341551 tn?1266980730

Eating and Sleeping

Just curious how everyone elses babies are doing with these two topics. Caiden is drinking four 8 ounce bottles a day. And he snacks about 3 times a day. Now that he's older he likes the taste and texture of real food. So we have him on the Stage 3 jar foods. BUT recently he sees us eating and wants food off the table. So it takes him 3 sittings to eat a whole jar of the stage 3. So at each snack he has 1/3 of the jar and the Gerber Graduates Puff snacks. (loves those) We also incorporate fruits and veggies (I cut them up). We have so many jars of stage 1 and 2 left but he wants nothing to do with them now that he eats food off the table. But its okay...as long as he's eating healthy it's fine by me! But I was just curious as to how much everyone elses babies are eating and how often.

As for sleeping.....HELP! My kid DOES NOT SLEEP. He slept good for about 2 months back when he was 3 months old. These days he gets up numerous times a night. Sometimes for his binky...and other times he's just crying. I don't get it. The thing is, he CAN find his own binky and put it in his mouth, he's done it a million times. But if I wait long enough for him to get it himself, he wakes up and is standing in his crib awake. So its a loose loose. So half the time he cries out for his binky...other times I swear he's had a nightmare because he's clearly not awake..but still cries and cries. Sometimes I even have to rock him for a good while to get him back to sleep. On average, he is getting up 3 times per night and than is up for the day at 7:00/7:30 am. It's killing me ladies. With getting up so often during the night...that breaks my sleep and than to get up and have to completely function and take care of a baby...is tough! He's such a great happy baby during the day and doesn't nap much either..so I'm at a loss. I guess he just doesn't need sleep! And we've tried everything...he just wakes up. I think he's just a poor sleeper like his mommy. How is everyone elses babies sleeping??
9 Responses
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525485 tn?1314361301
Oh Gina...you poor girl. You are going to hate when I tell you that Sarah does GREAT in both of these categories.

As for eating, Sarah eats everything.She eats entire jars of stage 2 foods at sittings. She eats an entire container of yogurt at a sitting. She devours gerber puffs and she always wants food off of our plates! She is still at 6 ounces, about 4-5 bottles a day.

I put Sarah to bed anywhere between 8-930 and she sleeps til about 7. This morning I had to wake her at 630 since its her day to go to my gf's house and she was so tired..she didnt want to get up...
There are some nights that at about 1 hour after I put her down she is crying for me, I open the door and she is standing reaching for me. I literally pick her up and just stand there rocking with her for about 10 minutes and she is back out and I can lay her back down. Its never in the middle of the night though.
So, unfortunately, I am not in your boat and cant really understand how frustrating it must be, because Sarah is awesome in those categories.

You must be a zombie with getting up a couple times a night with Caiden. You poor thing!! Hang in there, maybe things will get better. I dont have any advice bc I havent been there, but I am sure this baby wont be as easy as Sarah is......only time will tell!

Hope all is well. Write when you have a free minute!

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1088517 tn?1256693529
My son Ethan nurses about 8 times during the day and he doesnt sleep much at night either lately... thank you teething! he wakes like every 2-3 hours, it is exhausting. He eats solids 2-3 times per day.
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231441 tn?1333892766
Michaela is not a great sleeper.  During the day she'll usually only nap for about 30 minutes 2 or 3 times.  she'll sleep for longer if someone is nursing her, but we generally don't do that 'cause it's not a great habit.  At night she sleeps from about 11 pm to 8.30 am.  But she does wake up several times.  But as she sleeps next to me (in the same bed) it's not too disruptive.  However, when I get up in the mornign i try to put her in her cot becuase she can now crawl so fast that she can fall off the bed (she has) before I even know she's awake.

Food.  She's still breastfed and drinking 4 oz bottles of milk twice a day, when i'm at work and breastfeeding at least 5 times extra when i'm home with her.  She eats, if she likes it.  If she doesn't she now spits it out.  Generally she refuses baby food and so I give her real food off my plate.  Grated apple, banana, papaya, any fruits.  Sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot. Loves fish.  Eats a little rice... likes to chew on rice cakes....

She's allergic to egg (throws up violently) and probably dairy (diarrhoea), and suspect tomato (asthma / breathing problem - this is a common reaction in my family to tomato)....
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341551 tn?1266980730
Sally-so Michaela drinks 8 oz. of milk twice a day and than you breastfeed her 5 extra times? I know its difficult to approximate how much she is actually getting from you but do you have a guess? I'm just trying to figure out if Caiden is drinking TOO much. I know he's much bigger than most 8 month babies..but I didnt know if 32 ounces of formula a day was too much. If he should be drinking less of that and more water...juice etc. I plan to discuss that with his doctor in a few weeks but just trying to get an idea from you other mommys!

I hear ya on the not sleeping well. It *****. Caiden does sleep in his crib...and that makes it so much more hard to get up every couple of hours to tend to him. So to be honest, by about 5am in the morning when I cant take it anymore I bring him in bed with us. I know its a bad habit to get into..but right now, our sleep is imperative! Can't function without it! So I'm hoping once he gets all his teeth (has 5 already) and this flu season has passed he will start sleeping better. I PRAY!
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231441 tn?1333892766

my lactation consultant told me that the maximum range for babies to be drinking would be about 32 oz.  So I guess Caiden is on the high side of the range.  However, if he's not 'fat' (ie rolling in it) I wouldn't worry.  But yes, do give him water by now, because he should not be relying just on formula for his liquid intake, now that he's also eating solids.  Also recommended to give him water to drink after each time he has formula to rinse his mouth and protect his teeth.

I have no idea how much Michaela is drinking from me.  But I do know that when I was out of town and my nanny was feeding her breast milk on demand from the bottle she drank close to 36 oz.  Whew!  But breast milk and formula are different.  I can't pump very much these days - but think she is still getting plenty when she *****.

It is not recommended to give babies juice (even real juice, but don't give him the fruit drinks which are not real juice) because it is so sweet and will develop a taste for sweets.  They say if ou do give juice it should be well diluted (say 20 - 30% juice and the rest water) and they say it should be out of a sippy cup, not a bottle.

Actaully, I disagree that having the baby in the bed with you is a bad habit.  It is what works for you.  Many cultures babies sleep with their parents all along until they're toddlers or beyond.  My sisters and I all let our babies sleep with us (we're Australian).  It makes sense and lets us have a better sleep, which is critical for us to be able to function.  :)  My colleague and his wife and their children (they're HK Chinese) all sleep together in the same room.  They have 2 king size mattresses next to eachother.  That's the parents and 3 children (9, 6 and 3 1/2 yo).
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Right now Mikayla takes 2-3 naps a day, ranging from 1/2 hour to an 1 1/2 hours.  She goes to bed anywhere from 830-100pm and then wakes up anywhere from 630-930am.  One night she slept for 15 hours staright and didn't even wake up needing her binnkie or anything!!! Of course the next night she slept from 1030pm - 430am and didn't go back to sleep...zzzzz.  Anyways, she drinks 4 bottles a day with 7oz formula.  She also eats 3 jars of 2nd foods a day, a fruit in the morning, veggie for lunch and a meat/veggie combo for dinner.  I am going to be switching her to the 3rd foods starting tomorrow (because thats when I am going grocery shopping, hehe).  She also snacks on Gerber puffs - loves them!  She will also snack on some food we eat, if it is appropriate.  I have been looking into feeding her non-jarred food because I feel like she is ready for it.  However, my issue is how much do I feed her.  I know a jar of the 2nd foods fills her up but I don't know how to compare how much shreddad chicken and mashed peas woudl fill her up.  Mikayla loves everything we have put in front of her, so I woudlnt' put it past her to eat once shes full, lol.  Her 9 month check up is in 2 weeks, so I plan on talking wtih the doctor then about her options.  My problem is thta I am a fulltime working mom, so it isn't as easy for me to prepare things like I would like to.  Times like this make me want to stay at home, but it isn't possible right now :(  

Other than that, I am looking forward to trying new foods with MIkayla.  She has her 2 bottom teeth now and can gum things pretty good.  
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341551 tn?1266980730
Yea Caiden is on the higher "range" drinking 32 ounces..but he was a big baby from birth and is still in the 90th percentile for his height and weight. However, he's not fat. He's very very long...so his weight is spread evenly. Every doctors appointment we've gone too, his pediatrician has said his weight is perfect. So I'm not worried about him getting fat, I just want to make sure he's getting the nutrition he needs. He's always been very healthy and I want to keep it that way!

We have been giving him water for a few months now. So I know to give it to him, I just didnt know if the ratio from water to formula should change. We give it to him after each meal so he's definitely drinking it, I just know he prefers the formula over it. We dont give him juice...actually we did twice...diluted it majorly...but he didnt like it. So water and formula it is. So far he doesn't have a sweet tooth...he prefers his veggies over his fruits anyday. I just have a lot of questions to ask his doctor. I know at a year a lot changes in their eating and drinking...and I just want to make sure I know it all!

I'm not against babies sleeping in their parents beds either. Every baby and parent is different and I think everyone should do whats best for them and their baby. However with that said...I personally sleep better with Caiden in his crib. When he sleeps with us, every twitch, sigh, breath...I wake up. I am a very light sleeper. So in the end..yea I'm not walking back and forth to his room but I am waking up just as much with him in bed with us. On the other hand..he sleeps like **** in his crib, waking up numerous times a night. He sleeps better with us. So for now he spends half the night in his crib and half in our bed. Its what works the best for all of us right now. I just hope with time and age he will sleep better in his crib! But I do strongly believe parents should do whats best for them and their baby. Screw what all those books and doctors say.
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643558 tn?1258402509

As far as the eating habits go...it sounds like you are doing great.  

My son is 9 months on Saturday, and weighs about 22 lbs, and eats all kinds of table foods...his favorite is bananas in ceerios, mash potatoes, and broccoli.  He eats breakfast lunch and dinner when we do, and eat what is on our plates!!  He has never had baby food, as far as milk goes...during the day  0800-4:30 PM he drinks about 2 bottles, 4 oz at a time.  THat is the most he wants to eat from his bottle in one sitting!! Right..Wrong..that's all he wants...between 4:30- 0700 I breastfeed...but when I travel for one week a month, my husband says he eats about 5-6 bottles a day, 4 oz each..so about 20-24 oz a day....

Sleeping...that is our problem as well...this is what I have concluded...Since he is breastfeeding at night, my hus band is at work and we have a 13 year old in the house that needs a full nights sleep for school...I pick him up at night and feed him in my bed, and he sleeps with me!!  He goes to bed at 8:30 PM or so in his crib (after formula and breastmilk combo!!), and then first wakes up crying at 1230-1:00 am...I get him, stick him in bed and on the boob, wakes again at 2:30 am, and 4:30 am...then up at 0700-0730 for the day....takes 2 half hour- 2 hour naps throughout the day.....

Now, I said I travel one week a month..and would you know it, he sleeps all night that week!! Stinker...so I have come to the conclusion that I enable him, he is not hungry, he just knows when I am there, and that I will pick him up...first sign, for me anyway of spoiling him....what's the fix....I don't know!!  I guess let him cry..and learn to put himself to sleep a few nights (fri-Sat) so he doesn't wake my middle school age son that needs to sleep....maybe someone can help me with that one as well....

So, I am not suggesting that your son is spoiled...but, It does sound like it has become someone of an expectation for him...at this age they can be spoiled, and the fix may be to let them figure out on thier own and cry it out.  Easier said then done...I KNOW, believe me!!  

If they are not hungry, poppy diaper, sick, in pain..and just tired then I guess they have to figure out that they can put themselves to sleep!!
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341551 tn?1266980730
Thanks for all that info SARgirl! And I hate to say it...but I do think Caiden is spoiled! I was talking to my husband the other day about this not sleeping stuff...and I know when he wakes up and is standing in his crib..he KNOWS I am going to pick him up and put him in bed with us. I have tried laying him down and rubbing his back and IF that doesn put him back to sleep, he will be up 20 minutes later doing the same thing. And I certainly can't do that all night long. He is for sure spoiled...and he knows I cant stand to see him cry. So everynight he gets picked up and put in bed with us. He's not hungry, doesn't have a dirty diaper and he's not sick. I don't know if he feels safe with us or what! Because honestly his crib is pretty freakin comfy feeling! I cant imagine its more comfy to sleep on our bed. (my bed isn't the softest because I have a really bad back and need a more sturdy bed).
I've read every book, online article..talked to other moms and I've definitely concluded that I cannot just let him cry it out. It makes me more miserable, sad and I feel like a bad mom. Not saying parents who do that are bad parents, but I just feel like one. I'm currently reading a new book that is against the "crying it out" method and I 100% agree with a lot of the things they say in it. I want my son to trust me and depend on me...but I know by doing this he is getting spoiled to the idea since it happens every single night. But like I said, I know in my heart I cant let him cry it out..so I guess thats my fate. I just have to deal with it, let him sleep with us like he's been doing and hope that when he gets a bit older he'll learn to love his crib and sleep there for good.
Thanks for all the input and I definitely know how you feel about the sleep issue! Let me know if you figure anything out or try anything new!!
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