317019 tn?1532965586

staying in touch

hey ladies....i noticed other forums doing this so i thought it would be neat if we could do it to...we should pick a day of the week and just post how everybody is doing....any news over the week....how is everybody feeling....baby movements....big decisions....etc

ill start :)

i finally reached 24 weeks and im so excited...it really is hitting home that this baby is coming....i feel like i have so much to do and not enough time at this point....ive been feeling pretty good other than yesterday....yesterday i had an awful headache and my leg was still sore from a charlie horse 2 mornings agao....this morning i am feeling much better so thats always a good thing....my baby was pretty active 2 days ago and not so active yesterday but she was moving around here and there....i pulled out my doppler to make sure she was ok and her hb was still nice and strong....today is my 24 week ob appt and 1 hour glucose test....hopefully i pass

as of now due date is stil sept 29 but im waiting to find out my induction date which i should be finding out around my 28 week appt
15 Responses
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202436 tn?1326474333
Good idea!!  

Well I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow, I can't believe it!!!  It seems like it's FLOWN by but at the same time it seems like these last 13 weeks are gonna DRAG.  This little girl still doesn't have a name or even set of names to choose from, but I'm sure she eventually will.  I'm taking a break from the name game becuase it's just making me mad LOL.  

My next appt isn't until next Thursday and I'm hoping to find a reason to convince my doctor to do another ultrasound BEFORE 35 weeks, I don't wanna wait another 2 months to see my little girl again!

I've got some of her stuff ready and waiting.  I just need to wipe the dust off the swing, carseat, bouncey seat etc.  I also have to go to walmart and pick up the bassinet I ordered and put it together. The only other thing I'm doing to get ready for her is trying to finish our living room.  We've been ripping out the old ugly paneling and putting up sheetrock.  I've got it all up except a 5 ft wide section (I ran out of sheetrock) and I should be ready to start putting up primer on this last wall today!!  I'll be so glad when it's all up and painted and we get the trim work put back up and I can finally arrange my living room, put my shelves up, hang pictures, etc. Then the next project will be finishing my kitchen...UGG...more paneling/sheetrock/trim work and painting.  I also need to get down on the floor and clean and seal the grout in the tile. THAT'S gonna suck!

Other than that nothing much is going on here.  My little girl hasn't been moving much the last couple of days but I think it's because I've been so active.  She's usually always moving when I wake up in the middle of the night.  I can't wait to find out how big she is and what position she is in!!!!  Everyone cross your fingers I can convince my doc to do another ultrasound sooner!!
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147929 tn?1294851722
I'm 28 weeks today!  We are about 90% sure of our name....Cameron Everett.  

I'm feeling ok, tired and swelling though....last week doctor told me to start putting my feet up for an hour in the afternoon - easier said than done working full time and coming home to a husband and 2 year old!

Yesterday and today I've been crampy a lot though and kind of freaking out about it a little bit.  Tuesday baby wasn't moving a lot in the morning, but finally started up and then the crampy feeling started yesterday.  It's low and pretty constant...although when sitting it doesn't bother me, but when I get up it hurts!  It's probably stretching, so when I stand gravity is working against me and making it worse.  I bought a belly band over the weekend, but I can't sit while wearing it because it digs into me so what is the point of taking it on and off everytime I get up at work???  

I thought about calling the doctor today since they aren't in tomorrow and then it's the weekend, but I feel like I keep calling for things and I have so much to do at work right now!  I guess I'm freaking a little because I have a circumvallete placenta (pulling up on the edges) and we have to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't pull up too much and I get an abruption or have growth restriction.  Its always on my mind, but so far all is well, it hasn't changed and my baby boy is not small!  I have my next u/s next Thursday followed by OB appt - hoping to maybe get put on restricted activity (like half days at work) to help with swelling and my nerves!  

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1209036 tn?1299178657
Yay, I am 25 weeks today and can't believe there are only 15 more to go (give or take of course). I thought that this was going to be the longest 9 months of my life but holy its flying by and I still feel like I need so much stuff.
Fynnigin is moving lots however I only feel him when I am sitting or lying down, not when standing, any thoughts why?
Newayz, I am doing well and baby boy is doing well and I cannot wait to have him in my arms. As some of you may know I have been recently freaking out about everything tht I still need but I have been chillaxing and am feeling much less stressed!
Like this post, we should keep it up.
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1194973 tn?1385503904
I'm 26 weeks today and so ready to be done. I'm still dropping weight despite eating the highest calorie stuff I can find and eating more frequently. But Kylie is getting all that she needs and that's all that really matters.

I'm sooo sleepy all the time, but can't seem to sleep at night. It's insane. So far we have a couple of odds and ends for her, including a new bassinet my mom found (it's beautiful!!) made of all wood, car seat, tons of clothes, and random other things. Me and DF have talked things over and decided it would be best for us to post-pone moving for a little bit longer and take care of other things first (like buying another car) This would open up where we could move to and help in the end. Kylie doesn't seem to want to move a lot during the day, though I'm feeling her more and more. She only seems to want to be awake during the night. It's so weird to see my stomach move when she kicks. She also doesn't like to stay in one position. At my first ultrasound she was breech, then she went traverse, then she went head down and now I think she's breech again. I can't wait to see her on the ultrasound again!! She's getting so big.
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im just over 28 weeks. we are naming our little girl liliana (we'll call her lily) marie. at my ultrasound she was in head down position, hopefully she'll stay that way. i get a lot of BH contractions but the doc said my cervix is still long and closed.

i just failed my 1 hr gluecose so i have the 3 hour test next wednesday. my only real complaint is that my back hurts. we have about 2 months to finish our kitchen and do beadboard and trim work in the babies room. things are moving slow, but we should be done in time.

i cant wait to have my baby im going to try to talk her into coming a week or so early lol. i really cant wait to have off 7 months with her, and then hopefully only working part time after that.

i dont have another u/s until my 34 week app and she was hiding her face at the 26 week one :(
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202436 tn?1326474333
Liliana and Lilian are two of the names I've been considering becuase I like the name Lily...OOPS :) LOL  

It seems like everyone except me (and I think Waitn838) have named their kids already.  I just can't find that one special name that "clicks"  this really s-u-c-k-s!!
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we just changed the name to lily about a week or so ago. you still have time! i wouldve had a MUCH harder time if we were having a boy. I just dont like any boys names :)
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1169162 tn?1331232353
I am 27 weeks and also can't believe how time has flown.  Aside from 0-3 month clothes, I have nothing yet for the baby and am starting to panic (we moved in April and are finally getting things settled from the move so that slowed us down on focusing on baby things).  I guess the next months will be very busy.  I also have neglected to sign up for childbirth classes - I wanted to do the Bradley method but am not sure if I have time for all the courses before my due date. I wish I was less busy at work - I work 10-12 hours a day most days so it is hard to fit everything else in - the good news is that my boss is reducing my schedule as of July to help me get things settled at work before maternity leave and to give me a break. I am looking forward to that.

I am already nervous about childbirth - I have struggled with pubis symphis dysfunction this whole pregnancy (basically the front of my pelvis is opening too much because the back of my pelvis is fused) - it gets pretty painful at times and reduces my mobility.  I have been going to physical therapy weekly (which is a fortune by the way) - has been helping but maybe not enough.  I also just found out in PT that my abdominal muscles have split - so in addition to the pelvis brace and back/belly brace, I now have tons of tape on my belly - I look like frankenstein.

Finn moves all the time and I absolutely love it - I will never get tired of that feeling.  To cherylsangel- I heard that babies move most when we are still - when we are moving, the motion often puts them to sleep.
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317019 tn?1532965586
that is correct....i do not have a name for her yet :(

DF wanted to choose 3 names we both agree and then name her when she is born....im ok with that as long as we have 3 names...however we cant even agree on one name...quite frustrating....im taking a break from the name game right now....

im glad everybody is doing well and i still feel like the baby of the bunch since im due so late in sept...hopefully this baby comes early and is healthy....im more worried about my health after having the baby because of being on blood thiners but ill be in the hosp which is the best place to be

i finally got registered for the hosp visit today but its not until late aug...hopefully the time will pass by quickly
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202436 tn?1326474333
That reminds me, one of these days I need to go preregister at the hospital and also go to the "epidural class" .  Basically you walk in and sit and wait your turn to sign the consent forms for the epidural.  I haven't decided one way or the other whether im going for one again this time or not, but i want the papers signed just in case.  
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317019 tn?1532965586
they are saying that i may not be able to get an epidural because of taking heprain....i have so many questions about what to expect during delivery since this is my first baby im gonna deliver while on heparin

im just waiting it out until 6/21....

i cant believe they make you walk in and sign up for an epidural...i thought the nurses asked you that when you are in labor....
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202436 tn?1326474333
Well it was that way with every other pregnancy I had, but for some reason here, I guess becuase it's such a small town, they make you sign the consent forms ahead of time. It doesn't mean you HAVE to have it, it just allows them to prescreen you and get the paper work out of the way and determine the best type of epidural for you BEFORE you are in labor and screaming your head off LOL.  

If I remember correctly, the anasthesiologist with my last one had to be called TO the hospital to do my epidural.  I don't think after hours they have one AT the hospital. Frankly I'm a little apprehensive about having another one done here becuase of the dipwad that did mine last time.  His name was Dr. Goodman, it should of been Dr. Stupidman.  He MISSED the freaking epidural space a couple of times and was poking around in my back while I was having monster contractions.  He kept hitting nerves that made these zinging pains/sensations go down my right side and leg.  Then after all was said and done my back ached so freaking bad that I finally asked the nurse for some pain meds for it.  Out of all my deliveries I've NEVER asked for pain meds after delivery except that one.  I think if they tell me HE is on call I'll just suffer it out if at all possible.  He wasn't the friendliest person either.    

For me I can't get a full dose of the medicine, I have to have a reduced one becuaes I deliver VBAC, I still have to be able to feel SOME pain in case of uterine rupture.  Definately ask them about other forms of pain meds you might be able to use during labor.  

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1210716 tn?1297620883
I'm 26 weeks tommorow and doing great, gained about 13 pounds so far and putting on about a pound a week. I'm going to be naming my daughter Anna Jayde, and she loves to kick and move around alot. The other day I think she had her whole butt pressing up against my side, and she also loves to sometimes swoosh her arms or feet really fast which is rather startling feeling haha.
With all three ultrasounds I've had Anna's been head down, with her head nestled right on top of my cervix and I'm pretty sure that's where she's staying so I'm happy with that!
My house is still under reno's and will be till end of August, and I'm due Sept 18th so that's quite nerve wracking but I'm trying to deal with it. I have however bought her crib, a glider chair, and she has a ton of clothes from 0-12 months already! The rest of stuff I'll probably pick up in July.
I'm actually slightly looking forward to labour...the hospital I'm going too has comfy showers in the laboring rooms, a birthing tub, and private rooms for you and your baby for after birth, plus my midwife is amazing so I'm confident it'll turn out okay and I should be able to do it drug free. I've done a ton of research on coping methods, meditations, and how your body works. My only worry is the hospital is 2 hours away, so the drive will be horrendous but it was the closest hospital, and at least it's super awesome!
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1003723 tn?1306252350
As a few of you might already know, today is my birthday! I got the best birthday present EVER!!! I got to hear my unborn son’s heartbeat today at my Dr’s appointment =0) So all is well I am now 25 weeks and 2 days, baby’s heartbeat is very strong, I’m measuring 27” from pubic bone to top of uterus, and I’m finally starting to stop throwing up =0) My next appointment is July 6th and then after that I will be going every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks and then it will be every week, so it’s getting down to the end =0)
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492921 tn?1321289896
I had my Maternity photo shoot last night. It was great. We looked over the photos and I choose the ones I liked best and she's editing them now. I will get a disk with all them on it and some printed and framed at my baby shower. I can't wait to see the end result.

I have my baby shower on Saturday the 19th. I have 35 guests on the list and only 11 RSVP'd so far. I'm super excited anyways. Were doing it at the park in a reserved gazebo. I'm really excited to see what my SIL is doing for the cake. She is a professional cake designer.

My Dr appointments are now 2 weeks apart. I got a phone call yesterday and turns out they had me down for an ultrasound and Dr apt that I didn't know about I tried to explain that I had my ultrasound last week and my Dr apt is on Thursday but she wouldn't listen and I have to go in for another ultrasound and apt today. Kinda sad this will be the first ultrasound that BF will miss he has to work.

July is going to be a busy month. I have my hospital preregistration and tour then two days of birthing classes. I choose the two day class not the once a week for 3 weeks. I'm going to try and make it to a few LLC meetings to learn and discuss breastfeeding but there on Wed nights and I work Wed nights. I scheduled my leave from work for Aug 15th two weeks before my due date.

We will be moving when our lease is up Aug 31st three days before my due date. I can't wait to see how that goes. Either I'll have a little baby to take care of or about to pop. Either way it's not gonna be fun.  

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