514428 tn?1287598456

I think....

...I'm going to be making another trip to L&D today if I'm not feeling better....the contractions started back up yesterday, but nothing more so then the ones I was having last Friday.  But the BACK PAIN, HIP PAIN and VERY LOW PRESSURE is really bothering me....

I can't skip work again, so I'm going to try to make it....I usually sit all day anyways, but there's times we have emergencies and it gets REALLY stressful (Vet's office)....

I feel the same exact symptoms as last Friday (hotflashes, back pain, contractions, CRAMPING to extreme)....the only difference is the pressure in my downstairs...it's so bad!!  I keep running to the bathroom thinking I'm going to start bleeding....those kind of pains (AF type times a million)

I have to work in an hour and I'm there for 5 hours....so I won't be back on for a few hours....

Funny thing is, tomorrow is my Husband's birthday and he doesn't want it born on his birthday...LOL  Oh well, I don't make the date, the baby does :)
11 Responses
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368690 tn?1284357253
Oh man... most of you sound like you are ready to be done!!!

I'm starting to hit that wall myself, even though I've only just passed 34 weeks.  :(  I think I can attribute most of my feelings  of wanting to be done to the fact that I've had the flu for the past 3 days...makes it very hard to want to make the extra effort to lug baby around inside.  Also, I'm extra queasy again, probably from all the coughing, etc.  

I know some of you have a whole extra 4 weeks on me though!  I am starting to not be able to imagine carrying that long...  but I'm sure I will ;)
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525485 tn?1314361301
Sally! Sounds like you are in good spirits....so glad to hear! I am so jealous that you will get to meet your baby girl this coming week!!! Wish it was me!
Ever since I got the shot to stop my contractions....I dont think i have had any....although I really wasnt feeling them before either...so I really cant say...if I am ..or if I'm not...who knows...
Hang in there...you only have a couple more days to go! I am so excited for you!
Cant wait to hear your labor story and see pictures of your little one!

Best Wishes.
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231441 tn?1333892766
Hi Brandi, Lance,

Me too! ME TOO!

The last time I was so uncomfortable was just after the laparotomy for appendicitis I had 6 months ago.  It hurts to move and to stand up straight.  My pubic bone feels like it's splitting.

When I went to the hospital I was 35 1/2 weeks.  So they confined me and I've been on IV to stop contractions (still having mild ones despite) for the last 10 days, with strict bed rest.  Given the gestational diabetes they wanted me to get to 37 weeks, preferably 37 1/2 weeks.  Well I was at 37 weeks last Friday.  I am so done with being on bedrest and stuck in this hospital, and having a tummy that's turning into a basketball. I have gained next to nothing in the past 9 weeks (maybe 1 - 2 lbs)  - that's another reason they put me on bedrest - suspected failure to thrive of baby girl.  But they've been doing biophysical every 4 days and looks like baby girl is catching up.  She has gained about 1 lb in the past 2 weeks. She's about 6 1/2 lbs now as of yesterday and reckon that's big enough for now.

Not even allowed to get up to the toilet.  Stuff it though,  the nurse just did her rounds and I'm going to have a shower and a shave etc.... they don't check on me again 'til morning after their night time check.

Been working all day on a tender that's due for work tomorrow. A very big and important one.  Just about done, one more document to check. And a few bits and pieces that can wait til the morning.  The tender will be submitted tomorrow about lunch time.  Then baby can come!  Was begging docs to stop the IV today.  But no, tomorrow!  The  plan is still to welcome baby girl on Tuesday.  Hope she does come after all this fuss and bother....

Hang in there you guys too!
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464337 tn?1237651655
I am right there with you too. I have been to L&D 3 times now and still no baby. Twice they stopped my labor and now that they aren't going to stop it anymore, it stops on it's own. The pressure on my hips is crazy and downstairs as well. I lost my mucus plug a wek ago and I am 3cm 90% effaced. So comeon already... I don't think my body knows what to do now after they stopped my labor a few times.
I will be 38 weeks Tuesday and I am miserable. I am going to press to be induced  if I make it to my dr appt Wed. They don't want to induce till 39 weeks, but I can not go another week. This is my 4th, but i was never this uncomfortable with the other three. I think the bed rest for the whole pregnancy has taken its toll on the whole house. Now we are alljustin a waiting pattern and my huby hasn't been to work in almost 2 weeks cause I can go at anytime. I'm so ready to be done being pregnant andmove on to the baby part. I am going to try to enjoy these last few kicks, twists and turns before he comes out though as I will miss them very much when he finally does come!
Good luck Brandi and everyone!!
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525485 tn?1314361301
Im with you Brandi! I had to make it to 36 weeks, which is today...and then they said if I go into labor that they would allow me to have this baby. I have been extremely uncomfortable. Its hard for me to roll over.....stand up from the couch.....etc.
There are days where I feel pressure down so far I feel like shes right there....close enough to come out.
When I was put on bedrest, I was told no sex...but the last 2 nights I said screw it because I figured....why not...36 weeks now...pretty much...well, today I am atleast.

Im just done being pregnant. I go to the hospital tomorrow morning for ANOTHER NST test and then to the doc office for my OB appt where I am hoping they will check to see if  I am more dilated or anything of that nature. I have only been checked once which was a couple weeks ago...

They are watching me for preeclampsia/hypertension....high blood pressure..because it has been high every appt i have been too. They told me to watch for spots in my vision, cramping in my right side below my ribs..etc..
i have bad a bit of blurred vision here and there and have been a bit dizzy if I bend over and stand up.......which hasnt been happening prior...so I am hoping those arent signs of this hypertension thing...we will see tomorrow..

hang in there! I am as anxious as you are to meet my little girl!!
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514428 tn?1287598456
So far nothing happened and I'm getting frustrated!  It's been two nights since I could sleep because my hips and va-ja-ja (sorry) hurt so much!  I'm going crazy thinking that one day is the day....then when that one day actually comes, I'm not going to even think it is.  LOL  Like the boy who cried wolf...

I know these feelings mean we're getting closer and closer but I want the day to come NOW!  LOL  

~To Everyone else~
I wish you all the best!!!  Even if some of us aren't getting those feelings, you'll probably be the first ones to go.  :)   I just want to make it to next week and it'll all be good!!!  
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518733 tn?1333017015
hope your ok hun! iv been gettin loads of pressure down stairs and cramps, im not sure im gonna make it till i get induced, gook luck brandi! xx
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316024 tn?1248899826
Don't feel so bad, I'm 37 weeks and haven't had anything going on either.  Just been having some pain walking but no BH's nothing... I'll probably be overdue!

Brandi - Wishing you all the best and can't wait to hear what happens!!!
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514428 tn?1287598456
I'm currently at work.  So far  things are ok.  I'm still in pain and can barely walk, but I guess I'll just wait and see what tonight or tomorrow brings.  I just can't believe the PRESSURE!  

Right now, I've just been trying to sit and take it easy today.  But we've had a couple emergencies come and it's just been NUTS!  I'm glad it's the weekend and my husband is home, so I don't have to worry about not having someone near to help with the kids.  

Thank you and hope you all are doing great!  We just need these babies OUT!!  :)
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231441 tn?1333892766
Good luck!

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342988 tn?1299782356
wow, all of you ladies are having lots of things going on.  i will be 35 weeks monday and have not even had more than 2 BH contractions. I feel left out.

well keep us all posted and good luck.
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