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392430 tn?1382904781

Monday Updates 3/15

So Phin is 1 year and 2 weeks old, and coping with his very first cold. Yesterday seems to have been the peak, he had a temperature that was fluctuating between 102-103.4 and was simply miserable. He ate barely anything yesterday but was nursing like a newborn all day long. I think it is so neat to see nature at play, his littl body knew what it needed and that is what he did. This morning however he was all about the cheerios and playing with all his toys that he abandoned yesterday. His temp is back to normal and his nose is starting to run less. I am glad to see that he appears to be fighting the cold quite nicely.

Last week we did our first playgroups. We went to one with just he and I and then on Saturday Daddy joined us for one. The one on Saturday I don't think we will go back to for a while, as Phin isn't quite old enough to play with the age group that dominated. But the Wednesday group was great! He had so much fun and even made a friend. He played with a little boy named Sebastian and I got along with the Mom as well. ^_^ So we are in the start of planning playdates for the 2 boys.

Phin is trying to get the grasp of running! It is so funny, he takes fast tiny steps and laughs to whole time. We have to get moving on baby proofing the basement so he can have more running space. His ball pit helps to burn off energy though. Thank goodness it is starting to warm up and I can get him outside to exercise.

His hitting seems to be tapering off which I am thankful for. He is also starting to get shy around strangers, it is adorable how he peeks at people with a tiny smile on his face. I spent some time going through his tiny baby pictures and it doesn't seem possible that the boy that now folds his legs up to nurse used to be so itty bitty.

AFM- Only have a little over a months left in this semster and then I get a nice long summer break! So excited to spend all my time with Phin and not have to cram in homework at every opportunity (right now I should be doing an annotated bibliography...sounds thrilling huh?) Weight is still slowly coming off, but there has been a decrease in my exercising. I need suggestions for a really supportive sports bra that will not only fit my gargantuan nursing chesty self but also allow me to jump without pain, something that won't break the bank would be great as well. Any advice?
9 Responses
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427382 tn?1298209586
Mady still has 2 weeks until she turns one.  She is doing really well.  She is fuly walking, even standing up from crawling and going.  IT seemed this weekend she really "got" it.  We were around all her cousins though and they are older, that may have done it.  She is talking up a storm, she says hi to everyone, dada all the time, baba, mama very rarely :(.  We are still at one bottle a day, it is easier for my sister who sits her to get her down for nap right after the bottle.  We are havingher party on April 10th, daddy will be outta town on her b-day and then it is Easter, so we hae to wait.
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368461 tn?1291515587
Hey mommas!
Today is Hayden's birthday. We had a really nice party this weekend and today we're meeting daddy for lunch and then he will get home from work early so we can all go to the park. She is very steady and stable with her walking and she does say mamama and dadadada (Irish - like you I don't think it is really directed at us more than she just like to make the sounds). Some days she is all mamamamama - so we are just like you in that regard.

Kele - remember me and my G cup boobies? I wear a lot of lulu lemon work out gear and they have SUPER DOOPER sports bras. You can order online or they have lots of stores around. If you are on a budget - you can buy two from Target and double up to keep the "girls" in! Mine are now smaller (and longer!!) after breastfeeding than before I got preggers.

Ovaz - Leighton is REALLY advanced it sounds like w/ her words!

Oh, and we are STILL on purees. We do chicken nuggets and waffles and such but she also likes her purees. I need to wean the bottle out and will talk to the ped this week during her appt.
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Irish... lucky for me AZ doesn't change time... a wonderful quirk about living in this state :)  But, I do know that feeling... although it has been a few years and without a child, so I can only imagine it is a little tiring.

As for the words, Leighton only has a few in her vocab and for the most part she too babbles or makes a boat sound with her lips.  So, I dont't think you have anything to worry about :)  He sounds pretty normal to me.  And her words aren't coherant... so "duck" sounds like "duh" and "banana" sounds like "ba" and so forth.  Forget the endings to words :)  
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Amy... no worries about the word issue :)  Leighton on the other hand, calls anything that she doesn't know the "word" for "baba".  Obviously the TV remote isn't a "baba"... haha!  So, I just correct her and say "That is the remote you have".  That way she will learn what the name of the object is... I am of the belief that you shouldn't say "No, that isn't a baba."  Rather, I just correct her.  Does that make sense?  Am a wimpy mom for worrying that I will bruise her self-esteem?  lol...
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506820 tn?1295051333
Jack just turned 1 last Friday. We were bombarded with relatives this weekend. His party was awesome (I'll try to get some pics posted in the next few days). I feel a bit upside down lately with the time change. I can't seem to get back on track. Anyway, Jack is still doing the same stuff. Nothing too new. he is saying mamma and dadda but we are not convinced that it is directed at us. He seems a bit slow on the communication front. We still don't have any pointing or other words. Most of his "babbling" is motor boating his mouth or making clicking noises with his tounge. I am kind of concerned about all this. We have jack's 1 year appointment tomorrow so I will be sure to inquire.

AFM - DH has joined weight watchers co we have been "dieting" together. That has been fun. I am in need of loosing about 10 lbs...I lost 2 last week so hopefully it won't be much longer. ;) Also, as of this month we are back on the TTC path. I am hoping it doesn't happen for another few months but we'll see.

Hope everyone has a good week.
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Amy- that is totally normal. Children of this age start over extending their words because they are trying to figure out the names of everything (I think it is called over extension). It is completely normal.
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571042 tn?1271447141
Blake is down to one bottle at night and I am slowly going to give her less and less in it until we just stop giving it to her. I am not buying ANY more formula though I am very excited! :) She HATES milk. She wants to like it but when she drinks it she gags. I don't really know what to do. I give her yogurt in the morning and try to give her cheese whenever possible so she gets her calcium but I am kind of worried. I guess I will keep giving it to her until she likes it??

Blake has the heartiest appetite I have ever seen. We went to Olive Garden the other day for lunch and I ordered her an adult cheese ravioli because I wanted the salad only (I always try to find the cheapest way to eat out! haha) and she ate all but two of the raviolis and I am pretty sure if I had given them to her she would have eaten them too!!! She is pretty huge though. She is 23 lbs and 32 inches long! So...maybe she just needs it. I also think she is going through a growth spurt because all weekend all she wanted to do was either eat or sleep.

Blake has started to call EVERYTHING mama. It is annoying and it always concerns me when she does something "weird" or seems to lose a milestone. She use to call her dada "Dada" and say other things but now all she does is go around pointing at things and saying "mama". Hopefully it is just a phase...I am working on telling her what things are. Anyone heard of this?

She CAN walk but she never wants to unless her daddy and I are sitting on the floor for her to walk back and forth to. I guess one day she will just stand up and start walking on her own because she definitely knows how to.

I love the sandbox idea! We will have to get one too!
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Leighton is also 1 year and 2 weeks... totally nuts!

We bought her this Little Tikes Butterfly sandbox for her birthday and she is having a blast with it.  She loves to watch the sand fall through the holes of the shovel.  We need to put a gate up around the pool before I can let her be out there by herself though (our kitchen window looks out to that area so she wouldn't be totally alone!).  On the other wing of the butterfly you are supposed to put water in it... we just haven't done so yet... I will probably in May when it is gets warmer.

She received a doll for her birthday that crie and says "Mama" and "Dada".  She cherishes that little thing... dragging it everywhere and freaking out in the car if we don't give her the dolly once she is strapped in.  I will say to her "Leighton, give dolly a kiss"  and she plants those big sloppy open mouthed baby kisses on the doll.  It is quite cute :)

She is totally off of formula and bottles... which is great!  She does call her sippy cup her "baba" so we are working on the word "cup" with her.  She more or less lets out a chuckle when you call the sippy a "Cup" but I am confident that she will get the hang of it!  haha

That is all the stories for us :)  Congrats to all the babies who turn one this week!!!
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Wow! Our babies are (or almost) 1!

Mark turned 1 on the 9th. It seems as though he has, overnight, become a little boy. He has graduated from babyhood to become a full blown toddler. His communication skills are growing by the day, and I really love to hear him babble along about things. It is especially funny when he is frustrated as it (this is so bad of me) kind of sounds like he is swearing.
Lately Mark has been following me around and whining. He will come to my leg and throw himself on it and cry to be held... not fun. I also had been expecting him to taper off on the nursing a little, but he is still breastfeeding with full force. I am a little worried as I wanted to have him weened before August.
Mark burned his poor hand on the stove the other day. It has 3 huge blisters on it. The ped wrapped it and gave me some ointment, but Mark refuses to keep the bandage on. Oh well.
Have a great week ladies!
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