689528 tn?1364135841

How ya feeling?!

Ladies....October is coming in only a couple days! Just would like to know how everyone is feeling, if everyone's started to do things to start up labour...etc!!

As for me I'm feeling lots of pressure and a little bit of pelvic pain...right at the top of my pubic bone where they put the tape to measure. My hips hurt a lot as well and I've been getting more noticeable BH. I know it's all chalked up to everything relaxing and opening up but oh my!! I can never find a comfortable way to sit...standing is almost better than anything else.
No swelling yet for me still. Mild swelling when I was working longer hours. And my nipples have started to hurt!! LOL My bbs are growing again I think!! Ahh!
I started taking EPO vaginally at night...last night I took it by mouth though b/c in the morning it's quite messy and sticky! I'm out to search for raspberry leaf tea this afternoon and I have been sitting on my yoga ball bouncing around in the evenings.
21 Responses
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187316 tn?1386356682
I feel like poop. I cannot fall asleep at night and toss and turn for hours. Ive been having more pressure but nothing too serious. I have organic raspberry leaf tea which ive been making and drinking since 36 weeks and since last week ive been using epo. I tried bouncing on a yoga ball but DH lost his mind and made me quit. I went for a 3 mile walk a couple days ago had yoga the following morning and then the next day walked another mile but nothing is really happening. I had to go to a conference for DH yesterday and missed my dr appointment so i wont know if ive made any progress until tomorrow. But sitting in that chair for like 7 hours gave me horrible cramps. Not sure if its because im so darn uncomfortable these days and chairs dont help or because my body is starting to get ready.
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1083673 tn?1388888638
I am feeling pretty bad. I have a lot of pressure and my stomach is so sore in places where bony parts are sticking out. Cant sleep at night before last night b/c having to run to bathroom but last night I just couldnt sleep. Woke up every hour but didnt have to go to bathroom just couldnt sleep. So uncomfortable trying to lay down b/c everything is so awkward. So ready for my little girl to come. She is due Tuesday and my next appointment is Monday morning the day before. My Ob still hasnt talked to me about when they will induce or what there policy is. Which really annoys me b/c she didnt talk to me about labor till today and said to wait till I was having contractions 2 to 3 min apart before I go. Which is impossible b/c I have a 45 min drive to the hospital with lights and traffic figured plus having to get out of our drive way. Which is super muddy b/c all the rain. Hopeing and praying she comes before Monday. Ladies pray for me b/c I dont want to be induced and I think I will cry if I have to be.
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773214 tn?1295135069
Alaysha: LOL!  DItto....I dont think there is one of us that will say they are feeling great at this point and if they do, I might have to find and shoot them.

I am so uncomfortable.  He has his butt pressed into my ribcage and I can't bend or twist forward at all without pain...I feel like a beached whale moving around in bed.  And waking up 3 times a night to pee is SO SO annoying...

Not doing anything to get baby to come as I'm hoping to make it to c-section date 10/11/10.  But, I really wish I wasn't working....my boss is kinda guilting me in to working next week.  Ugh...our staffing isnt good next week that is the only reason why...

Good luck ladies...can't believe our pregnancy journey is about to end and we will be holding our precious ones very soon!!
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1149221 tn?1304827966
Other than Jacobs little butt being under my ribs, and some nasty pelvic bone pain I'm not too bad. I don't really have trouble sleeping, it's more like a constant fatigue feeling these last few days. I get up once or twice a night to pee, but that's my own fault becuase I seem to habitually drink more right before bed. Shame on me right? I'm not doing much to get labor started, just rasberry leaf tea and EPO orally. I keep telling my husband we need to get physical because I need his prostaglandins but I get too tired at bedtime haha. Plus he gets weirded out when I say prostaglandin lol. I should do some walking, but again. TIRED. Another week of being this tired without having a baby to hold might make me crazy, but I would really like him to wait until next week so I can get a few things done!

Labor dust to all!
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915119 tn?1341948989
I feel like c**p. My head has been hurting, I feel like I have the flu and this baby doesn't want to come out. I have been walking everyday but that doesn't seem to help. At night, I can't seem to sleep because every inch of my body aches. It's so hard to turn and get comfortable and have been waking up every hour.  I, just like DMarie919, have my c-section for October 11th, but I really hope she comes sooner. I am so over being pregnant.

I had my doctors appointment yesterday and after having my "exam" the doctor told me he was going to monitor my contractions and then send me to the hospital to have my c-section, but the one time they put me on the monitor I had just one contractions the whole time... How annoying. So he ended up holding off and now he wants to see me on Monday. Hopefully something happens then.
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1128483 tn?1277340286
I've been feeling horrible for the past two weeks.  I'm 39 weeks as of yesterday and at my dr's apt I asked if she would do a membrane sweep.  I noticed much more of a change this time than when I had it done with my first and I'm crossing my fingers something happens in the next day or two.  I've been having much more regular contractions since supper last night, and for about half the night.  Now they've picked up full force again so I'm hoping that's a good sign!

I think in the next week or two we'll start to see more labor stories!  I"m getting excited!
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188576 tn?1287719062
I am in the same boat as you gals...feeling yucky..can't sleep...can't get comfortable! Just flat out miserable! I have been walking, had sex with DH, had spicy food, and I haven't tried anything else just yet, but nothing;( The doctor wouldn't check me on Tuesday to see if I have dilated anymore b/c he said the more he checks the more I am at risk for infections, so I was a bit disappointed b/c I wanted to know if I have made progress or not! He told me no more baths or sex and to just keep walking. When I walk I have contractions and its really hard to walk a lot, but I am determined to help her come on out any way I can! I know this may sound like a stupid question, but what is EPO? I see some of you talking about it, but I haven't caught on to abbreviations just yet, well not all of them anyways;)
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1083673 tn?1388888638
Its evening primrose oil and its a natural supplament that you can take orally or vaginally to help soften your cervix. Just like the stuff they use in the hospital when they induce. Hope that helps.

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187316 tn?1386356682
Its got prostaglandins in it which is the same thing that is in mens semen that helps you to dilate. All the studies Ive read say it doesnt do anything if taken orally but that vaginally it will help soften the cervix.
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1083673 tn?1388888638
Well I feel extremely bad today like I am coming down with something. My stomach is super sore like its bruised and I feel like I have to go to the bathroom every 10 min. I feel nauseous today too. Had the bloody show last night about 8:30 I am sure. And I have had a lot of snot like (sorry if TMI) discharge since then. Think losing the rest of my mucus plug. Starting to think maybe my OB stripped my membranes at my appointment yesterday. I have class tonight but I really dont want to go so I am hoping that labor starts before then. I guess we will see what happens. Any suggestions on how to help things along?
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933846 tn?1353452448
Well I'm in the same boat as everyone else but I have to add that I'm burning up! Altough the weather is cooler here its not in my house. Lol My leave started Tuesday & I've cleaned but still more to do. I can't sleep woke up 4 times last night in a 5 hour period. So I had to have a nap this morning. My c section is scheduled for Wednesday & I can't wait.

I heard eating Italian food helps you go into labor. I've had two different people tell me that. Also try the eggplant parm. Lol
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1149221 tn?1304827966
Well ladies, I was doing great then my midwife told me since I measured 2 weeks ahead at that last sonogram, they would have to move my due date up a week. Unfortunately for me, that means in 2 weeks I'm "42" weeks and won't be able to use the birth center and around here that means you stay home and do it alone, or you schedule a repeat c-section.

I'm very frustrated. I mean, VERY! I've been planning a natural birth for a year now and I'm worried I might lose out now thanks to a dumb sonogram I didn't even want.

I asked them what I should do and she suggested castor oil. They swear it won't do anything bad and it won't affect baby other than contractions, but I just don't know... I've read a bunch on it over the night and this morning and it sounds AWFUL.

Has anyone ever done the castor oil method, and was it as wretched as it sounds? I have to have this baby in 2 weeks or I'm risked out of the birth center. I have everything I need for a home birth, but I'd rather not do that if I can avoid it.
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188576 tn?1287719062
Thanks girls! I would have no idea how to do it vaginally! Awhile back I tried to feel for my cervix, but that didn't happen. I guess it was too far back and I am too scared to do it now, so how could you get it on your cervix??? Or do you just get your DH to do it?
I am just so over this, as I have been so exhausted this last week and I go to bed early, but then end up just really laying there with my eyes closed and if and when I do fall asleep I wake up each 30 minutes to an hour to pee even if it's only a tiny bit, which can be annoying!!!! Then I can't get comfortable b/c every part of my body just aches;( My friend said to try squats, which I might start doing tonight if i have the energy!!

I have a friend that did the castor oil and she said she would never do that again!!! She ended up being stuck in the bathroom on the toilet throwing up and having diarrhea!!!! And then she didn't even go into labor for another two weeks! But I guess everyone is different and has a different experience. I would try it if only I knew that I wasn't going to have diarrhea while delivering, b/c I have heard that and that would be just awful!
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1149221 tn?1304827966
Haha, diarrhea during delivery would be very embarassing. I keep reading and the more I read the more I'm not interested. I just can't believe how unfair this is! Basically they're making my due date the cutoff and after that I'm too far over-due for the birth center. I told them there is no way I conceived earlier because they monitored my hcg levels after I miscarried and 2 weeks earlier I was still dropping therefore I couldn't have ovulated! The OB said she'll do some checking and we may be able to ignore the sonogram or repeat it, but I told her I refuse to repeat it because if he's a big baby like his daddy was then I'll be even more in trouble.

Grrrrrrrrr. I hope he comes very soon so I don't have to stress that. Fingers crossed. Maybe if I don't have him by the 8th I'll discuss castor oil with my midwife and see. I read that it's like drinking lip gloss and I'm not sure I could swallow that at all!
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689528 tn?1364135841
I've heard before that they've estimated weights later on with sonograms and have been wrong. The most accurate sonogram is the very first one you get apparently. I so hope you go into labour on your own so you don't have to do the c-section...I know how much you want a natural birth! Don't let it stress you out but try everything you can to get the baby out! LOL I wouldn't use castor oil either. My midwife told me today that she has recommended it before but not very often. She said that not everyone reacts like the puking and major reactions but you never know what it will do to you until you do it I guess. I'd say do everything else first.

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187316 tn?1386356682
I am so sick of pregnancy but I refuse to do castor oil since id rather not be delivering a baby and having diarreah at the same time. Last night I literally got up every 10 minutes to pee and am now exhausted. Navy also decided to physically assult my body by thrashing around last night so my body hurts as well. Add a cold to the mix with a slight fever and runny nose and I am practically dying. Or so it feels. I got checked today and am 3 cm and 85% effaced and baby is at -1. I also requested that she strip my membranes and she said that membranes cant be stripped unless you are at least 2 cm dilated since it has to be open enough to get your finger in. To anyone that is thinking of getting it done here is a warning: IT HURTS. I was almost in tears and it made me bleed super bad to the point of blood dripping down her glove when she removed her hand. Thank god the bleeding stopped and is now just spotting on a pad but it freaked me out. She also said she would never do a sweep unless its requested since it is painful and only works some of the time. Tomorrow starts October ladies! Who will be first to have an October baby?!
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1149221 tn?1304827966
Ya, I don't read too much into sonogram weight estimates because they're just that- an estimate. I can't even consider castor oil until last minute, it just isn't natural. If you think about it, any induction method that works isn't natural at all- natural is letting your baby and body decide without any "help". I suppose I'll just cross my fingers and hope he doesn't go past my original due date so they can't "assess my case" - how disgusting of a statement right?

Only time will tell now!
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1128483 tn?1277340286
szw2008 - Evening premise oil, insert as close to the cervex as possible every night.  My midwife said it usually takes about 2 weeks to work (aka go into labor).  Sex.  Acupuncture and Chiropractics.  If you think your body might be getting ready pump to help with contractions.  Also at your dr's apt's ask for your dr to strip your membranes.  and Heatherm4  is right, Ultrasounds done after the first trimester are not accurate as babies develop at different rates.  Some times they'll measure ahead, and other times they'll measure behind.

alaysha -  Stripping the membranes feels different for everyone.  I've heard some say it really hurts and others say it's just un-comfortable.  I've had it done 3 times.  twice with my first pregnancy (the second time it put me into labor with in 3 hours) and once a few days ago with this pregnancy.  It was more un-comfortable this time around and I had more bleeding but it really wasn't that bad.  It sounds like it depends on how aggressive the dr/midwife is in doing the sweep.  It also will not work if your body and the baby aren't ready.

Well I had more bloody show again today.  I had my membranes sweep on Wednesday and had bloody show Thursday morning and again this morning.  I'm hoping it's a good sign.  Contractions are still strong at the 10 min mark.  I figured that the sweep would help push them further but no luck yet.  I read it can take up to 3 days to fully work sometimes so maybe todays the day?  My son's got a cold and I just feel like crap.  Also woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning too I think.  Ugh, it's going to be a long day, but at least it's Friday!  And no luck in having a Sept baby :(  So we'll see.
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1149221 tn?1304827966
Welllllll.... I MAY not have to worry about castor oil or anything, I had contractions pretty irregularly all day yesterday, then about 130 am I woke up with some very noticeably uncomfortable ones. They were actually about 3 minutes apart, but I decided to drink some water and go back to bed. Then around 430 I was back up with them so strong I couldn't sleep. I got up and made DH breakfast and moved around. More water, more contractions. Decided to time them around 6 am. They were pretty regular at 4 minutes apart and lasting 45 minutes. I went back to sleep. Now I'm up and I don't notice them as regular, but I'm going to go for a walk and see what happens! I fully expect a long, slow labor so maybe it has already begun!
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628735 tn?1273875777
I am glad that im not alone! I used to enjoy bed time... but not any more! I cant wait to be able to lay on my tummy and back again! I feel like I don't roll over, I hoist myself over... and its so uncomfortable! eating bananas has helped A LOT with the night time leg cramps... yay bananas!

I have to say one of the worst things is the swelling in my legs. I can not keep the swelling down to save myself! as soon as I stand up in the morning i feel them getting tight. its discussing like I have a disease! they haven't been too concerned about it until  my BP went up the other day, my BP has always been good before that. im 37W1D. I had to go to Labor and Delivery the other day because of the high blood pressure. it went down but my dr sent me to the specialist again to be monitored and check baby and amniotic fluid. everything looked great. I could see his lings going in and out as he practiced breathing.... very cool! but now they want me back to do another scan to check and see how big baby is and if I need to be induced. unless my Dr says i need to be induced today I wont find out until Monday when i see the specialist again. I should start taking EPO, i didn't even think about that!

Other than uncomfortable night times, feet swelling, and the occasional high BP, I shouldn't complain! I'm very blesses to even be pregnant and very excited to see my baby boy, whenever he arrives.

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188576 tn?1287719062
Well, last night I started having more contractions and very painful ones too! I drank some water and relaxed and then they eased up some, but I still had cramping in my stomach pretty bad. I went for a walk two times around our neighborhood and that was really hard to do b/c it really brought on the contractions, but then once I came inside and sat down they eased up again;( But late last night and early this morning I was having them pretty regular at about 4 minutes apart and they were awful, but then they eased up yet once again!!!! I was praying that it was the time and I could just go into labor, but no, not yet! So I am gonna walk some today and see if I can't get them started again, b/c last night was just awful with no sleep again and not being able to get comfortable!

I am going to go get some EPO today and see if I can't start something, b/c nothing else seems to be working! My doc said my water could break at any moment, but AHHHHHHH, I just don't think it's going to. If I don't have her by next Thursday I am going to ask about him stripping my membranes to see if I can't get things going!

My MIL finds out in less than two weeks her results from her PET scan and I just want my DD here before then, b/c lately with my DH's job, me & the baby, him worried about his mom, & the kids, well he is SO stressed out. I really don't think he could handle anything else! So I know if I had DD in the same week as my MIL finding out her test results (whether they are good or bad), he is going to have a nervous breakdown very soon! Luckily I voiced my concern with my doctor on Tuesday and he said if it got to where I couldn't handle anymore stress he wants me to come in and maybe we could talk about stripping my membranes or an induction date! But I am praying she comes this weekend or next week!
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