686794 tn?1273187820

Just for fun- Moms, I confess

Play along, now continue the statement and confess something(s) that you are doing or have done as a mom.
Here are my Confessions : )                (Layla is going to be 7 months on the 18th!!)

I confess that...this winter I have waited as many as five days before giving my daughter a full tub bath (i just wipe her down with a warm cloth) bc I know how much I hate to take a shower when its cold outside.

I confess that...if I havent gotten around to cleaning the house well enough that day, I WILL tell my husband she was such a hand full and cried most of the day..."Honey, she must be teething?"

I confess that...if she wakes up earlier than usual for the day, I will try everything to coax her in to going back to bed, lol

I confess that...I DO NOT miss being pregnant like everyone else does and I NEVER want to get pregnant again!

I confess that...I am dreading going back to work bc even though sometimes I complain to myself that being a sahm is hard, I dont want to miss ANY time with her and I dont want her to have a mom replacement during the day :(

Add your own bc I'm sure we can all relate!
21 Responses
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686794 tn?1273187820
At least you can feel your c section scar! Everything from my belly button to my pubic line is numb! I havent been able to feel it since she was born and thats been 7 months now! Whats up with that??
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551885 tn?1300383822
I always shower, do my make-up, hair and get right back into my pj's LOL!  We only go to town once a week so don't really see the purpose of putting on jeans, especially since this c-section scar itches like crazy!!  The make-up is so I feel like a real person :)
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400358 tn?1320234443

I don't even put clean ones on.  I just keep the same ones on that I wore the night before if Im not going anywhere.
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669618 tn?1289403248
I confess that when i get dressed in the morning, Sometimes I just put on a clean pair of Pajamas!  I'm too lazy to get dressed up sometimes if me and Kaylee aren't going anywhere
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719902 tn?1334165183
Karen, hey, don't be embarrassed, I did the exact same thing- Why is he soaking thru every night?- and this is baby #4!!!
None of my others ever did that! (that i remember, anyway) ; )
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686794 tn?1273187820
I confess that a few months ago, layla would pee through her diaper during the night, and for the life of me i couldnt figure out why she started that all of the sudden, and i would wake her up and change her before we went to bed to try and avoid it, and im talking to dh trying to figure it out, and im like, does she just pee more now? do all babies pee through their diaper at a certain age? and hes like, no its bc its winter now and its cold, and im like thats stupid bc we have the heater running so for all she knows, its hot outside. So we let this go on for like 4 more days before i finally asked my mom about the diapers and she yelled, "GET HER A BIGGER SIZE!" lol it was so sad and so embarrassing, and guess what, lol, it worked. :(
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I confess that JT does not get a bath everyday. But he is clean I don't let him go forever without one, lol.

I confess I have forgotten to change his diaper until it starts leaking through his clothes. I feel really bad about that. Lucky for me he has never been sitting in poop for to long or he would have gotten a rash. I really hope I haven't jinxed myself.

I confess I really miss being pregnant, and can't wait to have more babies I just know I couldn't have another now. Couldn't take care of 2 in diapers, well at least with JT so young.

I confess I have pushed JT to learn a lot young like sitting up, started at  3 months even had him in a jumper at 2 months. I push him to crawl even though I know I will want him not to be mobile because he will be getting into everything I mean he is already in everything and all he does is roll and turn different directions on his tummy.

I confess that I also pretend to be sleep even though I know all DH will do is shake me awake to get him so it doesn't really work, haha.

I am sure there is more just can't think of anymore right now.
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94902 tn?1330479667
HA!!!  I have thought about how easy it would be to slip out to the store real quick whikle Cash is sleeping as well!  Of course, I've never done it because I know that would be crazy and dangerous, but it HAS crossed my mind.
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443968 tn?1288612689
Great confessions ladies.

I confess... that I loved being pregnant it took as many years and fertility treatment to get there.

I confess....that we would love to have more kids but it is financially impossible.

I confess... I cry almost every day while looking at James sleeping and hubby is not around.

I confess...I have become a crazy SAHM, who does nothing but staying at home with my son. (miss going to wok and having me time)

I confess... I would like to go back to work but not anytime soon.

I confess.... in the morning I place James in his play at or exersaucer and let him play there for up to 1 hour until I get ready and have breakfast with my husband.

I confess.... that the days he does not nap well I will put him on his crib alone because he  starts getting wayyyy to fuzzy and I get exhausted on holding him.

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400358 tn?1320234443
I also sometimes think about how easy it would be to just leave him in his crib when he is sleeping to run to the store but alas just like you I talk myself out of it.
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551885 tn?1300383822
My perfectness LOL is right!  I am just crazy.  I want to be the mom that volunteers in the classroom and goes on field trips and stuff.  My husband and I lived wild lives and got it all out of our systems when we decided we wanted to start a family.  We are both the "all or nothing" type.  I mean I am 32 and he is a 40 year old former rodeo cowboy.  It was time to settle.  

....But I will say this, let's see my answers when I am on the second kid!!  

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686794 tn?1273187820
Dani's perfectness (lol) has inspired me into 2 more confessions...

I confess that if hubby is off work, I will act like I'm sleeping and cant hear Layla whinning in her crib that way he will get up with her. (This has often made me wonder if he worries about me sleeping during the week while she is crying in her crib in the mornings bc "i cant hear her"...you would think he would have already said something by now but nope, lol)

and the ULTIMATE confession:

I confess that several times I have had to run a quick errand like to the corner store or the post office and I have thought about how easy it would be to leave her in her crib sleeping and she would never know the difference...and then i talk myself out of it realizing that that would be the ONE time the house caught on fire!
         I'm pretty sure Im not the only one who thinks about that right (lol), and I wonder how many people actually do it!
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551885 tn?1300383822
Ok ladies, I don't think I am the norm but please remember I waited for YEARS for this child, had a devestating loss and we just moved for a fantastic job and have a house I now LOVE:
Colter will be 6 months on the 19th

I confess I can not let the house go.  I keep it super clean, vaccumed and dusted everyday.  I get my time in while Colter is in his excersacuer.

I confess I miss being pregnant, LOVED it, never felt physically better and we are going to start to try for another baby soon!!

I confess I never miss his nightly bath (even have woken him up for it LOL!)  We have traveled a ton and I bring that silly bath tub everywhere.  He has bathed in 12 different tubs or sinks!

I confess I love being a stay at home mom, but now I know that when he is in school I am going to have to find something for "myself" and want to go back to school and find what I want to do "when I grow up"

I confess I do miss "me" time.  I wish he would take day time naps to get a little "me" time.  That may be the hardest thing is never getting any.

I confess that I too think I am a babyshopaholic, I no longer want to buy anything for myself, but I always come back with something for him, even if it is just a couple jars of baby food.

I confess this new "screaming and yelling" at everything, even when he is playing is giving me the biggest and longest headache of my life!

I confess that I have no idea what I am doing and in turn do TONS of research and really rely on this forum and all you ladies to help!
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669618 tn?1289403248
hahah I confess the tv is my saviour sometimes she will sit there for hours watching simsula grimm if i let her...I usually only give her an hour (two episodes)...
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94902 tn?1330479667
ohhhh yeah, I have another confession....
I too will put Cash on the floor with toys in front of the tv so I can clean house.  Bad, I know, but he really loves it - Yo Gabba Gabba and Ms. Sunnypatch...
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400358 tn?1320234443
Joel is 5.5 months old

I confess that  ....

... I wish that Joel would take longer naps so that I can have more "mommy time."

... I sometimes put Joel down on the floor and play so that I can get on the computer.

.... I don't clean up the house as much as I should.

.... I confess that even though I love having a baby I can't wait until he gets a bit older and we can do more activities together.

..... I confess that being a SAHM is a bit boring at times but I use the computer to help me break those dull moments.

.... I confess that sometimes I feel as though I am trapped in the house bc it is hard to drag a baby around in the freezing cold.

... I confess that I love going shopping without the baby.  Its so much easier.
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719902 tn?1334165183
Love this post! (Cooper is 5.5 months old.)

I confess that...

... I am desperately wanting another baby !!!.

... I put Cooper to bed in the outfit he is gonna wear the next day to save time in the morning, LoL

... sometimes the baby is my "favorite".  I can't help it!!  I could eat him up!!  And, each of them was the baby, once, and eventually I will love them all the same. = )

... I enjoy dropping my little ones off at day care and going to work.  Work IS my "me" time!  And I am completely comfotable in the fact that they are well loved and cared for by their sitter and enjoying their friends there.

... having four kids is stressful financially, but worth every penny and sacrifice.  I am totally willing to forgo fancy vacations and new cars in order to add a new someone-to-love to our family!
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669618 tn?1289403248
I confess: Kaylee will be 7 months in 2 days

I confess that I want to be a SAHM untill Kaylee starts school, I do not want to leave her with a sitter during the day.  

I confess that I take naps with Kaylee during the day even if the house is a mess and the Sink is full of dishes

I confess that I don't clean up the house as often as I should or Keep up on the Laundry

I confess that I let Kaylee Play on the floor with her toys and let her watch tv while I clean up the house

I confess that I let her sit in the basket when i'm doing Laundry

I confess that I let Kaylee Play in her exersaucer for 30 minutes in the morning so i can have some mommy time.

I confess that Kaylee takes a shower with me, she loves sitting on the floor of the shower playing with her toys sitting on her mat.  (I have a stand up shower) It's easier than giving her a bath in a cold tub.

I confess that I trick my DH when it comes to diaper changing.  I will tell him she's just wet and she's actually poopy.  And play stupid when he says she was.

I confess that I love having Kaylee sleeping next to me.  She goes to sleep in her Play pen right beside my bed during the night.  When she wakes up at 3 for her feeding, she comes in bed with mommy and Daddy.  I love it that way.  Her breath on my face is like a lullaby

I confess that i can't go in a store and not come out without something for her, even if it's a new bottle or a sleeper.  Dh gets mad at me for it, but i can't help it.
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94902 tn?1330479667
Cash is 6 and a half months old.

I confess that....I will do ANYTHING to get Cash back to sleep on the weekends for a few more minutes of rest for mommy!

I confess that....In the mornings I will let Cash play in his crib until Daddy gets home and then swear that he just woke up and that I haven't just been laying there while he has a wet diaper.  This way daddy has diaper duty and the first feeding.

I confess that...I should clean more but working outside of the home takes away so much time from Cash as it is that when I'm home I don't want to clean.

I confess that...sometimes I tell DH that Cash didn't sleep well just so he will watch him for an hour in the morning while I get extra sleep.

I confess that...sometimes Cash doesn't get a tub bath for three days bc I will be lazy.

I confess that...if I could be a SAHM I would still want to do something outside of the home at least on a parttime basis for some adult interaction.

I confess that...as hard as this baby business is I am going to miss him being a baby....

I confess that...I will leave Cash on the floor surrounded by his boppy and toys while I go do a quick chore in another room.

I confess that...I do not miss being pregnant, as I was miserable the whole time and then had PPD and PPA, so I'm terrified of having another.

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615752 tn?1361867986
Medina just turned 7 months on the 9th this month..........

I confess that.......I should be cleaning the apartment better but I hate doing it and to be honest my husband is heaps better (he once spent 6 hours cleaning 2 rooms!!).

I confess that....I don't miss being pregnant due to the complications at the end and the horrible birthing experience I had. We are happy with one baby at the moment.

I confess that.....when Medina wakes up in the morning, I try my best to go back to sleep and give her some toys so I can grab some broken sleep for the next hour ( I can't sleep before midnight).

I confess that......being a SAHM has its boring moments (even though I totally adore my daughter, I need more mental stimulation).

I confess that.....I am petrified to go back to work full time in April and leave Medina. I think I will be crying more than her.

I confess that.......even though she should sleep on her own, I love sleeping with Medina and snuggling together. It's wonderful when she places her hand on my face just when she wants some comfort, just making sure that I'm there.........
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756023 tn?1338520435
I confess: iliana is just over 5 months

--my house should be more tidy but I too make excuses to my DH. I would much rather spend the time with the girls than tidy up.
--as a sahm i really should be using cloth diapers, wipes etc. but don't.  i find i do enough laundry everyday.
--that i don't always drag the girls into the store to pay for gas. they are in plain site and i live in a very small town.  i do lock the doors behind me though.
--i am comparing iliana to anika and I shouldn't be as they are 2 different girls.  i don't favor any one of them.  
--i would love to have a 3rd baby.  maybe not right away but in a couple of years.  want anika to be in kindergarten.
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