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368461 tn?1291515587

Monday Updates

26 weeks this Thursday
EDD Mar 19 with a little girl

I have to say this week I have been feeling great - no major compaints (except hips hurt when I sleep). I bought the "wedge" by Boppy - it is smaller and works great. The baby is moving everyday - more in the am and pm - and then some kicks and jolts during the day.

I am trying to prepare by picking out furniture, registering, and sift through all the choices - bugaboo vs. bob type of thing. So many great deals with the holiday sales - great time to be pregnant.

No cravings, no moodiness - though things annoy me more easily. I am not tired out of the norm - so I feel pretty good. DR said this is the best month - b/c at 28 weeks many symptoms and fatigue can return.

I am afraid to weigh myself.
8 Responses
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589762 tn?1330207135
27 weeks
EDD March 13th - Boy!

I notice I am getting headaches alot more than i used to..... and I dont sleep well at all at night due to sore hips! So that makes me tired ALL DAY at work LOL have to fight to stay awake.... Other than the tiredness I feel ok..... I feel like my stomach is HUGE and just popped out within the last week or so.... LOL hubby looks at me and says WOW you really are pregnant LOL...... Kinda hard to put on shoes or pick things up that i drop.... Noah is moving around more and more.....He LOVES orange juice, just goes crazy lol Its nice to finally feel kinda ok about being with being able to feel the baby move everyday.... just a little less stress, Ha but i am sure i will find other things to worry about!
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414635 tn?1272217693
25 weeks
march 24
Stuffy nose. Driving me crazy cause i get nosebleeds. Finding it hard to get comfy at night. One good thing is that i always use to have to crack m hip at night...and now i don't have to, they must've spread into place lol.
I get tired easy, i think someof htat is due to less physical activity. The first 3 months because of bleeding i didnt do anything, them my back was so sore all i did was work then makei t to the coach and ow i'm not even working. After Christmas i will start aquacize to try to build up stamina to get me through the delivery.
Get out of breath pretty easy, noticing I can breath as deep.
Oh my Dr gave me stool softeners. They really help. I was having bm's every day, but about the size of rabbit turds (lol tmi) and was in pain even after having one.
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392430 tn?1382904781
28 weeks yesterday
EDD March 1

I have been pretty tired and scatterbrained as well. I am incredibly achey in the evenings and Phin appears to love kicking my spine.  I have been getting nauseas over the wierdest things...seeing I had zero morning sickness the first three months I wonder what is in store for me. I have also been eating smaller meals throughout the day, just running out of room in there! Today we go for a prenatal, I love hearing our little guys heart. And hopefully I get good news on the glucose test.
Our friends are doing a shower for us next weekend and my MIL is doing one in Jan/Feb. That one will be tough as I will be trying to get as much schoolwork done as possible before March.
Phin loves to moves around and it is awesome to see him rolling and kicking....I can barely the 3 more months!
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571042 tn?1271447141
EDD March 1
28 weeks

Blake loves to kick me....all the time. She has one particular spot she is fond of and it can HURT sooo badly when she gets going. I swear I am bruised internally. DH put his hand on my belly when she was really going at it and he was surprised at how strong she was kicking. It is right by my ribs...I can't wait until she is bigger and doesn't have the room to get momentum that makes the kicks hurt...I am guessing that is why it hurts?

Anyways, I am getting pretty big! It is amazing. I just ballooned out over the past couple weeks. Now there is absolutely no way anyone can question if my belly is pregnant or not. haha. I haven't weighed myself yet...don't feel brave enough to. I can't eat lots at a time because I get reflux pretty bad. So I have to eat small meals throughout the day and then sleep practically sitting up. It is annoying but oh well.

Blake kicks while I eat. I don't know if she likes the food or what. She also likes to kick during OU football games! Probably because mommy is screaming at the tv like an crazed fan...haha. It is really funny because I feel like she is developing this little personality already!!!
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569254 tn?1267372644
EDD - March 7th
27 weeks

I am still feeling pretty well.  On a few Mondays, I have felt nauseous getting ready.  I don't know if it's because we sleep in all weekend and then my body has to get used to getting up early again.  Miss WI came to school today to speak to the kids, and she sang a song from a Broadway show...Brock was going nuts in my belly!  It was so cool!  He's moving a lot now, which is such a relief!  I love it!  My husband and I just sit and feel!  I'm hoping for a snow day from school tomorrow.  We're expecting 7-12 inches here!  I go for glucose testing tomorrow!  I hope I pass...it's like school all over again!  Hope everyone is doing well!
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282955 tn?1394730951
EDD March 8

I have been tired especially today.  Experience some nausea over the weekend and some minor tummy pains due to me cooking all saturday for an occasion.  And I won't do that again since it scared the H*** out of me and DH.  Ryley has been kicking and tossing around like there's a party.  His kicks are very noticable now and it's such a  joy to be able to share it with DH.  He is so happy to see my tummy move once in a while because of him kickin.

I am carrying low though that is why people think I am about to give birth or giving birth way earlier than expected.  Anyone else carrying low?
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EDD: March 1st

Hit my 7th month... wooo hooo!  Feeling good, except for being a bit tired again.  Kinda weird... I have been getting slightly nausious (can never spell that word) again.  In fact, I got sick last night... and then I felt fine!  Hopefully it doesn't stay for the entire 3rd trimester.

My mom and sister made the most adorable shower invites and sent them out today.  We are doing our shower on Jan. 17th.  Ordered the fabric for Leighton's room and it came in last week.  So, her curtains, a throw pillow, runner for the dresser, and basket liners will HOPEFULLY be made before the shower.  It would be nice to have all that done so I can show our family and friends her room, especially the ones coming in from out of town.
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wow you are due on my bday.... I am 24 weeks and a few days..I am feeling pretty well also I have an u/s tomorrow just to check my cervix because this is the farthest I ever gotten in a pregnancy. Needless to say I am lookin forward to seeing my little man...I know he will be probably measuring a few days ahead as he does evberytime I go. Just cant wait until March.
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