knife is poking through your cervix.....

My MIL is in, she has been for about a week now, for the most part we get along....Everyday she asks me though, " Nothing yet??"  or the other day I went to the doctor and I was one centermeter dialated...she says "Only one centimeter"...like it is all my fault!!  Maybe I am just assuming that is what she is thinking!!
I feel bad because of course my husband has to keep going into work with his Mom here and all...He will get 10 days off, and taking another 14 once he finally decides to make an appearance!!  

So, just waiting around with the rest of you!!  It seems like each day drags on....I have til tomorrow and I reach my due date....well, one of the later ones they gave us!!  I am with Gina..I was given the 4th of Feb, originally then it changed to 30 Jan!!  We all know satistically they are not born on thier due dates.  So today is the last day for him to come early....I feel like he willl never be here...

I have most of the same symptoms as I have had for the last week!!  Cramping, pressure, pain in cervix, back pain, hips hurt when trying to sleep, peeing every 10 mins, buldge in my vagina when I pee, feel like I have to poop, but cannot, and I have quite an appetite myself these days, but feel a tinge nausous sometimes!!  Really do not want to do this for another week!!

Talk to you ladies soon, and hang in there...It is nice to hear other people in the same boat as I am......
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342988 tn?1299782356
gina- thank you.  i needed that reassurance.  i am so bummed out that everyone else is progressing but i feel stuck.  and to be throwing up all over again like at the beginning, is no fun at all.

we should try to re-track our orginal due date list and update it with who is born and when.  it would be fun to see how many of us have had the babies and how close or not close it was to the original due date.
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341551 tn?1266980730
Oh Leighanne, you poor thing! I hope you start feeling better, it will be over soon!

Try and remember that you can progress at any time! So as much as he is high now and your not dilated, that could change over night, in an hour, whenever! So hang in there!

Waiting-I hear ya! I've been putting on half a pound to 1 pound every appointment (which has been every week) and I thought at this point the weight gain was supposed to slow down! But I am eating non stop, so I'm sure thats why. I just can't get full...I think Caidens going to be bigger than the doctor thinks! I am so ready to have him!
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342988 tn?1299782356
as far as Jaedyn coming, well he is not even close.  as of yesterday i was not dialated at all and he is still up very high.  i am 36 weeks adn 2 days and i swear he is staying in til past his due date.  i still have not had one contraction either.

i did have to see my doctors office for an emergency visit yesterday because i have been throwing up consistently for over a week and yesterday it was bad, i actually threw up a lot of blood so they wanted to see me.  low and behold i just aggravated vessels in my throat that bled and now i have to take zantac 2 times a day to stop all the acidity and hopefully decrease the vomitting.

but other than that, things are not progressing at all.
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413098 tn?1260727194
I had my 36 week appt today. Ive put 3 more pounds! ERRR i thought it was supposed to stop by now! LOL! Im dilated to 2 and only 50% effaced. My midwife said that id i have alot of sex then he will be here in the next two weeks! Yeee for that!
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341551 tn?1266980730
Wow, 3-4 cm dilated is fantastic!! When you think about it, thats practically halfway there! Any day now ladies, how exciting!
I spot after every internal too...the first time it happened I thought I lost my plug! But than it kept happening and I was like dangit!

The snow here wasn't bad at all...they talked about it like we were getting over a foot and in total only got 2 inches of snow and rain. So it wasnt bad.

I really don't want to be induced but I am getting so impatient! Anxious for Fridays appointment too! Just sitting here watching TV and EATING. Thats all I do lately!
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583277 tn?1233169164
I had an appointment today, but I don't get internal exams. Last one I had, I was just starting to dialate. I lost my mucous plug 3 weeks ago (or at least most of it). I apparently still have a lot of mucous working it's way out. I have BH all the time, which is getting so annoying. Last Saturday, I'd have them every 3-4 minutes by the end of the day, but no progression down there.
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538174 tn?1234725096
Had my 37 weeks appt today and according to my Doctor I am dialted at 3-4cm.  So i dont know who to believe the nurses in Labor and Deliver or Doctor.  My next appt is Tuesday and she is going to induce me next Thursday or Friday if I have not went into labor on my own.  So at the most I only have 9-10 more days.
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525485 tn?1314361301
We have a TON of snow...like a TON and its supposed to go all night. I just got in from snowblowing.....and literally as soon as I finished and put the snowblower in the garage...the darn plow came back around and buried the end of the driveway! I was so mad...like, great timing.....so I took it back out and did the end again. I will admit that while I was out there I did get a little crampy from snowblowing......which I thought was good....was hoping that maybe my water would break..but of course..things like that dont happen so easy for me.
Was a little nervous though bc hubby was working and forget his cell at home..but literally...as soon as I got back inside and sat down..he pulled in the driveway...so hes here...thats good....
2 more days til fridays appt......hoping to know more! I am such an impatient person..I just want to know if I am having this baby next week!
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354219 tn?1259981842
Another dr. appt today. So today i found out i am another centimeter dialted putting me at 3cm. I am so ready for him to come. The cramping is getting worse and now spotting from todays exam. i am hoping any day now he will be ready to make his entrance.

the DH and i are not gonna BD to help get him out i am in so much pain down there that the idea of adding more pain makes me cringe.

Logans room is ready. Hospital bag packed. Just waiting for labor to begin.

Today did not go to work with all the snow in MA plus its getting harder and harder to move luckily my last day is this friday........
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