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508203 tn?1233234804

Signs of labor?

Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering what signs you experienced before going into labor? Did you just start with contractions or have symptoms leading up to it? I have had an upset stomach/bowel and have been having more braxton hicks....I am wondering whether this is a sign? I am probably just being hopeful... Any stories/symptoms to be shared would be great! Thanks
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Hi all, just wanted to let you know, that i had my son the 16th, gosh i thought i was having food poisoning, but no, after 15 hours of labor he is here.

How are you ladies????
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511778 tn?1222823285
That's exactly how I've been this weekend...  Contractions every 20 min for a few hours then nothing! Just a tease..

I have a doctors appt in a few hours and I imagine I will be induced today or tomorrow. I am now 14 days overdue.

I may try acupuncture today as well if I can fit it in. I've heard that that works and I'd rather do something natural than be medically induced.

It seems that many of the January moms have already had their babies and there are only a few of us left. Pretty soon we will all be moms! Wow, what a long journey!! Hopefully not too much longer for us all!
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489000 tn?1364302227
Wow, your bloody show came and went...I thought that meant labor was in 24 hours....what a bummer!

I had contractions on and off all weekend...its such a tease!  None of them made it to five minutes apart for an hour...more like every 20 minutes for 3 hours and then nothing!

I have just started my 39th week.
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294043 tn?1354207946
Any news from anyone?  

My bloody show came and went on Wednesday.  I am 40 weeks tomorrow with no sign of labor approaching...
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511778 tn?1222823285
I started losing my mucous plug a few weeks ago. I see "pieces" of it every day but some days I don't think I lose any of it. It comes in spurts it seems. Today I lost so much of it that I thought I had peed my pants because it was so wet. I just keep hoping that "today will be the day". I hear that most woman start labouring in the middle of the night (I've been told this is statistically proven, but I haven't verified it) - so I go to bed every night wishful, but wake up disappointed in the morning :)

I go for another ultrasound tomorrow to make sure things are still ok since I am so far overdue.

My partner is going nuts at work too! He calls all the time and when I call him I can tell he dashes for the phone. He now answers the phones when he is in meetings etc, when normally he would just let me leave a message. My friends and family are driving me nuts too. Phoning and texting all the time saying "Anything yet" or "So?"  I'm starting to get irritated by it, but I guess I can also tell who my true friends are cuz some seem to care way more than others :)

I hope you guys have your baby soon and don't have to wait like me. I've read that 7/10 first time pregnancies are overdue, but so many from this site delivered early etc. Mind you many were induced or had planned C-Sections too..

I'm not very uncomfortable believe it or not. My body has adapted well to pregnancy. My only thing is bending over to put my shoes on. I'm not fond of that, or the constant feeling that I have to pee. Other than that, it's nice to be out and have people be so polite and caring. It's odd but my sister noticed that once she gave birth that stopped, even though she was carrying the baby etc. Seems ppl are more considerate to pregnant ladies. At least in Canada any how.

YellowEskimo - I was supposed to go to Townsville, Australia in October for my partners sisters wedding, but I ended up cancelling because of the pregnancy. He went without me and had a blast. I can't wait to visit your country!
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508203 tn?1233234804
I lost chunks of my mucus plug yesterday, but I don't think it was enough to lose all of it....unless it has been going slowly just with an increase of discharge. I had brown spotting after my internal too....I was told to expect it, so I knew it wasn't the show or anything. Today is my due date (I'm in australia so it'll come up as still the 15th I think), it's the 16th here. And I just can't see it happening!! I might go for a couple of walks if it's not too hot outside, which it has been. The doctor recommended to keep on moving and walking around

Terra - you must be getting very uncomfortable!! 9 days overdue! I am not quite sure how I would handle it - actually my partner would be worse. He said work has been horrible this week because he just keeps waiting for the phone to ring and he's getting worried about leaving me at home alone. He's super nervous.

Laka - I hope today is your day!!

I am glad there are still people here, it seems that so many have already had their babies!
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Hi Ladies,

i am in the same boat as you no signs at all, i went to get reflexology  tonight and she said that it should help, so we will see, and on Friday which is my due date i have acupuncture appointment, so hopefully that would help. I am not trying to rush the baby, but it would be great to have him already:):)

Keep me posted ladies, at least looks like you have some progress with mucus plug, nothing really for me....

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489000 tn?1364302227
Ok, I now think I had more of a bloody show since I had a gelatinous mass/blob tinged with blood this am. (Anyway, I feel like Im just searching for some sign that labor will be here soon!)

The nurse at my OB office said sex is ok once you pass your plug, so Ill be doing that.
Im also going for prenatal massage tonight (she was able to fit me in) to have those pressure points worked!  Plus, I just may add hot sauce to whatever Ill have for dinner tonight. HA!!!!
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294043 tn?1354207946
My baby is moving but I would not call it crazy.  I think she is out of space for crazy dancing in there.  Last night I started having brown discharge, just this brownish mucus.  I hope it's my bloody show (alternatively it can just me post ob exam discharge).  I would love to deliver this weekend but still have no contractions or any other signs of labor.  Will go for a long walk today to help things along...

I can't even start to imagine being 9 days overdue!!!  You rock!
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489000 tn?1364302227
I know!  It is weird asking for the pain of contractions to start!  

I lost my mucus plug at 5am today.  Had some cramping but it went away as I got ready for work. So, here I am at work!  Atleast I got an early start to my day.  I know losing your plug could mean weeks before labor starts.  AHHHH  this waiting is driving me up a tree!

Good luck to everyone!  I hope we all get to hold our babies really soon!
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511778 tn?1222823285
My baby has been moving like crazy as well. I am almost 9 days over due and I am surprised at how much she/he has been moving. My stomache is always so hard. I imagine the space is really limited in there.  I haven't gained any weight in 1.5 months. I find that odd but my doctor seems fine with it. She said I have gained enough.

I am scheduled to go for a fetal assessment in the morning to see how the baby is doing. I was given the option of being induced on Thurs (I will be 10 days overdue then) or to stick it out until the Monday. I will be 14 days overdue then and she said she wouldn't want me going over that. I am trying to stick it out because I really didnt' want to get induced.

I have been resting alot. I had my membranes stripped again yesterday by the doctor but was still only 1cm dilated at that point. I am hoping I will go into labour tonight sometime. I've been hoping that for sometime now but maybe tonight will be my night! :)

Feels kinda funny to go to bed hoping to wake up in pain.. LOL

When I get frustrated with the wait, my boyfriend will say "Well they have never left one in there yet..."  

Good luck to everybody!
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Oh i am so sorry you were alone at the hospital, but happy for good news, gosh its so hard this few days, becuase every little something is scary. I cant believe you are also on the 16th, thats good to know, that i am not the only one.
I am glad that you starting to have symptoms, like stomach, i get upset stomach often so dont know, if its normal or not, i had weird sensation today also.

Gosh i hope it happens by due date if not we will have to wait longer, keep me posted on your situation, it does sound like your doctor did something, i wish mine did too, i almost wanted him to induce me this weekend, but he is not on call till next week, so we will see what happens.

Good luck and i am so happy to know i am not the only one here- i am super nervouse dont know what to expect.
Going to go get refloxalogy tomorrow, i did hear that it does help and will walk...
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508203 tn?1233234804
Helen - My baby still goes crazy! I feel like she doesn't sleep, especially over the last couple of days I've noticed she is moving a lot.

Laka - I am also due on the 16th!

I had a hospital appointment today and they scared the bejesus out of me. They said I was measuring the same as I was at 36 weeks (I am 39w5d now) and need an ultrasound to make sure that the placenta is still working and the baby is ok. If not I would have to be induced. I was so scared! I was worried the baby wasn't ok, and no one was with me at the hospital. The ultrasound came back good, it's just my amniotic fluid is a little low. They checked to see if I am dialating and I am 2cm and the baby is very very low. My due date is friday, and I will be induced next tuesday if nothing has happened. The doctor did stretch out something during the exam (I am not sure exactly what she did), but she said often it will cause labor within the next 48 hours.
I have had an upset stomach and my bowel feels wrong (it feels that upset feeling like when you have food poisoning or a bug). I am hoping these are signs!!!

My doctor said to keep moving and walking around, as this will cause the baby's head to engage more and help you dialate more. So everyone get walking!!
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Oh, how funny, i also had my ob appt. and i am 2 cm dialted and 70% effaced, i have been 2 cm since last week or so, but nothing, he also said it can be any time now, but i dont feel any different except little cramps, but if i dont deliver, when i am going to be induced also on wednesday, how funny- i will be 4 days overdue since i am due 16th.

Keep me informed i hope it does happen naturally, but at least by next wenesday we will have babies hopefully:):)
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294043 tn?1354207946
I just had my ob appt.  I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced.  My ob told me I can go into labor at any time.  If not he will induce me next wednesday, 2 days overdue.  I asked him about contractions, since I have not had any at all and he said it's not uncommon and that it does not matter.  I guess we skipped Braxton Hicks and will go to painful contractions right away.
Good luck to us!!!
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427258 tn?1266445242
im 39wks tomorrow and i have spent the last 2 days in triage at the hospital b/c ive been having contractions that are anywhere between 3-10 minutes apart...im 4-5cm dilated and 70% effaced, but my little man is having trouble coming down into the birth canal...he is still -1 and not fully engaged yet so my doctors wont do anything.

i still feel him TRY to move around, he doesn't have a lot of room to do so though.

hopefully we can all go into full blown labor soon and meet our little bundles cuz' i know we all can not wait!!!!
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489000 tn?1364302227
I can't imagine going over or being so close to 40 weeks with no signs!  Not that Im having a bunch...really none, if I think about it.

Im 38.4 weeks, baby is squirming a lot these days. I have some B-H contractions here and there but that's it and tons and tons of pelvic pressure.  I woke up hungry at 5am and then developed a tummy ache around 6am.  Im at work, since it went away.

  At my last checkup, I caved in and got an internal exam.  I just felt LIKE I WANTED TO KNOW!  Luckily, it wasn't as uncomfortable as the previous one.  Im 1cm dilated and 70% effaced and the baby is really dropped now.  Two weeks ago I was 0 dilated and 50% effaced.  Oh well...still playing the waiting game.  

I have decided to do the BD every other day, ironically, just like when we were ttc.  Now, Im hoping DH's swimmers can do something and get me to be 100% effaced and more dialated.  DH is thrilled since he thought the BD would be all done by now!  He said, he'll take it anyway he can!  HA!

Oh and Im going to start walking more and eating some spicy foods.  However, I heard most of the things you can do to bring on labor only work if you are truely past due.  But heck, it won't hurt me to try them now!  I'm just not drinking caster oil or whatever that stuff is they say to drink to bring on labor.
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Hi Helen,
I am also 39 weeks 4 days, and no signs of labor, i have doctors appointmnet today, we will see what he will see, but this wait is just killing me in a way, i just want to meet my little boy. I dont even know how contractions would feel- i am assuming super painful?

Question for you- does your baby move a lot still? Mine is out of control...
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294043 tn?1354207946
My best friend had very bad upset stomach right before she went into active labor.  I think it's a common sign.

I am 39 weeks+ and have no signs, not even BH contractions yet.

Good luck to you guys!
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511778 tn?1222823285
I am currently 8 days over due and I am hoping that this question could be answered as well. Would be nice to know what to expect :)
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