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Is this your first...?

I was just wondering how many first-time mommies are gracing this forum and how many veteran mommas we have! If you have other kids, how old are they? How are they taking the new baby news if you've told them? And what kinds of plans do you have for your household?!

This will be our third live baby (we have 2 little angels that I miscarried). My daughters are 3 1/2 and the youngest will be 2 next month. I told them right away, even despite having miscarriages in the past. My oldest, Elaina, is beyond excited and insists she's having a brother. The youngest, Abigail, doesn't really get it and likes to walk around patting her own belly and saying, "Baby!" She thinks it's a girl (or at least she likes to say girl!).

We have plans to move Abby into the same room as Elaina since that bedroom is bigger and it is very girly (pink!). So far I've moved her clothes in there to slowly transition. I want them sharing really soon so they're used to it by the time baby comes.

Other than that just waiting for that wonderful gender scan to tell us how to paint the nursery and what to buy! Yay!
12 Responses
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769638 tn?1285022287
Hi this is our first baby and I have been waiting 20yrs...so I am absolutely in awe of the many miracles of God. Four of my six siblings are also expecting this year and for 3 of us this is the first one we are truly blessed as a family.
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Welcome and congrats!!! I know how hard it is to be pregnant after a miscarriage as I have had two myself.
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Hi this is my first. I had a miscarriage in 2008 and hve been trying since 2007. so far so good but its early days.
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This will be my first.  I have had numerous miscarriages and this is the first time I have heard the heartbeat and everything is going well.  We have been ttc for 3 1/2 years. I am thrilled since the doctor said the first ultrasound was great and the chance of a problem after you see a normal hearbeat is low. I will admit I will be so happy at the end of this month when the first trimester is over. We haven't told anyone yet just in case.
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WOW! There are way more first-time mommies here than I thought and I'm very pleased to hear it. I hope that the "veteran" mommas are able to offer you much wisdom and advice when you have questions. Though even women with previous children don't know it all! Ha ha! There's something very different about the pregnancy of your firstborn than with subsequent children. I'm very excited for us all!

Kaylee- a heartbeat over 100 is very, very good. Your risks of miscarrying have lowered to less than 12% now that you've heard a heartbeat! It will lower even more once you hit week 12.
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745101 tn?1293038814
This will be my first live baby after a m/c in September.  We lost that baby @ 11 weeks and I'm only nearly 9 now, but the heartbeat was low last time, so we were worried about it for several weeks.  We heard the healthy heartbeat banging away at 164 bpm (nearly double what we heard last time at this point), so we're breathing easier.

I will be *super* happy when we get through the first trimester.  My friend says that if she made it to 3 months, she was good to go!  I am trying to enjoy this pregnancy to the fullest until then.

God is good!
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750055 tn?1364771370
This will be my third baby. My oldes is my daughter Kaitlyn who is 7 years old and my youngest is my son Jacob who is 5 years old. I told them right away that they were gonna have a new little sibling on the way. They were both so happy but my daughter more since she understood better. But on the second day they were both on the floor acting like babies. But they are now even more thrilled with the news. The funny question they've ask me was: Mommy how did the baby get in your tummy? Did you eat it???? My daughter also ask me questions like mommy does the baby eat what you eat? My daughter wants it to be a girl and my son wants it to be a boy and when we ask him why he say's cause I want him to sleep with me. But he now says mommy if it's a girl it's okay I'll still give her kissies. They always give my little belly kisses and hugs when they come home from school. I really think they'll be wonderful big brother and sister. I think I'm gonna have the crib in my room untill the baby is way bigger. Then he/she will share a room with one of the kids depending on the sex of the baby. We're all just so happy.
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667829 tn?1297978123
This will be my first, we've been ttc since Nov/Dec 2008. Almost 7 weeks
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this will be my first and i have had one miscarriage. and i lost that one at 5 weeks and 4 days and i'm nearly 9 weeks now so its great,
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483174 tn?1240323107
This baby will be our first, i've had one m/c in 2008 and we've been TTC since 2006.

We're so happy!!!!
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763017 tn?1259518290
This is our first as well...I have had 5 m/c and like avik this is the farthest I have ever been, we have never heard a heartbeat and have heard it multiple times now!!!  So it's really hard to not get excited!!
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568875 tn?1424397205
this is my first...ive had 2 m/c in the past, but this is the furthest ive made it on a pregnancy! So im really really excited! I do have a great dane and a pitbull that are our babies now..hehe
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