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392430 tn?1382904781

Monday Updates

Phin will be 9 months tomorrow...wow.

He is a crawling, drooling, laughing, clapping madman. Every time I think I hit the plateau of loving him he does something and my heart gets another chunk of love squeezed into it. I can't imagine how I will feel years from now.

Yesterday was our 6th wedding anniversary, we both forgot. ^_^ And that is why we are together...we are similar in the "can't remember a damn thing" category. So we went out and got our favorite sandwiches for us, some peaches for Phin and had a giggling good time having a picnic in the living room. It is kind of disgusting how ridiculously happy we are with Phin in our lives. It was a perfect day.

Phin has his 9 month check up on Thursday and I can't wait to find out his "stats". We have opted against any flu shots-seasonal or H1N1. He has been teething like crazy and chewing on everything in sight. So of course he has bruised his tongue up fierce and has sore spots on the corners of his mouth. While I hoped he would hold off on teeth, I will them to beak through so he can have some relief.

We are in the process of going through all of his clothes and finally taking the ones he has grown out of out of his drawers...instead of pushed to the back of the drawer. This started when I found Chris trying to shove a 22 pound-ish baby into a 0-3 month onesie...That and we figure with Christmas coming we have to make room. This weekend we are going out and getting a toy bin/organizer doohickey for the living room so we can regain some sense of tidiness. That and there has got to be room for the tree! We are going to attach the tree to a hook on the ceiling for stability.

AFM- My auntie F is 2 days late...I have been nauseous, dizzy and ravenous for 3 weeks now. I have put on 2 pounds...could I have actually gotten pregnant the old fashioned way?!? We are hoping that it is true and also quite afraid that it might be true. If the weekend arrives before my period I will take a test.
17 Responses
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368461 tn?1291515587
I'll try to get a picture, but she keeps the "top shelf" VERY covered.....only when she is laughing can I really see the row of chomps ;-)
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589762 tn?1330207135
Oh Kele Im sorry to hear AF came! :-(

LOL 9 1/2 Teeth WHEW!!! I cant even imagine bc Noah is a biter too and he only has his two bottom teeth OUCH!!!
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Amy and Jem... PLEASE post these pearly white smiles!  Leighton has the center bottom two teeth... they broke through the gum the week before Halloween and they are only 1/2 way up.  I thought they would have totally come up by now, I had no clue it took so long!  I think she is teething up on top since her gums feel like they did when her bottom 2 busted through ;)  And Jem... Leighton is also a biter.  It hurts!!!  She means business, too!

Whitney and Jem... Lei's poopies have smelled almost sour and are more runny than normal (?...  gross I know) since she has been on the Z-pac which has also given her diaper rash.  I didn't know why , and I guess now I know!  Thanks for the info Whitney!
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368461 tn?1291515587
Amy - you made me laugh with the steak comment. It is great Blake is getting them all out  now, so funny how it changes their face/smile....Hayden has 6 teeth. She likes to bite - uh oh!
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Kele- I am so sorry to hear the AF came... I was over here rooting for you ;)

What kind of inhaler did they give Hayden? When Mark was new he had RSV and they gave us a nebulizer with tons of treatments to give him (every 4 hours). Then, when he had croup a few weeks ago they gave us 4 different medicines to administer while he was getting over it. They definitely helped, though the antibiotics made him get diaper rash (it wipes out the natural flora in your stomach thereby making your poo more acidic). Poor Hayden.. I hope she feels better.
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571042 tn?1271447141
Good job Jem! I kinda slipped today and ate some chocolate chip cookies...oops. :(

Anyways, I just wanted to add to my update! Today while shopping with Blake I noticed that she has 4 teeth actually cutting through on top! AND 1 1/2 on bottom. So...in less than a week they should all be poking through more where you can see them without really looking. That brings her teeth total to 9 1/2!!! Jeez. I might be cooking up steak for her here soon! :)
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368461 tn?1291515587
Sorry Kele - I had written my post before seeing your update. BIG HUGS and hang in there.

I wanted to post that this week I hit my pre-preg weight - YEAH! Now ladies, I think I was the FATTY PATTY of our wonderful forum here packing on 60+ lbs, and finally FINALLY, it is all off. My bubbies are like knee pads now though.

I think being sick helped, haha. I still want to shed another 8lbs by her bday if I do not get preggers.

A lady in my building stopped me today and said "wow - you took off all that baby weight" -- guess I was looking a little hefty there for awhile. OOOPS!
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Leighton is 9 months

I got sick last Monday with cold like crud and the next day Leighton woke up with a runny nose.  I couldn't believe it!  For a while there I thought my child was immune to any virus!!!  haha

She had her 9 mo. appt. today and she has an ear infection and sinus infection (as do I... her pediatrician gave both of us z-packs).  But, she is weighing in at 18lbs. 4oz. and is 28 1/2 in. long.  Other than being sick, she is a healthy little bean :)  

Our pediatrician said that it is okay to begin introducing whole milk into her diet.  So, he said if she takes a 6oz. bottle to do 2oz. whole milk mixed with 4oz. formula and do it from a sippy now.  Despite the OK we will wait to introduce whole milk... seeing as we are late bloomers with the introduction of meat :)

She is pulling up and walking around our coffee table and now, if we let go of her hands wihle she is standing, she will stand on her own for about 3 seconds and fall to her bum.  We just discovered this yesterday and had to call my husband and mother with the cool news!

Like some of you, I am also getting the baby itch :)  BUT, we are not ready for another little bean just yet.  We will begin the baby making process next January!!!  Good luck to all of you ladies who are trying.  Make sure to keep us posted!

Kele:  I REAAAALLY hope that you get preggers "the old fashioned" way.  Then again, it doesn't really matter how you get pregnant... it doesn't really matter how a beautiful child is created :)
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368461 tn?1291515587
KELLE - wow! take a test, I am fingers and toes crossing for you! We're trying too, but I'd be shocked if it happened that fast for me. I just got over AF.

Hayden and I are sick this week, it crept up two days after Thanksgiving. She had a low grade fever, so went to the DRs and they said it was just a cold. Then they offered up the H1N1, so I went for it. I was holding off but I don't want to live the whole winter in fear of her getting swine in this cold climate in Chicago.

Last night it got worse, so we went back - she has a double ear infection and her chest is very congested. They gave me lots of meds but I am hesitant. I will use the antibiotics for her ears, but they also gave me an inhaler for her for three days 2Xs a day. Is it all too much? Please chime in with your opinions!

Oops guess who just woke up. More later....
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392430 tn?1382904781
Well my period showed up this afternoon. I cried. I hate feeling that way especially seeing I know it is about 99% unlikely for us to get pregnant on our own.
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571042 tn?1271447141
Blake will be 9 months on Saturday! I find myself looking at her amazed that she is this little human...it seems like just yesterday she was helpless and tiny. :( She is HUGE. She is also in her 12-18 month clothes because she is sooo long. She is taller than every single friend she has and most of them are about 15 months!

She still just has 4 teeth..all on the bottom...but she should be cutting two more any day. (On the bottom!) She loves to eat. She eats A LOT. She is starting to refuse her bottles some and demanding food. I have no idea what I am suppose to do so I just give her what she wants and try to get the bottles in where I can. I know she needs the vitamins and the liquid so we can't get rid of bottles yet!!!
She claps, crawls, talks (non-sense still), walks with her walking type toys, laughs hysterically, loves books, and just loves to learn new things!

Kele- That is so incredibly exciting!!! I really hope it works out the way you want. I couldn't imagine having another baby right now but I think it is awesome to have them so close. My husband's family is that way. They are all within a year (plus or minus a couple months). I was 10 years younger than my brother...we won't wait THAT long for our second but I am not planning on it any time soon.

AFM-I have my IUD and I have the most sporadic periods. I am still about 10 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight but I am in smaller clothes. I am still about 2 sizes from my goal but down 2 sizes from a month ago. I gained a lot after I had Blake because I just wasn't watching what I ate. I kinda let go...but now I am taking diet pills under a doctor and my goal is to lose about 20 lbs...not that I was ever huge but I just want to have my beach body back before we go on a cruise in June!!
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589762 tn?1330207135
Noah will be 9 months on the 6th! He is getting so big.... I am not quite sure how much he weighs as of yet, I cant wait for his stats on his next dr appt!! He is just starting to fit in to 6-9 month clothing LOL I guess my guy is still little! And he is FINALLY starting to get some hair.... He babbles all the time and loves to say Ba Ba and da da but still no Ma Ma :-( He has his two bottom teeth in now and loves to gnaw on EVERYTHING! He is crawling all around now and gets along pretty fast! He is pulling up on anything and everything and loves to stand.... He loves to wave hi and bye and smack his hand on the kitchen table lol  but he still wont clap! WHEW I cant believe our little ones are almost 9 months old... I just look at my little guy and feel blessed all over again that he was sent to me to care for!

I am so excited for some of you ladies already trying!!!! Good luck

Kele- I will most definitely be thinking about you this week.... I really hope you test positive! Fingers Crossed!!
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414635 tn?1272217693
Carter is offically moving in forward gear! No more going backwards and in circles. It's not crawling though...he drags himself along. I gave him yogurt for the first time today and he loved it! Still no teeth, he has days of "teething" and then nothing.

I am challening myself to NO CHOCOLATE from sunday till this friday. I am having withdrawl and everything. The 10lbs i have to go to get to prepreg weight has nothing to do with the pregnancy...it came on after.
I went for my ecg and stress test and they showed nothing which is good but still means no answers!
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506820 tn?1295051333
Jack is about 8.5 months old. We have his 9 month check up on the 10th.

Everything is still pretty much the same...crawling (faster everyday), standing, biting everything in sight and laughing a lot more. While we were at my parents place for Thanksgiving he finally started to clap and he also was able to get into a sitting poition from his stomach. It was awesome that he even did these things in front of his grandparents and great-grandparents. It is so crazy how just one day they do something and it is like they have been doing it forever. I agree with Kele...just when I think I can't love Jack anymore he goes and gives me a huge smile or the cutest look from his eyes and I just melt. Man these are great times. I am trying to cherish everyday. :)

We probably won't get a tree for another couple of weeks. I think it will be a small table top tree. I need something out of the way so Jack doesn't completely tear everything apart. ;)

AFM - I am back to having 10 lbs to loose. I try to work out about 4 mights a week but I just can't get over this sweet tooth. Ever since I had Jack it has been crazy. I use to love salty things now it is completely opposite. I guess I can't blame this on "baby weight" anymore. ;) Funny how after the 5 months of the complete h*%ll I went thru with Jack I am having urges to have another. We aren't using any protection just the ole fashion rythmn method. I think I counted my days correctly this month but I have a feeling I may have been a day or two off. I have noticed I have felt differently this past week some cramping and stuff but I still have another week before I will start to worry.

Kele, keep us posted when you test. Looking forward to some good results. :)
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569254 tn?1267372644
Brock will be 9 months on Friday!  Crazy how the time flies!  Brock is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up on people, toys, anything he can get his hands on!  He still just has the 4 teeth.  
His face has had an orange tint to it, and I thought it was from the cold he's had for the past few days, but today his babysitter said it is because of the vegetables.  Makes sense!  I could really see it in the pictures during Thanksgiving!  
He is wearing some 12-18 month clothes.  He probably weighs around 22 pounds.  I can't wait to go to the doctor's appt. on Friday!  We have family pictures on Saturday...with the dog too!  Yikes!  We'll see how that goes!
I still have 15+ pounds to lose!  I haven't been doing so well!  We are going to Jamaica in March so I really need to step it up a notch!  Hope all is well with everyone!  Have fun getting ready for babies' 1st Christmases!
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Mark will be 8 months old on the 9th.

I can't believe how quickly these past 9 months have gone by. Everyday Mark grows by leaps and bounds, and I am so thankful that I can stay home and watch him grow.

Lately Mark has been cluster feeding so I think he is hitting another growth spurt. He wants to nurse all the time, and my breasts are really sore.. hopefully this passes soon. He is so big, much bigger than Micah was at his age, and he is wearing size 12- 18 months clothes because nothing else is long enough for his limbs. My husband is 6'4 so maybe he is just going to be really tall.

Mark loves taking a baths and reading books a bunch. We are super excited for Disneyland though I know he will not remember going. Last week we put the Christmas tree up and Mark thinks it is an awesome toy- so now we just stay out of the formal living room so he won't play in it.

AFM- I find myself thinking about having another baby quite often these days. I haven't even gotten my period yet- it will be awhile until we try anyway.

Kele- I will most definitely be thinking about you this week.... I really hope you test positive!

Jules- Mark still wakes 2 times a night to nurse. I know it is a bad habit, but I still take him in bed to nurse as well. Mark's door is directly across from ours and he will stand up looking out of his crib at us and scream until one of us gets up....
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427382 tn?1298209586
     Mady is 8 months today.  She is crawling, pulling to stand, and bouncing on her knees all the time.  She has this new found glory of feeding herself that she is a stinker when we try to feed her.  Oh Miss Independant. She loves to eat though, we have been giving her chunks of whatever we eat.  We are still dealing with her waking 2 times a night, it is sooo hard considereing she has been sttn since around 4 months.  I am trying not to nurse since I know she doesn't need it but it is hard not to take the easy way out at 2am.  She just wakes up and kneels and screams, she used to put herself back to sleep ohhhh the days.  
     AFM-  I think I am getting my AF.  I have had killer cramping for days but no baby, I took a test last week.  I got excited a little but am not ready to get preggo right now.  I am back at my weight, and kinda liking it.  Also because we are going to Mexico this summer!!!  
     We bought Mady a few toys for XMas but my mom said don't go crazy b/c eeeryone else will, and this year she has no idea.  So we dicided a few toys clothes and we are good!!!  I thought about tieing up the tree I am sooo scared it is going to come down.  Oh yeah we got Mady's XMAS pics yesterday they are awesome.  I will post when I get them!!!
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