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349463 tn?1333571576

Hi ladies! How is everyone?

I hope everyone is doing well. How are those little babies getting along? I miss hearing from you guys it seems like I never have the time to get on here anymore.

Bella is 3 months old now and still a little on the small side. She is up to 10 1/2 pounds or in the 30th percentile. That's up from when she was born and wasn't even on the growth charts at all! She's not rolling over, but she does giggle now and I love love love it. We're still breastfeeding and supplementing about 1 formula bottle a day. I had to switch to similac soy because the regular formula was making her too gassy. As of last week she has decided she wants nothing to do with nursing anymore so I pump and give her bottles. Still no af for me! I might make it a whole year without one it seems kind of funny. My ppd is gone and I'm doing great now, even working out again and losing weight.

I can't wait to hear updates from all of you!

13 Responses
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210400 tn?1325380570
Hi ladies! Goodness time has got us all crazy and busy lol. Carter is a peanut still he weighs 9lbs and is 21.5 inches long, he is 14 weeks old today. He still fits newborn diapers and some newborn clothes. He is a great baby.

As for me...I'm feeling ok. Still hit a few bumps every now and again but I blame it on the b/c pills. DH had a vasectomy in Oct so as soon as he does his count I will stop the pill. (Had a dream last night I was pregnant with twins...yikes, nows probably not a good time to stop those pills lol). I started a new job the end of October so far so good except I'm loosing money now that I pay for daycare 5 days a week instead of 2. I miss you ladies!
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746986 tn?1271725491
They are all growing up soo fast!!! Mickey had an appt on Nov 10th and was 22.5 in and 12 lbs 1.5oz. He is getting to be a chunkster and is soo adorable! He is constantly grinning and "talking". He loves Sesame Street, esp the Elmo's World segment. He loves the color red, it always captivates his attention. He is still eating very frequently...about 4oz every 2.5 hrs BUT sleeps 8-9 hrs at night and then is up for day with maybe a couple 30 min naps here and there. He is so good but is starting to get a bit of an attitude! He is impatient like his mommy!
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507875 tn?1423160261
I agree AriQueen, I am going to make an effort to check in more!

Brandon is a chunkster! MaKayla loves to watch the sprout channel and I also let her watch the brainy baby and baby boost on-demand. My favorite thing she does; I have a 3yrd and a 5yr old cousin, when she see them, her hands start moving really fast, her eyes get really big and she starts to coo really loud! LOL She also tries to "talk" and her words get stuck and she starts coughing! Its too funny! She loves to watch football w/daddy too!

We took holiday pics weekend before last. I posted a few on my page. We are only buying for the kids and my mom...we do a grab bag with the adults because we have such a large family....
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Ooopss forgot to mention that Brandon is on size 3 diapers and sleeps 6-7 hours at night. After he wakes up he then sleeps for another 2 hours. He is wearing 6-9 months clothes and even those are starting to fit small...he is going to be quite tall. His doc said he was in the 90% percentile for his weight and 95 percentile on his height, He takes cat naps during the day though. He is starting to watch TV too. He loves a show called Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse Houseclub or something like that. He is so alart when the show comes, he also starts to giggle and waves his hand, he gets quite hyper. It's soo cute. We only let him sit in front of the TV for 20mins so he doesn;t get so use to it and then the give him tummy time, even though he hates it. LOL He can pretty much entertain himself for a good 1 hr on the swing and even falls asleep.

I miss you so much too. We should try to make it a point to log in one day a week to chat. At least post weekly updates....what do you all think>
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Hi ladies, long time no talk. Brandon and I are doing great. He got his first shots on Friday and did pretty good. I was a bit concern b/c that was that was the same weekend my Dh and I went out of town on our first get-away trip in a long time. We celebrated our 3 year anniversary of being married back in October but since I had so many complications after the ceserean our plans were postponed.  We headed to Williamsburg, VA through our timeshare thing we have and it was actually a lot of fun. We went to the movies, sight seeing, and out to dinner a couple of times. It was a very romantic get-away if you know what I mean...ha =)

Brandon weighs 12 lbs 7 oz and is 24 inches long! He will be 10 wks  on Wed. He barely fits in his basinet and I'm thinking of putting him in his crib. I;m afraid though to have him sleep in the nursery at such a young age, He smiles and grines quite a bit. He pulls down the toys from his little swing and holds his bottle while being fed. He has quite an attitude let me tell you....and is quite bossy and demanding at times is not even funny. His dad thinks he got my attitude and thinks is the "Latin/Spanish" hot blooded side of me. I just laugh when he says that.

As far as work, I don;t go back til Dec 7th. My FMLA was extended two additonal weeks b/c I had gotten an infection in my incision and my doc wanted to give me some extra time off to heal properly. I then took one extra week off. Once I go back I will work for two weeks and then be off again for another 2 weeks so I will be from Dec 22- Jan 4th! I am super excited about being home for the holidays.  BTW why, I have scheduled out first family portraits for next weekend. I will post them once I get them. Is anyone else taking pics?

My daycare situation is great. I originally had my mom here but she then left b/c my sister needed her help....long story but all I have to say is that my luckily my aunt came down from New Jersey and is living with me til May and is able to watch Brandon and my stepson. It;s a true blessing b/c we are actually saving a ton of money having her here. The average daycare in the area where I live is approximately $250-300 per week, not including before/aftercare for my stepson. Needless to say we would probably be paying $1200 per month in daycare alone. I'm only paying my aunt half of that.....

I'm starting my Xmas shopping this weekend and only buying presents for the kids in the family. I'm not trying to spend a ton on presents this year. Besides, I just received some bills from the hospital so I am on a budget this year.

Oh yeah who else has a ton of hospital bills after your child birth? My insurance is a freaking joke. I got a bill from the hosp and the anestisiologist *sp* and I am like whattttttttttt are you kidding me? Overall both bills are $600 but I really shouldnt have to pay for this. I hate insurance companies................

Sorry for writting and rambling so much. I am glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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The only Christmas shopping I have done is for Matthew and my 2 year old nephew (AKA the two easiest to buy for!).  My sister and I have decided not to exchange gifts, but I still have two others to buy for, as well as the rest of my family.  

Matthew will be 3 months on Black Friday!  His last appt was the end of October, but I sat him on the scale because of his acid reflux med, and he had gained at least a pound in 3 weeks, up to 12.6 lbs on my scale. He's still in 0-3 month clothing, and size 1 diapers. I started back to work October 29th, and he started daycare that day.  The teachers love him, and he's doing really well.  He's very nosey, but also taking it all in and progressing well.  I just finished orientation for my new job, and am loving it, with the exception of the 45 min-1hr drive each way.
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Ohh my, did you say XMAS shopping.  I was not going to put up a tree but since i have 3 in my attic, i guess i will put up my white one.  I have not done any shopping, i getting my son a visa gift card and xbox 360, im getting my nephew a hand held playstation, and i will get trinity a few toys since she is so active, she really dont need anything bucz she got everything at the babyshower and people are still bringing her little gifts when they come visit.  She has clothes that she did not get to even wear and now cant fit them.  She is wearing 6-9 months clothes/sleepers and 12 month shirts.  As far as everyone else, i stopped buying gifts for grown ups, i did put a little photo album together of my family and some pics of trinity to send with her grandmother(the ex mother) as an early xmas present. So my shopping will be very quick, all in one day lol.  I do have a babyshower to attend this saturday, my BF is due december 26
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507875 tn?1423160261
Hi Cyber sisters!! I miss you guys too! We may have to do a conference call to catch up, its much easier to hold a phone and talk then sit at a computer and type with the little ones!

Nicole - We will dub Bella the "Petite Princess"! Sh is too cute and I still think she has the best hair on MedHelp!!

LaTrice - Trinity is such a doll! I hope things don't get too stressful for you and you are able to enjoy Trinity's first holiday season with no drama! Praying for you girlie!

Michele - I thank God I don't have crazy in-laws to deal with! Glad to hear your little one is coming along just fine! I hated taking MaKayla to get shots...it hurts my feelings to see her cry and she just looked at me like "Mama, why you let them do that to me?" I almost cried!

As for me and Ms. MaKayla, we are doing great. MaKayla will be 13 weeks on Thursday and as of her 8 week appointment, she weighed 11 lbs. We don't go back until 12/28 so I am unsure as to how much she weighs now. I do know that my arm aches after carrying her for a while!! I love that little girl soo very much! I returned to work on 11/02 and my mom stays mon-fri to care for her, which is a blessing because we don't have to pay for child care! I am so excited for MaKayla's first christmas I cannot wait to see her reaction to the decorations!  I wish I could be a SAHM...that would be icing on the cake!

Have you started Christmas shopping yet?

Miss you guys and always thinking of you all!!

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287246 tn?1318570063
Oh DH didn't go by himself.  We went together.  I just made him go in the room with her :)  LOL!  I waited in the waiting room but could still hear Mary loud and clear when she got stuck!!!

Latrice, I agree w/ Nicole.  You are very good to let his family be involved w/ the baby and stay at your house no less.  Many people wouldn't be that nice.  Kudos to you.  I too will be praying for your court date in February.  Just remember we are all here if you need us!
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349463 tn?1333571576
Latrice, I'm glad to hear that Trinity is doing well. What a little porker! She must just be adorable with chubby little cheeks. Sorry about the drama with the ex and having to go back to work. I think it's pretty nice of you to let his family be involved with the baby. I'll be praying that all goes well with your court date in February!

Michele, I'm so happy that you are able to be a SAHM right now. Aside from the money shortage you must be loving it up with those kids. I can't believe you got your husband to take Mary for her shots. I tried that and my dh said no way. He did go with me and I think he was just as upset as I was when she cried. It sounds like your inlaws are being crazy as usual. I hope that things will settle down with them and you guys can focus on your own little family.

Thank you for writing back! I miss you guys so much!

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287246 tn?1318570063
***Oops***I mean, SHE is a very happy baby!
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287246 tn?1318570063
Hey Ladies,

We just HAVE to keep our forum going!!!  I miss you all so much too.  I was actually thinking about it last night as I was saying my prayers.  I always pray for my MH friends.  We have to keep our group going!!!!

As for Mary.....She is almost 11 weeks old already.  On Thanksgiving she will be.  She smiles and grins like crazy.  He is a very happy baby for sure.  She seems to love her older sisters a lot; especially my oldest.  Sara is such a little mama herself and will be a great one someday......way, way into the future now ladies.  No time soon :)  Mary got her shots last Friday and was in a lot of pain Friday night but was okay by Saturday.  I'm so glad too.  I thought I was going to have the weekend from H E L L!!  But no.  She was fine.  I just gave her her Tylenol and she was fine.  Almost all of us have gotten our flu shots as well.  I just have to take my oldest 2, and we are all set w/ that.  Mary did get weighed on Friday but I couldn't tell you how much it was.  I had DH go w/ me because he happened to be home.  It was raining so I made him go back there w/ her.  I know...I know....I'm a big wimp when it comes to shots.  I usually take them but if he is available, he will go to spare me the "pain".  BUT we got into a big fight on the way.  His freakin family again.  I swear if we ever got a divorce, that would be why.  Anyway, I hope not.  We have a beautiful family and divorce seems to be everyone's answer these days.  I'm trying not to go that route but it sure is hard at times!

Anyway, I really do love and miss you ladies a ton.  If anyone ever wants to call me, let me know and I will give you my number.  I am a SAHM now.

Oh, and I have signed up for this website I found in Parenting Magazine.  It's only $40 for an entire year and they e-mail you all kinds of stay at home jobs.  It will take a while to weed through them, but if I find something I can do at home that doesn't require selling, I'm on it!!  For anyone that is interested, the website is www. JobsForMoms. com.  (without the spaces)  Hopefully it doesn't star it out.  If it does, I can PM it to you.

Love you ladies and take care all!!!!!
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Hey Nicole, i guess the little ones have us all busy, when they were buns in the oven we had nothing but time to chit chat lol.  I miss talking to everyone, you guz kept me saign(sp?)  Lil Ms Trinity is 9w4d and as of yesterday weighs 12lbs12oz i think the dietician said 87th%tile she is in.  She can roll is she is on her side, she talks a lot and yes the giggles are too cute.  I am nursing at night, if im off work i nurse during the day, but she does get formula, i thought about switching to simalac soy myself, she is on the advance.

I still have PPD.  Me and the ex is still fueding, it s u c k s bcuz his mother and brother came down for the thanxgivn holiday and they are staying with me for 10days.  She asked me several times if i could just please  let him see Trinity just one day while she was here, so i let him visit with her at my parents home.(even though i did not want to)  We go to court in feburary regarding custody.  I am jus so over the hill about the whole situation, the crazy part is the plan was to try for another baby when she was about 6 months so she would have a sibling to grow up with, bcuz my son will b off to college in 4 years.  but i got to stay strong for my 2kids and myself.  

I started back work and i totally hate it,the 12hour shifts are tooo long, and the other day they gave me a patient that had h1n1, how inconsiterit of the supervisor ughhh.   i want to be a SAHM.

Sorry so long, i jus have a lot on my mind these days.

I hope everyone else is doing well, im not even sure how long this forum will last, everyone has seemed to vanish off to the rocking chairs with there little ones, miss you all, and i miss the pics, havent seen to many updates.  Take care
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