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1211118 tn?1366759953

we are getting there

So we all should be in out 3rd trimester now or getting there..what is new with everyone?Does anyone know how much there babies weigh at this point?How are the baby showers going?Am i the only one that keeps getting braxton hicks,charlie horses,and staying constipated lol... i just thought it would be cool to know what everyone else is going through at this point
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1356315 tn?1344895815
getting my second glucose test results today heres hoping i dont have gestational diabetes never had any of these problems before with previous kids wonder why now haha lol all good im now  29 weeks 2 days and tired of needing to pee every 5 mins if that lol and when i do walk bubs kicks feels like she is kicking my cervix really not nice
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971074 tn?1362759766
29 weeks now. Starting to feel more uncomfortable these last couple of weeks. I keep getting a sudden shock of pain in my cervix. Going to ask my midwife about it tomorrow but I think it's the baby doing kung fu. I don't know if he/she is head down or not. I feel movement everywhere and can't tell which way is up. I am getting my iron retested tomorrow because I have been feeling pretty tired lately. We will see if it is the iron or just pure exhaustion.
Not sure of my weight gain right now but i had gained 13lbs at my last appointment.

I haven't had the leg cramps but I do put a banana in my protein shakes every morning. Might be worth trying that. I also take magnesium and calcium at night and that keeps me regular and helps me sleep.

Time is flying by!!!
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kyliewiththree- Had to laugh when you asked what charlie horse was because I was wondering the same thing! Obviously not an Aussie term! Sounds like it must be a leg cramp?

I def get leg cramps, heartburn, back ache, shortness of breath and constant brax hicks. Not sleeping too well either... oh the joys! But I know as soon as the baby is out all these side effects will instantly disappear... just under 9 weeks to go, yay!

Baby is growing nicely but likes to be in the posterior position... which is causing my back ache. Head is down and baby constantly has the hiccups- usually when I'm trying to sleep! I have a scan on Wed to check on baby's kidneys... they were dilated at my anatomy scan so hopefully they are normal now, fingers crossed!
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1211118 tn?1366759953
uuhhhh i figured i would post on here since it is a symptom lol..i just went and peed and as soon as i sit down and get comfy baby bella starts moveing around in the tummy and presses on the bladder and i feel like im going to pee on myself  even though i just went to the restroom 2 mins ago...i am so ready to have my body back to myself lol
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I have BH every day just about, nothing bad. His head has been down but sometimes when he moves it feels like Olympics in my belly lol! No constipation-had colon surgery years ago so that's not an issue. Am anemic, taking iron. Don't get charlie horses but have to pee constantly! Like don't think I need to and stand up or walk and have to rush to the bathroom. Have the stress incontinence problems when I laugh, cough, or sneeze :( did have bladder infection but that's cleared up. He was over 3lbs aeaiar weeks ago (28 weeks) and have an ultrasound in 1 1/2 weeks so we'll see how big then-my other was small, and I swear I don't know how I can get any bigger but I know I will lol! Have reflux BAD! DH has raised the head of bed which helps but seems like we are sleeping on a mountain lol!! Much more tired this pg, probably because I'm 7 years older and 20lbs heavier (to start-have gained the same amount as did then). Have an ache in one hip. All in all I feel pretty good except the fatigue! Can't wait to see how we all progress :)
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1066572 tn?1296240001
I think I've been very fortunate this pregnancy.  I am now at 30 weeks.  Just saw the doctor yesterday - all looks well (passed the glucose tolerance test).  He said he wants to see me again between 2 and 4 weeks - with Thanksgiving coming up, I'll probably see him in 4 weeks.  Have bouts of constipation, reflux, heartburn, and shortness of breath, but otherwise am doing well.  Great energy level, walk every day, no nausea, good appetite, sleeping well, although getting up at least once to pee.  Am now starting to get some mild lower back pain.
Have a lot to look forward to:  Thanksgiving in 3 weeks, baby shower in 4 weeks, Christmas in 7 weeks, baby in 10 weeks!!  Yahoo!!
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1173537 tn?1326685805
I have all those symptoms.  Braxton Hicks (always) constipation....oh yeah and charlie horses!  I got one in my upper thigh getting in the car on Halloween Eve heading to a party. Nuts!

Word of advise if you get a charlie horse in your calf. Point you toes towards you!  It is instant relief!  but if you point like a ballerina the pain doubles!!

I have my next check up on Tuesday. I will be 32 weeks.  Baby Jenna is head down and moving like crazy.
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1211118 tn?1366759953
oh you will know when you get a charlie horse lol..it is a pain in your leg that will wake you up in tears it is like your whole leg just tightens up and it is the worse pain ever and the only way you can move it is by messaging it out or just moveing your leg really fast
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1356315 tn?1344895815
im 28 weeks and 3 days and last week was admitted to hospital for contractions they were pretty bad but only had them due to stress all good now tho she is head down already and making it hard for me to walk and i havent had bubs weight checked since my 19 week anatomy scan she however is measuring a week ahead and i failed my glucose test last week and now have to get another one only a 2 hour one not fun also whats charlie horse?? lol sorry im nout up to date with things but atm i get these really painful ligament pains on either side of my belly
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1211118 tn?1366759953
wow well it sounds like most of us are haveing the same symptoms..the dr's say bella is 2lbs 11ozs which is not to big i guess and she is head down but they say they still have room in there to move lol well i dont know how because everytime she moves now i feel both legs and arms it is so tight in there..i do have braxton hicks through out the day some are not to bad but some can be pretty painful..one min i am constipated and the other i have the runs lol sorry tmi hahha but as far as the boobs leaking it is pretty funny because i was standing in the mirror admireing myself "funny i know' and the hubby was like what is that and when i looked down i was leaking which im hopeing is a good thing cause that means i should have milk when she comes..i have breast feeding class tomorrow before my baby shower and next saturday is my birthing class me and hubby are only doing a 1 day birthing class which last 5 hrs because he has to work and all..but besides the few pains a day i feel really good now yay
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All in all I'm enjoying the 3rd trimester.  I'm anemic (so extra iron pills), gestational diabetes (special diet and blood glucose testing) and have high blood pressure.  You would think that I'd be a mess, but I really feel pretty good.  I'm tired all the time, but DH is going to be back home (after being gone 2+ months) so that will take a lot of pressure off of me and I can sleep as much as I want - LOL.  The good news, out of all the bad, is that stating next week I get a u/s every single week.  They want to monitor the growth of baby girl to make sure she isn't getting too big or in distress.  I think last time I went in they said she was around 2.5 lbs?  Then they were projecting her to be about 7-8 at birth.

She is already head down, and most days she sits right on my pelvic bones, which makes it extremly painful to walk, but I just waddle around taking my time :)

I've had one shower already and got mostly clothes and one big gift of the fancy combo stroller/car seat!!  That was the best!!!  I can't wait for DH to get it out of the box and put the car seat in the car.  His family is having a shower for me, but I don't know when that is as they havn't scheduled it yet.

Once in a great while I'll get a charlie horse, but no leaking or BH yet.  Which is probably why I say I'm still having fun with this.  We start our birththing classes on the 15th so it's going to be highly entertaining as this is DH and I's first time at this :)
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Things are going well, but 3rd tri definitely not my favorite. I will find out more about our little boy in a couple weeks for 32 week ultrasound. Had 2 mini showers fro baby with one side of family, got lots of stuff we need. Having another shower with family/friends next weekend.
I have been having lots of back pain, charlie horses at night, and some braxton hicks. The constipation only bothers me every few days, and I am totally leaking a little colostrum here and there, yikes! On a good note I feel pretty energetic and healthy :)
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1278876 tn?1304908319
I'm not even sure how much my baby weighs, my doc told me she's unsure she'll give me another u/s but she'll try to find a reason to so my insurance will cover it. I thought it was pretty standard to do one at 32 weeks? She was normal at my 20 week, growth and all right about where my due date is. I've gained about 25 lbs since i've gotten pregnant, i feel HUGE. I'm all belly though which in some ways i'm grateful for.

I have BH after BDing but not many otherwise. I actually had more before i hit 30 weeks then i do now. Has anyone else started leaking? I know its a completely a TMI question but this is my first pregnancy (DS is my step son) and it totally freaked me out LOL. I was getting in the shower one night and noticed it when i took my bra off and was like WTH?!

I get charlie horses reallyyy bad every couple nights, usually multiple times.  And I'm not sure if I'm going to be having a baby shower. We've recently moved and I don't have alot of friends near. We have alot of family near by but i'm not sure they are comfortable asking if they want them to throw me one. Its kind of depressing honestly.

I found out from the lab work at my last appointment that I'm anemic and have to be on an iron supplement, no wonder I'm so tired all the time even if i get alot of sleep.  

Other then that we can't wait until January!!!
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I just had my 32 week well check, it went great! Baby is most likely positioned head down, my belly is measuring 33 weeks, gained back 1lb (so -7lbs all together), MarLea's heart rate was 156bpm. If she is seeming to be too large or not head down- we'll have a follow up u/s at 38weeks. CANT WAIT TO MEET HER!!  Oh and at 26weeks she was 49th percentile and approx 3lbs 4oz. hoping she doesnt get huge!

No BH contractions, sleeping not too bad- but charlie horses are a pain!! I've had the opposite issue all week, waking up just to rush to the rest room- must be the reason I have lost weight and not gained much. This whole pregnancy I've not once had constipation and at the begining I was really nauseated.

I know I am further along than most of you actual January dates.. but I am still rooting my little girl is born in Jan!! =D

Cant wait for the holidays to get here and taking some much need time off and spening it with my hubby. We only sleep next to each other for about 5hrs M-Th, see each other F-Sun and that is it because of our work schedules.

Good luck everyone in the weeks to come!!
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