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571042 tn?1271447141

Induce labor?

Has anyone ever been induced? What is it like? Would you recommend it? What are pros and cons I guess...

I am wondering if I should ask my dr to induce me because my husband currently works 5 hours away (really unlucky that his assignment sent him that far this time..) but I am so freaked out that I will go into labor and have this baby before he has enough time to make it home to be by my side. It doesn't make sense for him to take off before I go into labor unless I am being induced since babies can be early or late and we really wouldn't know when she is coming.

I would love to hear your thoughts...
6 Responses
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My induction day is March 9- a full week before my due date. The only reason my doctor is going to induce is because, with my first son, I had a 45 minute labor, tore extremely badly (4th degree), and was unable to get the antibiotics for the GBS so we want to have more control over it this time.

The main risk with induction is that if they start, and you don't go into labor, after a number of hours they will have to perform a C-section. Doctors do not want to do this... so this is why induction usually doesn't happen until you are "late."

I would simply ask... doesn't hurt to ask. I got married on my sisters due date. She was worried that she wouldn't make it so a week before her doc stripped her membranes. She went into labor the next day.
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506820 tn?1295051333
I'm a first timer here so not sure about the whole induction thing. Though, unfortunately, I think Ovaz is right. They probably just won't do it unless medically necessary. It would be nice though. I think that is the part that is killing me. I like to plan everything and not knowing when he will decide to arrive drives me crazy. I think you have gotten some good advise though. I would just give him a call if you think you are in labor so he can get moving especially if he is likely to hit traffic or something.

I am not quite in your same boat but I have an hour commute myself each direction everyday and I am terrified that my water will break or that awful contractions start while I am on the train. I would like to work for as long as possible but as I get closer to D-Day I am getting more terrified about all the possbile scenarios.

I am sure we will all be just fine. I guess it is the unknown that is the worst part.
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589762 tn?1330207135
I was induced..... and it was on my first child and it was before my due date (38 weeks).... no medical problems.... i was just ready to go and the baby was so low.... but i just wouldnt go in to labor.... so talk to your dr about your situation. the worst thing he can say is NO.... he might suprise you and say well sure if you dont go by 38 1/2 we will set a date! Never hurts to try!

Being Induced wasnt that bad..... it was a bit scary knowing Hey today is the day and I cant get out of this LOL and knowing the pain is coming..... They say the contractions are more intense on pitocin but this was my first and I have nothing else to compare it with..... but YES they did hurt, as all contractions do i am sure.... I was induced at about 8am, the started the drip.... I was having contractions but they didnt hurt at all.... I was playing cards with my family, it was pretty neat! The dr came in at 3pm (still no pain) and checked me and i was at 4cm..... The dr broke my water and MAN that is when the contractions started to hurt lol I didnt have any meds and labored from 3pm and had my little girl at 5:32pm, so once they broke my water it was FAST! pushing and all..... My induction was not a bad experience.... and with you hubby being so far away, it just might work out best for you.......I would say just talk to your dr about it and see what he suggests, it couldnt hurt!
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392430 tn?1382904781
Look at us 25 day-ers.... I feel you on the induction though, it would be nice to be able to plan everything...I just hope to go soon as the pain is getting to me big time.
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571042 tn?1271447141
Yeah..part of me is worried that I will call him  too early and I not actually be in real labor. That would be AWFUL. I couln't imagine...I call him and he freaks out and drives all the way home and then the doctor say I am not really in labor but I called too early trying to get him home for it. :(
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Most doctors will not just induce you, unless medically necessary.  It is a liability for them... so unless you are past your due date, I don't think they will do it.  

Bummer your husband works so far away!!!  The other thing is... thisi s your first pregnancy and honestly... your labor is going to be longer than 5 hours :)  Unfortunately.  So, at the first sign that you are going into labor, I would give him a call so he can get moving!!  By the time he gets home, you will probably be almost ready to go to the hospital.  So, don't worry...
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