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How is everyone feeling?

I am now 8w1d and the "morning" sickness has begun!  I have been feeling ill off and on for the past 4-5 days... I have not felt this way with either of my 2 previous pregnancies (which I ended up miscarrying).  

So, how is everyone else doing?  I know that we are all at different points and our experiences will be different, but it might be nice to "vent" :)
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282955 tn?1394730951
I am 6weeks and 2days pregnant.  I am having morning sickness from day 1.  slight cramps every now and then... and I just went to the toilet a few minutes ago but got scared because I saw some brown and a bit of red in my liner.  I went again after a few minutes and it's gone.  I called my OB and they told me to call me back.. This is scary  is this normal ladies? did you have this kind of stuff at six weeks?
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Well, I didn't have that happen to me with my first pregnancy or this one, but I did with my second.  And, my second pregnancy was not successful.  Just take it easy and if you can, lay down for a while.  See if your OB can get you in for an ultrasound.  I know that some women do bleed off and on throughout their pregnancies and have a healthy baby at the end of 9 months... so don't get too worried.  Obviously if you have any lower back aches or cramps, call your doctor right away.  Sorry that happened to you... I know it can be alarming!
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368461 tn?1291515587
I've heard lots of different stories about seeing blood and not being an issue. Especially brownish blood - which is "old blood" -- also did you do an ultrasound maybe or done something that cold have irritated it? Are you sure the blood came from inside your vagina? IT doesn't sound too concerning , so try to relax if you can (I know easier said than done). And pay attention to anything that looks like pink or gray matter - which can indicate problems. Keep us posted.

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506820 tn?1295051333
Hi ladies....I will be 6 weeks tomorrow. Yeah!. So far things are good. I have only had nausea/morning sickness this past Sunday and the one before. I guess my body is trying to tell me that it doesn't want to work...hhahaahha. Other than that everything else has been pretty constant (sore bbs, cramping from time to time, lower back pain that comes and goes...I think it is my bed more so than the pregnancy).

tea_berries - I have done lots of reading about spotting during pregnancy and all the info says that unless the spotting it is heavy and accompanied by severe cramping that it is nothing to worry about (unless you are high risk...then that is a whole other ball of wax). I personally have not expereinced it yet, but it helps to know that in most cases spotting from time to time is normal. However, when in doubt, always call your doc. They give the best reassurance. If you haven't picked it up already, I would read "What to expect when you're expecting" It goes in to great deatil about spotting/bleeding during pregnancy.

I hope everything works out ok....keep us posted as to what your doc says. I am interested to know if they say anything similar to the books I read. :)
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342988 tn?1299782356
i am 9 weeks tomorrow and man i am always so tired.  i am shocked that no one else has said that.  i am tired even after i wake up in the am.

i have been having the all day sickness off and on.  it will be okay for 3 days and then i have 2 bad days where all i do all day is vomit and then good again for another 4 days and then 3 bad days.

i also have had many many growing pains and my belly is sore sometimes.  my poor bb's went from a A/B to a C.
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342988 tn?1299782356
sorry ladies, disregard my post, i thought i was in the Feb babies but it was great talking to you,
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561183 tn?1269101892
I am 5w3d, and I am more nauseous today then I have been yet!! I gagged all morning long, making my lunch, every time I would open the fridge, driving to work.... It has calmed down now, thank goodness ;). It makes me feel better about this pregnancy though. My last one I miscarried at almost 7 weeks, and I was hardly nauseous the whole time, so it makes me more positive this time around!
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I am 6w2d and have had sore bbs and  on and off mild cramping since we got our BFP.
This past week I have started to feel constant nausea, but have not vomited--I just feel like something is stuck in my throat.  I have a feeling it wil start coming up soon.  I am also completely Exhausted!  I am a teacher and am home for the summer luckily, because I don't think I could make it through the day without my nap.  I need to start weaning myself from my naps since I am back at work Aug. 1.
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I have heard many of stories of woman who have early spotting and everything turn out just fine.  My cousin actually had alot of early spotting and now she is almost eight months and everthing is going great. Keep us posted!
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571042 tn?1271447141
I am at the end of my 7th week and I have never felt sicker! The morning sickness just started off at 6 weeks as nausea without vomiting...and then beginning of 7th week I started to actually vomit. It is awful. I know it is worth it in the end but it is very miserable. I have stayed at home all week because I am so nauseas and I throw up after I eat usually. Throwing up does help though..for a little while. I have read alot that having nausea is a good sign that things are developing down there..so that is good.

I am sick all day...morning sickness is very misleading! Anyone else really sick? I am also really tired. I have to take a nap it seems. I can't wait until this first trimester is over. Everyone says it is amazing how you get your energy back in the second trimester.
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561183 tn?1269101892
I will be 6 weeks tomorrow, and I know the puking is coming soon! I have really nauseous for a little over a week now, but it is getting to the point where I am gagging all the time and really having to fight from puking. I really, really, really do not like to throw up, so I am going to fight it as long as I possibly can, I am not giving in easily ;)!! I sure hope it gets better at the end of the 1st trimester, I am half way there, I can't wait!!

Hope you feel better soon :)
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414635 tn?1272217693
i'm 5w5d and on;y had 2 days of nasuous/dizzy before i found out. It worries my cause iwth my last pregnancy (delivered 19w-trisomy13) i was very sick, actually it never got better after hte 1st trimester.
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571042 tn?1271447141
I am the same way...I hate to puke. But honestly things are better if you just give into it. The worst feeling is the inbetween the nausea and the actual puking...But afterwards things settle down for a little bit and you feel (almost) normal.

My tell tale sign if I am going to have a rough day (I think) is I start burping alot. Kinda like indigestion type burping. Then I know to stay near a toilet. It is really sad because everything I eat I have to consider how I will feel when it comes back up. (This might too much info for some people..I am sorry if it is...but I wish someone told me all this before I had to figure it out on my own!!) So if you DO start to have alot of vomiting I strongly recommend nothing with spice (like strong garlic) and things that are kinda watery (like soup and ramen noodles). And chew thoroughly. That is the hardes thing to do because you are usually starving afterwards and you tend to want to gulp everything down.

I wish everyone the best of luck. It can be very miserable but know that you are not alone!! I am very open to any questions or advice from anyone else!!
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282955 tn?1394730951
Funny but my aunt said the same thing about letting yourself puke.. I used to just stop myeself from actually doing it because I always think that the prenatal I took ight go out with the food I ate and the baby will have less vitamins to feed on.  But since she mentioned about letting go of the puke.. I started feeling better afterwards.  So this is true that after you do it you will feel better it's just the in between feeling of wanting to puke and gagging.. I get at bit nauseous too when I get up from bed and go downstairs.  It seems like movement make me feel dizzy easily,  even when I am in the car with DH driving.  And at the moment I am at the office trying to keep myself awake.  I wanted to go home badly but ofcourse I don't want to get myself into thinking that I can go home anytime I want just becase I am pregnant.  Although I spoil myself on other things..
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282955 tn?1394730951
Oh and my nausea and vomitting started at least a week before my expected period.. that early..I am now 7weeks and still feeling the same thing and even more intense but I enjoy every minute of it
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