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another post! How was everyones weekends, how is everyone feeling?

Since our forum has been a bit slow lately I thought I would ask the questions how is everyone?

I'll start.......had my baby shower on saturday, it went really well. I got alot of stuff! its nice to know now what I need to buy before she's born too. I feel more ready! It was really nice to see alot of my old friends, people I dont see that much anymore.

I have a bad cold, and on monday last week my obgyn said I could take Robitussin or sudafed. I took some robitussin early last week but found it didnt work and it gave me heartburn. My voice is sooo raspy and my throat hurts so bad. I seriously think this is the worst cold I have ever had. Starting friday night I started to get mucus coming out of my eyes (gross I know) I had it all weekend, anytime I would sleep or close my eyes. It gets so bad i wake up and cant open them b/c they are all crusty. Now my left eye and starting on my right its getting infected or something, my top lids are all red and itchy and the left is swollen. They hurt!  I am just so worried that this infection is not good for baby, when I saw my dr monday it was really just a cold and neither her nor I was really all that worried. Now with the eye thing I am worried. I feel like I am getting worse not better. I plan to go see my regualr dr today. Its just hard b/c there probably isnt much they can give me and I dont want anything that could harm the baby. But I am really worn out from this. I was so sick at my baby shower I couldnt cuddle my neice or nephew!!
13 Responses
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554628 tn?1362777919
well i'm just glad everything is going well for all of us except for the back pain.... i'm glad i'm not alone lol i can't even go grocery shopping or stand for more than 30 mins w/o my back, lower stomach, and all killing me. i woke up with my back hurting today and it's been off and on all day it def s-ucks.
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143123 tn?1274300825
Well, I would say Reece is head down now, as I can't sit or lay comfortably without the horrendous back pain and the fact that it feels like he is trying to claw his way out.  I've been experiencing low cramping and pulling around the pubic region and I've been told its Reece getting into position, which is just playing a great game of go to the bathroom, because of extra pressure on the bladder.  This morning I don't know what he was doing,  but the only way I can describe it is how an aligator rolls continuously (death roll)...that is what it felt like Reece was doing this morning.  
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me too Claire!! I feel like there is not enough time and so much to do!! the back pain is torture though!!
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572254 tn?1297189358
aww everyone has showers your so lucky! i havint been doing much really, went to the iow if you know where that is? my friend gave me loads of maternity clothes which is great as i seem to wear the same thing over and over lol! got midwife appointment on mon 34weeks woop!
I dont know about anyone else but ive been cleaning mad! even though my backs killing me i just cant stop i want to just things done!!
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554628 tn?1362777919
not much news here either. i had  my shower on sunday i got a crip/mattress and i already got the dresser/changing table ahead of time from my step/sister and parents. at my shower i got a bouncer, lots of clothes, and diapers, but i did get alot of basic things as well so i don't have a whole lot to get. my parents and aunt are going in together as well to get me the stroller/carseat combo i want this weekend, so that's nice. i have been very tired and a lil moody as well. i have been feeling lots of pressure and everyone says madison has dropped but i havn't even gotten my stitches out lol
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708222 tn?1276135032
Hey everyone... I just had my shower too... I got a few big things which I am thankful for and I also got lots and lots of diapers and clothes... I figure I'll just see what fits when he gets here and slowly return what doesn't... I'm just leavin all the tags on for now... well... I don't have much new news to share... Just getting tired of waiting... but I'm sure the next few weeks will not be too bad... Ugh, just ready to meet him already and done being pregnant now.
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agreed! I rested all day sunday just b/c the shower was so exhausting! I too felt like I missed taking to people and kinda wished I would have split it into 2. If you can believe it I already finished all my thank you cards and mailed them today. I wanted to get that done so I can get ready for baby. I guess we are in the home stretch ladies, all of a sudden it seems like it flew by! wasnt it just the other day we all introduced ourself?!
Hubby and I have prenatal class all day saturday and we are both looking forward to it, I am sure I will feel the same as you Kyles mom......a bit scared after! hopefully hubby takes it all in ok. :) I have a breast feeding class next monday evening too so I am looking forward to that.
kiesha- i cant believe you have just 2 weeks to go!! you must be so excited!! make sure to rest these few weeks!!
krushing- its hard to know hey, even when i bought stuff myself i kept having to think ok, will this work for her when she is that age for the season? I bought alot of hoodies (gap) so if its winter or cold I can layer, i figured that way was safer!! plus people keep telling me that even if it says 3-6 it might fit small or big which is something we wont know till they are here.
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736293 tn?1316517842
Ladies- i am sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad.  Hopefully you can get rested up and feeling better.
Glad to her that your showers went well, my first one was very overwhelming and i felt that i didn't get enough time with each of the guests b/c we had so many people there as well.  I don't have another one until Mother's day weekend and then i think we are having my work one while i am on leave.  I wish we were having them earlier b/c i am feeling overwhelmed about everything there is left to get, but i was relieved to not have them all back to back b/c that would be a lot of thank you's all at once!!!
My weekend was pretty good we had birthing classes and it amazed me how much i didn't know...It was slightly scary, but i feel so much better having taken it and now i am just ready to get this show on the road!!! :)
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562884 tn?1279632334
krushing ~ I wish I had split mine into 3. It was SO exhausting, and I felt like I was neglectful to several of my guests b/c I didn't have time to socialize. My shower at work was small and quaint only about 12 guests, and I loved it, I had over 40 at my freinds and family shower, it was too much!

I'm sorry you guys are sick :( I bet it's the season change, it usually gets me everytime, I hope I can avoid it this spring though!

My weekend went well, another week down :)
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143123 tn?1274300825
hkenny: Luckily I didn't get a lot of newborn...but some 3-6 months and so on, so I've got to go through and make sure the bigger sizes with coincide with the time of year (weather wise).

And 3 showers is just because me and DH has big families...and each part of the family wants their own shower.  It's good because you get more, but stressful because I found out...they wear me out even though I don't do anything except sit there and open gifts and eat!!!

Well, get you plenty of rest and hopefully this will subside and you will start to feel better...
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update- dr said there is nothing i can take, said resting is the best medicine. UG> its hard to sleep being pregnant and having a cold. anytime I cough I have to pee!! He said the eye mucus is "normal" and its just b/c my sinus;s are so full.

mandy- i thought i might throw up last night just from the force of coughing, i didnt but was close. this s ucks hey? I feel for you too!!

krushing- thats to bad about the clothes, most places will let you at least exchange. I got lucky and didnt get to many clothes. I got a crazy amount of hooded towels and wash cloths, i plan to return some and get some things we still need. Lucky you 3 showers!! good to hear you and Reece are doing well. crazy to think we all are going to have babies in the next month or so!!
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143123 tn?1274300825
I had my first baby shower Sunday.  It was interesting!  We had a great turn out.  The only thing is I got mostly clothes...so hopefully we can figure out where some of the clothes came from and return and buy some other stuff we need.

I had my weekly doctor's appointment today.  Blood pressure is back to normal, so I will continue on the meds.  I had an NST and Reece and I passed with flying colors!  I will have one of these every week until Reece arrives.  

I have my second baby shower this weekend and then one more the end of the month...so I'm looking forward to those.
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570184 tn?1257544392
I'm sick too!!  I have a really bad cold and it's now on my chest.  I can hardly breathe and the cough that I have had the whole of this pregnancy is worse than ever and I have to stop myself from throwing up from the force of it.  I feel awful, not a good time to feel like this so I really feel for you.  The virus you have has probably gone in your eyes, that's what conjunctivitis is and if you ask the pharmacist I'm sure they could recommend something.  So my weekend was awful and spent most of it in bed, as I am now!!
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