1450627 tn?1296616593

Help! I need women to interview about worries and experiences during pregnancy! Any takers??!

Hi ladies!

Ok, I have a big favor to ask a few of you (anyone!). Anyone who wants to help would help me tremendously. :)

I have a school  project and it's due December 1, next week, Wednesday, plus the time I need to put the report together.

I have a list of  10 questions that I need answered by women of any age, about their experiences during pregnancy, and concerns that dug at you, biggest changes you've experienced, etc.

It is called an "I-Search" paper, I have to have questions answered about things that I'm curious about that relate to something going on with me. I thought this would both interesting and perfect for me to write about.

Your answers dont have to be personal, just the main jist of how that question made you feel. If you dont mind it being personal, that is great, but up to you. (Remeber this will be going in a report, and I'll edit what will go in it, feel free to vent! :)

Here are my questions: (I hope a few of you will help me with this, my teacher said this was a good topic to cover due to what I'm going through right now)

I will also share my anwers to my own questions so that we can all relate :).

Questions to Interviewees about Pregnancy experiences, concerns, likes/dislikes, etc.
1. What worried you most about carrying another ‘being’ inside of you? (Miscarriage, congenital malformations, anything..)

2. What was the biggest change you went through personally, during your pregnancy?

3. Did anyone have any kid of big obstacle to overcome that affected you a large amount mentally/physically? (Family issues, health issues, mental issues..)

4. Did anyone have any addictions/compulsions they had to stop once you got pregnant? (Drugs, obesity, habits that would affect baby in a negative way..)

5. What ‘outs’ helped you get through the tough times/days while you were pregnant? (Family, alone time, walks, your other kids-if relatable, food, movies, etc.)

6. How was your experience with your OB and/or any other doctors/nurses you may have visited? (Did you like/dislike/agree/disagree with their opinions?)

7. Where the doctors/nurses you’ve seen knowledgeable about your questions, or did you find that each one had a different answer/opinion?

8. How many of you did not have help from a spouse/boyfriend? How did you do it? Did it scare you, or make you feel independent? Maybe it’d be better without that person in your life?

9. I know we all made our “confessions” in a post a couple weeks ago, would anyone like to share any confessions/vents?

10. What is the biggest thing you’d like to share with any other pregnant woman going through a difficult time, words of encouragement?
11 Responses
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1330108 tn?1333677304
But you can answer the questions on here just not full name or email
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Please do NOT post contact info or full names on any posts this is against MedHelp policy and will be deleted. If you choice to devolgue personal information please do it through private message.
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1450627 tn?1296616593
Thank you all very much I needed three ladies to interview so thats perfect!

One more thing :)....

Whoever doesnt mind giving me a name and email, for the contact info on the report that would be great too.

Forgot to say that before.... :}
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1285651 tn?1319642429
1. What worried you most about carrying another ‘being’ inside of you? (Miscarriage, congenital malformations, anything..)   Having another m/c was probably my biggest concern. I still worry to this day every time that I get an u/s if everything is okay. I also worry that there will be something wrong with one of the babies or if one or both will have health issues.

2. What was the biggest change you went through personally, during your pregnancy?  Learning to trust in yourself and God. I believe that this was the way it was suppose to be and as hard as it was to finally accept my past 2 losses I have to trust that this was my destiny. I couldnt feel happier or more blessed.

3. Did anyone have any kind of big obstacle to overcome that affected you a large amount mentally/physically? (Family issues, health issues, mental issues..)  I have had mood swings from hell and sometimes it scares me that I am becoming bi-polar. My mother was bi-polar and she did not show symptoms until she started having children so that scares me the most. She had a hard time raising us kids being in and out of treatment centers and I pray that my children will not have the same experieices with their mother.

4. Did anyone have any addictions/compulsions they had to stop once you got pregnant? (Drugs, obesity, habits that would affect baby in a negative way..)  I would drink occasionally but it wasnt an addiction. I seem to want alcoholic drinks more now that i'm pregnant (but of course I never do).

5. What ‘outs’ helped you get through the tough times/days while you were pregnant? (Family, alone time, walks, your other kids-if relatable, food, movies, etc.)  My friends, family and love of my life have been a huge support to me. Without them I dont know where I would be. Also, coming on this site would help me at times that I felt were low. The woman on here are amazingly supportive and I am very greteful for each and every one of you.

6. How was your experience with your OB and/or any other doctors/nurses you may have visited? (Did you like/dislike/agree/disagree with their opinions?)  My OB seems very scatterbrained. He is the nicest doctor in the world but he can sometimes seem confused and not very confident about taking care of a preggo carrying twins. I sometimes wish that I would have looked for a new OB to handle this pregnancy and go back to him later on once they were here.

7. Where the doctors/nurses you’ve seen knowledgeable about your questions, or did you find that each one had a different answer/opinion?   Each doctor has a different opinion. I go to a High Risk OB and my regular OB (who will be delivering babies) and they never know whats going on with the other. It gets frustrating at times but I tend to suck it up and just go with the flow.

8. How many of you did not have help from a spouse/boyfriend? How did you do it? Did it scare you, or make you feel independent? Maybe it’d be better without that person in your life?   I have had the greatest support team. I believe that he would do anything for me and he truly shows that in everyday life. I couldnt ask for a better partner. I dont know how I could do this without him.

9. I know we all made our “confessions” in a post a couple weeks ago, would anyone like to share any confessions/vents? I will let you look at my confessions post for this one :)

10. What is the biggest thing you’d like to share with any other pregnant woman going through a difficult time, words of encouragement?  Try not to worry as it doesnt help anything. If God has a plan for your child then there is nothing you can do about it and you have to accept that they were taken for a reason. I feel that my angel babies were too pure for earth :)  God needed an angel to watch over me and my growing family. To mothers doing this alone, involve a family member in your pregnancy. The support will be as great as if it were your partner. Take them to u/s and appointments and let them share the experience with you. I'm sure they would be very grateful and also will feel flattered that you want to involve them in such a special experience.
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Oops sorry so tired and #10 I would say always trust your instinct. If a dr won't listen to you and your instinct than find one that will
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Oops missed one question #5 my out has been a warm bubble bath, kisses from my three doggies and talking to my husband.

-if you would like me to expand on any question I'd be more than happy to either on this forum or through PM. I'm a pretty open person so don't feel like you can't ask :)
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1330108 tn?1333677304
1. Miscarriage, I already experienced one and I was SO afraid. Now I'm afraid of fetal death something like a cord accident.

2.  The body changes really was difficult, I used to be anorexic so I was very into the way I look and it was hard for me to adjust and think more about the "inner beauty"

3. I have a fractured spine in two places, a pelvic fracture and I rare genetic immune disorder called Ankylosing Spondylitis. I have had to deal with extreme pain, loss of feeling in my arms and legs, night blindness, swollen eyes and this is all on top of 4 months of morning sickness. Physically it has been very hard.

4.  I had to be better about eating more. I rarely ate 2,000 cal per day and having to increase past 2,000 cal a day was very hard for me. Id forget to eat.

5. After seeing six different OB's over the years before getting to this OB. I love this OB. He is amazing, smart, funny, he's the guy that could tell you your house burned down and your family was dead and the tone of voice you would probably be ok with it. He is so kind and sympathetic. I also had been ttc for 34 months an every dr dismissed me because I was young (I am 27 years old now). This dr listened to me and I was able to get pregnant. He took the time to listen he was able to diagnose me with PCOS, he was the first OB to listen.

6. I am very very blessed, my husband would go to the end of the world and back for me and our unborn baby. After going through a miscarriage I think it brought us even closer and truly we understand what a blessing a baby is, besides the fact that it took us 34 months to get pregnant again. This will be our first child. I thank G-d every day for my husband, for his love and dedication to our family.

7.  Any question I have is answered by the dr never a nurse. My OB is brilliant and up to date on the latest research. If he doesn't know he researches. If it's not something he normally deals with and isn't comfortable he will refer you or consult with another dr. I value and trust his advise and knowledge.

8. I wish my husband could carry our baby sometimes only bc I know how much he wants to experience the kicks like I do and such. I wish I could share that with him and he gets to put his hands on my tummy and feel baby kick but it isn't the same
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1450627 tn?1296616593
Thank you!
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1330108 tn?1333677304
I'll post tonight :)
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1450627 tn?1296616593
1. What worried you most about carrying another ‘being’ inside of you? (Miscarriage, congenital malformations, anything..)
I was first worried about the heartbeat, like I am every time I have a dr appt. it seems. I was also worried about deformities and having a miscarriage. I dont think the worrying stops, I'm in my thrid trimester and still think about a still birth.

2. What was the biggest change you went through personally, during your pregnancy?
My body changing and my mental attitude. I used to have more of a temper and bad anxiety that I had to take medications for, now Ive realized that I can calm myself down without the meds and it makes me feel like a stronger person.

3. Did anyone have any kid of big obstacle to overcome that affected you a large amount mentally/physically? (Family issues, health issues, mental issues..)
Ive had family issues my whole life, and things seemed to get way worse at the worst timing. Right when I got pregnant I was dealing with family members that got into bad area, and making very bad choices. this tore me apart from those specific people, but made me stronger andmore independant. My family and I are still trying to patch this up.

4. Did anyone have any addictions/compulsions they had to stop once you got pregnant? (Drugs, obesity, habits that would affect baby in a negative way..)
I will be honest, I used to smoke pot, daily. I stopped the second that I knew I was pregnant, and my life had a whole new meaning. My babygirl. I also had a shopping addiction (i know it sounds stupid, but it was BAD), and I've had to stop because the funds will be going to Leila from now on, not me. I think I did it because I was depressed though...

5. What ‘outs’ helped you get through the tough times/days while you were pregnant? (Family, alone time, walks, your other kids-if relatable, food, movies, etc.)
I like to have my time where Id sit and talk to God, watch girly/animated movies (hehe) to put a smile on my face if I was upset.

6. How was your experience with your OB and/or any other doctors/nurses you may have visited? (Did you like/dislike/agree/disagree with their opinions?)
I really dont like the nurse I meed with monthly for my WIC support, she is very judgmental and doesnt have teh accurate info. I asked my real doc about some things that she's said to me and the doc said she was over reacting. I do very much like my acutal OB and the u/s technician.

7. Where the doctors/nurses you’ve seen knowledgeable about your questions, or did you find that each one had a different answer/opinion?
My acutal OB is yes, the nurse I meet with monthly, NO.

8. How many of you did not have help from a spouse/boyfriend? How did you do it? Did it scare you, or make you feel independent? Maybe it’d be better without that person in your life?
Thank God that i ahve a husband that will take care of us forever, I thank God that there are no problems with that. My heart goes out to anyone who's had issues like this.

9. I know we all made our “confessions” in a post a couple weeks ago, would anyone like to share any confessions/vents?
I wish my husband could understand how I'm feeling and how my emotions are feeling being pregnant and holding a baby inside my tummy. He doesnt get how uncomfortable/painful the kicking gets, along with no sleep, feeling gross, and being whiny.lol.

10. What is the biggest thing you’d like to share with any other pregnant woman going through a difficult time, words of encouragement?
Try not to worry, whatever happens, happens for a reason. God will take care of you, especially if you seek Him. Worry does nothign but cause stress, and will only make you feel worse. Let it all go, and give it to God.

Thank you to anyone who helps me out! I appreciate it so much. :)
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1293887 tn?1332702847
1. What worried you most about carrying another ‘being’ inside of you? (Miscarriage, congenital malformations, anything..)
The first thing that worried me about this pregnancy was that I was afraid I would go to a scan and my baby's heartbeat wasn't beating.  Once I passed that I was afraid my baby might have abnormalities.

2. What was the biggest change you went through personally, during your pregnancy?
The biggest change I went through with this pregnancy would probably be to trust your own intuition and listen to your heart.  I have also learnt to appreciate everything you have now!!!  and that if you think your life is bad there is always someone out there that is worse off than you.

3. Did anyone have any kind of big obstacle to overcome that affected you a large amount mentally/physically? (Family issues, health issues, mental issues..) Miscarrying earlier in the year was a huge obstacle to overcome.  I was always one of those people that thought nothing bad will happen to me until I lost my baby.  It put a lot of strain on my marriage because my husband and I were on two different pages with the whole thing and it took us awhile to get back what we had before the miscarriage.  

4. Did anyone have any addictions/compulsions they had to stop once you got pregnant? (Drugs, obesity, habits that would affect baby in a negative way..) No.  I did have a few alcoholic beverages but never an addiction

5. What ‘outs’ helped you get through the tough times/days while you were pregnant? (Family, alone time, walks, your other kids-if relatable, food, movies, etc.)  My children helped me through the hard times.  They made it easier because I knew that I always had them and they are here and real :)  My mum was also fantastic - The amounts of times I called just to for her to hear me cry helped me out a lot.  I guess the only other healer was time.
In regards to my children I was having terrible days.  Once I put them in a proper routine my days have been a million times better.  Having a routine and sticking to it has helped keep me sane.  

6. How was your experience with your OB and/or any other doctors/nurses you may have visited? (Did you like/dislike/agree/disagree with their opinions?)  I am very happy with my doctor.  They let me go for scans to check my baby's progress.  The only thing I struggle with is the explanation for my miscarriage.  I guess more so because it was unexplained.  My only concern which I made my midwives aware of is that I was worried my placenta might not be able to last past 40 weeks.  With my first child he was 2 days early and my placenta was completely destroyed.  When I had my daughter she was 2 weeks early and her placenta was perfect.  The midwife seems to think it was just a one off which I disagree.  I spoke to my doctor about it and she said that she will check my placenta closer to my due date to make sure it is still doing it's job which made me happy.

7. Where the doctors/nurses you’ve seen knowledgeable about your questions, or did you find that each one had a different answer/opinion? I haven't really had any difficult questions I need answering.  I do notice that doctor/nurses put everyone in a normal basket and they don't take your history into account until it is life or death.

8. How many of you did not have help from a spouse/boyfriend? How did you do it? Did it scare you, or make you feel independent? Maybe it’d be better without that person in your life? My husband has helped me with everything. I have had no issues in that department.  We both made our children, we both look after our children :)

9. I know we all made our “confessions” in a post a couple weeks ago, would anyone like to share any confessions/vents?
I guess my only confession or vent would be expecting too much from my husband.  I always think he is lazy but when I take a step back he does the exact same amount of work as I do.  I have to stop expecting too much :)

10. What is the biggest thing you’d like to share with any other pregnant woman going through a difficult time, words of encouragement?
Words of encouragement would be... life's too short to worry about the small things!!!!  Enjoy each day as if it were your last :)
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